Is there a war on core America / Americans that is spearheaded by the Democrat Party?

You are welcome to find out.

Hard work
Self sufficiency
Less intrusive government
Law and order

The list goes on and on….it’s comprised of all the things LefTards hate.
Which god?
We all have families.
We all work hard.
You don't like individuality, you want all to be white bread.
No one in the 21st century is completely self-sufficient.
Nationalism in your mind is just fascism.
Patriotism does not include storming the Capitol to stop legitimate election results.
I am for less intrusive want the government to FORCE people (i.e. control of women's bodies)
Law and order...the whole world saw what your ilk did to the Capitol police on Jan 6th and you still cheer that on
Sovereignty....we are a sovereign country even tho your orange god adores dictators from Russia, NK, etc.
Keeping this thread on track….TAKE NOTE, not a single Lefty has been able to tell us or show us how the Democrat Party solicits itself directly to Core Americans like they do with all their compartmentalized classes of weirdos, desperate, needy and the like.
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: an asinine, juvenile, meaningless little playground slogan the douche bag cockroach OP pulled out of his ass and won't stop repeating like an OCD patient off his meds.

Americans are Americans. An American whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower and an American who was naturalized yesterday are both Americans to exactly the same degree. That's what America is. It's a real shame that some people who claim to be "real" Americans understand and appreciate nothing about my great nation.
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Bodecea reminds me of Karmel Harris. Giggles at everything like a brain damaged idiot.

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