Investigation Of Clinton Advisor Linked To Epstein Found Hanging W/Shotgun Blast To Chest Re-Opened

Sorry bout that,

1. Weird how Clinton friends are dying off under strange circumstances.
2. All the people that know him, are beginning to wonder; if they are next.
3. Makes one wonder.
4. One way to stop another book being written, about what the Clintons do, is for those who may write the book to die.
5. Whats Clintons worth in dollars?
6. The super wealthy feel they can buy anything.
7. Gates plans to buy your death.
8. WHO, leader now, he is getting ready to strike like an adder.

Whatever you say...

Hell NO.

A sbotgun blast to the chest AFTER he reportedly hung himself...

Only snowflakes and reality-denying libtards could claim so.
I didn't have a problem with the same FBI that declared Seth Rich's Murder a Robbery also declaring that Vince Foster suicided himself with three bullets to the back of his head.

You know, the same FBI that filed false affidavits in FISA and knowingly engaged in a fake investigation over fake Russian Collusion that they knew was fake.

The same FBI that lied to us about Hunter Biden's laptop.

Yah, those outstanding AmeriCons.

Makes three dead now. Epstein and two witnesses against Epstein.

How convenient for all of them to die of natural causes like being strangled to death while on Suicide watch and the cameras turned off, or a shotgun blast to the chest after you hang yourself.

Next Fauci will tell us that some Fauci bat flu created and controlled by Fauci is going to attack The Trump Administration two full years before the Fauci Flu attacked The Trump Administration, conveniently in time to rig the 2020 election.

The Government is our friend. They would never do such a thing, right?

I have full faith in The Deep State to always be looking out for America First, Truth, Justice and Honesty.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Weird how Clinton friends are dying off under strange circumstances.
2. All the people that know him, are beginning to wonder; if they are next.
3. Makes one wonder.
4. One way to stop another book being written, about what the Clintons do, is for those who may write the book to die.
5. Whats Clintons worth in dollars?
6. The super wealthy feel they can buy anything.
7. Gates plans to buy your death.
8. WHO, leader now, he is getting ready to strike like an adder.

Do you ever wonder why Epstein's girlfriend has to wear a bullet proof vest?
Epstein's 'Little Black Book' of pedos (Partoal List)

  • Prince Andrew
  • Alan Dershowitz
  • Emmy Taylor
  • Sarah Kellen
  • Eva Dubin
  • Glen Dubin
  • Jean Luc Brunel
  • Nadia Marcinkova
  • Bill Clinton
  • Marvin Minsky
  • Henry Jarecki
  • Naomi Campbell
  • Ron Eppinger
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Former Gov Richardson
Clinton is making headlines today after the files have shown that Giuffre said that she once saw the former president on Epstein's island with "two young girls."


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