Is Bill O'Reiley a left-wing sleeper agent?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
'You Are Lying,' 'Your Book Does the Work of the American Left,' Will, O'Reilly Spar Over 'Killing Reagan' - Breitbart

"‘You Are Lying,’ ‘Your Book Does the Work of the American Left,’ Will, O’Reilly Spar Over ‘Killing Reagan’

Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly and syndicated columnist and Fox News Contributor George Will engaged in a tense exchange over O’Reilly’s book “Killing Reagan” on Friday.

O’Reilly began by saying Will’s column accusing him of slandering Reagan was libel. O’Reilly then asked Will why he didn’t call him before running the column, as Michael Clemente told O’Reilly that Will told him. Will denied he ever made the promise, and said O’Reilly could have called him if he wanted to. Will added, “I’m saying either you’ve got it wrong, it would not be the first time you got something wrong, or it was a misunderstanding –.”"

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O'Reilly is O'Reilly. I can't think of another national figure who displays the same curious combination of narcissistic arrogance and blank naivete.

Although I must say, an O'Reilly interview with Trump would be fascinating to watch. With a good single malt scotch.
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