CDZ Is it Treason


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
if a citizen honestly believes that American power has been a source of evil in the world and acts to reduce that power in any way he or she can? I think that a large portion of our population considers patriotism to be an evil concept which must be undermined if we are ever going to achieve peaceful coexistence on our planet.

Is this profound ignorance/naivete an acceptable excuse for diminishing America and aiding our opponents?
Most familiar with the history of humans and human nature realize that said nature prohibits any possibility of global "peaceful coexistence".

You would first have to change human nature, and that has not changed in all of human history.

Ergo, it is unwise to lower your national defenses or diminish your influence.
if a citizen honestly believes that American power has been a source of evil in the world and acts to reduce that power in any way he or she can? I think that a large portion of our population considers patriotism to be an evil concept which must be undermined if we are ever going to achieve peaceful coexistence on our planet.

Is this profound ignorance/naivete an acceptable excuse for diminishing America and aiding our opponents?
Stop hiding, cough up what it's all about, Alfie...
Most familiar with the history of humans and human nature realize that said nature prohibits any possibility of global "peaceful coexistence".

You would first have to change human nature, and that has not changed in all of human history.

Ergo, it is unwise to lower your national defenses or diminish your influence.
The comment on human nature is accurate. We don't, however, need a military armed forces twice the size of the next twelve nations. A strong air force and advanced naval carrier and air shields, backed by strong spec ops and ground forces, will suffice competently for nation's defense. The less we have boots on the ground in foreign lands, the less danger faces our nation.
if a citizen honestly believes that American power has been a source of evil in the world and acts to reduce that power in any way he or she can? I think that a large portion of our population considers patriotism to be an evil concept which must be undermined if we are ever going to achieve peaceful coexistence on our planet.

Is this profound ignorance/naivete an acceptable excuse for diminishing America and aiding our opponents?
What is it you are claiming to be 'evil'; patriotism or the way the United States projects its power?
Most familiar with the history of humans and human nature realize that said nature prohibits any possibility of global "peaceful coexistence".

You would first have to change human nature, and that has not changed in all of human history.

Ergo, it is unwise to lower your national defenses or diminish your influence.
The comment on human nature is accurate. We don't, however, need a military armed forces twice the size of the next twelve nations.

I disagree, considering the current state of the planet.

The less we have boots on the ground in foreign lands, the less danger faces our nation.

I agree with that. Unless we plan to occupy territory - which is largely a big waste - There is little reason to send troops.
If we are not going to put overseas, then we can easily reduce the size of the ground forces. More Spec Ops, Ranger battalions, Green Berets, and four or five active divisions with a force reserve of thirteen divisions in the USAR and NG.
If we are not going to put overseas, then we can easily reduce the size of the ground forces. More Spec Ops, Ranger battalions, Green Berets, and four or five active divisions with a force reserve of thirteen divisions in the USAR and NG.

Air, sub, nuclear and tech divisions should all be multiplied.
The U.S. Spends 47 cents out of every military dollar spent in the world

If we only spend 45 cents, how much is our power diminished?
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. US Constitution, Article III, Section 3

The Framers made it exceedingly difficult to make accusations of 'treason,' or to prosecute persons perceived to have committed 'treason,' and with good cause; indeed, the thread topic illustrates the wisdom of the Framers.
If we are not going to put overseas, then we can easily reduce the size of the ground forces. More Spec Ops, Ranger battalions, Green Berets, and four or five active divisions with a force reserve of thirteen divisions in the USAR and NG.

Air, sub, nuclear and tech divisions should all be multiplied.

What is the threat?
If we are not going to put overseas, then we can easily reduce the size of the ground forces. More Spec Ops, Ranger battalions, Green Berets, and four or five active divisions with a force reserve of thirteen divisions in the USAR and NG.

Air, sub, nuclear and tech divisions should all be multiplied.

What is the threat?
Defense contractors not getting billions in Americans' tax dollars.
In classic Orwellian fashion, many continue to attempt to propagate the lie that we are 'beset with numerous enemies,' to keep the people afraid and distracted from the fact that their pockets are being picked to fund the production of weapons that provide only the illusion of 'security.'
In classic Orwellian fashion, many continue to attempt to propagate the lie that we are 'beset with numerous enemies,' to keep the people afraid and distracted from the fact that their pockets are being picked to fund the production of weapons that provide only the illusion of 'security.'

That said, our most dangerous enemies are domestic and are busy undermining us on the world stage.

There is nothing in America more Orwellian than the Democratic Party and its intent.
if a citizen honestly believes that American power has been a source of evil in the world and acts to reduce that power in any way he or she can? I think that a large portion of our population considers patriotism to be an evil concept which must be undermined if we are ever going to achieve peaceful coexistence on our planet.

Is this profound ignorance/naivete an acceptable excuse for diminishing America and aiding our opponents?
anyone that thinks America is a source of evil is just misinformed.

but yes, even if you think it's true, it could still be treason.

In the 10,000 of recorded history, there has been world peace for 2% of that time.

getting along isn't in our nature, that's why we have tribes, borders and nations.
Most familiar with the history of humans and human nature realize that said nature prohibits any possibility of global "peaceful coexistence". You would first have to change human nature, and that has not changed in all of human history. Ergo, it is unwise to lower your national defenses or diminish your influence.
Actually the present era is the most peaceful in recorded history.

If we are not going to put overseas, then we can easily reduce the size of the ground forces. More Spec Ops, Ranger battalions, Green Berets, and four or five active divisions with a force reserve of thirteen divisions in the USAR and NG.

Air, sub, nuclear and tech divisions should all be multiplied.

What is the threat?

Now? About half the planet.
Are you serious?

We have a larger military than the next ten nations combined. Eight of those nations are our allies

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