Is There Any Equivalent of Anything Like This On The Right?

Steve King would be the right version of AOC and he's not speaking at all.

Are you suggesting that Steve was ever THEE most beloved and/or popular conservative at any given time?

YOU need to follow you're own advice. Think McFly.

OK, so just to be clear, you're admitting that AOC is "THEE most beloved and/or popular" leftist? Seriously?

Dude, think ...

" far-centrist hacks" LMAO Could there ever be a larger oxymoron?

That said, the commies govern their party the way they want to govern the country, top down, their way or the highway.

Ahhhhh...FINALLY, someone w/half a brain at least.

A far-centrist hack is someone who insists that "they're BOTH the same" even against all evidence.

We have a few of such posters here.

Haven't noticed them in this thread thus far, but they're always lurking around somewhere.

Oh both parties are two sides of the same coin and both favor expanding the scope and reach of the feds. They have small differences in goals and methods, but we're pretty much screwed either way. The major difference between the parties is the commies are just more blatant about shredding the Constitution while the repubs do it more surreptitiously. It's kind of like two people taking a trip from NYC to LA, one in a G5 the other in a 69 VW, they'll both get there, one just quicker.

The Democratic Convention is happening, they're supposed to be the "Leftist Party"

Yet, and still, THEE most popular politician on the left, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, has only been given 60 seconds to speak.

Moreover, she's had to have whatever she says pre-approved, so they're vetting her.

But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.

But this is supposed to be the "leftist party."

Can the far-centrist hacks on USMB point out anything like this ever happening on the Right?

Or could they see it ever happening?
Ron Paul... Like Trump he absolutely filled up stadiums of people to listen to him talk. There was to be a vote in the RNC about .... Hell... Just read about it:

But here is the main point:

… ome [rules] committee members suggested meddling was at play. A bus full of Virginia delegates arrived at the committee meeting -- after it had adjourned.

“The bus that was supposed to pick up the Virginia delegation arrived an hour later than it was supposed to,” explained Virginia delegate Morton Blackwell, a prime opponent of Rule 16 [a.k.a. the insiders’ compromise on delegate “disavowal”].

Blackwell continued: “And then when we went downtown, we went around the same series of blocks repeatedly -– twice. And then the bus took out away from downtown, went about a mile and a half, and then did a u-turn and came back. And did another circuit, of the same place where we had been before.”

And at that point, the Virginia delegates demanded, “‘Stop the bus. And we're going to walk.' And we did.”

Mike Rothfeld, a Virginia delegate also on the bus, went further.

“They pushed us around for 45 minutes and then we missed the meeting,” Rothfeld said. “We were in the security perimeter, they pushed us out of it three separate times. They moved us around until the meeting was adjourned.”

[Colorado delegate Florence] Sebern claimed the snafu was “deliberate.”
It was meant to stop grassroots from changing the party. That is the majority of people wanted something different, and the RNC slapped them down. Neither the RNC or the DNC is beholden to the people we vote in anymore. Maybe it never was. But it's obvious now.
Maybe democrats have realized AOC doesn't have any more than sixty seconds worth of valuable things
to say. And that's stretching it as is.
its your party marc.....maybe you should realize they suck just as bad as the republicans do....
Is this an example of the same thing on the right? Or just another useless empty commentary?

And can you produce a post where I ever called myself a Democrat? I've been here and have been a fairly regular and consistent poster for over a decade, so you should be able to find at least ONE instance of this.
Oh right. So you're a Libertarian who supports the other Jo? Give us a break.
Quoting Gunny Hartman (R. Lee Ermey):

The Dem party is loaded with a bunch of "slimy little Communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers..."

The Democratic Convention is happening, they're supposed to be the "Leftist Party"

Yet, and still, THEE most popular politician on the left, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, has only been given 60 seconds to speak.

Moreover, she's had to have whatever she says pre-approved, so they're vetting her.

But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.

But this is supposed to be the "leftist party."

Can the far-centrist hacks on USMB point out anything like this ever happening on the Right?

Or could they see it ever happening?

Anything like this on the Right? No.

The right does not elect, praise, and promote stupid, empty-headed socialists as 'rock stars'....they make fun of them.
" Diversity Of Opinion "

* BLaMe Spokes Person Invited To Speak At Trump Rally *

Does this count ?

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Anything like this on the Right? No.

The right does not elect, praise, and promote stupid, empty-headed socialists as 'rock stars'....they make fun of them.
But I thought you said that the Democrats were ALREADY "stupid, empty-headed socialists".

Wha happened?!!???
" Diversity Of Opinion "

* BLaMe Spokes Person Invited To Speak At Trump Rally *

Does this count ?

'Diversity of Opinion'?

Didn't you hear Joe? there is no diversity among blacks - they are carbon-copy lemmings, unlike Latinos.

Right, Joe?

But I thought you said that the Democrats were ALREADY "stupid, empty-headed socialists". Wha happened?!!???

Not everyone can be a Democrat Party 'rock star', Mac...and one only becomes such if they are elected, praised, and worshipped by other "stupid, empty-headed socialists".
The Democratic Convention is happening, they're supposed to be the "Leftist Party"

Yet, and still, THEE most popular politician on the left, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, has only been given 60 seconds to speak.

Moreover, she's had to have whatever she says pre-approved, so they're vetting her.

But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.

But this is supposed to be the "leftist party."

Can the far-centrist hacks on USMB point out anything like this ever happening on the Right?

Or could they see it ever happening?

Joe Lieberman

In fact, Lieberman was Gore’s running mate. Yet he spoke at the Republican Convention on behalf of John McCain.

/End Thread
But, these people are having Republicans like Kasich speak for however long and say whatever he wants.
That is pretty telling that the DNC and Biden campaign trust Governor Kasich more than Rep. Ocasio-Cortez when it comes to endorsing the candidate. Yes. This has happened before. Pretty standard stuff to find members of the opposition party speaking at conventions. Off the the top of my head, Senator Zell Miller spoke at the Republican convention in 2004, as did Senator Joe Lieberman in 2000. The Democrats are clearly trying to avoid another "snub" similar to 1980 between Carter and Kennedy.

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