CDZ Is "Let's Go B******" protected free speech?

Speech is a civil right and the Govt is not allowed to restrict it, for the most part.

Yes, they do.

Race is a protected class, political afflation is not.
Civil rights are the right to participate in the political process, free from repression. Getting fired because of a public political statement qualifies as repression.

Civil rights are the right to participate in the political process, free from repression. Getting fired because of a public political statement qualifies as repression.

Not unless the Govt is doing it. An employer has every right to can your ass. You have no right to a specific job or employer

the extreme left has discovered how easy it is to intimidate companies into censuring the speech of individuals for them

its a new power that libs are rather pleased with
Is that why the cons are using their legislative powers to censor?
Not unless the Govt is doing it. An employer has every right to can your ass. You have no right to a specific job or employer
If anyone is doing it. By your logic, an employer can fire an employee because of who he voted for and we both know that's illegal.
If anyone is doing it. By your logic, an employer can fire an employee because of who he voted for and we both know that's illegal.

By the way I should add that I think anti-discrimination laws enforced against anyone but the Govt are unconstitutional. I believe that "protected classes" violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
Look up Federal civil rights protections.

Although many may find this very surprising, federal law does not make political affiliation a protected class for employees who work for private (non-government) employers.

However, certain select states do protect employees from discrimination or retaliation by an employer over their political beliefs. These states include California, Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, South Carolina, and West Virginia.


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