Is there a "republican" here who still defends W?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
The facts.

Reagan, HW, and newt were small government fiscal conservatives. Their fiscal conservatism, especially newt's budgets that cut both taxes AND SPENDING, gave us a budget surplus and a booming economy and a federal debt of $5.9 trillion when W took office.

Then what happened.

Even before 911, W started porking out. Child molesting HOMO Zionist speaker Hastert, a "W republican" to the max, started allowing earmarks and pork added to every bill (newt had shut that down). The result of the GOP ceasing to be fiscally conservative is that our debt is now $30 trillion and rocketing higher by the day.

Then there was socializing senior drugs, drugs filled with opium. The W REPUBLICAN PARTY DID THAT. There were pharma checks being passed out on the house floor for yea votes. The NYT reported that the WH actuary who did the cost estimate was threatened to "shut up or else" as the W administration was lying to congress about the estimated cost....

More than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 according to polling data. In fact, the only demographic on earth that still does believe the official version are the Christians who watch Fox News....

W had that "thing" about loving the Obamas, kissing "Michelle" on the lips as homO watched.... Indeed, in gloating that he voted for condoleeza (a black lesbian) instead of trump in the media celebration of the steal, w once again showed those same unimaginably dumb Christians just what he really thinks of HOMOS....

And w hated trump. Why?

And W is all happy about the steal. And the whole w crowd was for traitor Joe, and have been trotted out by the media to "legitimize" the steal....

So go ahead.

Any "republican" care to defend W, the WORST TRAITOR in US HISTORY?
The facts.

Reagan, HW, and newt were small government fiscal conservatives. Their fiscal conservatism, especially newt's budgets that cut both taxes AND SPENDING, gave us a budget surplus and a booming economy and a federal debt of $5.9 trillion when W took office.

Then what happened.

Even before 911, W started porking out. Child molesting HOMO Zionist speaker Hastert, a "W republican" to the max, started allowing earmarks and pork added to every bill (newt had shut that down). The result of the GOP ceasing to be fiscally conservative is that our debt is now $30 trillion and rocketing higher by the day.

Then there was socializing senior drugs, drugs filled with opium. The W REPUBLICAN PARTY DID THAT. There were pharma checks being passed out on the house floor for yea votes. The NYT reported that the WH actuary who did the cost estimate was threatened to "shut up or else" as the W administration was lying to congress about the estimated cost....

More than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 according to polling data. In fact, the only demographic on earth that still does believe the official version are the Christians who watch Fox News....

W had that "thing" about loving the Obamas, kissing "Michelle" on the lips as homO watched.... Indeed, in gloating that he voted for condoleeza (a black lesbian) instead of trump in the media celebration of the steal, w once again showed those same unimaginably dumb Christians just what he really thinks of HOMOS....

And w hated trump. Why?

And W is all happy about the steal. And the whole w crowd was for traitor Joe, and have been trotted out by the media to "legitimize" the steal....

So go ahead.

Any "republican" care to defend W, the WORST TRAITOR in US HISTORY?
They attack Dubya now, especially his wars, and they're the SAME PEOPLE who were defending all of it, up until Orange Escalator Day.

They think we don't notice.
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You lie.

I switched to libertarian in 2004.

Out went the libertarians.

In came the Karl rove voters, the subs, the pro Israel Christians with IQ under 5
The YouTube 911 videos and the kgb photos of col Tim osman also have helped to remove the gloss...
The facts.

Reagan, HW, and newt were small government fiscal conservatives. Their fiscal conservatism, especially newt's budgets that cut both taxes AND SPENDING, gave us a budget surplus and a booming economy and a federal debt of $5.9 trillion when W took office.

Then what happened.

Even before 911, W started porking out. Child molesting HOMO Zionist speaker Hastert, a "W republican" to the max, started allowing earmarks and pork added to every bill (newt had shut that down). The result of the GOP ceasing to be fiscally conservative is that our debt is now $30 trillion and rocketing higher by the day.

Then there was socializing senior drugs, drugs filled with opium. The W REPUBLICAN PARTY DID THAT. There were pharma checks being passed out on the house floor for yea votes. The NYT reported that the WH actuary who did the cost estimate was threatened to "shut up or else" as the W administration was lying to congress about the estimated cost....

More than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 according to polling data. In fact, the only demographic on earth that still does believe the official version are the Christians who watch Fox News....

W had that "thing" about loving the Obamas, kissing "Michelle" on the lips as homO watched.... Indeed, in gloating that he voted for condoleeza (a black lesbian) instead of trump in the media celebration of the steal, w once again showed those same unimaginably dumb Christians just what he really thinks of HOMOS....

And w hated trump. Why?

And W is all happy about the steal. And the whole w crowd was for traitor Joe, and have been trotted out by the media to "legitimize" the steal....

So go ahead.

Any "republican" care to defend W, the WORST TRAITOR in US HISTORY?
They attack Dubya now, especially his wars, and they're the SAME PEOPLE who were defending all of it, up until Orange Escalator Day.

They think we don't notice.
What I don’t get is Obama supporters generally despise W, but love O. Yet both crooks are blood brothers from different mothers. Both ruled exactly the same, but Ds hate W and love O. At least most Rs now recognize W as a terrible failure, but Ds haven’t come to the same obvious conclusion on Ears.

It’s the strange mind of the partisan.
I don't know why these Moon Bats hated Bush so much. He was certified RINO that gave the country just about everything they would got had that idiot Al Gore been elected. Debt, growing the size of the government, Illegals, wars, expanding the welfare state, kissing the ass of the minorities. You name the Liberal policy and Bush pretty well embraced it.

Hell the idiot said he would vote for Clinton and Biden. I wouldn't be surprise to hear that he voted for Obama, would you?

Is it that rinky dink tax cut that makes you Moon Bat hate him so much? I know how you Moon Bats love higher taxation more than life itself. It is that, isn't it?
Why are you blaming W when Dick Cheney was the real "Darth Vader" calling the shots?
They purposely got us into a quagmire knowing that Dick Chaney's company Haloburton would clean up for decades. They may not even be called Haloburton today but they are still cleaning up.

Why are you blaming W when Dick Cheney was the real "Darth Vader" calling the shots?
They purposely got us into a quagmire knowing that Dick Chaney's company Haloburton would clean up for decades. They may not even be called Haloburton today but they are still cleaning up.

View attachment 491506
Alive and well, still an energy company...
The facts.

Reagan, HW, and newt were small government fiscal conservatives. Their fiscal conservatism, especially newt's budgets that cut both taxes AND SPENDING, gave us a budget surplus and a booming economy and a federal debt of $5.9 trillion when W took office.

Then what happened.

Even before 911, W started porking out. Child molesting HOMO Zionist speaker Hastert, a "W republican" to the max, started allowing earmarks and pork added to every bill (newt had shut that down). The result of the GOP ceasing to be fiscally conservative is that our debt is now $30 trillion and rocketing higher by the day.

Then there was socializing senior drugs, drugs filled with opium. The W REPUBLICAN PARTY DID THAT. There were pharma checks being passed out on the house floor for yea votes. The NYT reported that the WH actuary who did the cost estimate was threatened to "shut up or else" as the W administration was lying to congress about the estimated cost....

More than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 according to polling data. In fact, the only demographic on earth that still does believe the official version are the Christians who watch Fox News....

W had that "thing" about loving the Obamas, kissing "Michelle" on the lips as homO watched.... Indeed, in gloating that he voted for condoleeza (a black lesbian) instead of trump in the media celebration of the steal, w once again showed those same unimaginably dumb Christians just what he really thinks of HOMOS....

And w hated trump. Why?

And W is all happy about the steal. And the whole w crowd was for traitor Joe, and have been trotted out by the media to "legitimize" the steal....

So go ahead.

Any "republican" care to defend W, the WORST TRAITOR in US HISTORY?
Any Democrat dare to defend him??
Hasn't he switched? Didn't he endorse Biden?
He's your guy now.
The facts.

Reagan, HW, and newt were small government fiscal conservatives. Their fiscal conservatism, especially newt's budgets that cut both taxes AND SPENDING, gave us a budget surplus and a booming economy and a federal debt of $5.9 trillion when W took office.

Then what happened.

Even before 911, W started porking out. Child molesting HOMO Zionist speaker Hastert, a "W republican" to the max, started allowing earmarks and pork added to every bill (newt had shut that down). The result of the GOP ceasing to be fiscally conservative is that our debt is now $30 trillion and rocketing higher by the day.

Then there was socializing senior drugs, drugs filled with opium. The W REPUBLICAN PARTY DID THAT. There were pharma checks being passed out on the house floor for yea votes. The NYT reported that the WH actuary who did the cost estimate was threatened to "shut up or else" as the W administration was lying to congress about the estimated cost....

More than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 according to polling data. In fact, the only demographic on earth that still does believe the official version are the Christians who watch Fox News....

W had that "thing" about loving the Obamas, kissing "Michelle" on the lips as homO watched.... Indeed, in gloating that he voted for condoleeza (a black lesbian) instead of trump in the media celebration of the steal, w once again showed those same unimaginably dumb Christians just what he really thinks of HOMOS....

And w hated trump. Why?

And W is all happy about the steal. And the whole w crowd was for traitor Joe, and have been trotted out by the media to "legitimize" the steal....

So go ahead.

Any "republican" care to defend W, the WORST TRAITOR in US HISTORY?
They attack Dubya now, especially his wars, and they're the SAME PEOPLE who were defending all of it, up until Orange Escalator Day.

They think we don't notice.
I marched on the street against the Iraq invasion. Also opposed the Obama regime and their sectarian death squads in Libya and Syria.
Once I heard Trump thinking out of the box in the primaries, (ending the arming of terrorists, pulling out troops) I joined the Trump Foreign Legion.
The facts.

Reagan, HW, and newt were small government fiscal conservatives. Their fiscal conservatism, especially newt's budgets that cut both taxes AND SPENDING, gave us a budget surplus and a booming economy and a federal debt of $5.9 trillion when W took office.

Then what happened.

Even before 911, W started porking out. Child molesting HOMO Zionist speaker Hastert, a "W republican" to the max, started allowing earmarks and pork added to every bill (newt had shut that down). The result of the GOP ceasing to be fiscally conservative is that our debt is now $30 trillion and rocketing higher by the day.

Then there was socializing senior drugs, drugs filled with opium. The W REPUBLICAN PARTY DID THAT. There were pharma checks being passed out on the house floor for yea votes. The NYT reported that the WH actuary who did the cost estimate was threatened to "shut up or else" as the W administration was lying to congress about the estimated cost....

More than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 according to polling data. In fact, the only demographic on earth that still does believe the official version are the Christians who watch Fox News....

W had that "thing" about loving the Obamas, kissing "Michelle" on the lips as homO watched.... Indeed, in gloating that he voted for condoleeza (a black lesbian) instead of trump in the media celebration of the steal, w once again showed those same unimaginably dumb Christians just what he really thinks of HOMOS....

And w hated trump. Why?

And W is all happy about the steal. And the whole w crowd was for traitor Joe, and have been trotted out by the media to "legitimize" the steal....

So go ahead.

Any "republican" care to defend W, the WORST TRAITOR in US HISTORY?
Any Democrat dare to defend him??
Hasn't he switched? Didn't he endorse Biden?
He's your guy now.
No he isn't and neither is Liz Chaney, Mitt Romney or McCain's daughter. They are still Republicans.

To me this seems like a tactic. These people are betting on eventually anyone who backed Trump and claimed the election was rigged will be unelectable because they are liars and conspiracy theorists. So the Republican party will have to go with someone like Mitt Romney. And a lot of stupid moderates, independents and even some Democratic voters will vote for a guy like him thinking he's a moderate Republican but make no mistake they will appoint the same judges and pass the same tax breaks for the rich and try to deregulate just like Trump. They just won't be as criminal or as big of liars as Trump was. He was pathalogical and it seems like Republicans loved it.
55% of the US economy under Trump was Government Spending in 2020! Repubtards are NEVER fiscally responsible!

The damage from the Zionist/leftist covid fraud is over $10 trillion and climbing.

Trump had a GOP congress for two years, but newt was not speaker, Biden supporter Paul Ryan (who also publicly supported Hillary in 2016) was, and while trump gets credit for asking Paul to cut some spending, that is all the credit trump himself gets. Trump is not a true fiscal conservative... But he is still way more fiscally conservative than w, homO, Hillary, and traitor Joe summed together....
Why are you blaming W when Dick Cheney was the real "Darth Vader" calling the shots?
They purposely got us into a quagmire knowing that Dick Chaney's company Haloburton would clean up for decades. They may not even be called Haloburton today but they are still cleaning up.

View attachment 491506

While Cheney had a personal financial motive, Iraq was all about Israel.

Pat Buchanan goes down as the first victim of post 911 Zionist "cancel culture" when he blared out


On one of the Zionist media outlets.

Israel/Zionism = 100% of 911, 99% of why we invaded Iraq

The two go together....
The facts.

Reagan, HW, and newt were small government fiscal conservatives. Their fiscal conservatism, especially newt's budgets that cut both taxes AND SPENDING, gave us a budget surplus and a booming economy and a federal debt of $5.9 trillion when W took office.

Then what happened.

Even before 911, W started porking out. Child molesting HOMO Zionist speaker Hastert, a "W republican" to the max, started allowing earmarks and pork added to every bill (newt had shut that down). The result of the GOP ceasing to be fiscally conservative is that our debt is now $30 trillion and rocketing higher by the day.

Then there was socializing senior drugs, drugs filled with opium. The W REPUBLICAN PARTY DID THAT. There were pharma checks being passed out on the house floor for yea votes. The NYT reported that the WH actuary who did the cost estimate was threatened to "shut up or else" as the W administration was lying to congress about the estimated cost....

More than half of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 according to polling data. In fact, the only demographic on earth that still does believe the official version are the Christians who watch Fox News....

W had that "thing" about loving the Obamas, kissing "Michelle" on the lips as homO watched.... Indeed, in gloating that he voted for condoleeza (a black lesbian) instead of trump in the media celebration of the steal, w once again showed those same unimaginably dumb Christians just what he really thinks of HOMOS....

And w hated trump. Why?

And W is all happy about the steal. And the whole w crowd was for traitor Joe, and have been trotted out by the media to "legitimize" the steal....

So go ahead.

Any "republican" care to defend W, the WORST TRAITOR in US HISTORY?
They attack Dubya now, especially his wars, and they're the SAME PEOPLE who were defending all of it, up until Orange Escalator Day.

They think we don't notice.
What I don’t get is Obama supporters generally despise W, but love O. Yet both crooks are blood brothers from different mothers. Both ruled exactly the same, but Ds hate W and love O. At least most Rs now recognize W as a terrible failure, but Ds haven’t come to the same obvious conclusion on Ears.

It’s the strange mind of the partisan.
If it helps, I didn't like either, yet Boosh and his Bushisms kept us laughing though the misery...

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