Is the solution to world peace McDonalds and outlaw religion?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I just got done reading two interesting books...

1. No countries in the history of the world ever fought a war that both since got a McDonalds

Read Thomas Friedman's book the Lexus and the Olive tree .

The Lexus and the Olive Tree - Wikipedia

2. " How could there be one faith?" Asked blair, a 24 year old living in Manhattan, " it's arrogant to say your religion is superior and try to convert everyone else to it"

" Religious exclusively is not just narrow- it's dangerous, Religion has led to untold strife, division and conflict, it may be the greatest enemy of peace in the world, if Christian's continue to insist that they have the truth- and if other religions do this as well-the world will never know peace"

Timothy Keller The reason for god

The Reason for God - Wikipedia


I just got done reading two interesting books...

1. No countries in the history of the world ever fought a war that both since got a McDonalds

Read Thomas Friedman's book the Lexus and the Olive tree .

The Lexus and the Olive Tree - Wikipedia

2. " How could there be one faith?" Asked blair, a 24 year old living in Manhattan, " it's arrogant to say your religion is superior and try to convert everyone else to it"

" Religious exclusively is not just narrow- it's dangerous, Religion has led to untold strife, division and conflict, it may be the greatest enemy of peace in the world, if Christian's continue to insist that they have the truth- and if other religions do this as well-the world will never know peace"

Timothy Keller The reason for god

The Reason for God - Wikipedia


Billy Jack was always fighting yet preaching peace

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