Is Everything A Right And Should The Gov. Pay For It


Gold Member
Oct 17, 2010
I hear all the Democrats telling us health care, education and day care are all Rights that the Government should pay for. Why? Why should the Government pay? Should they pay because it is Right? Gun ownership is a Right that is actually in the Constitution, should the Government pay for everyones firearms too? Why not, it is a Right .
California governor Newsome wants doctors to write proscriptions for never stops with democrats....that's how we get so in debt....
I hear all the Democrats telling us health care, education and day care are all Rights that the Government should pay for. Why? Why should the Government pay? Should they pay because it is Right? Gun ownership is a Right that is actually in the Constitution, should the Government pay for everyones firearms too? Why not, it is a Right .

unlike you, I want America to continue to be the GREATEST COUNTRY!

and I believe that to ensure that we must make excellent education easy for everyone to get!

an extremely educated American populace can maintain its greatness

an ignorant American education will be easily manipulated and destroyed by arseholes.

I don't think education is a RIGHT

I think it is an important necessity.

So...why do you want education to be so hard to get?

do you hate America?
I hear all the Democrats telling us health care, education and day care are all Rights that the Government should pay for. Why? Why should the Government pay? Should they pay because it is Right? Gun ownership is a Right that is actually in the Constitution, should the Government pay for everyones firearms too? Why not, it is a Right .

Then I want one of those sniper rifles. I'd love to make a shot from a mile away. And while they're at it I want the damn ammo too. Simply because the assholes have been driving the prices up right through the roof with their incessant meddling and or regulatory bullshit.
I hear all the Democrats telling us health care, education and day care are all Rights that the Government should pay for. Why? Why should the Government pay? Should they pay because it is Right? Gun ownership is a Right that is actually in the Constitution, should the Government pay for everyones firearms too? Why not, it is a Right .
You can answer that question by taking a good look at the Second Amendment.

I have the right to own a weapon. I do NOT have the right to have that weapon paid for by anyone, including the government.

Rights are something we exercise as individuals. When you come to demand it from others or have it provided by others, it is no longer a right. It is a service or a license.

What can be licensed can be taken away.
Porter Rockwell ,< [this takes you to his most recent posts] (the man is a fount of knowledge, you'd be doing yourself a favor if you read his posts) has, at least 3 times, posted an essay about the 14th amendment and unalienable rights- which, BTW, predate the constitution, where he cites case law that inserted inalienable rights and never mentioned unalienable rights- unalienable rights are inherent (not tangible)- inalienable rights are grants or privilege, therefore are tangible- and can be touted anyway the touter desires- lets look at the Declaration of Independence- "we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable (not inalienable) rights, endowed by his Creator and among these are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- notice the words among these which leaves the impression the following words are basic to being alive-

I think many feel they are entitled to certain things in life, but, to be entitled is to be earned- being alive isn't an entitlement it just is. For instance; Social Security for seniors- we paid into that ponzi scheme our entire life, therefore we "earned" the ROI promised- okay, it never should have been from the get-go, but, it's here and it ain't going away- too much collateral damage-

But, just because I get sick doesn't mean I'm entitled to be healed (though I do pay my Medicare premium) it simply means I have insurance that can be abused (and is often) just like any other insurance. The healers have to get paid as do those who provide the facilities and personnel to help heal- of course the prices are outrageous- the tax code sees to that (every dept has to be a profit center) and the money supply insures they are-
California governor Newsome wants doctors to write proscriptions for never stops with democrats....that's how we get so in debt....

No its because republicans cut tax rates so much it causes debt, so many loopholes and they deregulates everything, so that the rich do not pay taxes.
No its because republicans cut tax rates so much it causes debt, so many loopholes and they deregulates everything, so that the rich do not pay taxes.
Oh bullshit stop it. You make yourself look foolish siding with the duopoly- the rich pay taxes.

Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2018 Update

High-Income Taxpayers Paid Majority of Federal Income Taxes
In 2016, the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers (those with AGI below $40,078) earned 11.6 percent of total AGI. This group of taxpayers paid $43.9 billion in taxes, or roughly 3 percent of all income taxes in 2016.

In contrast, the top 1 percent of all taxpayers (taxpayers with AGI of $480,804 and above), earned 19.7 percent of all AGI in 2016, and paid 37.3 percent of all federal income taxes.

In 2016, the top 1 percent of taxpayers accounted for more income taxes paid than the bottom 90 percent combined. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid roughly $538 billion, or 37.3 percent of all income taxes, while the bottom 90 percent paid about $440 billion, or 30.5 percent of all income taxes.
I hear all the Democrats telling us health care, education and day care are all Rights that the Government should pay for. Why? Why should the Government pay? Should they pay because it is Right? Gun ownership is a Right that is actually in the Constitution, should the Government pay for everyones firearms too? Why not, it is a Right .

unlike you, I want America to continue to be the GREATEST COUNTRY!

and I believe that to ensure that we must make excellent education easy for everyone to get!

an extremely educated American populace can maintain its greatness

an ignorant American education will be easily manipulated and destroyed by arseholes.

I don't think education is a RIGHT

I think it is an important necessity.

So...why do you want education to be so hard to get?

do you hate America?

Education in the U.S. is available in many forms and is easily accessible by all citizens.
As citizens of a modern western country we have should have every expectation that the necessities of life be affordable. As a country that would prefer to be prosperous in the future it behooves us to invest in the education and health of our people. Even conservatives used to understand this and agree. Now it seems they would rather see the country rot than invest in the future.
As citizens of a modern western country we have should have every expectation that the necessities of life be affordable. As a country that would prefer to be prosperous in the future it behooves us to invest in the education and health of our people. Even conservatives used to understand this and agree. Now it seems they would rather see the country rot than invest in the future.
It does no good to pay for an education when there are no jobs waiting graduates. Haw many jobs are available to those with degrees in the liberal arts, feminine, black or queer studies. I would be fine with helping finance those working towards STEM degrees because those degrees are in demand and we have to turn to countries like India to supply workers in those areas. Student loans to any "studies" majors need to stop.
As citizens of a modern western country we have should have every expectation that the necessities of life be affordable. As a country that would prefer to be prosperous in the future it behooves us to invest in the education and health of our people. Even conservatives used to understand this and agree. Now it seems they would rather see the country rot than invest in the future.
It does no good to pay for an education when there are no jobs waiting graduates. Haw many jobs are available to those with degrees in the liberal arts, feminine, black or queer studies. I would be fine with helping finance those working towards STEM degrees because those degrees are in demand and we have to turn to countries like India to supply workers in those areas. Student loans to any "studies" majors need to stop.

So, equipped with just a high school diploma the world is your oyster then?
I hear all the Democrats telling us health care, education and day care are all Rights that the Government should pay for. Why? Why should the Government pay? Should they pay because it is Right? Gun ownership is a Right that is actually in the Constitution, should the Government pay for everyones firearms too? Why not, it is a Right .
If you go with healthcare, housing, food, education, and daycare I'll let you add guns to the pile.

Remember, everybody gets them, not just you.
The poor confused kids think everything should be provided. Simple equal opportunity vs equal outcome issue. Everyone should be free to pursue their best life, not take what the government allows you to have. Those who are disabled and need help, then step in, but for the love of God, quit mandating the government programs on free, productive people.
California governor Newsome wants doctors to write proscriptions for never stops with democrats....that's how we get so in debt....

No its because republicans cut tax rates so much it causes debt, so many loopholes and they deregulates everything, so that the rich do not pay taxes.
When your income gets cut do you keep spending at the same rate?...Washington does.....debt is caused by spending not by cutting taxes...cutting taxes grows the economy....encourages investment and job creation and brings more dollars into the treasury via income and investment tax.....why is that so damn hard for some people to see?....I don't get must not want to see it....
As citizens of a modern western country we have should have every expectation that the necessities of life be affordable. As a country that would prefer to be prosperous in the future it behooves us to invest in the education and health of our people. Even conservatives used to understand this and agree. Now it seems they would rather see the country rot than invest in the future.
It does no good to pay for an education when there are no jobs waiting graduates. Haw many jobs are available to those with degrees in the liberal arts, feminine, black or queer studies. I would be fine with helping finance those working towards STEM degrees because those degrees are in demand and we have to turn to countries like India to supply workers in those areas. Student loans to any "studies" majors need to stop.

So, equipped with just a high school diploma the world is your oyster then?
With a high school education you can enter an apprenticeship. That opens up jobs like welders, plumbers carpenters and other trades that will end with a high paying job. Better than a degree in queer studies. Why should the welder pay for the cost of someone studying for a "studies" degree.
California governor Newsome wants doctors to write proscriptions for never stops with democrats....that's how we get so in debt....

No its because republicans cut tax rates so much it causes debt, so many loopholes and they deregulates everything, so that the rich do not pay taxes.
You know what I don't get Pene?.....the democrat party today wants to tax the wealthy and big business but at the same time they make it harder for them to earn more.....its like getting mad that the well is low but you are the one poking holes in it....Too much regulation strangles your golden goose....higher taxes work against you if ultimately you really want more dollars to go to the seams so simple to me....
As citizens of a modern western country we have should have every expectation that the necessities of life be affordable. As a country that would prefer to be prosperous in the future it behooves us to invest in the education and health of our people. Even conservatives used to understand this and agree. Now it seems they would rather see the country rot than invest in the future.
It does no good to pay for an education when there are no jobs waiting graduates. Haw many jobs are available to those with degrees in the liberal arts, feminine, black or queer studies. I would be fine with helping finance those working towards STEM degrees because those degrees are in demand and we have to turn to countries like India to supply workers in those areas. Student loans to any "studies" majors need to stop.

So, equipped with just a high school diploma the world is your oyster then?
With a high school education you can enter an apprenticeship. That opens up jobs like welders, plumbers carpenters and other trades that will end with a high paying job. Better than a degree in queer studies. Why should the welder pay for the cost of someone studying for a "studies" degree.

Apprenticeship programs cost money and they are in addition to a high school diploma, same as trade schools and yes, colleges and an educated populace is still important even when not everyone needs or want to get a 4 year degree. Apparently all we need is a country full of HVAC technicians and plumbers. Who knew?

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