Is the Bible at least partially a lie?

Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.


The Bible isn't a lie.. It had many, many authors over time and its not linear. It's also not science or history.

Funny, because people refer to the Bible routinely for historical information.

On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories.​
‘These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say … that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.’​
-Smithsonian Institution

They aren't accurate history at all. Joshua didn't have any huge armies and didn't destroy any Canaanite towns. The cities of the plain were long gone before Abraham's time. The Exodus wasn't 2 million people.. Even today Sinai only as a population of 800,000. Solomon's kingdom wasn't grand. There is zero evidence for a worldwide flood.

Every major civilization has a flood legend. Worldwide, so yes, there was a flood. My theory is that prior to the end of the last ice age mankind's villages were to be found along the continental shelf. As the ice melted the oceans rose hundreds of feet.

To early man, that would absolutely be thought of as a worldwide flood.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.

Libs have said since antiquity that the Bible is wrong, that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden, not Eve.

And you saw what happened to the LGBTQ+ communities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of that?
What we do know is that 'Nazarene' (or 'Nazorean') was originally the name of an early Jewish-Christian sect – a faction, or off-shoot, of the Essenes.
The following is merely conjecture based on what I have read. It is thought that the Nazorean sect lived in the hills, and a stony one at that. Remember, Joseph was a carpenter, and in those days carpenter usually referenced a stone mason. Also noted is that the village of Nazareth is on a flat plane and when Jesus returned to his home place they tried to throw him off a cliff. Another thought: Was John the Baptist a true blood relation of Mary and her family, or were the Nazoreans and Essenes similar enough that the two sects were considered "cousins", the Nazoreans being an off shoot of the Essenes? No way to know.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.


The Bible isn't a lie.. It had many, many authors over time and its not linear. It's also not science or history.

Funny, because people refer to the Bible routinely for historical information.

On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories.​
‘These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say … that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.’​
-Smithsonian Institution

They aren't accurate history at all. Joshua didn't have any huge armies and didn't destroy any Canaanite towns. The cities of the plain were long gone before Abraham's time. The Exodus wasn't 2 million people.. Even today Sinai only as a population of 800,000. Solomon's kingdom wasn't grand. There is zero evidence for a worldwide flood.

Every major civilization has a flood legend. Worldwide, so yes, there was a flood. My theory is that prior to the end of the last ice age mankind's villages were to be found along the continental shelf. As the ice melted the oceans rose hundreds of feet.

To early man, that would absolutely be thought of as a worldwide flood.

Floods leave a footprint.. sediment.

The Noah story is taken from stories about the flooding of the Euphrates River Basin... and there is a footprint..150 miles across and 350 miles south.

That's what built the delta south of Basra.

They periodically had major floods when spring snow melt from the mountains combined with Spring rains... Most lasted as long as 4-5 days.

The basin is basically flat so the flood didn't cover the mountains by 22 feet.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.

Libs have said since antiquity that the Bible is wrong, that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden, not Eve.

And you saw what happened to the LGBTQ+ communities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of that?

Sodom and Gomorrah were long gone before the time of Abraham.

The story wasn't about gays at all. Its about a prosperous people who were inhospitable to strangers and travelers.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.

Libs have said since antiquity that the Bible is wrong, that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden, not Eve.

And you saw what happened to the LGBTQ+ communities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of that?

Sodom and Gomorrah were long gone before the time of Abraham.

The story wasn't about gays at all. Its about a prosperous people who were inhospitable to strangers and travelers.

Of course it was about homosexuality. The Gay Community of Sodom tried to recruit holy angels hired by Almighty God into the gay lifestyle.

They loved homosexuality so much, they named their city after a gay sex act.

Although you do have a point, there is nothing less hospitable to travelers than to F them in the A when they arrive in town.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.

Libs have said since antiquity that the Bible is wrong, that Almighty God put Adam and Steve into the Garden, not Eve.

And you saw what happened to the LGBTQ+ communities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of that?

Sodom and Gomorrah were long gone before the time of Abraham.

The story wasn't about gays at all. Its about a prosperous people who were inhospitable to strangers and travelers.

Of course it was about homosexuality. The Gay Community of Sodom tried to recruit holy angels hired by Almighty God into the gay lifestyle.

They loved homosexuality so much, they named their city after a gay sex act.

Although you do have a point, there is nothing less hospitable to travelers than to F them in the A when they arrive in town.

LOLOL.. You're a loon.. There was NO cities of the plain in Abraham's time. They were long gone.

Sodomy is named AFTER the Sodom and Gomorrah story in the Bible.

Sodomy is a noun . Sodomy definition is - anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.
So, the Bible doesn't make sense to you. But you say nothing in this OP about lies. What lies are you talking about?
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.
Not so much a lie as a book written out of ignorance, meaning they weren't doing it on purpose to get so many things wrong.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.
So, the Bible doesn't make sense to you. But you say nothing in this OP about lies. What lies are you talking about?
Watch the video.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.


The Bible isn't a lie.. It had many, many authors over time and its not linear. It's also not science or history.

Funny, because people refer to the Bible routinely for historical information.

On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories.​
‘These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say … that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.’​
-Smithsonian Institution

They aren't accurate history at all. Joshua didn't have any huge armies and didn't destroy any Canaanite towns. The cities of the plain were long gone before Abraham's time. The Exodus wasn't 2 million people.. Even today Sinai only as a population of 800,000. Solomon's kingdom wasn't grand. There is zero evidence for a worldwide flood.

Prove it.
When I was a Christian in my early 20s. Reading this made be begin to think.

This Awareness indicates that essentially, under Constantine, the concept of the Catholic or Universal, (Catholic meaning Universal) religion, the official Roman religion, as that which was a composite of various religious writings which were brought together to form that which is known as the Christian religion. That many of the writings were assembled from various sources, and brought into, and comprised those books of the Bible.

The Evolution of the Bible

This Awareness suggest, there is a book by Loyd Graham titled Deceptions and Myths in the Bible; that this book goes into the origin of the stories that have been related in the Old Testament, especially in the Old Testament, which were literally taken, in many cases word for word, or concept for concept from earlier writings. For example, the story of Noah and his four sons having been taken from writings which long predated the stories in the Old Testament and which used terms and names for the sons which were identical to those reported in the Old testament.

This Awareness indicates that the story of Moses as having been stolen from a Syrian myth that had come down in relation to an entity names Misis. This Awareness indicates that a great number of the stories within the Old Testament were simply the result of the Hebrew priests attempting to create a set of myths and stories by which they could organize their own religion, their own philosophy, in order to form a more cohesive society in those days. This Awareness indicates that the works of Loyd Graham go deeply into finding these earlier stories from Babylon, which was the source of the story of the garden of Eden, through Syrian and other cultures and Indian records and stories of India.

This Awareness indicates that even the New Testament is assembled from patterns related to stories taken from earlier sources, such as Zoroastrian, Mithrain, Krishna, Buddhism, and Egyptian, and others, in which many verses are literally paraphrasing earlier writings, and many of the stories attributed to the story of Jesus, were lifted directly out of these other writings. The story of Jesus at the well, as one which was taken from earlier writings. This Awareness indicates that it is of importance that entities realize the origins of the Bible did not come from the pen of God, but came from the earlier writings in different cultures and nations at the time these Hebrew priests put this work together. This Awareness indicates that these countries who were plagiarized then became labeled as heathen, - nations whose philosophies were heathenistic, but this was only after their stories had been stolen.

This is ignorant and utterly misguided. The “Jesus myth” claim has been debunked six ways from Sunday. No historian worth their salt denies that Jesus was a real person who walked this earth 2000 years ago. But I noticed that anti-Christians periodically try re-throwing that crap against the wall to see if it will stick. And it never does Why? Because it's so easy to disprove their claims.

Here’s a video for you to watch:

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Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.


The Bible isn't a lie.. It had many, many authors over time and its not linear. It's also not science or history.

Funny, because people refer to the Bible routinely for historical information.

On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories.​
‘These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say … that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.’​
-Smithsonian Institution

They aren't accurate history at all. Joshua didn't have any huge armies and didn't destroy any Canaanite towns. The cities of the plain were long gone before Abraham's time. The Exodus wasn't 2 million people.. Even today Sinai only as a population of 800,000. Solomon's kingdom wasn't grand. There is zero evidence for a worldwide flood.

Every major civilization has a flood legend. Worldwide, so yes, there was a flood. My theory is that prior to the end of the last ice age mankind's villages were to be found along the continental shelf. As the ice melted the oceans rose hundreds of feet.

To early man, that would absolutely be thought of as a worldwide flood.

As the ice melted the glaciers retreated very slowly over thousands of years. Arabia was a savanna with shallow lakes and wadis 10,000 years ago.

You can check for flood sediment with core samples. Most of the really ancient civilizations never flooded.. Like Egypt for instance or Göbekli Tepe ..
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.


The Bible isn't a lie.. It had many, many authors over time and its not linear. It's also not science or history.

Funny, because people refer to the Bible routinely for historical information.

On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories.​
‘These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say … that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.’​
-Smithsonian Institution

They aren't accurate history at all. Joshua didn't have any huge armies and didn't destroy any Canaanite towns. The cities of the plain were long gone before Abraham's time. The Exodus wasn't 2 million people.. Even today Sinai only as a population of 800,000. Solomon's kingdom wasn't grand. There is zero evidence for a worldwide flood.

Every major civilization has a flood legend. Worldwide, so yes, there was a flood. My theory is that prior to the end of the last ice age mankind's villages were to be found along the continental shelf. As the ice melted the oceans rose hundreds of feet.

To early man, that would absolutely be thought of as a worldwide flood.

As the ice melted the glaciers retreated very slowly over thousands of years. Arabia was a savanna with shallow lakes and wadis 10,000 years ago.

You can check for flood sediment with core samples. Most of the really ancient civilizations never flooded.. Like Egypt for instance or Göbekli Tepe ..

Yeah, we know this. Both Egypt and Gobekli were post flood. The dating, as is universal, is wrong.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.


The Bible isn't a lie.. It had many, many authors over time and its not linear. It's also not science or history.

Funny, because people refer to the Bible routinely for historical information.

On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories.​
‘These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say … that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.’​
-Smithsonian Institution

They aren't accurate history at all. Joshua didn't have any huge armies and didn't destroy any Canaanite towns. The cities of the plain were long gone before Abraham's time. The Exodus wasn't 2 million people.. Even today Sinai only as a population of 800,000. Solomon's kingdom wasn't grand. There is zero evidence for a worldwide flood.

Every major civilization has a flood legend. Worldwide, so yes, there was a flood. My theory is that prior to the end of the last ice age mankind's villages were to be found along the continental shelf. As the ice melted the oceans rose hundreds of feet.

To early man, that would absolutely be thought of as a worldwide flood.

As the ice melted the glaciers retreated very slowly over thousands of years. Arabia was a savanna with shallow lakes and wadis 10,000 years ago.

You can check for flood sediment with core samples. Most of the really ancient civilizations never flooded.. Like Egypt for instance or Göbekli Tepe ..

Yeah, we know this. Both Egypt and Gobekli were post flood. The dating, as is universal, is wrong.

The Gilgamesh story is much older than Genesis... and recorded on clay tablets in Sumer, Ugarit and Dilmun a thousand years earlier. In fact by the time the Hebrews came a long Sumer already had agriculture, irrigation, a written language and sailboats.

The Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (or Samaria) and Judah first appear in the 9th century BCE .
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.


The Bible isn't a lie.. It had many, many authors over time and its not linear. It's also not science or history.

Funny, because people refer to the Bible routinely for historical information.

On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories.​
‘These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say … that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.’​
-Smithsonian Institution

They aren't accurate history at all. Joshua didn't have any huge armies and didn't destroy any Canaanite towns. The cities of the plain were long gone before Abraham's time. The Exodus wasn't 2 million people.. Even today Sinai only as a population of 800,000. Solomon's kingdom wasn't grand. There is zero evidence for a worldwide flood.

Every major civilization has a flood legend. Worldwide, so yes, there was a flood. My theory is that prior to the end of the last ice age mankind's villages were to be found along the continental shelf. As the ice melted the oceans rose hundreds of feet.

To early man, that would absolutely be thought of as a worldwide flood.

As the ice melted the glaciers retreated very slowly over thousands of years. Arabia was a savanna with shallow lakes and wadis 10,000 years ago.

You can check for flood sediment with core samples. Most of the really ancient civilizations never flooded.. Like Egypt for instance or Göbekli Tepe ..

Yeah, we know this. Both Egypt and Gobekli were post flood. The dating, as is universal, is wrong.

The Gilgamesh story is much older than Genesis... and recorded on clay tablets in Sumer, Ugarit and Dilmun a thousand years earlier. In fact by the time the Hebrews came a long Sumer already had agriculture, irrigation, a written language and sailboats.

The Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (or Samaria) and Judah first appear in the 9th century BCE .

Right, I understand that the Hebrew story was passed on by word of mouth, for a long time before it was written.
That doesn't mean that Gilgamesh is older than Genesis. It just means you don't have evidence of it, because the Genesis story wasn't written down.

You can make the claim... that's fine. But that isn't proof.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.


The Bible isn't a lie.. It had many, many authors over time and its not linear. It's also not science or history.

Funny, because people refer to the Bible routinely for historical information.

On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories.​
‘These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say … that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.’​
-Smithsonian Institution

They aren't accurate history at all. Joshua didn't have any huge armies and didn't destroy any Canaanite towns. The cities of the plain were long gone before Abraham's time. The Exodus wasn't 2 million people.. Even today Sinai only as a population of 800,000. Solomon's kingdom wasn't grand. There is zero evidence for a worldwide flood.

Every major civilization has a flood legend. Worldwide, so yes, there was a flood. My theory is that prior to the end of the last ice age mankind's villages were to be found along the continental shelf. As the ice melted the oceans rose hundreds of feet.

To early man, that would absolutely be thought of as a worldwide flood.

As the ice melted the glaciers retreated very slowly over thousands of years. Arabia was a savanna with shallow lakes and wadis 10,000 years ago.

You can check for flood sediment with core samples. Most of the really ancient civilizations never flooded.. Like Egypt for instance or Göbekli Tepe ..

Yeah, we know this. Both Egypt and Gobekli were post flood. The dating, as is universal, is wrong.

The Gilgamesh story is much older than Genesis... and recorded on clay tablets in Sumer, Ugarit and Dilmun a thousand years earlier. In fact by the time the Hebrews came a long Sumer already had agriculture, irrigation, a written language and sailboats.

The Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (or Samaria) and Judah first appear in the 9th century BCE .

Right, I understand that the Hebrew story was passed on by word of mouth, for a long time before it was written.
That doesn't mean that Gilgamesh is older than Genesis. It just means you don't have evidence of it, because the Genesis story wasn't written down.

You can make the claim... that's fine. But that isn't proof.

They were just north coast Canaanites. They followed the Canaanite pantheon.
Is the Bible at least partially a lie?
It wouldn't surprise me a bit. I have read it four times cover to cover. All it is to me is a great book of never-ending riddles open to whatever interpretation you care to apply to them, it has never made sense to me, has never rang true. The book "Autbiography of a yogi" makes much more sense to me, explaining both the teachings of Christ and the science ... yes, science ... behind his so-called "miracles" which can all be done today by yogi adepts.


The Bible isn't a lie.. It had many, many authors over time and its not linear. It's also not science or history.

Funny, because people refer to the Bible routinely for historical information.

On the other hand, much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories.​
‘These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say … that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.’​
-Smithsonian Institution

They aren't accurate history at all. Joshua didn't have any huge armies and didn't destroy any Canaanite towns. The cities of the plain were long gone before Abraham's time. The Exodus wasn't 2 million people.. Even today Sinai only as a population of 800,000. Solomon's kingdom wasn't grand. There is zero evidence for a worldwide flood.

Every major civilization has a flood legend. Worldwide, so yes, there was a flood. My theory is that prior to the end of the last ice age mankind's villages were to be found along the continental shelf. As the ice melted the oceans rose hundreds of feet.

To early man, that would absolutely be thought of as a worldwide flood.

As the ice melted the glaciers retreated very slowly over thousands of years. Arabia was a savanna with shallow lakes and wadis 10,000 years ago.

You can check for flood sediment with core samples. Most of the really ancient civilizations never flooded.. Like Egypt for instance or Göbekli Tepe ..

Yeah, we know this. Both Egypt and Gobekli were post flood. The dating, as is universal, is wrong.

The Gilgamesh story is much older than Genesis... and recorded on clay tablets in Sumer, Ugarit and Dilmun a thousand years earlier. In fact by the time the Hebrews came a long Sumer already had agriculture, irrigation, a written language and sailboats.

The Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (or Samaria) and Judah first appear in the 9th century BCE .

Right, I understand that the Hebrew story was passed on by word of mouth, for a long time before it was written.
That doesn't mean that Gilgamesh is older than Genesis. It just means you don't have evidence of it, because the Genesis story wasn't written down.

You can make the claim... that's fine. But that isn't proof.

They were just north coast Canaanites. They followed the Canaanite pantheon.

Well, you have the right to be wrong.
I do believe in Jesus. But there is not a single word in the Bible directly from him, it is all "he said", "he did" stuff that could just as well have been written by one of Timothy Leary's desciples snorting too much LSD. Autobiography of a Yogi made me believe in Jesus, the Bible didn't. I believe that "God" is within, not without. I believe "God" is a universal force, cosmic law if you will. I do not believe in some anthropomorphic all-knowing being. I believe the Bible was assembled by the Church with the express aim of controlling the people through fear. One of the most important books, the Book Of Enoch, was deliberately omitted.
Jesus not writing anything about himself only adds to the veracity of the Bible for me, because anyone can sit down and write a religious book and say how wonderful they are. And many do, such as Mohammad, Joseph Smith, the guy who wrote the JW Bible, etc., etc. But the Bible is unique, in that it is a culmination of authors over centuries that point to the same God.

As for Enoch not being canonized, I agree, but only the first one. The first one predates Christ as the early church used it often. The later books I don't think are God inspired and written by a different author.

The reason I think the book of Enoch was left out by Constantine was, Enoch was very hard on world leaders. It left one to believe that they are all pretty much oppressive and hell bound.
When I was a Christian in my early 20s. Reading this made be begin to think.

This Awareness indicates that essentially, under Constantine, the concept of the Catholic or Universal, (Catholic meaning Universal) religion, the official Roman religion, as that which was a composite of various religious writings which were brought together to form that which is known as the Christian religion. That many of the writings were assembled from various sources, and brought into, and comprised those books of the Bible.

The Evolution of the Bible

This Awareness suggest, there is a book by Loyd Graham titled Deceptions and Myths in the Bible; that this book goes into the origin of the stories that have been related in the Old Testament, especially in the Old Testament, which were literally taken, in many cases word for word, or concept for concept from earlier writings. For example, the story of Noah and his four sons having been taken from writings which long predated the stories in the Old Testament and which used terms and names for the sons which were identical to those reported in the Old testament.

This Awareness indicates that the story of Moses as having been stolen from a Syrian myth that had come down in relation to an entity names Misis. This Awareness indicates that a great number of the stories within the Old Testament were simply the result of the Hebrew priests attempting to create a set of myths and stories by which they could organize their own religion, their own philosophy, in order to form a more cohesive society in those days. This Awareness indicates that the works of Loyd Graham go deeply into finding these earlier stories from Babylon, which was the source of the story of the garden of Eden, through Syrian and other cultures and Indian records and stories of India.

This Awareness indicates that even the New Testament is assembled from patterns related to stories taken from earlier sources, such as Zoroastrian, Mithrain, Krishna, Buddhism, and Egyptian, and others, in which many verses are literally paraphrasing earlier writings, and many of the stories attributed to the story of Jesus, were lifted directly out of these other writings. The story of Jesus at the well, as one which was taken from earlier writings. This Awareness indicates that it is of importance that entities realize the origins of the Bible did not come from the pen of God, but came from the earlier writings in different cultures and nations at the time these Hebrew priests put this work together. This Awareness indicates that these countries who were plagiarized then became labeled as heathen, - nations whose philosophies were heathenistic, but this was only after their stories had been stolen.

This is ignorant and utterly misguided. The “Jesus myth” claim has been debunked six ways from Sunday. No historian worth their salt denies that Jesus was a real person who walked this earth 2000 years ago. But I noticed that anti-Christians periodically try re-throwing that crap against the wall to see if it will stick. And it never does Why? Because it's so easy to disprove their claims.

Here’s a video for you to watch:

Ok, just wait another 2,000 years for Jesus to come back. We will see what happens. :auiqs.jpg:


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