Iran Attacking Israel From Syria - Why Are Liberals Defending Iran & Bashing the POTUS / Americans?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Iran is already attacking Israel… from Syria


This is who we (Barry) made a deal with

"One of the major concerns the west has had with Iran and their pursuit of increasingly dangerous weapons is their longstanding hatred of the state of Israel, leading to fears that they might launch an attack on them given the chance. This confrontational attitude (and a stated desire to “drive Israel into the sea”) has colored most of the relationship between Iran and the United States. If anyone doubted the sincerity of Iran’s leadership in this goal you can stop wondering. Last night Iranian forces in Syria opened fire on Israel with a salvo of rockets"

Iran's reach extends throughout the Middle East and is a threat to every nation. Their agents / forces are n nearly every country, and they are exerting force and influence on those nations. Nations who work with the US also deal with Iran, because at the end of the day they know the US is from another neighborhood - when they go home, Iran is still there to deal with. These countries know Iran will not be easily swayed to abandon their course / goals...

While Barak Obama's team remained at the negotiating table after everyone walked away the Iranians were MOCKING him and the United States.
- One Iranian General publicly stated during negotiations that Obama wanted this deal so badly that he would agree to about anything.

- While Obama's team refused to walk away the Iranian military was practicing bombing runs on mock US aircraft carriers.

- While Obama's team continued negotiating the Ayatollah led the Iranian people in chants of 'Death To America'.

- While Obama refused to walk away Iran was already violating the TEMPORARY rules / restrictions set in place for the period during which the final deal was being negotiated. Iran was already showing they had no intention of obeying / following anything agreed to in the deal.

- While Obama negotiated for 'peace' Iran's hatred for Israel and desire for war / the death of those who stand in their way grew. Only days after the President announced the United States would no longer adhere to the terms of the un-Constitutional 'deal' former President Obama had negotiated on behalf of the United States (with no authority to do so), Iran attacked Israel, an 'ally', from Syria.

,,,and this is who Obama made a deal with...this is for whom he violated the Constitution, by-passed Congress, and for whom he took his deal and fled to the U.N. to have it ratified by the world before allowing our government to see it and vote on it....because he knew Congress would not agree to it.

"Iranian forces based in Syria fired approximately 20 rockets toward Israeli positions in the Golan Heights, the Israeli military said late Wednesday.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its Iron Dome missile defense system had intercepted “some” of the incoming rockets. No injuries were reported."

Such a peace-loving people who just want to get along with its neighbors.....


The United States made the same mistakes in regards to North Korea as it was making with Obama's 'Iran Deal'. Our politicians agreed to deals with dictators / terrorists so that they might talk themselves into believing it and therefore sleep good at night...while North Korea continued its work to obtain nuclear weapons. We shut our eyes as North Korea began acquiring ballistic missile technology - just as Iran has begun doing, refusing to ask ourselves 'WHY would they need ballistic missiles if they did not have / did not intend to have nukes?' They really didn't want to know the answer to that. And in a few years when Iran conducts nuclear bomb testing or rolls out a nuke these same Obama deal negotiators would have been 'completely shocked to have been duped' we were when North Korea showed it had nuclear weapons.

Of course, I personally believe long before Iran lets the world know that it has nuclear weapons the world - probably Israel - will FEEL / EXPERIENCE the initial results of Iran's nuclear program ... when a 'Dirty Bomb' gets detonated. Afterwards Iran will claim it had nothing to do with it - 'plausible deniability' despite their being the leading exporter / source of terrorism in the world, none where so concentrated than in the Middle East.

But in the last few days the Liberals have been bashing the President of the United States, a man with enough integrity and intelligence to decide and declare the United States will not be bound / handcuffed to a bad deal Un-Constitutionally / illegally negotiated on behalf of the United States by a man who thought he WAS the United States while sitting in the Oval office.

Iran is already attacking Israel... from Syria
Darn, if only Israel has not been attacking them, I guess they have to defend themselves.
I don't know of a single liberal who does this.

The authoritarian leftists who do this, however, do it because they don't have a single liberal bone in their body. All they know is that they are unfulfilled in life, have nothing going for them, and so blame their entire culture for the fact they are a worthless p.o.s. They side with the Mullahs because they see the enemy of their enemy as their friend, and since they are anti-American, they become pro-Iranian.
Iran is already attacking Israel… from Syria


This is who we (Barry) made a deal with

"One of the major concerns the west has had with Iran and their pursuit of increasingly dangerous weapons is their longstanding hatred of the state of Israel, leading to fears that they might launch an attack on them given the chance. This confrontational attitude (and a stated desire to “drive Israel into the sea”) has colored most of the relationship between Iran and the United States. If anyone doubted the sincerity of Iran’s leadership in this goal you can stop wondering. Last night Iranian forces in Syria opened fire on Israel with a salvo of rockets"

Iran's reach extends throughout the Middle East and is a threat to every nation. Their agents / forces are n nearly every country, and they are exerting force and influence on those nations. Nations who work with the US also deal with Iran, because at the end of the day they know the US is from another neighborhood - when they go home, Iran is still there to deal with. These countries know Iran will not be easily swayed to abandon their course / goals...

While Barak Obama's team remained at the negotiating table after everyone walked away the Iranians were MOCKING him and the United States.
- One Iranian General publicly stated during negotiations that Obama wanted this deal so badly that he would agree to about anything.

- While Obama's team refused to walk away the Iranian military was practicing bombing runs on mock US aircraft carriers.

- While Obama's team continued negotiating the Ayatollah led the Iranian people in chants of 'Death To America'.

- While Obama refused to walk away Iran was already violating the TEMPORARY rules / restrictions set in place for the period during which the final deal was being negotiated. Iran was already showing they had no intention of obeying / following anything agreed to in the deal.

- While Obama negotiated for 'peace' Iran's hatred for Israel and desire for war / the death of those who stand in their way grew. Only days after the President announced the United States would no longer adhere to the terms of the un-Constitutional 'deal' former President Obama had negotiated on behalf of the United States (with no authority to do so), Iran attacked Israel, an 'ally', from Syria.

,,,and this is who Obama made a deal with...this is for whom he violated the Constitution, by-passed Congress, and for whom he took his deal and fled to the U.N. to have it ratified by the world before allowing our government to see it and vote on it....because he knew Congress would not agree to it.

"Iranian forces based in Syria fired approximately 20 rockets toward Israeli positions in the Golan Heights, the Israeli military said late Wednesday.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its Iron Dome missile defense system had intercepted “some” of the incoming rockets. No injuries were reported."

Such a peace-loving people who just want to get along with its neighbors.....


The United States made the same mistakes in regards to North Korea as it was making with Obama's 'Iran Deal'. Our politicians agreed to deals with dictators / terrorists so that they might talk themselves into believing it and therefore sleep good at night...while North Korea continued its work to obtain nuclear weapons. We shut our eyes as North Korea began acquiring ballistic missile technology - just as Iran has begun doing, refusing to ask ourselves 'WHY would they need ballistic missiles if they did not have / did not intend to have nukes?' They really didn't want to know the answer to that. And in a few years when Iran conducts nuclear bomb testing or rolls out a nuke these same Obama deal negotiators would have been 'completely shocked to have been duped' we were when North Korea showed it had nuclear weapons.

Of course, I personally believe long before Iran lets the world know that it has nuclear weapons the world - probably Israel - will FEEL / EXPERIENCE the initial results of Iran's nuclear program ... when a 'Dirty Bomb' gets detonated. Afterwards Iran will claim it had nothing to do with it - 'plausible deniability' despite their being the leading exporter / source of terrorism in the world, none where so concentrated than in the Middle East.

But in the last few days the Liberals have been bashing the President of the United States, a man with enough integrity and intelligence to decide and declare the United States will not be bound / handcuffed to a bad deal Un-Constitutionally / illegally negotiated on behalf of the United States by a man who thought he WAS the United States while sitting in the Oval office.

Iran is already attacking Israel... from Syria
The left always side with Islamofascism over America. Always. No generality, always.

They have a major agenda that unites them - the hatred and destruction of Western Civilization.
Israel kicked Iran's ass so you gotta ask yourself why the hell Barry Hussein and our allies were (are) so afraid of Iran. Why did we cave into a multi billion dollar extortion scheme when we should have taken the leadership in the so-called treaty? You have to wonder what the hell democrats are thinking when Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country and Saddam paid off billions in extortion to a rogue regime for the promise of not developing nuclear weapons (for the next ten years). Why didn't we merely threaten Iran with the same conventional bombing that Clinton used on Yugoslavia? Nothing makes sense in the convoluted angry world of democrat politics.
Iran is already attacking Israel… from Syria


This is who we (Barry) made a deal with

"One of the major concerns the west has had with Iran and their pursuit of increasingly dangerous weapons is their longstanding hatred of the state of Israel, leading to fears that they might launch an attack on them given the chance. This confrontational attitude (and a stated desire to “drive Israel into the sea”) has colored most of the relationship between Iran and the United States. If anyone doubted the sincerity of Iran’s leadership in this goal you can stop wondering. Last night Iranian forces in Syria opened fire on Israel with a salvo of rockets"

Iran's reach extends throughout the Middle East and is a threat to every nation. Their agents / forces are n nearly every country, and they are exerting force and influence on those nations. Nations who work with the US also deal with Iran, because at the end of the day they know the US is from another neighborhood - when they go home, Iran is still there to deal with. These countries know Iran will not be easily swayed to abandon their course / goals...

While Barak Obama's team remained at the negotiating table after everyone walked away the Iranians were MOCKING him and the United States.
- One Iranian General publicly stated during negotiations that Obama wanted this deal so badly that he would agree to about anything.

- While Obama's team refused to walk away the Iranian military was practicing bombing runs on mock US aircraft carriers.

- While Obama's team continued negotiating the Ayatollah led the Iranian people in chants of 'Death To America'.

- While Obama refused to walk away Iran was already violating the TEMPORARY rules / restrictions set in place for the period during which the final deal was being negotiated. Iran was already showing they had no intention of obeying / following anything agreed to in the deal.

- While Obama negotiated for 'peace' Iran's hatred for Israel and desire for war / the death of those who stand in their way grew. Only days after the President announced the United States would no longer adhere to the terms of the un-Constitutional 'deal' former President Obama had negotiated on behalf of the United States (with no authority to do so), Iran attacked Israel, an 'ally', from Syria.

,,,and this is who Obama made a deal with...this is for whom he violated the Constitution, by-passed Congress, and for whom he took his deal and fled to the U.N. to have it ratified by the world before allowing our government to see it and vote on it....because he knew Congress would not agree to it.

"Iranian forces based in Syria fired approximately 20 rockets toward Israeli positions in the Golan Heights, the Israeli military said late Wednesday.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its Iron Dome missile defense system had intercepted “some” of the incoming rockets. No injuries were reported."

Such a peace-loving people who just want to get along with its neighbors.....


The United States made the same mistakes in regards to North Korea as it was making with Obama's 'Iran Deal'. Our politicians agreed to deals with dictators / terrorists so that they might talk themselves into believing it and therefore sleep good at night...while North Korea continued its work to obtain nuclear weapons. We shut our eyes as North Korea began acquiring ballistic missile technology - just as Iran has begun doing, refusing to ask ourselves 'WHY would they need ballistic missiles if they did not have / did not intend to have nukes?' They really didn't want to know the answer to that. And in a few years when Iran conducts nuclear bomb testing or rolls out a nuke these same Obama deal negotiators would have been 'completely shocked to have been duped' we were when North Korea showed it had nuclear weapons.

Of course, I personally believe long before Iran lets the world know that it has nuclear weapons the world - probably Israel - will FEEL / EXPERIENCE the initial results of Iran's nuclear program ... when a 'Dirty Bomb' gets detonated. Afterwards Iran will claim it had nothing to do with it - 'plausible deniability' despite their being the leading exporter / source of terrorism in the world, none where so concentrated than in the Middle East.

But in the last few days the Liberals have been bashing the President of the United States, a man with enough integrity and intelligence to decide and declare the United States will not be bound / handcuffed to a bad deal Un-Constitutionally / illegally negotiated on behalf of the United States by a man who thought he WAS the United States while sitting in the Oval office.

Iran is already attacking Israel... from Syria
The left always side with Islamofascism over America. Always. No generality, always.

They have a major agenda that unites them - the hatred and destruction of Western Civilization.

And their hatred of Jews.
What the hell is it Israel's business that Iranians are in Syria. its none of their business.

Years ago Israel warned that if they returned Gaza to the Palestinians it would not be long before the Palestinians would be firing rockets at them and attacking them from within Gaza. MANNY people said they were crazy and just making excuses not to give Gaza back. years later now, the Palestinians use Gaza to attack Israel.

What is Israel's deal with Iran being in Syria? Did you miss the part where Israel had just RETALIATED, that they launched air strikes against Iranians in Syria who had INITIATED the hostility by launching attacks into Israel FROM SYRIA?

I guess when Iran 'invades' / uses another country like Syria to launch attacks against Israel, Israel finds that to be a serious problem. I guess it would be like Russia going into Mexico and lobbing missiles into Texas from Mexico. I am pretty sure the United States would take great offense to that.
I don't know of a single liberal who does this.

The authoritarian leftists who do this, however, do it because they don't have a single liberal bone in their body. All they know is that they are unfulfilled in life, have nothing going for them, and so blame their entire culture for the fact they are a worthless p.o.s. They side with the Mullahs because they see the enemy of their enemy as their friend, and since they are anti-American, they become pro-Iranian.
yep. both sides keep inventing an extreme person who may in fact do the stupid things that spawned the commentary - the problem is we now take that "stereotype" and put it on an entire side of people who simply do not reflect that stereotype.

kinda odd to me.
Iran is already attacking Israel… from Syria


This is who we (Barry) made a deal with

"One of the major concerns the west has had with Iran and their pursuit of increasingly dangerous weapons is their longstanding hatred of the state of Israel, leading to fears that they might launch an attack on them given the chance. This confrontational attitude (and a stated desire to “drive Israel into the sea”) has colored most of the relationship between Iran and the United States. If anyone doubted the sincerity of Iran’s leadership in this goal you can stop wondering. Last night Iranian forces in Syria opened fire on Israel with a salvo of rockets"

Iran's reach extends throughout the Middle East and is a threat to every nation. Their agents / forces are n nearly every country, and they are exerting force and influence on those nations. Nations who work with the US also deal with Iran, because at the end of the day they know the US is from another neighborhood - when they go home, Iran is still there to deal with. These countries know Iran will not be easily swayed to abandon their course / goals...

While Barak Obama's team remained at the negotiating table after everyone walked away the Iranians were MOCKING him and the United States.
- One Iranian General publicly stated during negotiations that Obama wanted this deal so badly that he would agree to about anything.

- While Obama's team refused to walk away the Iranian military was practicing bombing runs on mock US aircraft carriers.

- While Obama's team continued negotiating the Ayatollah led the Iranian people in chants of 'Death To America'.

- While Obama refused to walk away Iran was already violating the TEMPORARY rules / restrictions set in place for the period during which the final deal was being negotiated. Iran was already showing they had no intention of obeying / following anything agreed to in the deal.

- While Obama negotiated for 'peace' Iran's hatred for Israel and desire for war / the death of those who stand in their way grew. Only days after the President announced the United States would no longer adhere to the terms of the un-Constitutional 'deal' former President Obama had negotiated on behalf of the United States (with no authority to do so), Iran attacked Israel, an 'ally', from Syria.

,,,and this is who Obama made a deal with...this is for whom he violated the Constitution, by-passed Congress, and for whom he took his deal and fled to the U.N. to have it ratified by the world before allowing our government to see it and vote on it....because he knew Congress would not agree to it.

"Iranian forces based in Syria fired approximately 20 rockets toward Israeli positions in the Golan Heights, the Israeli military said late Wednesday.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its Iron Dome missile defense system had intercepted “some” of the incoming rockets. No injuries were reported."

Such a peace-loving people who just want to get along with its neighbors.....


The United States made the same mistakes in regards to North Korea as it was making with Obama's 'Iran Deal'. Our politicians agreed to deals with dictators / terrorists so that they might talk themselves into believing it and therefore sleep good at night...while North Korea continued its work to obtain nuclear weapons. We shut our eyes as North Korea began acquiring ballistic missile technology - just as Iran has begun doing, refusing to ask ourselves 'WHY would they need ballistic missiles if they did not have / did not intend to have nukes?' They really didn't want to know the answer to that. And in a few years when Iran conducts nuclear bomb testing or rolls out a nuke these same Obama deal negotiators would have been 'completely shocked to have been duped' we were when North Korea showed it had nuclear weapons.

Of course, I personally believe long before Iran lets the world know that it has nuclear weapons the world - probably Israel - will FEEL / EXPERIENCE the initial results of Iran's nuclear program ... when a 'Dirty Bomb' gets detonated. Afterwards Iran will claim it had nothing to do with it - 'plausible deniability' despite their being the leading exporter / source of terrorism in the world, none where so concentrated than in the Middle East.

But in the last few days the Liberals have been bashing the President of the United States, a man with enough integrity and intelligence to decide and declare the United States will not be bound / handcuffed to a bad deal Un-Constitutionally / illegally negotiated on behalf of the United States by a man who thought he WAS the United States while sitting in the Oval office.

Iran is already attacking Israel... from Syria
Because these libs are nothing but America hating scum, that's why. They sided with N. Korea and now the terrorist state of Iran. You know, the ones who routinely chant "death to America".
Iran is already attacking Israel… from Syria


This is who we (Barry) made a deal with

"One of the major concerns the west has had with Iran and their pursuit of increasingly dangerous weapons is their longstanding hatred of the state of Israel, leading to fears that they might launch an attack on them given the chance. This confrontational attitude (and a stated desire to “drive Israel into the sea”) has colored most of the relationship between Iran and the United States. If anyone doubted the sincerity of Iran’s leadership in this goal you can stop wondering. Last night Iranian forces in Syria opened fire on Israel with a salvo of rockets"

Iran's reach extends throughout the Middle East and is a threat to every nation. Their agents / forces are n nearly every country, and they are exerting force and influence on those nations. Nations who work with the US also deal with Iran, because at the end of the day they know the US is from another neighborhood - when they go home, Iran is still there to deal with. These countries know Iran will not be easily swayed to abandon their course / goals...

While Barak Obama's team remained at the negotiating table after everyone walked away the Iranians were MOCKING him and the United States.
- One Iranian General publicly stated during negotiations that Obama wanted this deal so badly that he would agree to about anything.

- While Obama's team refused to walk away the Iranian military was practicing bombing runs on mock US aircraft carriers.

- While Obama's team continued negotiating the Ayatollah led the Iranian people in chants of 'Death To America'.

- While Obama refused to walk away Iran was already violating the TEMPORARY rules / restrictions set in place for the period during which the final deal was being negotiated. Iran was already showing they had no intention of obeying / following anything agreed to in the deal.

- While Obama negotiated for 'peace' Iran's hatred for Israel and desire for war / the death of those who stand in their way grew. Only days after the President announced the United States would no longer adhere to the terms of the un-Constitutional 'deal' former President Obama had negotiated on behalf of the United States (with no authority to do so), Iran attacked Israel, an 'ally', from Syria.

,,,and this is who Obama made a deal with...this is for whom he violated the Constitution, by-passed Congress, and for whom he took his deal and fled to the U.N. to have it ratified by the world before allowing our government to see it and vote on it....because he knew Congress would not agree to it.

"Iranian forces based in Syria fired approximately 20 rockets toward Israeli positions in the Golan Heights, the Israeli military said late Wednesday.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its Iron Dome missile defense system had intercepted “some” of the incoming rockets. No injuries were reported."

Such a peace-loving people who just want to get along with its neighbors.....


The United States made the same mistakes in regards to North Korea as it was making with Obama's 'Iran Deal'. Our politicians agreed to deals with dictators / terrorists so that they might talk themselves into believing it and therefore sleep good at night...while North Korea continued its work to obtain nuclear weapons. We shut our eyes as North Korea began acquiring ballistic missile technology - just as Iran has begun doing, refusing to ask ourselves 'WHY would they need ballistic missiles if they did not have / did not intend to have nukes?' They really didn't want to know the answer to that. And in a few years when Iran conducts nuclear bomb testing or rolls out a nuke these same Obama deal negotiators would have been 'completely shocked to have been duped' we were when North Korea showed it had nuclear weapons.

Of course, I personally believe long before Iran lets the world know that it has nuclear weapons the world - probably Israel - will FEEL / EXPERIENCE the initial results of Iran's nuclear program ... when a 'Dirty Bomb' gets detonated. Afterwards Iran will claim it had nothing to do with it - 'plausible deniability' despite their being the leading exporter / source of terrorism in the world, none where so concentrated than in the Middle East.

But in the last few days the Liberals have been bashing the President of the United States, a man with enough integrity and intelligence to decide and declare the United States will not be bound / handcuffed to a bad deal Un-Constitutionally / illegally negotiated on behalf of the United States by a man who thought he WAS the United States while sitting in the Oval office.

Iran is already attacking Israel... from Syria
The left always side with Islamofascism over America. Always. No generality, always.

They have a major agenda that unites them - the hatred and destruction of Western Civilization.

"They have a major agenda that unites them - the hatred and destruction of Western Civilization."

I came to this conclusion some time ago, it's to me the only logical reason why the Leftists have their bizarro Love In with Islam, considering the huge contradictions of how can they like Islam and also be pro-LGBTQ when Islam advocates the death penalty for being gay, how can they like Islam and also be pro-Women's Rights when Islam treats women like slaves and just basic objects, so what do Leftism and Islamism agree on, they have a mutual hatred of Western values and of Western Civilisation therefore itself, the Left dreams of reducing Western nations to Third World Shit Holes via unlimited mass immigration from Third World Shit Holes predominately African Muslim and Middle East Muslim, this taken to it's conclusion will collapse the West as the West will become part of the Third World and with that will experience all of the trouble, savagery and Civil Wars that have been completely normal in Third World Shit Holes for many decades.
Darn, if only Israel has not been attacking them, I guess they have to defend themselves.
So it will be OK when Syria blows up the Empire State building, because we attacked them.

You leftards and your hatred of Western Civilization is amazing.

It is very unlikely that Syria is going to be able to blow up the Empire State Building.
You're right, leftists tools here will do it.

Probably more likely yes that some Far Leftist Commie Antifa Group will do that, um have they announced yet that the Empire State Building should be demolished because it symbolises Historical Racism and the Repression of Blacks or whatever? :rolleyes-41:
Iran is already attacking Israel… from Syria


This is who we (Barry) made a deal with

"One of the major concerns the west has had with Iran and their pursuit of increasingly dangerous weapons is their longstanding hatred of the state of Israel, leading to fears that they might launch an attack on them given the chance. This confrontational attitude (and a stated desire to “drive Israel into the sea”) has colored most of the relationship between Iran and the United States. If anyone doubted the sincerity of Iran’s leadership in this goal you can stop wondering. Last night Iranian forces in Syria opened fire on Israel with a salvo of rockets"

Iran's reach extends throughout the Middle East and is a threat to every nation. Their agents / forces are n nearly every country, and they are exerting force and influence on those nations. Nations who work with the US also deal with Iran, because at the end of the day they know the US is from another neighborhood - when they go home, Iran is still there to deal with. These countries know Iran will not be easily swayed to abandon their course / goals...

While Barak Obama's team remained at the negotiating table after everyone walked away the Iranians were MOCKING him and the United States.
- One Iranian General publicly stated during negotiations that Obama wanted this deal so badly that he would agree to about anything.

- While Obama's team refused to walk away the Iranian military was practicing bombing runs on mock US aircraft carriers.

- While Obama's team continued negotiating the Ayatollah led the Iranian people in chants of 'Death To America'.

- While Obama refused to walk away Iran was already violating the TEMPORARY rules / restrictions set in place for the period during which the final deal was being negotiated. Iran was already showing they had no intention of obeying / following anything agreed to in the deal.

- While Obama negotiated for 'peace' Iran's hatred for Israel and desire for war / the death of those who stand in their way grew. Only days after the President announced the United States would no longer adhere to the terms of the un-Constitutional 'deal' former President Obama had negotiated on behalf of the United States (with no authority to do so), Iran attacked Israel, an 'ally', from Syria.

,,,and this is who Obama made a deal with...this is for whom he violated the Constitution, by-passed Congress, and for whom he took his deal and fled to the U.N. to have it ratified by the world before allowing our government to see it and vote on it....because he knew Congress would not agree to it.

"Iranian forces based in Syria fired approximately 20 rockets toward Israeli positions in the Golan Heights, the Israeli military said late Wednesday.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its Iron Dome missile defense system had intercepted “some” of the incoming rockets. No injuries were reported."

Such a peace-loving people who just want to get along with its neighbors.....


The United States made the same mistakes in regards to North Korea as it was making with Obama's 'Iran Deal'. Our politicians agreed to deals with dictators / terrorists so that they might talk themselves into believing it and therefore sleep good at night...while North Korea continued its work to obtain nuclear weapons. We shut our eyes as North Korea began acquiring ballistic missile technology - just as Iran has begun doing, refusing to ask ourselves 'WHY would they need ballistic missiles if they did not have / did not intend to have nukes?' They really didn't want to know the answer to that. And in a few years when Iran conducts nuclear bomb testing or rolls out a nuke these same Obama deal negotiators would have been 'completely shocked to have been duped' we were when North Korea showed it had nuclear weapons.

Of course, I personally believe long before Iran lets the world know that it has nuclear weapons the world - probably Israel - will FEEL / EXPERIENCE the initial results of Iran's nuclear program ... when a 'Dirty Bomb' gets detonated. Afterwards Iran will claim it had nothing to do with it - 'plausible deniability' despite their being the leading exporter / source of terrorism in the world, none where so concentrated than in the Middle East.

But in the last few days the Liberals have been bashing the President of the United States, a man with enough integrity and intelligence to decide and declare the United States will not be bound / handcuffed to a bad deal Un-Constitutionally / illegally negotiated on behalf of the United States by a man who thought he WAS the United States while sitting in the Oval office.

Iran is already attacking Israel... from Syria

You know who kept Iran from having land access to Syria? Saddam Hussein, that's who. The mistake of the Iraq War has led to Iran filling in the power vacuum. Way to go, conservative war monkeys.
As an objective viewer, is it permitted to ask what verification there is that Iran is the one attacking Israel? Is there some uninterested party confirming the news?
I read CNN's account.
The first half of the story repeats Syrian's side of the story and says Isreal's missles were mostly taken down.
Which we all know is laughably inaccurate.
It isn't until you go well into the article do they start telling the accurate well as the opening statement hints that it is related to Trump and the Iran deal.


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