The World is Going to Hell, Vol. 12,387

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
You know, I get these sexy chick dancing videos popping up in my feeds all the time. Donā€™t ask me why. Itā€™s all PG rated; no nudity. Itā€™s just scantily clad chicks, sometimes attractive and sometimes not, making sexy dancing videos at home and putting them on YouTube. They usually film them from their bedrooms.

This is all well and good if you are into it. And I will not lie to you, I check them out sometimes. What I find fascinating, though, above all else (most of the time) is how nasty they keep their bedrooms.

Just this afternoon one of these vids popped up. The chick was a little fat but she had a pretty face. When I say ā€œfatā€ I mean she is like 120 with no tone or definition. She even had the beginnings of love handles. I was put off by this.

Moreover, I was put off by how sloppy her bedroom was. There were piles of dirty clothes on the floor. She was sexy dancing in between them. I was thinking that it must stink in there. Plus, for some reason there was an empty bucket laying on its side on the floor.

This is not the first time I have seen this in these sexy dancing videos either. It appears to be quite common. I think to myself, why would she not clean up her fucking room before making a video like this and publishing it on a platform like YouTube for the world to watch? It distracts me, and you would think that a chick who does this would not want the viewer distracted from her during such a performance.

The equivalent, I guess, would be a channel for hot dude dancing where the guy is dancing on burger wrappers and empty soda cans, with posters of ā€œDuneā€ and Minecraft on the walls in the background.

Perhaps I am expecting too much from humanity. I donā€™t know. Perhaps my feelings are based on the fact that I hate clutter and sloppiness, and laziness. I am biased. But if you are not going to demand higher than mediocre standards for yourself, then you are not going to demand it for the rest of the world. As a result, we have a shitty world around made up of mediocrity.

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