Is Donald Trump The Peace President?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
His enemies are at war, but he hasn't brought us to any wars since Obama and every other POTUS. We do not give him political cred because the media ignores his accomplishments.

"Donald Trump is the only peace president the United States has had since the end of the Cold War, and his enemies hate him for it. ‘Peace president’ is a relative term, of course, but as yet there is no Trump war comparable to George H.W. Bush’s Persian Gulf War, Bill Clinton’s war against Yugoslavia, George W. Bush’s invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and Barack Obama’s gruesome regime-change bungle in Libya. Instead, the most conspicuous foreign-policy achievement of the Trump administration to date is de-escalation on the Korean Peninsula, along with the stamping out of ISIS. And with ISIS broken, Trump is bringing America’s soldiers home from Syria in victory – a startling contrast to the interminable, slow-motion defeats that are characteristic of most other presidential wars of the last 25 years. Afghanistan, to name one – a war-zone that everyone fully expects the enemy to reconquer the minute US forces leave.

Peace, after all, means two things: either not fighting in the first place or else fighting and winning, so that the conflict ends. Curiously, America’s political establishment, in what purports to be Trump’s party as well as in the party opposed to him, finds peace of either kind unacceptable. So the president’s announcement of a withdrawal of US forces from Syria has been met with predictable outrage from Democratic House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi and from Republican Senators like Cory Gardner and Marco Rubio. The elite pundit class reflects exactly the same range of opinion – or rather, lack of range, with formerly antiwar left-wing commentators joining NeverTrump Republican writers in condemning the president for winding up a military intervention."

Donald Trump is a man of peace – his enemies are a war machine | Spectator USA

Donald Trump - The "President of Peace" -
John Lennon must be rolling in his grave. He can't beotch about this.

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Regressives are incapable of giving President Trump credit for not starting any more stupid indefinite wars. He knows the best way to deal with the Muslims is to isolate them and to leave them in the Middle East. Cut off all immigration from them and let them kill each other.
It's funny but he is very hated all over the world with his cult...and he turned Americans against each other, and got them closer to a civil war. Peace my a$$.
Wrong Issa. Obama divided this country so badly that when Hillary lost, liberals were coming for his scalp on election night.
It's funny but he is very hated all over the world with his cult...and he turned Americans against each other, and got them closer to a civil war. Peace my a$$.
It is not Donald Trump. The real privileged are the ones who accuse others 24 hours a day. One day there will be push back. This is not a threat. This reality. For it will be by the people you keep screwing with or a nasty government that will tolerate nothing from anyone.

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