Is The Next Civil War Going Down Right Now?

Has Civil War part two already begun in 2020 America?

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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Typically I am among the first to debunk such flights of internet fantasy with extreme prejudice. The average rational minded American has in the past seemed to believe such events as those that transpired from 1861-65 could never possibly repeat on our domestic soil; soil that remains forever drenched in the blood and ringing screams of our boys who died to reunite America some one-hundred and fifty-five years ago. I used to agree with them. Like the rest of sane America, I once believed our civilization had paid off in full its blood debt.

However, more recent national events have served to not only change my mind about the possibility of civil war America 2.0, but have also led me to believe, somewhat strongly, that a second civil war has already begun. The first litmus test I used to employ in order to determine whether or not a second civil war could be happen or be happening was for there first to be two clearly identifiable armed American military forces, army corps size each, standing in open political opposition to one another. While that condition has not been met, in so far as I know, I've recently concluded it doesn't have to in order for a second civil war to happen.

What we seem to seeing as of this moment: June 2020, is some kind of three-way hybrid between a civil war, a years running coup d'état, and a domestic insurrection supported wholly or in part by at least one foreign enemy government, the Chinese. So who are the combatants in this civil war America part two? On one "side" so far, we've got Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob-rioters whose ranks are composed of lots of black street thugs, lots of white college age kids; a small, hard-core cadre of American radical leftist professors and the like, and an as yet unknown number of Chinese military advisors who are training the rest. On the other side, we've got the United States Armed Forces consisting of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force and all reserve and national guard components of the same. All of which have been, thus far, prevented from using their lone or combined might to quell the ongoing insurrection. At this point, most police departments nationwide are little more than "observers".

Who then represents the opposition command structure? Who is commanding the enemy "troops"? Democrat politicians in cities across America are enabling the insurrection/coup to happen, however, they're not smart or shrewd enough tactically to be in overall command. Someone or something we haven't seen yet (and aren't likely to) is pulling the insurgents' strings behind some curtain. Could be the Chinese CP. Could be a conglomerate of radical leftist corporations. Could be an alliance between the two. And then there are high ranking far left intelligentsia who make social justice culture happen. But I doubt they're in charge.

So where is the divide or the split between American factions one can even remotely compare to the North and South circa the first American Civil War? There are many. First and foremost: Trump supporters and never-Trumpers. The politically correct and those who oppose them. Pro-life vs. Pro-child murder. Pro-American and Anti-American. However, outside of the ideological and cultural divide, a real split has occurred recently within the highest halls of power in our nation. Cabinet level politicians have come out to speak in open opposition to the President they serve. Former and current military officers have done the same, as have former and current members of federal law enforcement and the intelligence communities. Let's face it: instead of a North and South divide like last time, this time it's all about For Trump vs. Against Trump.

Speaking to actual newsworthy events of this second American Civil War . . . there are many, and you can find the links for yourselves. Chinese smuggling of weapons into America which are almost certainly intended to arm BLM/Antifa rioter-terrorists. Countless orders for police to stand-down in the face of mass coast to coast mob violence. The destruction of priceless historical memorials to some of the greatest heroes in our nation's history. The seemingly democrat sanctioned mob violence against everyday American citizens. Violent street clashes are going down out there as I write this.

What about a campaign of disinformation and propaganda to confuse us and turn us against each other? CNN, MSNBC, NPR, AP and many, many other news outlets are broadcasting FALSE information round the clock to American citizens everywhere.

So what happens next? I can only speculate. In the coming weeks or months we will see, if all allied broadcasts haven't been cut or censored, the crowds of mobs armed to the teeth and either seizing large parts of cities across America or mass murdering Trump supporters or both. We could see a well armed attack on the White House. We could see a mass defection from our standing Federal military forces when our great President inevitably invokes the Insurrection Act. At some point not too distant we will very likely see large scale full-blown battles in cities (first) across America, followed by the same in the suburbs and sticks. We could even witness a West Coast Chinese invasion welcomed by the governors of California, Oregon and Washington State. Pretty much . . . it ain't gonna be pretty.

What then might history, a century hence, record as the actual inciting event of our second American Civil War? Some will say it was Roe v. Wade and the resulting Supreme Court decision on that infamous case. Others? Perhaps the assassination of JFK. Others still? Depending on who "wins" one side will definitely claim it was either the election of Donald Trump or the death of George Floyd. What say you, America?
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It began in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump. That election halted 100 years of socialist progress in the United States. Hillary was expected to seal the deal, but the world's globalists found themselves with their pants around their ankles.

Their Democrat cohorts then lost their collective mind. The only question now is in what direction will the war turn? Use of reason, or use of force?
Typically I am among the first to debunk such flights of internet fantasy with extreme prejudice. The average rational minded American has in the past seemed to believe such events as those that transpired from 1861-65 could never possibly repeat on our domestic soil; soil that remains forever drenched in the blood and ringing screams of our boys who died to reunite America some one-hundred and fifty-five years ago. I used to agree with them. Like the rest of sane America, I once believed our civilization had paid off in full its blood debt.

However, more recent national events have served to not only change my mind about the possibility of civil war America 2.0, but have also led me to believe, somewhat strongly, that a second civil war has already begun. The first litmus test I used to employ in order to determine whether or not a second civil war could be happen or be happening was for there first to be two clearly identifiable armed American military forces, army corps size each, standing in open political opposition to one another. While that condition has not been met, in so far as I know, I've recently concluded it doesn't have to in order for a second civil war to happen.

What we seem to seeing as of this moment: June 2020, is some kind of three-way hybrid between a civil war, a years running coup d'état, and a domestic insurrection supported wholly or in part by at least one foreign enemy government, the Chinese. So who are the combatants in this civil war America part two? On one "side" so far, we've got Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob-rioters whose ranks are composed of lots of black street thugs, lots of white college age kids; a small, hard-core cadre of American radical leftist professors and the like, and an as yet unknown number of Chinese military advisors who are training the rest. On the other side, we've got the United States Armed Forces consisting of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force and all reserve and national guard components of the same. All of which have been, thus far, prevented from using their lone or combined might to quell the ongoing insurrection. At this point, most police departments nationwide are little more than "observers".

Who then represents the opposition command structure? Who is commanding the enemy "troops"? Democrat politicians in cities across America are enabling the insurrection/coup to happen, however, they're not smart or shrewd enough tactically to be in overall command. Someone or something we haven't seen yet (and aren't likely to) is pulling the insurgents' strings behind some curtain. Could be the Chinese CP. Could be a conglomerate of radical leftist corporations. Could be an alliance between the two. And then there are high ranking far left intelligentsia who make social justice culture happen. But I doubt they're in charge.

So where is the divide or the split between American factions one can even remotely compare to the North and South circa the first American Civil War? There are many. First and foremost: Trump supporters and never-Trumpers. The politically correct and those who oppose them. Pro-life vs. Pro-child murder. Pro-American and Anti-American. However, outside of the ideological and cultural divide, a real split has occurred recently within the highest halls of power in our nation. Cabinet level politicians have come out to speak in open opposition to the President they serve. Former and current military officers have done the same, as have former and current members of federal law enforcement and the intelligence communities. Let's face it: instead of a North and South divide like last time, this time it's all about For Trump vs. Against Trump.

Speaking to actual newsworthy events of this second American Civil War . . . there are many, and you can find the links for yourselves. Chinese smuggling of weapons into America which are almost certainly intended to arm BLM/Antifa rioter-terrorists. Countless orders for police to stand-down in the face of mass coast to coast mob violence. The destruction of priceless historical memorials to some of the greatest heroes in our nation's history. The seemingly democrat sanctioned mob violence against everyday American citizens. Violent street clashes are going down out there as I write this.

What about a campaign of disinformation and propaganda to confuse us and turn us against each other? CNN, MSNBC, NPR, AP and many, many other news outlets are broadcasting FALSE information round the clock to American citizens everywhere.

So what happens next? I can only speculate. In the coming weeks or months we will see, if all allied broadcasts haven't been cut or censored, the crowds of mobs armed to the teeth and either seizing large parts of cities across America or mass murdering Trump supporters or both. We could see a well armed attack on the White House. We could see a mass defection from our standing Federal military forces when our great President inevitably invokes the Insurrection Act. At some point not too distant we will very likely see large scale full-blown battles in cities (first) across America, followed by the same in the suburbs and sticks. We could even witness a West Coast Chinese invasion welcomed by the governors of California, Oregon and Washington State. Pretty much . . . it ain't gonna be pretty.

What then might history, a century hence, record as the actual inciting event of our second American Civil War? Some will say it was Roe v. Wade and the resulting Supreme Court decision on that infamous case. Others? Perhaps the assassination of JFK. Others still? Depending on who "wins" one side will definitely claim it was either the election of Donald Trump or the death of George Floyd. What say you, America?
Great OP!

We are a House divided against itself
It began in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump. That election halted 100 years of socialist progress in the United State. Hillary was expected to seal the deal, but the worls globalists found themselves with their pants around their ankles.

Their Democrat cohorts then lost their collective mind. The only question now is in what direction will the war turn? Use of reason, or use of force?

Thanks. I'm leaning toward use of force. All reason seems to have flown the loony bin.
You're so spoiled that a little civil unrest has you thinking the end is nigh. This kind of thing happens all the time somewhere, it's just been while for us. Things will return to new normal at some point and things will be fine. Going to be a historic summer though.
It began in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump. That election halted 100 years of socialist progress in the United State. Hillary was expected to seal the deal, but the worls globalists found themselves with their pants around their ankles.

Their Democrat cohorts then lost their collective mind. The only question now is in what direction will the war turn? Use of reason, or use of force?

Thanks. I'm leaning toward use of force. All reason seems to have flown the loony bin.

I'd prefer not, but what will be will be.
You're so spoiled that a little civil unrest has you thinking the end is nigh. This kind of thing happens all the time somewhere, it's just been while for us. Things will return to new normal at some point and things will be fine. Going to be a historic summer though.

I don't want your new normal.
You're so spoiled that a little civil unrest has you thinking the end is nigh. This kind of thing happens all the time somewhere, it's just been while for us. Things will return to new normal at some point and things will be fine. Going to be a historic summer though.
little civil unrest
Last time i checked, civil unrest wasnt going out beating up women, burning down buildings, and looting ATM's. But, and there is always a but, your day will come when ANTIFA and BLM shows up in your neighborhood. I pray that your police is defunded and doesnt show up at your house. You can say "im with you" as they throw rocks at your peabrain...
You're so spoiled that a little civil unrest has you thinking the end is nigh. This kind of thing happens all the time somewhere, it's just been while for us. Things will return to new normal at some point and things will be fine. Going to be a historic summer though.

85% canned spam. But thanks just the same.
Typically I am among the first to debunk such flights of internet fantasy with extreme prejudice. The average rational minded American has in the past seemed to believe such events as those that transpired from 1861-65 could never possibly repeat on our domestic soil; soil that remains forever drenched in the blood and ringing screams of our boys who died to reunite America some one-hundred and fifty-five years ago. I used to agree with them. Like the rest of sane America, I once believed our civilization had paid off in full its blood debt.

However, more recent national events have served to not only change my mind about the possibility of civil war America 2.0, but have also led me to believe, somewhat strongly, that a second civil war has already begun. The first litmus test I used to employ in order to determine whether or not a second civil war could be happen or be happening was for there first to be two clearly identifiable armed American military forces, army corps size each, standing in open political opposition to one another. While that condition has not been met, in so far as I know, I've recently concluded it doesn't have to in order for a second civil war to happen.

What we seem to seeing as of this moment: June 2020, is some kind of three-way hybrid between a civil war, a years running coup d'état, and a domestic insurrection supported wholly or in part by at least one foreign enemy government, the Chinese. So who are the combatants in this civil war America part two? On one "side" so far, we've got Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob-rioters whose ranks are composed of lots of black street thugs, lots of white college age kids; a small, hard-core cadre of American radical leftist professors and the like, and an as yet unknown number of Chinese military advisors who are training the rest. On the other side, we've got the United States Armed Forces consisting of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force and all reserve and national guard components of the same. All of which have been, thus far, prevented from using their lone or combined might to quell the ongoing insurrection. At this point, most police departments nationwide are little more than "observers".

Who then represents the opposition command structure? Who is commanding the enemy "troops"? Democrat politicians in cities across America are enabling the insurrection/coup to happen, however, they're not smart or shrewd enough tactically to be in overall command. Someone or something we haven't seen yet (and aren't likely to) is pulling the insurgents' strings behind some curtain. Could be the Chinese CP. Could be a conglomerate of radical leftist corporations. Could be an alliance between the two. And then there are high ranking far left intelligentsia who make social justice culture happen. But I doubt they're in charge.

So where is the divide or the split between American factions one can even remotely compare to the North and South circa the first American Civil War? There are many. First and foremost: Trump supporters and never-Trumpers. The politically correct and those who oppose them. Pro-life vs. Pro-child murder. Pro-American and Anti-American. However, outside of the ideological and cultural divide, a real split has occurred recently within the highest halls of power in our nation. Cabinet level politicians have come out to speak in open opposition to the President they serve. Former and current military officers have done the same, as have former and current members of federal law enforcement and the intelligence communities. Let's face it: instead of a North and South divide like last time, this time it's all about For Trump vs. Against Trump.

Speaking to actual newsworthy events of this second American Civil War . . . there are many, and you can find the links for yourselves. Chinese smuggling of weapons into America which are almost certainly intended to arm BLM/Antifa rioter-terrorists. Countless orders for police to stand-down in the face of mass coast to coast mob violence. The destruction of priceless historical memorials to some of the greatest heroes in our nation's history. The seemingly democrat sanctioned mob violence against everyday American citizens. Violent street clashes are going down out there as I write this.

What about a campaign of disinformation and propaganda to confuse us and turn us against each other? CNN, MSNBC, NPR, AP and many, many other news outlets are broadcasting FALSE information round the clock to American citizens everywhere.

So what happens next? I can only speculate. In the coming weeks or months we will see, if all allied broadcasts haven't been cut or censored, the crowds of mobs armed to the teeth and either seizing large parts of cities across America or mass murdering Trump supporters or both. We could see a well armed attack on the White House. We could see a mass defection from our standing Federal military forces when our great President inevitably invokes the Insurrection Act. At some point not too distant we will very likely see large scale full-blown battles in cities (first) across America, followed by the same in the suburbs and sticks. We could even witness a West Coast Chinese invasion welcomed by the governors of California, Oregon and Washington State. Pretty much . . . it ain't gonna be pretty.

What then might history, a century hence, record as the actual inciting event of our second American Civil War? Some will say it was Roe v. Wade and the resulting Supreme Court decision on that infamous case. Others? Perhaps the assassination of JFK. Others still? Depending on who "wins" one side will definitely claim it was either the election of Donald Trump or the death of George Floyd. What say you, America?
Not a chance....yet...........One side has not attacked yet. One side declared war. One side is trying furious appeasement. Once the other side spills some blood, then war can be declared.

The shortest Civil War in history.
Typically I am among the first to debunk such flights of internet fantasy with extreme prejudice. The average rational minded American has in the past seemed to believe such events as those that transpired from 1861-65 could never possibly repeat on our domestic soil; soil that remains forever drenched in the blood and ringing screams of our boys who died to reunite America some one-hundred and fifty-five years ago. I used to agree with them. Like the rest of sane America, I once believed our civilization had paid off in full its blood debt.

However, more recent national events have served to not only change my mind about the possibility of civil war America 2.0, but have also led me to believe, somewhat strongly, that a second civil war has already begun. The first litmus test I used to employ in order to determine whether or not a second civil war could be happen or be happening was for there first to be two clearly identifiable armed American military forces, army corps size each, standing in open political opposition to one another. While that condition has not been met, in so far as I know, I've recently concluded it doesn't have to in order for a second civil war to happen.

What we seem to seeing as of this moment: June 2020, is some kind of three-way hybrid between a civil war, a years running coup d'état, and a domestic insurrection supported wholly or in part by at least one foreign enemy government, the Chinese. So who are the combatants in this civil war America part two? On one "side" so far, we've got Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob-rioters whose ranks are composed of lots of black street thugs, lots of white college age kids; a small, hard-core cadre of American radical leftist professors and the like, and an as yet unknown number of Chinese military advisors who are training the rest. On the other side, we've got the United States Armed Forces consisting of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force and all reserve and national guard components of the same. All of which have been, thus far, prevented from using their lone or combined might to quell the ongoing insurrection. At this point, most police departments nationwide are little more than "observers".

Who then represents the opposition command structure? Who is commanding the enemy "troops"? Democrat politicians in cities across America are enabling the insurrection/coup to happen, however, they're not smart or shrewd enough tactically to be in overall command. Someone or something we haven't seen yet (and aren't likely to) is pulling the insurgents' strings behind some curtain. Could be the Chinese CP. Could be a conglomerate of radical leftist corporations. Could be an alliance between the two. And then there are high ranking far left intelligentsia who make social justice culture happen. But I doubt they're in charge.

So where is the divide or the split between American factions one can even remotely compare to the North and South circa the first American Civil War? There are many. First and foremost: Trump supporters and never-Trumpers. The politically correct and those who oppose them. Pro-life vs. Pro-child murder. Pro-American and Anti-American. However, outside of the ideological and cultural divide, a real split has occurred recently within the highest halls of power in our nation. Cabinet level politicians have come out to speak in open opposition to the President they serve. Former and current military officers have done the same, as have former and current members of federal law enforcement and the intelligence communities. Let's face it: instead of a North and South divide like last time, this time it's all about For Trump vs. Against Trump.

Speaking to actual newsworthy events of this second American Civil War . . . there are many, and you can find the links for yourselves. Chinese smuggling of weapons into America which are almost certainly intended to arm BLM/Antifa rioter-terrorists. Countless orders for police to stand-down in the face of mass coast to coast mob violence. The destruction of priceless historical memorials to some of the greatest heroes in our nation's history. The seemingly democrat sanctioned mob violence against everyday American citizens. Violent street clashes are going down out there as I write this.

What about a campaign of disinformation and propaganda to confuse us and turn us against each other? CNN, MSNBC, NPR, AP and many, many other news outlets are broadcasting FALSE information round the clock to American citizens everywhere.

So what happens next? I can only speculate. In the coming weeks or months we will see, if all allied broadcasts haven't been cut or censored, the crowds of mobs armed to the teeth and either seizing large parts of cities across America or mass murdering Trump supporters or both. We could see a well armed attack on the White House. We could see a mass defection from our standing Federal military forces when our great President inevitably invokes the Insurrection Act. At some point not too distant we will very likely see large scale full-blown battles in cities (first) across America, followed by the same in the suburbs and sticks. We could even witness a West Coast Chinese invasion welcomed by the governors of California, Oregon and Washington State. Pretty much . . . it ain't gonna be pretty.

What then might history, a century hence, record as the actual inciting event of our second American Civil War? Some will say it was Roe v. Wade and the resulting Supreme Court decision on that infamous case. Others? Perhaps the assassination of JFK. Others still? Depending on who "wins" one side will definitely claim it was either the election of Donald Trump or the death of George Floyd. What say you, America?
Democrats are arresting their opponents. It’s sad... republicans in office are scared to stand with trump
If what we are in now is a war, I wouldn't consider it to be a civil one. A civil war to me does not include any law breaking activity.

God bless you always!!!

You're so spoiled that a little civil unrest has you thinking the end is nigh. This kind of thing happens all the time somewhere, it's just been while for us. Things will return to new normal at some point and things will be fine. Going to be a historic summer though.
little civil unrest
Last time i checked, civil unrest wasnt going out beating up women, burning down buildings, and looting ATM's. But, and there is always a but, your day will come when ANTIFA and BLM shows up in your neighborhood. I pray that your police is defunded and doesnt show up at your house. You can say "im with you" as they throw rocks at your peabrain...

Excellent points, thanks. What we're witnessing is unprecedented post the first Civil War.
Typically I am among the first to debunk such flights of internet fantasy with extreme prejudice. The average rational minded American has in the past seemed to believe such events as those that transpired from 1861-65 could never possibly repeat on our domestic soil; soil that remains forever drenched in the blood and ringing screams of our boys who died to reunite America some one-hundred and fifty-five years ago. I used to agree with them. Like the rest of sane America, I once believed our civilization had paid off in full its blood debt.

However, more recent national events have served to not only change my mind about the possibility of civil war America 2.0, but have also led me to believe, somewhat strongly, that a second civil war has already begun. The first litmus test I used to employ in order to determine whether or not a second civil war could be happen or be happening was for there first to be two clearly identifiable armed American military forces, army corps size each, standing in open political opposition to one another. While that condition has not been met, in so far as I know, I've recently concluded it doesn't have to in order for a second civil war to happen.

What we seem to seeing as of this moment: June 2020, is some kind of three-way hybrid between a civil war, a years running coup d'état, and a domestic insurrection supported wholly or in part by at least one foreign enemy government, the Chinese. So who are the combatants in this civil war America part two? On one "side" so far, we've got Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob-rioters whose ranks are composed of lots of black street thugs, lots of white college age kids; a small, hard-core cadre of American radical leftist professors and the like, and an as yet unknown number of Chinese military advisors who are training the rest. On the other side, we've got the United States Armed Forces consisting of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force and all reserve and national guard components of the same. All of which have been, thus far, prevented from using their lone or combined might to quell the ongoing insurrection. At this point, most police departments nationwide are little more than "observers".

Who then represents the opposition command structure? Who is commanding the enemy "troops"? Democrat politicians in cities across America are enabling the insurrection/coup to happen, however, they're not smart or shrewd enough tactically to be in overall command. Someone or something we haven't seen yet (and aren't likely to) is pulling the insurgents' strings behind some curtain. Could be the Chinese CP. Could be a conglomerate of radical leftist corporations. Could be an alliance between the two. And then there are high ranking far left intelligentsia who make social justice culture happen. But I doubt they're in charge.

So where is the divide or the split between American factions one can even remotely compare to the North and South circa the first American Civil War? There are many. First and foremost: Trump supporters and never-Trumpers. The politically correct and those who oppose them. Pro-life vs. Pro-child murder. Pro-American and Anti-American. However, outside of the ideological and cultural divide, a real split has occurred recently within the highest halls of power in our nation. Cabinet level politicians have come out to speak in open opposition to the President they serve. Former and current military officers have done the same, as have former and current members of federal law enforcement and the intelligence communities. Let's face it: instead of a North and South divide like last time, this time it's all about For Trump vs. Against Trump.

Speaking to actual newsworthy events of this second American Civil War . . . there are many, and you can find the links for yourselves. Chinese smuggling of weapons into America which are almost certainly intended to arm BLM/Antifa rioter-terrorists. Countless orders for police to stand-down in the face of mass coast to coast mob violence. The destruction of priceless historical memorials to some of the greatest heroes in our nation's history. The seemingly democrat sanctioned mob violence against everyday American citizens. Violent street clashes are going down out there as I write this.

What about a campaign of disinformation and propaganda to confuse us and turn us against each other? CNN, MSNBC, NPR, AP and many, many other news outlets are broadcasting FALSE information round the clock to American citizens everywhere.

So what happens next? I can only speculate. In the coming weeks or months we will see, if all allied broadcasts haven't been cut or censored, the crowds of mobs armed to the teeth and either seizing large parts of cities across America or mass murdering Trump supporters or both. We could see a well armed attack on the White House. We could see a mass defection from our standing Federal military forces when our great President inevitably invokes the Insurrection Act. At some point not too distant we will very likely see large scale full-blown battles in cities (first) across America, followed by the same in the suburbs and sticks. We could even witness a West Coast Chinese invasion welcomed by the governors of California, Oregon and Washington State. Pretty much . . . it ain't gonna be pretty.

What then might history, a century hence, record as the actual inciting event of our second American Civil War? Some will say it was Roe v. Wade and the resulting Supreme Court decision on that infamous case. Others? Perhaps the assassination of JFK. Others still? Depending on who "wins" one side will definitely claim it was either the election of Donald Trump or the death of George Floyd. What say you, America?
Not a chance....yet...........One side has not attacked yet. One side declared war. One side is trying furious appeasement. Once the other side spills some blood, then war can be declared.

The shortest Civil War in history.

Excellent assessment.
Typically I am among the first to debunk such flights of internet fantasy with extreme prejudice. The average rational minded American has in the past seemed to believe such events as those that transpired from 1861-65 could never possibly repeat on our domestic soil; soil that remains forever drenched in the blood and ringing screams of our boys who died to reunite America some one-hundred and fifty-five years ago. I used to agree with them. Like the rest of sane America, I once believed our civilization had paid off in full its blood debt.

However, more recent national events have served to not only change my mind about the possibility of civil war America 2.0, but have also led me to believe, somewhat strongly, that a second civil war has already begun. The first litmus test I used to employ in order to determine whether or not a second civil war could be happen or be happening was for there first to be two clearly identifiable armed American military forces, army corps size each, standing in open political opposition to one another. While that condition has not been met, in so far as I know, I've recently concluded it doesn't have to in order for a second civil war to happen.

What we seem to seeing as of this moment: June 2020, is some kind of three-way hybrid between a civil war, a years running coup d'état, and a domestic insurrection supported wholly or in part by at least one foreign enemy government, the Chinese. So who are the combatants in this civil war America part two? On one "side" so far, we've got Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob-rioters whose ranks are composed of lots of black street thugs, lots of white college age kids; a small, hard-core cadre of American radical leftist professors and the like, and an as yet unknown number of Chinese military advisors who are training the rest. On the other side, we've got the United States Armed Forces consisting of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force and all reserve and national guard components of the same. All of which have been, thus far, prevented from using their lone or combined might to quell the ongoing insurrection. At this point, most police departments nationwide are little more than "observers".

Who then represents the opposition command structure? Who is commanding the enemy "troops"? Democrat politicians in cities across America are enabling the insurrection/coup to happen, however, they're not smart or shrewd enough tactically to be in overall command. Someone or something we haven't seen yet (and aren't likely to) is pulling the insurgents' strings behind some curtain. Could be the Chinese CP. Could be a conglomerate of radical leftist corporations. Could be an alliance between the two. And then there are high ranking far left intelligentsia who make social justice culture happen. But I doubt they're in charge.

So where is the divide or the split between American factions one can even remotely compare to the North and South circa the first American Civil War? There are many. First and foremost: Trump supporters and never-Trumpers. The politically correct and those who oppose them. Pro-life vs. Pro-child murder. Pro-American and Anti-American. However, outside of the ideological and cultural divide, a real split has occurred recently within the highest halls of power in our nation. Cabinet level politicians have come out to speak in open opposition to the President they serve. Former and current military officers have done the same, as have former and current members of federal law enforcement and the intelligence communities. Let's face it: instead of a North and South divide like last time, this time it's all about For Trump vs. Against Trump.

Speaking to actual newsworthy events of this second American Civil War . . . there are many, and you can find the links for yourselves. Chinese smuggling of weapons into America which are almost certainly intended to arm BLM/Antifa rioter-terrorists. Countless orders for police to stand-down in the face of mass coast to coast mob violence. The destruction of priceless historical memorials to some of the greatest heroes in our nation's history. The seemingly democrat sanctioned mob violence against everyday American citizens. Violent street clashes are going down out there as I write this.

What about a campaign of disinformation and propaganda to confuse us and turn us against each other? CNN, MSNBC, NPR, AP and many, many other news outlets are broadcasting FALSE information round the clock to American citizens everywhere.

So what happens next? I can only speculate. In the coming weeks or months we will see, if all allied broadcasts haven't been cut or censored, the crowds of mobs armed to the teeth and either seizing large parts of cities across America or mass murdering Trump supporters or both. We could see a well armed attack on the White House. We could see a mass defection from our standing Federal military forces when our great President inevitably invokes the Insurrection Act. At some point not too distant we will very likely see large scale full-blown battles in cities (first) across America, followed by the same in the suburbs and sticks. We could even witness a West Coast Chinese invasion welcomed by the governors of California, Oregon and Washington State. Pretty much . . . it ain't gonna be pretty.

What then might history, a century hence, record as the actual inciting event of our second American Civil War? Some will say it was Roe v. Wade and the resulting Supreme Court decision on that infamous case. Others? Perhaps the assassination of JFK. Others still? Depending on who "wins" one side will definitely claim it was either the election of Donald Trump or the death of George Floyd. What say you, America?
Not a chance....yet...........One side has not attacked yet. One side declared war. One side is trying furious appeasement. Once the other side spills some blood, then war can be declared.
When there are no police to stop the rioting and looting, there wont be police around when the pissed off citizens start shooting. Now that Oklahoma has declared ANTIFA as a terrorist organization, when i see one of those punks, it is my sworn duty to kill all terrorists....
The Second Civil War in America will be over the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Amendment II said:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The prefatory clause reads, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, ..."
Whether the right enumerated is intended to be conditioned on this clause or it's just being stated as a fact, no one should doubt its truth and satisfaction.

Move on, now, to the operative clause: "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right of the people is a universal human right, as for example those enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
To keep and bear Arms is to possess and carry firearms in more modern language.
Shall not be infringed is plain as day. There are to be no exceptions. Gun ownership is not to be made subject to registration, training, interstate commerce, background checks, mental health, honorable discharge, or any other qualifications. Anything else is High Treason against the Constitution of the United States of America, punishable by death.

The Second Civil War is just as much about slavery as the First Civil War was. Without our guns, we are slaves.
Typically I am among the first to debunk such flights of internet fantasy with extreme prejudice. The average rational minded American has in the past seemed to believe such events as those that transpired from 1861-65 could never possibly repeat on our domestic soil; soil that remains forever drenched in the blood and ringing screams of our boys who died to reunite America some one-hundred and fifty-five years ago. I used to agree with them. Like the rest of sane America, I once believed our civilization had paid off in full its blood debt.

However, more recent national events have served to not only change my mind about the possibility of civil war America 2.0, but have also led me to believe, somewhat strongly, that a second civil war has already begun. The first litmus test I used to employ in order to determine whether or not a second civil war could be happen or be happening was for there first to be two clearly identifiable armed American military forces, army corps size each, standing in open political opposition to one another. While that condition has not been met, in so far as I know, I've recently concluded it doesn't have to in order for a second civil war to happen.

What we seem to seeing as of this moment: June 2020, is some kind of three-way hybrid between a civil war, a years running coup d'état, and a domestic insurrection supported wholly or in part by at least one foreign enemy government, the Chinese. So who are the combatants in this civil war America part two? On one "side" so far, we've got Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob-rioters whose ranks are composed of lots of black street thugs, lots of white college age kids; a small, hard-core cadre of American radical leftist professors and the like, and an as yet unknown number of Chinese military advisors who are training the rest. On the other side, we've got the United States Armed Forces consisting of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force and all reserve and national guard components of the same. All of which have been, thus far, prevented from using their lone or combined might to quell the ongoing insurrection. At this point, most police departments nationwide are little more than "observers".

Who then represents the opposition command structure? Who is commanding the enemy "troops"? Democrat politicians in cities across America are enabling the insurrection/coup to happen, however, they're not smart or shrewd enough tactically to be in overall command. Someone or something we haven't seen yet (and aren't likely to) is pulling the insurgents' strings behind some curtain. Could be the Chinese CP. Could be a conglomerate of radical leftist corporations. Could be an alliance between the two. And then there are high ranking far left intelligentsia who make social justice culture happen. But I doubt they're in charge.

So where is the divide or the split between American factions one can even remotely compare to the North and South circa the first American Civil War? There are many. First and foremost: Trump supporters and never-Trumpers. The politically correct and those who oppose them. Pro-life vs. Pro-child murder. Pro-American and Anti-American. However, outside of the ideological and cultural divide, a real split has occurred recently within the highest halls of power in our nation. Cabinet level politicians have come out to speak in open opposition to the President they serve. Former and current military officers have done the same, as have former and current members of federal law enforcement and the intelligence communities. Let's face it: instead of a North and South divide like last time, this time it's all about For Trump vs. Against Trump.

Speaking to actual newsworthy events of this second American Civil War . . . there are many, and you can find the links for yourselves. Chinese smuggling of weapons into America which are almost certainly intended to arm BLM/Antifa rioter-terrorists. Countless orders for police to stand-down in the face of mass coast to coast mob violence. The destruction of priceless historical memorials to some of the greatest heroes in our nation's history. The seemingly democrat sanctioned mob violence against everyday American citizens. Violent street clashes are going down out there as I write this.

What about a campaign of disinformation and propaganda to confuse us and turn us against each other? CNN, MSNBC, NPR, AP and many, many other news outlets are broadcasting FALSE information round the clock to American citizens everywhere.

So what happens next? I can only speculate. In the coming weeks or months we will see, if all allied broadcasts haven't been cut or censored, the crowds of mobs armed to the teeth and either seizing large parts of cities across America or mass murdering Trump supporters or both. We could see a well armed attack on the White House. We could see a mass defection from our standing Federal military forces when our great President inevitably invokes the Insurrection Act. At some point not too distant we will very likely see large scale full-blown battles in cities (first) across America, followed by the same in the suburbs and sticks. We could even witness a West Coast Chinese invasion welcomed by the governors of California, Oregon and Washington State. Pretty much . . . it ain't gonna be pretty.

What then might history, a century hence, record as the actual inciting event of our second American Civil War? Some will say it was Roe v. Wade and the resulting Supreme Court decision on that infamous case. Others? Perhaps the assassination of JFK. Others still? Depending on who "wins" one side will definitely claim it was either the election of Donald Trump or the death of George Floyd. What say you, America?
Democrats are arresting their opponents. It’s sad... republicans in office are scared to stand with trump

Agreed. No republican thus far has stood up for those suffering mob violence. No brave conservatives seem to exist in elected positions. Everyone of them is so damn worried about public image and winning elections. I'm a republican and I readily approve of this assessment.

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