Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

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Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Is Cultural Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?

[ame=]Thomas Sowell on Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Intellectuals - YouTube[/ame]
First you have to define "cultural diversity" as you are thinking of it here, and then define "strength" and "weakness" as you imagine it applying to the topic.
Cultural Diversity and or multiculturalism are good and bad based on what we are talking about.

You can be Diverse and allow those of different cultures into your country and allow them to live Free, and choose their own path.

That is not necessarily a bad thing. If that what floats your boat then so be it.

On the other hand...............I expect those of a different culture to RESPECT MY CULTURE AS WELL..........

On this issue we need only to look at Muslim Immigration in Europe. Where many leaders are now saying Multiculturism has failed.............They have changed their own Cultures for those Muslims and have allowed them to set up communities in the countries INSTEAD OF INTEGRATING into SOCIETY AS A WHOLE...........

Leading to violence, terrorism and a LACK OF DIVERSITY because the new comers REFUSE to ACCEPT THE CULTURE OF THE HOST COUNTRY............
First you have to define "cultural diversity" as you are thinking of it here, and then define "strength" and "weakness" as you imagine it applying to the topic.

There is nothing wrong with an open ended question. It allows for people to interpret what the subject means for themselves and address it accordingly. I don't need to define anything and it amazes me how you took the time to inform me of what I "have" to do as if I asked for or valued your opinion on how to ask a question. The question is: "Is Diversity a Strength or a Weakness?" I understand the value of narrowing the parameters via definitions and specifics. To begin with, however, I purposely made the question broad as to see where it would lead and how people would apply it. Thanks for the advice, although, there are certainly alternative ways of addressing the issue you raised without immediately making the thread about scope and parameters. Well there you have it. You have my intent, you have my ends, you know that I do not value your advice, you know that I am not going to change the thread, and you know that I wish to comment no further on anything other than the merits of the question as defined by those who post here. Hopefully you will understand that this means the debate on the subject you raised has ended. Of course, something is telling me that would be asking for too much. Prove me right in 10, 9, 8, ..........
If a country is committed to a strong bill of rights that protect minorities and is respected by a majority, then, yes, a cultural diversity is a strength.

We have been undergoing sixty years of adjusting to the concept all folks are equal: all folks.
Cultural Diversity and or multiculturalism are good and bad based on what we are talking about.

You can be Diverse and allow those of different cultures into your country and allow them to live Free, and choose their own path.

That is not necessarily a bad thing. If that what floats your boat then so be it.

On the other hand...............I expect those of a different culture to RESPECT MY CULTURE AS WELL..........

On this issue we need only to look at Muslim Immigration in Europe. Where many leaders are now saying Multiculturism has failed.............They have changed their own Cultures for those Muslims and have allowed them to set up communities in the countries INSTEAD OF INTEGRATING into SOCIETY AS A WHOLE...........

Leading to violence, terrorism and a LACK OF DIVERSITY because the new comers REFUSE to ACCEPT THE CULTURE OF THE HOST COUNTRY............

Should we tailor our immigration policy so that we only allow those cultures who have a proven track record of assimilation and tolerance to become permanent residents in the United States?
Cultural Diversity and or multiculturalism are good and bad based on what we are talking about.

You can be Diverse and allow those of different cultures into your country and allow them to live Free, and choose their own path.

That is not necessarily a bad thing. If that what floats your boat then so be it.

On the other hand...............I expect those of a different culture to RESPECT MY CULTURE AS WELL..........

On this issue we need only to look at Muslim Immigration in Europe. Where many leaders are now saying Multiculturism has failed.............They have changed their own Cultures for those Muslims and have allowed them to set up communities in the countries INSTEAD OF INTEGRATING into SOCIETY AS A WHOLE...........

Leading to violence, terrorism and a LACK OF DIVERSITY because the new comers REFUSE to ACCEPT THE CULTURE OF THE HOST COUNTRY............

Should we tailor our immigration policy so that we only allow those cultures who have a proven track record of assimilation and tolerance to become permanent residents in the United States?

Depends on your definition of assimilation..............

If a Muslim comes here and respects or way of live, while having their own culture I have no problem with it.

But if their Culture requires them to not accept our rules and laws then they can simply go back home or adapt.

Simple example. Burka/Veil.............If they can't show their face, and refuse to do so to get a driver's license then they don't get one as those are the rules. A picture I.d. is required and we have no need of a picture of a Veil...............

While that doesn't disqualify them from living here, it does prevent them from driving legally here....................

Again, define Assimilation.
First you have to define "cultural diversity" as you are thinking of it here, and then define "strength" and "weakness" as you imagine it applying to the topic.

There is nothing wrong with an open ended question. It allows for people to interpret what the subject means for themselves and address it accordingly. .....

Then go ahead and do so yourself. Don't play coy, give your own opinion as you "interpret" it.
Should we tailor our immigration policy so that we only allow those cultures who have a proven track record of assimilation and tolerance to become permanent residents in the United States?

Which cultures are those? And what is your opinion?
If a country is committed to a strong bill of rights that protect minorities and is respected by a majority, then, yes, a cultural diversity is a strength.

We have been undergoing sixty years of adjusting to the concept all folks are equal: all folks.

So cultural diversity is only a strength if we are committed to have a strong bill of rights that protects minorities. In what way should a bill of rights protect minorities? Equality under the law? Quotas? Affirmative Action? Dispirit Impact Analysis/Laws.

And are all cultures really equal? Are there cultures that out perform other cultures? Does not Asians, a minority in the US, make more money and attain the highest education than any other demographic? Can this be attributed to culture? If so, are all cultures equal?

I'm not asking that you actually undergo the burden of answering these questions, however, I am of the firm belief that not all coulters are equal.
First you have to define "cultural diversity" as you are thinking of it here, and then define "strength" and "weakness" as you imagine it applying to the topic.

There is nothing wrong with an open ended question. It allows for people to interpret what the subject means for themselves and address it accordingly. .....

Then go ahead and do so yourself. Don't play coy, give your own opinion as you "interpret" it.

Should we tailor our immigration policy so that we only allow those cultures who have a proven track record of assimilation and tolerance to become permanent residents in the United States?

Which cultures are those? And what is your opinion?

The above posts are purposely ignored.
The strongest diversity is one of individuals...expressed through liberty and responsibility.

The DNA identity political type is divisive groupthink.
The strongest diversity is one of individuals...expressed through liberty and responsibility.

The DNA identity political type is divisive groupthink.

Well, shucks. You certainly skipped ahead. I agree completely.
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I like to cut to the chase.

It's the operational efficiency gene in me.
I like to cut to the chase.

It's the operational efficiency gene in me.

So how should individualists approach the topic of collectivist group think cultures who seem to be consistent in their failures and demand that we tolerate their cultural conservatism at the political demise of our own. I hope I phrased that right.
I like to cut to the chase.

It's the operational efficiency gene in me.

So how should individualists approach the topic of collectivist group think cultures who seem to be consistent in their failures and demand that we tolerate their cultural conservatism at the political demise of our own. I hope I phrased that right.

that we tolerate their cultural conservatism..............................


And you didn't respond to my define your intent of the question............

You are the Weakest Link.

There is nothing wrong with an open ended question. It allows for people to interpret what the subject means for themselves and address it accordingly. .....

Then go ahead and do so yourself. Don't play coy, give your own opinion as you "interpret" it.

Should we tailor our immigration policy so that we only allow those cultures who have a proven track record of assimilation and tolerance to become permanent residents in the United States?

Which cultures are those? And what is your opinion?

The above posts are purposely ignored.

And the purpose is pretty clear.
The strongest diversity is one of individuals...expressed through liberty and responsibility.

The DNA identity political type is divisive groupthink.

Culture is not always genetically based though, so this is not addressing the term multiculturalism but moreso diversity via race.

Cultural diversity will always be a positive thing until a culture is ready to step forth under scrutiny and declare that theyre perfect.
I like to cut to the chase.

It's the operational efficiency gene in me.

So how should individualists approach the topic of collectivist group think cultures who seem to be consistent in their failures and demand that we tolerate their cultural conservatism at the political demise of our own. I hope I phrased that right.

that we tolerate their cultural conservatism..............................


And you didn't respond to my define your intent of the question............

You are the Weakest Link.


Oh, look. He's yawning. An implication that he wants me to know his personal actions beyond the thoughts displayed on the forum screen. Not unlike those who type "lol," "lmao," "roflmao," or add giggling or laughing similes. The funny thing is that no one who types such things are actually engaging in the actions they portray. So why type them?

Have you ever seen someone in real life portray a fake laugh or purposely yawn during a debate or discussion? They are indeed self comforting gestures. The point of it all is to display to those of opposing opinion that he is not impressed with the subject matter. However, if that were the case then it would be easy to use words to dismantle the arguments of another. So why then childishly yawn or laugh? To portray self confidence where there is none of course.

The post that hangs above the words you read here are a perfect example of making up for a lack of self confidence in ones own argument. Portray a fake yawn, criticize without explanation, and engage in a personal attack. 1, 2, 3. Confident people don't do such things.
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