Is our military as mighty as it once was?

I thought the term KNOTS was only used for ship speed? yes? no?
It's very common for aircraft speeds to be cited as mph, but in the aviation context it's always referring to nautical miles and not statute miles.

mph is "fuzzy"- it's preferable to use kts or KIAS in the aviation context.
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China hasn't actually fought since they invaded Vietnam, which sent them retreating. They're a paper tiger.

Leadership? The military really likes it if a president is more loyal to the USA than to Russia, which is why the military really dislikes Trump and pals.
China did have small military conflict with India in 2020. China took some land from India.

I’m sure they’ve had plenty of other small conflicts since Nam.


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The difference is, neither integration was coupled with the massive purges that Fuckwad Biden instituted. Nor was there any training in gender studies or white fragility. This is very different and designed to destroy the military.

Yes, todays Military is more diverse

The Military found there was rampant sexual abuse, difficulties in assimilating gays and continued racial animosity.

They have instituted training to address these issues
See? When not bickering, ya both have much in common.

Anyway...thank you both for answering my question...and again, for your service. BOTH of you.
The problem with Sailorboy is he talks like he's a steely-eyed warrior, but he's really just a wannabe. There were tons of those types in the military. Guys that talked big but never did anything dangerous. (He's your typical Democrat)

I spent 5 years in the Navy.....and I know exactly what he did in the he likes taking pot-shots at me because of his over inflated ego....and a great deal of professional jealousy. I post something and he spends hours trying to parse words and pick holes in everything I say, or said I did for a living. It's hard to believe that a Special Forces ODA Team member would actually be online here at USMB, because there's so much lying going on here.

He sometimes admits that he would like me if he met me....but the Democrat in him doesn't allow him to be a decent human-being.

I said that we built what the carpenters called a Satan worship temple on Ft Campbell, proved it and he won't admit it.
I even proved that it existed but he refuses to admit I was right. He asked for a link and I gave him one. They call it a Pagan Services Facility. Building # 6902. They call it Pagan because they can't blast out to everyone that soldiers are worshiping the Devil there. That might cause a stink.

I used to have to go into soldier's rooms when I was doing Fancoils....and one of the troops actually had a 12 inch tall statue of Satan in his room. The Army can't say much of anything about what soldiers have in their rooms anymore. They can also have alcohol in their rooms and usually they smell like beer when you walk in the door.
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I used to have to go into soldier's rooms when I was doing Fancoils....and one of the troops actually had a 12 inch tall statue of Satan in his room.
What law says who you are allowed to worship?
What law says who you are allowed to worship?
It used to be against military regulations.
This is just another example of the slipping standards in the military.
I guarantee that as the standards are relaxed....the more problems arise from it.
Military life isn't the same as civilian life.
You can't be in the middle of a firefight and have to argue with some greenhaired asshole about pronouns or racism.
It used to be against military regulations.
This is just another example of the slipping standards in the military.
I guarantee that as the standards are relaxed....the more problems arise from it.
Military life isn't the same as civilian life.
You can't be in the middle of a firefight and have to argue with some greenhaired asshole about pronouns or racism.
We have more Muslims in the service too
Does that still piss you off?
What are your thoughts?
NO, the American military is not so great as before.

And China knows it!

Today's youth are completely different from the Greatest Generation.

The obsession over ethnicity and gender and woke political issues in the armed forces have hurt morale.
We have more Muslims in the service too
Does that still piss you off?
Funny how you would assume something shitty like that.
But clearly you're barking up the wrong tree.

My AO was working with Muslims in their own countries. I trained a bunch of them...worked and lived with them.
Not all of them are terrorists.

One thing I did notice is they hold their religion above all else.
One harmless comment about Islam can cause them to abandon you or even try to murder you. Desert Storm had an incident like this.
You just have to watch what you say around them.
No....having Muslims in the military doesn't piss me off.....I just don't think it's very smart mixing them with everyone else.
It will lead to problems in discipline eventually.
The reason I say that is because they feel by virtue of their religion that they're better than infidels. They can be arrogant and stuck up....and extremely masochistic and racist.
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The problem with Sailorboy is he talks like he's a steely-eyed warrior, but he's really just a wannabe. There were tons of those types in the military. Guys that talked big but never did anything dangerous. (He's your typical Democrat)

I spent 5 years in the Navy.....and I know exactly what he did in the he likes taking pot-shots at me because of his over inflated ego....and a great deal of professional jealousy. I post something and he spends hours trying to parse words and pick holes in everything I say, or said I did for a living. It's hard to believe that a Special Forces ODA Team member would actually be online here at USMB, because there's so much lying going on here.

He sometimes admits that he would like me if he met me....but the Democrat in him doesn't allow him to be a decent human-being.

I said that we built what the carpenters called a Satan worship temple on Ft Campbell, proved it and he won't admit it.
I even proved that it existed but he refuses to admit I was right. He asked for a link and I gave him one. They call it a Pagan Services Facility. Building # 6902. They call it Pagan because they can't blast out to everyone that soldiers are worshiping the Devil there. That might cause a stink.

I used to have to go into soldier's rooms when I was doing Fancoils....and one of the troops actually had a 12 inch tall statue of Satan in his room. The Army can't say much of anything about what soldiers have in their rooms anymore. They can also have alcohol in their rooms and usually they smell like beer when you walk in the door.

Nope, I don't talk like a steely eyed warrior, I talk like a person who decided to try a little bit of everything that I was qualified for and could get a billet doing. And, I was pretty damn good at everything I did, because I wanted to succeed in what I did. That's more about my attitude and what I learned growing up, as my Grandparents told me to always do the best I could at whatever I happened to be doing. spent 5 years in the Navy and know exactly what I was doing? That is bullshit, as you were never stationed with me, nor did you do a lot of the things that I've done. To be fair, I've never been stationed with you, nor have I ever done a lot of the things that you've done, so I can't say one way or the other if you were a decent soldier or not, I've never met you. Who's the Special Forces ODA Team member that you are speaking of? It damn sure isn't me, as I've NEVER claimed something that I'm not, nor claimed to do something I never did.

I'm thinking that part of your dislike of me is your perception of what you think my politics is. Not a Republican, not a Democrat, I'm an Independent. I've voted both for and against both parties, based on what my research has told me about the candidates. I don't blindly vote for one party or the other because of my affiliation, I vote based on what I can tell about the candidates from what I've seen them say and put out as their policy. Sometimes, those on the right have better ideas than those on the left, sometimes the left has better ideas than the right. It all depends.

And no...................Pagans are not Satanists, no more than all Christians are Catholics. There is a difference between the two.

As far as having alcohol in your room? In the Navy, it depended on your rank and age, as well as what the CO was willing to allow. On my first ship (back in '83 to 86), at one time we had a beer machine in the barracks while we were in the shipyard, but the only place you could drink it was in the common room. When I was with VFA-131, if you were over the age of 21, you could have a certain amount of alcohol in your room, depending on your rank. Since I was an E-5 after I got divorced and lived in the barracks for a couple of months, I was allowed to have 2 six packs of beer, and 1 bottle of hard liquor in my room.

But, like I said..............continue to think about me what you will, makes zip point squat on how I will or have lived my life. All you are is a bunch of phosphor dots on a screen that is kinda entertaining to read sometimes. I still find it funny as hell that you think the National Defense is a ribbon rather than the medal that it actually is. Been fun to watch you twist yourself in knots somehow trying to prove that Satanism is so accepted by the military that you had to build a church for it, when in reality it was something different and your stories are bullshit. But, like I said, continue on, you are entertaining on occasion.
Nope, I don't talk like a steely eyed warrior, I talk like a person who decided to try a little bit of everything that I was qualified for and could get a billet doing. And, I was pretty damn good at everything I did, because I wanted to succeed in what I did. That's more about my attitude and what I learned growing up, as my Grandparents told me to always do the best I could at whatever I happened to be doing. spent 5 years in the Navy and know exactly what I was doing? That is bullshit, as you were never stationed with me, nor did you do a lot of the things that I've done. To be fair, I've never been stationed with you, nor have I ever done a lot of the things that you've done, so I can't say one way or the other if you were a decent soldier or not, I've never met you. Who's the Special Forces ODA Team member that you are speaking of? It damn sure isn't me, as I've NEVER claimed something that I'm not, nor claimed to do something I never did.

I'm thinking that part of your dislike of me is your perception of what you think my politics is. Not a Republican, not a Democrat, I'm an Independent. I've voted both for and against both parties, based on what my research has told me about the candidates. I don't blindly vote for one party or the other because of my affiliation, I vote based on what I can tell about the candidates from what I've seen them say and put out as their policy. Sometimes, those on the right have better ideas than those on the left, sometimes the left has better ideas than the right. It all depends.

And no...................Pagans are not Satanists, no more than all Christians are Catholics. There is a difference between the two.

As far as having alcohol in your room? In the Navy, it depended on your rank and age, as well as what the CO was willing to allow. On my first ship (back in '83 to 86), at one time we had a beer machine in the barracks while we were in the shipyard, but the only place you could drink it was in the common room. When I was with VFA-131, if you were over the age of 21, you could have a certain amount of alcohol in your room, depending on your rank. Since I was an E-5 after I got divorced and lived in the barracks for a couple of months, I was allowed to have 2 six packs of beer, and 1 bottle of hard liquor in my room.

But, like I said..............continue to think about me what you will, makes zip point squat on how I will or have lived my life. All you are is a bunch of phosphor dots on a screen that is kinda entertaining to read sometimes. I still find it funny as hell that you think the National Defense is a ribbon rather than the medal that it actually is. Been fun to watch you twist yourself in knots somehow trying to prove that Satanism is so accepted by the military that you had to build a church for it, when in reality it was something different and your stories are bullshit. But, like I said, continue on, you are entertaining on occasion.
Look up ODA Teams. I never said you were on one.

I was on a couple of them.
And the reason I don't like you is because you're a smart-ass.
I met a ton of guys that said they went to Buds training and didn't make it. My best friend on the Kitty Hawk went. I still don't know if he made it all the way because I ETS'd before he finished. He never told me if he made it to a SEAL team. Far as I know he never did. The only communications I've had with him was a couple of posts on Facebook.

And when it comes to having a Pagan Temple on Ft Campbell...some Pagans worship the Earth....but some also worship Satan.....and the Army isn't allowed to ask who, or what they worship.
Christians and Catholics are closely related, dumb-ass. They both worship the same God....they just have different rituals.

When I was in Firefighting school at Treasure Island they had a beer machine at the end of the hall in the barracks. They ended that practice because it caused too many problems.

Usually when I had to get into a soldiers room at Ft Campbell it stunk like shit because they don't pull inspections like they used to. They have to have the soldier's permission to enter the room. This was a major complaint when I was a civilian working on Ft Campbell.

I spent enough time in the Navy to know exactly what it's like. I spent time on a Destroyer Tender and 3 years at sea on the Kitty Hawk. But you don't know shit about what it's like to be in my field. Since you've never been on a patrol or did an nighttime combat're basically playing soldier/sailor and not knowing anything...and unwilling to admit it.
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Look up ODA Teams. I never said you were on one.

I was on a couple of them.
And the reason I don't like you is because you're a smart-ass.
I met a ton of guys that said they went to Buds training and didn't make it. My best friend on the Kitty Hawk went. I still don't know if he made it all the way because I ETS'd before he finished. He never told me if he made it to a SEAL team. Far as I know he never did. The only communications I've had with him was a couple of posts on Facebook.

And when it comes to having a Pagan Temple on Ft Campbell...some Pagans worship the Earth....but some also worship Satan.....and the Army isn't allowed to ask who, or what they worship.
Christians and Catholics are closely related, dumb-ass. They both worship the same God....they just have different rituals.

When I was in Firefighting school at Treasure Island they had a beer machine at the end of the hall in the barracks. They ended that practice because it caused too many problems.

Usually when I had to get into a soldiers room at Ft Campbell it stunk like shit because they don't pull inspections like they used to. They have to have the soldier's permission to enter the room. This was a major complaint when I was a civilian working on Ft Campbell.

I spent enough time in the Navy to know exactly what it's like. I spent time on a Destroyer Tender and 3 years at sea on the Kitty Hawk. But you don't know shit about what it's like to be in my field. Since you've never been on a patrol or did an nighttime combat're basically playing soldier/sailor and not knowing anything...and unwilling to admit it.

Am I a smart ass? Sometimes. Especially when I'm dealing with people who think they know everything even when they don't as you appear to be.

Again...............never did what you seem to think I did. I said that I tried to qualify for SEALs, but was rejected due to my vision being poor and unable to be corrected. I also said that I never even made it to an interview (which has to be done before going to BUDS).

As far as Pagans worshipping Satan? I'd told you that you should do some research before making stupid statements like that. NO, contrary to what you believe, Pagans DON'T worship Satan. Since you're too lazy to do your own research, let me help you out...................


World Faiths & Religions​


Do Pagans worship Satan?​

The simple answer is "no." "Satan" is considered a Jewish and/or Christian figure by most Pagans worldwide, and as such has no relationship to the practice of Paganism. Two factors complicate this answer, however. First, from a conservative Christian standpoint, anyone who is not worshipping God is participating in the worship of Satan; from this perspective, Pagans are often accused of Satan worship by default. Second, whether or not practitioners in Anton LaVey's Church of Satan should be considered "Pagans" is an oft-debated question. Although understanding the Church of Satan as simply "worship of the devil" would be completely missing the point of the tradition, the association of anything including reference to Satan with the term "Pagan" is a stretch, for some. The vast majority of Pagans do not associate their religion with anything Satanic, symbolically or otherwise.

As far as your serving on a destroyer tender and the Kitty Hawk? Well, destroyer tenders are usually cemented to the pier, as well as are considered non combatant ships, which is why women were allowed on them and sub tenders before they were allowed on combatant ships. Kitty Hawk? Yep, that is a forward deployed combatant as it's a carrier. And yeah, I don't know shit about being in the Army or in the field as a soldier, but I DO know about being in the Navy, and various facets of it as I've been with both surface Navy and Aviation (2 different worlds, trust me), as well as have done independent duty with MSC and in recruiting, both of which are things that most sailors don't get to do as they require extensive screening before a person can be sent to those types of duty.

I don't disparage your service, why in the hell do you think you have to disparage mine?
Am I a smart ass? Sometimes. Especially when I'm dealing with people who think they know everything even when they don't as you appear to be.

Again...............never did what you seem to think I did. I said that I tried to qualify for SEALs, but was rejected due to my vision being poor and unable to be corrected. I also said that I never even made it to an interview (which has to be done before going to BUDS).

As far as Pagans worshipping Satan? I'd told you that you should do some research before making stupid statements like that. NO, contrary to what you believe, Pagans DON'T worship Satan. Since you're too lazy to do your own research, let me help you out...................


World Faiths & Religions​


Do Pagans worship Satan?​

The simple answer is "no." "Satan" is considered a Jewish and/or Christian figure by most Pagans worldwide, and as such has no relationship to the practice of Paganism. Two factors complicate this answer, however. First, from a conservative Christian standpoint, anyone who is not worshipping God is participating in the worship of Satan; from this perspective, Pagans are often accused of Satan worship by default. Second, whether or not practitioners in Anton LaVey's Church of Satan should be considered "Pagans" is an oft-debated question. Although understanding the Church of Satan as simply "worship of the devil" would be completely missing the point of the tradition, the association of anything including reference to Satan with the term "Pagan" is a stretch, for some. The vast majority of Pagans do not associate their religion with anything Satanic, symbolically or otherwise.

As far as your serving on a destroyer tender and the Kitty Hawk? Well, destroyer tenders are usually cemented to the pier, as well as are considered non combatant ships, which is why women were allowed on them and sub tenders before they were allowed on combatant ships. Kitty Hawk? Yep, that is a forward deployed combatant as it's a carrier. And yeah, I don't know shit about being in the Army or in the field as a soldier, but I DO know about being in the Navy, and various facets of it as I've been with both surface Navy and Aviation (2 different worlds, trust me), as well as have done independent duty with MSC and in recruiting, both of which are things that most sailors don't get to do as they require extensive screening before a person can be sent to those types of duty.

I don't disparage your service, why in the hell do you think you have to disparage mine?
You're a fucking liar.....because you started disparaging my service by doubting it even existed...then you tried to compare your lack of tactical experience to mine....and claimed what you've done compares to it. Pretty much total BS because again, you don't know what you talking about. It's an absolute joke, and we both know it. And I know what in the fuck a Destroyer Tender does....because I was stationed on one, and it was the best duty I hand in the Navy.

Another thing is it seems you're primary tactic is to accuse me of saying things I never said.
And your annoying habit of second-guessing everything I say.....mostly because you don't know what in the fuck you're talking about.
You're just a stubborn little shit that needs what we called in the Army 4 corners counseling....basically 15 mins in a locked room to teach you a lesson.

In the future....if you don't like being called a little twerp you might try not acting like one.
And I'm not arguing with you about what a fucking Pagan worship service is....because as I said....the Army isn't allowed to ask Pagans what they're doing in that one facility (Yes one facility separated from all of the Chapels on post). For all they know they could be slaughtering chickens in that place.

You're one of those perfumed sailors that seems to think playing army is just like being in combat. You think that having your dress edges up to and touching is more important that being able to kick ass. I'm sure your eyesight wasn't the only reason the SEALs wouldn't take you...because my eyesight wasn't perfect ether.

Now whine some more, you little bitch.
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You're a fucking liar.....because you started disparaging my service by doubting it even existed...then you tried to compare your lack of tactical experience to mine....and claimed what you've done compares to it. Pretty much total BS because again, you don't know what you talking about. It's an absolute joke, and we both know it. And I know what in the fuck a Destroyer Tender does....because I was stationed on one, and it was the best duty I hand in the Navy.

Another thing is it seems you're primary tactic is to accuse me of saying things I never said.
And your annoying habit of second-guessing everything I say.....mostly because you don't know what in the fuck you're talking about.
You're just a stubborn little shit that needs what we called in the Army 4 corners counseling....basically 15 mins in a locked room to teach you a lesson.

In the future....if you don't like being called a little twerp you might try not acting like one.
And I'm not arguing with you about what a fucking Pagan worship service is....because as I said....the Army isn't allowed to ask Pagans what they're doing in that one facility (Yes one facility separated from all of the Chapels on post). For all they know they could be slaughtering chickens in that place.

You're one of those perfumed sailors that seems to think playing army is just like being in combat. You think that having your dress edges up to and touching is more important that being able to kick ass. I'm sure your eyesight wasn't the only reason the SEALs wouldn't take you...because my eyesight wasn't perfect ether.

Now whine some more, you little bitch.

Actually, when responding to someone like you, I always like to quote the post I am responding to, so that if anyone wants to see what I'm talking about, they can simply read the quoted post(s) without having to go search for them on the thread. I don't need to second guess anything you say, I simply respond to whatever crap you're spewing (which is one reason for quoting the post).

Do I care if you call me a twerp? Not really, because like I said, you're nothing more than a bunch of phosphor dots on a computer screen that form words. What you think or don't think doesn't really have any impact on my life, but it does amuse me to watch you lose your shit like you seem to routinely do.

So, you're not gonna argue about Pagan worship anymore? Good, because everything you've said about it is wrong, and it's kinda hard to successfully win an argument if your "facts" are complete bullshit. You just don't like it when you spew crap and then get corrected, because for some strange reason, you seem to think you're always right.

Perfumed sailor? Not really. Didn't see a need for cologne unless I was going out on a date. Usually, pit stick was all I really saw a need for. Do I think "playing army is just like combat"? Nope. Wrong on that one as well. People in the service aren't "playing" at being a soldier, sailor or airman, they actually took the time to enlist. There is no "playing" after signing the dotted line, that's real life. I think that being able to perform my job is the most important thing, which is why I always strove to be as good as I could at it. I also like to have as neat and clean of a uniform as I can, as I have respect for the service I was in. I took pride in my appearance as a member of the U.S. Navy, and my uniforms reflected that. That was just one of the reasons why I was selected to serve in recruiting duty. The reason they made me a Head Classifier was because I was REALLY good at my job and would always take time to research the manuals to make sure things were done right. As far as my eyesight being the only reason the SEAL's wouldn't take me? Well, in everything else I was qualified on paper with the exception of eyesight (evals, ASVAB scores, etc.), but because my vision was so bad, they said it was an automatic disqual, and I couldn't go past the 1st screening.

BTW............what you call "4 corners", the Navy calls a Bos'n locker meeting. Are you saying that you would like to administer one to me? Bring it on tough guy, but because I already have a good idea that you are an internet tough guy, it's never gonna happen, because you like to talk tough, but would never be able to back up what you say on the internet. Keep it up Phosphor Boy, you're batting 1000. Maybe one day you'll be able to intimidate or even maybe scare someone with your bullshit, but it ain't gonna be me.
Actually, when responding to someone like you, I always like to quote the post I am responding to, so that if anyone wants to see what I'm talking about, they can simply read the quoted post(s) without having to go search for them on the thread. I don't need to second guess anything you say, I simply respond to whatever crap you're spewing (which is one reason for quoting the post).

Do I care if you call me a twerp? Not really, because like I said, you're nothing more than a bunch of phosphor dots on a computer screen that form words. What you think or don't think doesn't really have any impact on my life, but it does amuse me to watch you lose your shit like you seem to routinely do.

So, you're not gonna argue about Pagan worship anymore? Good, because everything you've said about it is wrong, and it's kinda hard to successfully win an argument if your "facts" are complete bullshit. You just don't like it when you spew crap and then get corrected, because for some strange reason, you seem to think you're always right.

Perfumed sailor? Not really. Didn't see a need for cologne unless I was going out on a date. Usually, pit stick was all I really saw a need for. Do I think "playing army is just like combat"? Nope. Wrong on that one as well. People in the service aren't "playing" at being a soldier, sailor or airman, they actually took the time to enlist. There is no "playing" after signing the dotted line, that's real life. I think that being able to perform my job is the most important thing, which is why I always strove to be as good as I could at it. I also like to have as neat and clean of a uniform as I can, as I have respect for the service I was in. I took pride in my appearance as a member of the U.S. Navy, and my uniforms reflected that. That was just one of the reasons why I was selected to serve in recruiting duty. The reason they made me a Head Classifier was because I was REALLY good at my job and would always take time to research the manuals to make sure things were done right. As far as my eyesight being the only reason the SEAL's wouldn't take me? Well, in everything else I was qualified on paper with the exception of eyesight (evals, ASVAB scores, etc.), but because my vision was so bad, they said it was an automatic disqual, and I couldn't go past the 1st screening.

BTW............what you call "4 corners", the Navy calls a Bos'n locker meeting. Are you saying that you would like to administer one to me? Bring it on tough guy, but because I already have a good idea that you are an internet tough guy, it's never gonna happen, because you like to talk tough, but would never be able to back up what you say on the internet. Keep it up Phosphor Boy, you're batting 1000. Maybe one day you'll be able to intimidate or even maybe scare someone with your bullshit, but it ain't gonna be me.
As I've said a couple of times before is that religious center may be called a Pagan Center....but that isn't all they practice there. I've said at nausea-um that this was the case here at Ft Campbell. keep making the same mistake thinking you won the argument when YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IN THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! You simply looked up the description of paganism without knowing what they actually practice at the Ft Campbell Pagan Center. They sure as shit weren't going to advertise to everyone that they were worshiping Beelzebub in that place.

You know....everyone always seemed to have an excuse why they couldn't join the Special Ops community.....and it's usually different from what they claim. My guess is the reason they didn't accept you is because they took one look at you and laughed their asses off as soon as you left the building.

And of course you're not scared. You're hiding behind your key board taking tough. We had a lot of big-mouthed jerks like your even when I was stationed on the Bryce Canyon who got bounced off of a few bulkheads because they pissed everyone in the shop off, and frankly had it coming.

Your problem is you think you know everything.....even though you didn't know what an ODA was. I even provided a link for you and you didn't ask me one God Damned question about it, like the fucking jerk you are.
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As I've said a couple of times before is that religious center may be called a Pagan Center....but that isn't all they practice there. I've said at nausea-um that this was the case here at Ft Campbell. keep making the same mistake thinking you won the argument when YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IN THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! You simply looked up the description of paganism without knowing what they actually practice at the Ft Campbell Pagan Center. They sure as shit weren't going to advertise to everyone that they were worshiping Beelzebub in that place.

You know....everyone always seemed to have an excuse why they couldn't join the Special Ops community.....and it's usually different from what they claim. My guess is the reason they didn't accept you is because they took one look at you and laughed their asses off as soon as you left the building.

And of course you're not scared. You're hiding behind your key board taking tough. We had a lot of big-mouthed jerks like your even when I was stationed on the Bryce Canyon who got bounced off of a few bulkheads because they pissed everyone in the shop off, and frankly had it coming.

Your problem is you think you know everything even though you didn't know what an ODA was. I even provided a link for you and you didn't ask me one God Damned question about it, like the fucking jerk you are.

Like I's fun as hell to watch you spool.

I actually know what a Pagan is. Had several friends of mine over the years who actually were Pagan, which is how I know they aren't Satan worshippers. Had the same mistaken idea as what you did when I met my first one, and they corrected me, as well as taught me a great deal what they believe. I'm guessing that you don't know much about what they practice at the Ft. Campbell Pagan center either, as you keep saying that they worship Satan.

It's not an excuse as to why I couldn't be a SEAL. They asked who was interested when I was in A school, and set up initial screenings. That's where I was told my vision was too poor and I would never be accepted because of that. Didn't stop me from going for a lot of other things in the Navy that I was qualified for, and I managed to qualify for most of them. One that I was disappointed in not getting (because they didn't have enough billets) was the Antarctic Winter Over program. Yeah, I can admit to things I wanted to do but for whatever reason didn't get. Wanted to be a CAAC Counselor, and was not only qualified, but had the recommendation of the base CO, base CMC, my OIC and both of the directors of the base CAAC. Detailer wasn't able to release me to that program as I was the only E-6 on the entire East Coast she had available for sea duty for the next 6 months, so that is when I was offered an independent duty billet with MSC, and also sent to school to be qualified as a DAPA, because of the quals I already had.

Nope, not hiding behind a keyboard, because you said that you would love to meet me (insinuating that you'd like to try to kick my ass) and I told you that the next time you were in the Columbia SC area, send me a PM, and I'd be willing to come meet you. Not scared of you in the least. Very few people in this world have ever managed to intimidate me, and a keyboard commando such as yourself ain't gonna be one of them.

Reason I didn't ask you about an ODA? Probably because you sounded like you were accusing me of claiming to be one (and I said I never claimed to be one as you had insinuated in your post), and didn't see much of a reason to ask you about them. Sorry that your feelings were hurt when I didn't ask, but, you'll get over it. If that makes me a jerk in your eyes for not asking, then go ahead and think what you want, it's a free country.

Like I said, it's really fun to watch pompous asses like yourself spool up and lose their shit when I'm trying to be civil in discussions with you, but, I've seen others do it as well, so it doesn't really faze me even in the slightest.

Keep it up, you're kinda entertaining right now, but eventually, you're gonna get boring.

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