Investigation Of Clinton Advisor Linked To Epstein Found Hanging W/Shotgun Blast To Chest Re-Opened


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Should we add this Clinton-comnectrd death to the Clinton Death List...

...or are we buying the story this advisor was able to shoot himself in the chest with a shotgun after hanging himself?

Mark Middleton was another Clinton advisor who connected Bill Clinton to Epstein.

Seems like the Clintons are trying to eliminate all ties to Epstein...

"The bizarre suicide death of Bill Clinton’s former advisor linked to billionaire perv Jeffrey Epstein is now an “OPEN” investigation..."

Yup, while the coroner refuses to release his report, the fake news, Clinton ass-covering media, who thinks you're all stupid, want you to believe either that Middleton shot himself in the chest with a shotgun then hung himself...

...OR he hung himself, held onto the shotgun, and then shot himself.

In the county, I grew up in the corner used to call lynchings and other racial and political deaths suicides. Two union organizers get arrested and somehow broke jail went into the downtown park and committed double suicide by hanging.
So maybe they have the same coroner up there. ;)
Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart, Monica Peterson, Epstein, to name a few. Now this guy. --- In the song “The way we were” Barbra could have just as well been singing to the deniers on the left who “LOL” whenever the word ‘conspiracy’ appears. ------ ♪ “That which is too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget…”
Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart, Monica Peterson, Epstein, to name a few. Now this guy. --- In the song “The way we were” Barbra could have just as well been singing to the deniers on the left who “LOL” whenever the word ‘conspiracy’ appears. ------ ♪ “That which is too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget…”
Did you know that the Apollo landings were fimed on a back lot at Universal?

Yep, sure were!
Well ya know;..........if he was holding the shotgun to his chest while hanging himself....the nerves involuntary spasms during 'death throws' COULD have pulled the trigger....

OR the blast of the shotgun knocked him of the chair with the rope around his neck, thereby hanging him.

Crazy world, anything is possible..........but is it probable??? NOPE
Should we add this Clinton-comnectrd death to the Clinton Death List...

...or are we buying the story this advisor was able to shoot himself in the chest with a shotgun after hanging himself?

Mark Middleton was another Clinton advisor who connected Bill Clinton to Epstein.

Seems like the Clintons are trying to eliminate all ties to Epstein...

Only "loose end" here is the death was MAY 7, 2022. In various sources, they say cause of death unknown or ONE report from an Arkansas paper said it was suicide. But no coroner report was ever public.

So where is this legend of "hanging in tree with a shotgun blast to the chest" come from? Seems like all roads lead to "Wayne Dupree" shock jock conspiracy legend in his own mind.

Coroner never RELEASED a report. Of course it's LESS THAN A MONTH later but --

And the sub-source for Gateway Pundit just regurgitates the crap about suicide by hanging and a shotgun wound without a primary source.

I'm kinda skeptical. Sheriff reply to Radar Online (another not so stellar source) was that "what was once an open/shut case is now active and re-opened. WHAT? With no public coroner report it was SHUT? And Radar Online HAD no pictures of the crime scene. I don't anybody does.

So I'm dubious until I KNOW the "source" of this legend. GOTTA be. I can't 90% of the "news" media and I certainly dont see any "investigative reporting" here. All tabloid.
Well ya know;..........if he was holding the shotgun to his chest while hanging himself....the nerves involuntary spasms during 'death throws' COULD have pulled the trigger....

OR the blast of the shotgun knocked him of the chair with the rope around his neck, thereby hanging him.

Crazy world, anything is possible..........but is it probable??? NOPE
Depending how long the shotgun was he would have had to pull the trigger with his toes...unless he had unnaturally long arms...

I am guessing since the coroner refuses to release the report neither of these ridiculous 'what if's are the case.
Depending how long the shotgun was he would have had to pull the trigger with his toes...unless he had unnaturally long arms...

I am guessing since the coroner refuses to release the report neither of these ridiculous 'what if's are the case.

Yes dear......I was being sarcastic
Sorry bout that,

1. What if one was to speculate that the Clintons have more dead bodies piling up than any known leader as to date, Putin, China President, Arabs, the list could be as long as your arm.
2. And Our Clintons top that list.
3. How would that make you feel about America, if it could be proven?
4. The seriousness of the charge is monumental in criminality.
5. There are dead bodies strewn over 45 years that have links to the Clintons.
6. History will not be kind to the Clintons.
7. The Clintons, will be blamed for the, *Third Worldization*, of America, historically.
8. The idiot, and the Obama will also be thought to have added to the American Nightmare we are living in.

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No, Another guy that nobody has ever heard of has been elevated to try to smear the Clintons.
Sorry bout that,

1. My rise of telling the truth is over 20 years on the internet, if I were to smear the Clintons, I would do it in one post, and the smear would be only fact based.
2. As it is now.
3. I don't take pride in pointing out how awful the Clintons are, they once set in the White House.
4. Led this once Great Nation.
5. Number 45 tried to pull this Nation from the brink and did as good as can be expected.
6. It was a countless onslaught he had to perform in, and he did quite well, I would say.
7. Now he had the election stolen, and we rightly so will fail, and be totally destroyed as a Nation.
8. There is no remedy for what has happened.
9. The Supreme Court added their blessing to the steal.
10. It will crash in on itself, I pity it not.

Should we add this Clinton-comnectrd death to the Clinton Death List...

...or are we buying the story this advisor was able to shoot himself in the chest with a shotgun after hanging himself?

Mark Middleton was another Clinton advisor who connected Bill Clinton to Epstein.

Seems like the Clintons are trying to eliminate all ties to Epstein...

What, you mean it wasn't a suicide?

:auiqs.jpg: :saythat:

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