Is Progressivism descended from White Man's Burden?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Fact: Democratic Party cherished White Man's Burden.

Fact: Democrat Party defended Slavery.

Fact: Democratic Party went through a Progressive Era shortly after the Civil War, but their leadership remained the same.

FACT: LBJ prevented Passage of Civil RIghts by Eisnhower, but then passed it during his Administration "I'll have these N****Rs voting Democratic for the next 100 years"

Fact: The Democratic Party has impoverished minority communities with taxes and regulations in order to force them survive on handouts, then they want minorities to say Thank You for giving them handouts.

Fact: The Democratic Party in minority urban and suburban regions has destroyed their education systems, but give them Affirmative Action if they manage to survive the brutal process, and then want minorities to say Thank You.

Fact: It seems as if the Democratic Party has spared white people from this suffering (even though whites use the most food stamps numerically, when you go by proportion of population, they use the least, and white schools are generally superior).

Fact: The Democratic Party is disarming minorities

Fact: The Democratic Party is maintaining the War on Drugs to imprison the younger generations of minorities, so they can't apply for jobs, vote or have weapons. The exception is marijuana, but this is only being done as a distraction, so they can keep other drugs illegal, then they want minorities to say Thank You for legalizing marijuana!

Fact: Demtroit

Fact: Shitcago

Fact: The Democratic Party party today promotes policies that take from Whites and give to minorities, in order to help and improve their culture and situation, this is WHITE MAN's BURDEN.

Fact: What's even more sick, is that the Democrats keep the minorities poor on purpose via tax and regulations and felony plea bargains (scare them out of jury trials by their own peers). They keep them poor so they can maintain a perpetual state of White Man's Burden.


[ame=]Runaway Slave Movie - Own it on DVD! - YouTube[/ame]​
California is making sure those uppity Negroes don't overturn the Marxist culture of poverty by coercion! $50 for each purchase of ammunition! Obviously a 2nd Amendment poll tax on impoverished minority communities! Communities forced to be impoverished, by overly equipped and brutal police!

California is making sure those illegal immigrants (slaves working for pennies) can't arm themselves either, and assert their humanity!

Democrats, number one supporters of slavery since antiquity!
Fact: Southern Democrats who opposed equality switched to the Republican party.
Give us the Right Wing alternative, please. I agree mostly with your contention, but in the absense of decent jobs, accessible education, and effective anti-poverty programs, I don't see an American alternative to merely "keeping them fed."

In other words, I don't see this as a "Democrat" issue. It is both parties that have maintained the system over the years.
Give us the Right Wing alternative, please. I agree mostly with your contention, but in the absense of decent jobs, accessible education, and effective anti-poverty programs, I don't see an American alternative to merely "keeping them fed."

In other words, I don't see this as a "Democrat" issue. It is both parties that have maintained the system over the years.

Who has been in local control of black and latino communities?

Who is printing money faster than the speed of light, causing inflation and making minorities suffer even more with stagnant wages?

Which party is responsible for the mass migration of small businesses from California and New York?

Sure the Republicans are equally evil on OTHER THINGS, such as bankrupting the nation with a Crusade against Muslims in order to secure Oil and Lithium for the military industrial complex, but I'm getting sick of Democrats calling every Republican and Libertarian racist when they are THE RACISTS IN CHIEF.
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Give us the Right Wing alternative, please. I agree mostly with your contention, but in the absense of decent jobs, accessible education, and effective anti-poverty programs, I don't see an American alternative to merely "keeping them fed."

In other words, I don't see this as a "Democrat" issue. It is both parties that have maintained the system over the years.

Who has been in local control of black and latino communities?

Who is printing money faster than the speed of light, causing inflation and making minorities suffer even more with stagnant wages?

Which party is responsible for the mass migration of small businesses from California and New York?

Sure the Republicans are equally evil on OTHER THINGS, such as bankrupting the nation with a Crusade against Muslims in order to secure Oil and Lithium for the military industrial complex, but I'm getting sick of Democrats calling every Republican and Libertarian racist when they are THE RACISTS IN CHIEF.

A non-representative white male goverment has been in charge of all those things. They also control the banks and unions. You can defend the stupid GOP if you'd like, but it isn't actually a partisan issue--whites in both parties are happy to keep blacks poor and disenfranchised.
I'd like the OP to show ONE example...JUST ONE example of him trying to help, taking up a cause or hell...just MENTIONING any other concern for the black community.

Not that bullshit where you claim taking things FROM them will HELP them. That's just you being an ass and taking while calling it giving

Just ONE...When you cannot, you're true colors will be on display.

Your help is kicking the cane out from under the old guy and standing over him yelling "Walk Ya Bastid...WALK!"
Give us the Right Wing alternative, please. I agree mostly with your contention, but in the absense of decent jobs, accessible education, and effective anti-poverty programs, I don't see an American alternative to merely "keeping them fed."

In other words, I don't see this as a "Democrat" issue. It is both parties that have maintained the system over the years.

Who has been in local control of black and latino communities?

Who is printing money faster than the speed of light, causing inflation and making minorities suffer even more with stagnant wages?

Which party is responsible for the mass migration of small businesses from California and New York?

Sure the Republicans are equally evil on OTHER THINGS, such as bankrupting the nation with a Crusade against Muslims in order to secure Oil and Lithium for the military industrial complex, but I'm getting sick of Democrats calling every Republican and Libertarian racist when they are THE RACISTS IN CHIEF.

A non-representative white male goverment has been in charge of all those things. They also control the banks and unions. You can defend the stupid GOP if you'd like, but it isn't actually a partisan issue--whites in both parties are happy to keep blacks poor and disenfranchised.

More history for the simpleminded . . . and murderously barbaric.
I'd like the OP to show ONE example...JUST ONE example of him trying to help, taking up a cause or hell...just MENTIONING any other concern for the black community.

Not that bullshit where you claim taking things FROM them will HELP them. That's just you being an ass and taking while calling it giving

Just ONE...When you cannot, you're true colors will be on display.

Your help is kicking the cane out from under the old guy and standing over him yelling "Walk Ya Bastid...WALK!"

1: I want every black, latino, Muslim, gay, and any other minority to be ARMED with modern firearms.

2: I want the schools of impoverished communities to be renovated, for all supplies to be provided, including a sufficiently large set of computers that can be accessed for six hours after each school day ends.

3: I want taxes and regulations to nearly disappear in these economically ravaged minority communities.

4: I want politicians to stop demoralizing minorities by telling them they can't succeed on their own, that they must be dependent on whites.

What's your plan?
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Give us the Right Wing alternative, please. I agree mostly with your contention, but in the absense of decent jobs, accessible education, and effective anti-poverty programs, I don't see an American alternative to merely "keeping them fed."

In other words, I don't see this as a "Democrat" issue. It is both parties that have maintained the system over the years.

Who has been in local control of black and latino communities?

Who is printing money faster than the speed of light, causing inflation and making minorities suffer even more with stagnant wages?

Which party is responsible for the mass migration of small businesses from California and New York?

Sure the Republicans are equally evil on OTHER THINGS, such as bankrupting the nation with a Crusade against Muslims in order to secure Oil and Lithium for the military industrial complex, but I'm getting sick of Democrats calling every Republican and Libertarian racist when they are THE RACISTS IN CHIEF.

A non-representative white male goverment has been in charge of all those things. They also control the banks and unions. You can defend the stupid GOP if you'd like, but it isn't actually a partisan issue--whites in both parties are happy to keep blacks poor and disenfranchised.

Except the Republicans don't pull the race card 24/7

[ame=]Louisiana State Senator Karen Carter Peterson Plays the Race Card on Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]

The objection to Obamacare is its usurpation of the inviolable "Right to Contract."
Fact: Democratic Party cherished White Man's Burden.

Fact: Democrat Party defended Slavery.

Fact: Democratic Party went through a Progressive Era shortly after the Civil War, but their leadership remained the same.

FACT: LBJ prevented Passage of Civil RIghts by Eisnhower, but then passed it during his Administration "I'll have these N****Rs voting Democratic for the next 100 years"

Fact: The Democratic Party has impoverished minority communities with taxes and regulations in order to force them survive on handouts, then they want minorities to say Thank You for giving them handouts.

Fact: The Democratic Party in minority urban and suburban regions has destroyed their education systems, but give them Affirmative Action if they manage to survive the brutal process, and then want minorities to say Thank You.

Fact: It seems as if the Democratic Party has spared white people from this suffering (even though whites use the most food stamps numerically, when you go by proportion of population, they use the least, and white schools are generally superior).

Fact: The Democratic Party is disarming minorities

Fact: The Democratic Party is maintaining the War on Drugs to imprison the younger generations of minorities, so they can't apply for jobs, vote or have weapons. The exception is marijuana, but this is only being done as a distraction, so they can keep other drugs illegal, then they want minorities to say Thank You for legalizing marijuana!

Fact: Demtroit

Fact: Shitcago

Fact: The Democratic Party party today promotes policies that take from Whites and give to minorities, in order to help and improve their culture and situation, this is WHITE MAN's BURDEN.

Fact: What's even more sick, is that the Democrats keep the minorities poor on purpose via tax and regulations and felony plea bargains (scare them out of jury trials by their own peers). They keep them poor so they can maintain a perpetual state of White Man's Burden.


Runaway Slave Movie - Own it on DVD! - YouTube

LOL, thread needs to be titled: "Partisan Hack Achieves New Level of Absurdity".
LOL, thread needs to be titled: "Partisan Hack Achieves New Level of Absurdity".

Really, just reading yoru signature:

""One guy TRIES to use shoe bomb and everyone at the airport now has to take shoes off. 31 school shootings since Columbine, but no change."
Michelle‏@MichelleLaw "

Did you forget that the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban was active during the Columbine Shooting, did you forget that armed security personnel was denied entry inside the school?
It's far more simpleminded to believe that the political ideologies of the two parties didn't have a swap, which they did... which is evidenced by history.

What a stupid thing to say. If that is the level of your understanding of history, there's no reason at all to take you seriously.

Maybe this will help you, though I doubt you'll understand enough to see the truth.

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism

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