Is there a war on core America / Americans that is spearheaded by the Democrat Party?

Which god?
The one referred to during our founding
We all have families
And some of us provide a mother and father in the same home, we exhaust all effort mentoring and providing for our families…we teach them to always work toward doing and being better
We all work hard.
No you don’t, that’s complete bullshit.
You don't like individuality, you want all to be white bread.
Nah, but you beg for free shit and collectivism
No one in the 21st century is completely self-sufficient.
Another LefTarded tale….you want to believe that everyone is as needy and pathetic as LefTards are…WRONG!
Nationalism in your mind is just fascism.
Nationalism is what it is…look it up.
Patriotism does not include storming the Capitol to stop legitimate election results.
Or burning down cities and looting those engaged in commerce
I am for less intrusive want the government to FORCE people (i.e. control of women's bodies)
You don’t support vaccine mandates and expanded social services?
Law and order...the whole world saw what your ilk did to the Capitol police on Jan 6th and you still cheer that on
Think all dangerous blue shitholes and “defund the police”
Sovereignty....we are a sovereign country even tho your orange god adores dictators from Russia, NK, etc.
Sovereign nations enforce their immigration laws laid on the books by The People, they defend their borders and keep uninvited trespassers out.

Thanks for playing…what else can I teach you today?
Don't get ahead of yourself. Everyone knows you couldn't operate something that complicated.
I'm an innocent bystander watching the shit show. Your desperate compulsive need for attention is amusing, but not contributing to any meaningful dialogue. Troll.
Core Americans:
Those who practice the American Way, those who love and respect Americas sovereignty, the American value system, the language, traditions, culture, history…Those who are willing to fight to keep the aforementioned intact.

Which Dem policies are aimed to benefit core Americans?
Do Dems use any rhetoric that suggests they‘re supportive of the core american class of folks?
Are we a major roadblock for Democrats as they try to rollout their ‘kinda’ open border / globalism, their ‘kinda’ marxism, ‘kinda’ socialism, ‘kinda’ new America agenda?’

The assault on white america with all the systemic racism rhetoric, the assault on our sovereignty with the wide open border, the constant talk of increased diversity / fewer whites, the assault on the First and Second Amendments, the denigration of Christianity, the detestation for law and order, the support for criminals and criminality…..all the anti american action and rhetoric is on the surface and in our face isn’t it?
Yes, there is and has been since before the 30s.
What do you want me to refute? Nobody is going to change your mind on anything. Your basic problem, like most right wing nut jobs, is that you can't accept change. Take your Christian religion for instance. It's declining. And it has been for decades. Nothing you say will change that. The world is becoming more secular. Which is a great thing for humanity IMO.
Everybody embraces POSITIVE change for America as a whole.
The truth is; NOTHING progressives push leads to positive change for anybody other than their pet groups….such as desperate foreigners, weirdos, butt-fuckers and rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis and totally fucked in the head loons…it’s what you do….you‘re all about rolling the red carpet out for the .02 percentile while pissing off those who still live by the principles that built America and American exceptionalism. Its just a plain fucking bizarre model.
LefTard Logic:
”Lets change the root business model at Amazon so we can make the .02% feel better about our corporate dynamic.”
hahaha…you dumbmotherfuckers!

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