Is the Democrats’ law that responsible people must pay more for mortgages the first step in social credit scores?

A big reason our country is in such decline is that the Democrats reward irresponsibility and punish responsibility, and anyone who objects to that is called a tard….moron…..bitch…..evil…..etc., etc.

Just saying.
Medical expenses directly cause 66.5% of bankruptcies, making it the leading cause for bankruptcy. Additionally, medical problems that lead to work loss cause 44% of bankruptcies.

Think about that the next time you hateful pricks throw around words like "irresponsible" and "deadbeats".
The nasty one is you who claims anyone with a low credit score is irresponsible, you hateful ignorant bitch.
You already said that. Your childish outbursts aren’t going to silence me.

It is wrong to make people with high credit scores pay more than people with lower ones. Period. Not everyone is entitled to a house, and if one’s credit score is marginal, that’s a good indication that they’re not ready.

It was the same leftist thinking that caused the 2008 crash - lending money to people who really should not have bought a house.
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Medical expenses directly cause 66.5% of bankruptcies, making it the leading cause for bankruptcy. Additionally, medical problems that lead to work loss cause 44% of bankruptcies.

Think about that the next time you hateful pricks throw around words like "irresponsible" and "deadbeats".
No we won’t make reality softer and more safe space for you
You are being conned. You get these are subsidized loans? The fees are constructed so that they are raising fees on loans there is little reason to discount so that it can better serve those who need the help? If you don’t need an FHA loan you don’t need a discount for an FHA loan.

dude, I don't accept your con job. keep it, the fact is that someone with a better score subsidizes ones that don't. Typical demofk punishment for success as I already stated to you. It's obvious you found my material accurate, and now you're trying to spin nonsense in a word salad con. Not to homey.
A big reason our country is in such decline is that the Democrats reward irresponsibility and punish responsibility, and anyone who objects to that is called a tard….moron…..bitch…..evil…..etc., etc.

Just saying.
Absolutely correct and we thinkers will never yield to the lowlife offerings
dude, I don't accept your con job. keep it, the fact is that someone with a better score subsidizes ones that don't. Typical demofk punishment for success as I already stated to you. It's obvious you found my material accurate, and now you're trying to spin nonsense in a word salad con. Not to homey.
Demofks never understand that when you give someone something - be it free food, a $30 a month insurance plan, a discount on their fees, whatever - it is the responsible tax-paying Americans who pay for it.
Do you bleev people who are bankrupted by medical expenses are "deadbeats"? Do you bleev they are "irresponsible"?

How deep does your evil hatred go?
People who have declared bankruptcy are NOT the ones looking to buy a house with a mediocre credit rating. Those are people who buy everything on credit, run up the balance to the max, pay late, miss payments entirely, and so forth. They have no business buying a house until they can manage their expenses.

And you are a moron, tard, evil bitch, POO-POO HEAD!
For someone who claims to be Jewish you sure do love those Nazis in Ukraine.
Putin's excuse to invade Ukraine that he wanted to get rid of Nazis was just an excuse to invade Ukraine to take all of the country.

As you are apparently very pro Putin, you really do not care if you can accuse the President of Ukraine, a Jew, of being a Nazi.
Do you bleev people who are bankrupted by medical expenses are "deadbeats"? Do you bleev they are "irresponsible"?

How deep does your evil hatred go?
It goes all the way to the roots of fact and conduct.
It is you that labels that reality as too horrid to express
And you are so eager to make people with better credit ratings pay more for being financially responsible.
I have a perfect credit rating. An extra $625 fee is nothing. Pocket change.

As I pointed out earlier, mortgage fees have always been progressive. This is nothing new. Just because you are ignorant of this fact does not mean you get to make shit up and be so hateful and make moral judgements of other people you know NOTHING about.

I bet you believe you are a good Christian.
Demofks never understand that when you give someone something - be it free food, a $30 a month insurance plan, a discount on their fees, whatever - it is the responsible tax-paying Americans who pay for it.
The irresponsible will remain irresponsible. So instead of punishing the irresponsible punish the responsible
I have a perfect credit rating. An extra $625 fee is nothing. Pocket change.

As I pointed out earlier, mortgage fees have always been progressive. This is nothing new. Just because you are ignorant of this fact does not mean you get to make shit up and be so hateful and make moral judgements of other people you know NOTHING about.

I bet you believe you are a good Christian.
Ha….no, I am definitely not a good Christian, but predictable leftist putdown against religious people.
The fact we have to pay higher fees/rates on a mortgage because of it, as a means to make things easier for the less repsonsioble, is absolute horse shi'ite.
It’s just another heinous form of Marxist wealth redistribution. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.
Ha….no, I am definitely not a good Christian, but predictable leftist putdown against religious people.
They’re all about inclusion until Christians come around. Stick your dick in another man’s ass okay with demofks, believe in god and they think you’re a fkwad
If I ever need to refinance, I will max out my credit cards and not pay them for a few months so I get a better deal.

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