Is Trump's Constant Election Fraud Crying the Weakest thing a former President has ever Done?

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
I can't think of anything weaker or more pathetic.

Only a little child would behave like this. This is the biggest display of personal weakness in US Presidential history.

This repeated theme of a failure to admit mistakes/losses is why the GOP has such failed policy results. There is no accountability in the GOP so they know if they fail they can just lie and their brainwashed supporters will still worship them.

If they lose an election they just claim election fraud, if the fuck something up like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Economic Crash, Katrina, Covid, Trump's low growth economy, the Trump Insurrection etc, they just tell lies and their sheep supporters believe the lies. They never improve from failure.

Every-time a Republican looses they are going to cry and whine about election fraud, because they are too pathetic to admit they lost. The party of total weaklings.

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I can't think of anything weaker or more pathetic.

Only a little child would behave like this. This is the biggest display of personal weakness in US Presidential history.

This repeated theme of a failure to admit mistakes/losses is why the GOP has such failed policy results. There is no accountability in the GOP so they know if they fail they can just lie and their brainwashed supporters will still worship them.

If they lose an election they just claim election fraud, if the fuck something up like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Economic Crash, Katrina, Covid, Trump's low growth economy, the Trump Insurrection etc, they just tell lies and their sheep supporters believe the lies. They never improve from failure.

Every-time a Republican looses they are going to cry and whine about election fraud, because they are too pathetic to admit they lost. The party of total weaklings.

I can't think of anything weaker or more pathetic.

Only a little child would behave like this. This is the biggest display of personal weakness in US Presidential history.

This repeated theme of a failure to admit mistakes/losses is why the GOP has such failed policy results. There is no accountability in the GOP so they know if they fail they can just lie and their brainwashed supporters will still worship them.

If they lose an election they just claim election fraud, if the fuck something up like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Economic Crash, Katrina, Covid, Trump's low growth economy, the Trump Insurrection etc, they just tell lies and their sheep supporters believe the lies. They never improve from failure.

Every-time a Republican looses they are going to cry and whine about election fraud, because they are too pathetic to admit they lost. The party of total weaklings.

Trump won. Biden is a fucking moron, as are his moron supporters.
I can't think of anything weaker or more pathetic.

Only a little child would behave like this. This is the biggest display of personal weakness in US Presidential history.

This repeated theme of a failure to admit mistakes/losses is why the GOP has such failed policy results. There is no accountability in the GOP so they know if they fail they can just lie and their brainwashed supporters will still worship them.

If they lose an election they just claim election fraud, if the fuck something up like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Economic Crash, Katrina, Covid, Trump's low growth economy, the Trump Insurrection etc, they just tell lies and their sheep supporters believe the lies. They never improve from failure.

Every-time a Republican looses they are going to cry and whine about election fraud, because they are too pathetic to admit they lost. The party of total weaklings.

Never as weak as cheating.
I can't think of anything weaker or more pathetic.

Only a little child would behave like this. This is the biggest display of personal weakness in US Presidential history.

This repeated theme of a failure to admit mistakes/losses is why the GOP has such failed policy results. There is no accountability in the GOP so they know if they fail they can just lie and their brainwashed supporters will still worship them.

If they lose an election they just claim election fraud, if the fuck something up like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Economic Crash, Katrina, Covid, Trump's low growth economy, the Trump Insurrection etc, they just tell lies and their sheep supporters believe the lies. They never improve from failure.

Every-time a Republican looses they are going to cry and whine about election fraud, because they are too pathetic to admit they lost. The party of total weaklings.

This is a profoundly damaged individual, a toxic, sociopathic narcissist. He will destroy anything if it means soothing and buttressing his brittle self esteem.

His rubes are thrilled that the country has never seen anything like this. This situation says far more about America than it says about him, or anything else.
I can't think of anything weaker or more pathetic.

Only a little child would behave like this. This is the biggest display of personal weakness in US Presidential history.

This repeated theme of a failure to admit mistakes/losses is why the GOP has such failed policy results. There is no accountability in the GOP so they know if they fail they can just lie and their brainwashed supporters will still worship them.

If they lose an election they just claim election fraud, if the fuck something up like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Economic Crash, Katrina, Covid, Trump's low growth economy, the Trump Insurrection etc, they just tell lies and their sheep supporters believe the lies. They never improve from failure.

Every-time a Republican looses they are going to cry and whine about election fraud, because they are too pathetic to admit they lost. The party of total weaklings.

No the weakest thing a President has every done is to stand next to the President of Russia and tell the world that the CIA and the FBI are lying to him and Putin is telling him the truth. That was the weakest thing any President has ever done.
I can't think of anything weaker or more pathetic.

Only a little child would behave like this. This is the biggest display of personal weakness in US Presidential history.

This repeated theme of a failure to admit mistakes/losses is why the GOP has such failed policy results. There is no accountability in the GOP so they know if they fail they can just lie and their brainwashed supporters will still worship them.

If they lose an election they just claim election fraud, if the fuck something up like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Economic Crash, Katrina, Covid, Trump's low growth economy, the Trump Insurrection etc, they just tell lies and their sheep supporters believe the lies. They never improve from failure.

Every-time a Republican looses they are going to cry and whine about election fraud, because they are too pathetic to admit they lost. The party of total weaklings.

ah no the weakest most dangerous was obama setting in place the obamagate gang to undermine the new admin
ah no the weakest most dangerous was obama setting in place the obamagate gang to undermine the new admin

One again, I give you a factual incident, and you respond with lies Donald Trump made up.

Nobody needed to plant people to undermine the Trump Administration. Trump did that all by himself. 25% of the people he hired were gone at the end of the first year. Many were fired by Trump himself, via Twitter.

The Special Counsel's Investigation started because Donald Trump fired James Comey because Comey refused to drop the Russia Investigation. Not because of anything Obama's people did. Comey was a Bush appointee, not a Democrat at all.

Robert Mueller is a Republican too. All of the investigations during the first two years of Trump's Administration were carried out by the Republican Senate and the Republican House, and the Justice Department was all Trump Appointees.

Democrats didn't make any of the decisions about the federal handling of the covid response either. It was Trump's decisions regarding covid that resulted in 500,000 deaths and the worst outbreak in the world. And Trump's failure to handle covid, crashed your economy.

Democrats didn't put the Muslim ban into place, and Democrats didn't try to repeal the Affordable Care Act either. Voters were so pissed off at Trump after 2 years, they gave the House to Democrats. 2 years later they gave both the White House and the Senate.

So stop with the childish tantrums about how Donald Trump was a great President, because he was a piece of shit from Day One.
One again, I give you a factual incident, and you respond with lies Donald Trump made up.

Nobody needed to plant people to undermine the Trump Administration. Trump did that all by himself. 25% of the people he hired were gone at the end of the first year. Many were fired by Trump himself, via Twitter.

The Special Counsel's Investigation started because Donald Trump fired James Comey because Comey refused to drop the Russia Investigation. Not because of anything Obama's people did. Comey was a Bush appointee, not a Democrat at all.

Robert Mueller is a Republican too. All of the investigations during the first two years of Trump's Administration were carried out by the Republican Senate and the Republican House, and the Justice Department was all Trump Appointees.

Democrats didn't make any of the decisions about the federal handling of the covid response either. It was Trump's decisions regarding covid that resulted in 500,000 deaths and the worst outbreak in the world. And Trump's failure to handle covid, crashed your economy.

Democrats didn't put the Muslim ban into place, and Democrats didn't try to repeal the Affordable Care Act either. Voters were so pissed off at Trump after 2 years, they gave the House to Democrats. 2 years later they gave both the White House and the Senate.

So stop with the childish tantrums about how Donald Trump was a great President, because he was a piece of shit from Day One.
The Obamagate gang was real…

Comey wasn’t fired because of the Russia probe…mind you there was no need for one since they all knew there was no Russian conspiracy…but that didn’t stop the obamagate gang from pushing the narrative etc

Trumps chinese virus response was fine.

there was no “muslim ban” —-with that said the travel ban was perfectly responsible and reasonable
One again, I give you a factual incident, and you respond with lies Donald Trump made up.

Nobody needed to plant people to undermine the Trump Administration. Trump did that all by himself. 25% of the people he hired were gone at the end of the first year. Many were fired by Trump himself, via Twitter.

The Special Counsel's Investigation started because Donald Trump fired James Comey because Comey refused to drop the Russia Investigation. Not because of anything Obama's people did. Comey was a Bush appointee, not a Democrat at all.

Robert Mueller is a Republican too. All of the investigations during the first two years of Trump's Administration were carried out by the Republican Senate and the Republican House, and the Justice Department was all Trump Appointees.

Democrats didn't make any of the decisions about the federal handling of the covid response either. It was Trump's decisions regarding covid that resulted in 500,000 deaths and the worst outbreak in the world. And Trump's failure to handle covid, crashed your economy.

Democrats didn't put the Muslim ban into place, and Democrats didn't try to repeal the Affordable Care Act either. Voters were so pissed off at Trump after 2 years, they gave the House to Democrats. 2 years later they gave both the White House and the Senate.

So stop with the childish tantrums about how Donald Trump was a great President, because he was a piece of shit from Day One.
Oh my the Irony,I have been waiting for years for you to stop running off everytime i take you to school that your hero Obama was a clone of Bush and expanded all of his corruption and his policys just to watch you do this every single time:scared1:

here is the latest example how i shot down your bullshit and embarrassed you with shit all over your face just to watch you run off as always.:auiqs.jpg:

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Not nearly as bad as Obama using our federal bureaucracy to fabricate Russian collusion charges and spy on Trump's campaign. What Obama did was 5 times worse than Watergate. He went out a real slimeball
i guess you havent seen the recent findings


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