Insurrectionists storm Iowa state capitol

I am on record, all over this forum, for saying that this "Q operation," may be a psyop. by the Deep State, to subvert Trump and his supporters. They may also the ones that spread Antifa propaganda throughout social media. . . . All of it is amorphous, and un-sourced, so who really knows?
Of course the Q thing is a psyop by the Left. I know --- I bought three Q T-shirts and looked it all up back when people with big plywood Q's were showing up at Trump rallies. It was fun; it was all just a joke.

Then they made up all this crap about it. :frown:
The cops need to be punished for all the "crime in blue" they commit. Their continual misbehavior and progressive misconduct on the force is unacceptable.
By your childish logic, the blacks need to be punished for all the "crime in society" they commit.
We punish individuals for individual actions, not entire groups who share a title, dumbass.
I am on record, all over this forum, for saying that this "Q operation," may be a psyop. by the Deep State, to subvert Trump and his supporters. They may also the ones that spread Antifa propaganda throughout social media. . . . All of it is amorphous, and un-sourced, so who really knows?
Of course the Q thing is a psyop by the Left. I know --- I bought three Q T-shirts and looked it all up back when people with big plywood Q's were showing up at Trump rallies. It was fun; it was all just a joke.

Then they made up all this crap about it. :frown:
Not by the "Left." By the Deep State.

At one point in time. . . the Deep State was allied with the Right. The Deep State is NON-Partisan, is does not give a shit about partisan politics, it only cares about non-electoral power.

As someone who has been involved in political research for over thirty years, I KNOW this history. What party did Hoover and his files on everyone in the public office have dirt on? He was supposedly a "conservative." And yet? We all know he was a tranny. . .

And the Dulles brothers? Were they conservative or liberal? Their corruption was legendary.

The problem with you partisans, is you are distracted like cats with a laser pointer. The folks in these agencies, and private corporations that have top secret clearance? They only care about power and money. . . NOT POLITICS.

If making common cause with the DNC will serve them now? Sure, that will do for now. But in a decade, maybe two, if it will work by making common cause with the GOP, they will do that too, anything to deflect what is really going on.

This whole Quad thing that started during the Trump admin? It is going forward as a Biden Admin. initiative. It isn't really in our interest.

During the Trump admin., is was "Russia," was the bad guy. . . Now, Americans are being sold the paradigm that "China," is the bad guy. . . anything to distract people from the reality of what is really going on. Just as in 1984, the conflict always shifted between Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia, and the population had the attention span and credulity of a Tasmanian gnat. They would believe that things had always been this way.

. . . and so, folks will always blame the other.

Not by the "Left." By the Deep State.

Okay. You may be right. The whole demonization of the joke that "Q" was seems a little elaborate for the Left.

This whole Quad thing that started during the Trump admin? It is going forward as a Biden Admin. initiative. It isn't really in our interest.

What is this Quad thing to which you refer?

During the Trump admin., is was "Russia," was the bad guy. . . Now, Americans are being sold the paradigm that "China," is the bad guy. . . anything to distract people from the reality of what is really going on. Just as in 1984, the conflict always shifted between Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia, and the population had the attention span and credulity of a Tasmanian gnat. They would believe that things had always been this way.
I do think you have a good point here and this is why I am expecting Biden to start a war (probably with Iran, China is sure to beat us) to "unify" us.
Who called this insurrectionist mob to the Iowa Capitol?

We're they trying to install a new governor or something?

Anxiously awaiting the brutal footage of them smashing and bashing their way through the police line.
While ignoring the footage of police letting them through.
Who called this insurrectionist mob to the Iowa Capitol?

We're they trying to install a new governor or something?

Anxiously awaiting the brutal footage of them smashing and bashing their way through the police line.
Pretty cute, the way they try to equate these things to the attack on the nation's capitol and the attempt to overthrow our national election results.

I'm glad they feel they have to try this. 'Cuz it's all about their feelings 'n stuff.
Who called this insurrectionist mob to the Iowa Capitol?

We're they trying to install a new governor or something?

Anxiously awaiting the brutal footage of them smashing and bashing their way through the police line.
While ignoring the footage of police letting them through.

Oh no, I'm waiting to see that too. Where the crowd was so overwhelmingly menacing, that the Police had to pull a fall back maneuver.
Not by the "Left." By the Deep State.

Okay. You may be right. The whole demonization of the joke that "Q" was seems a little elaborate for the Left.

This whole Quad thing that started during the Trump admin? It is going forward as a Biden Admin. initiative. It isn't really in our interest.

What is this Quad thing to which you refer?

During the Trump admin., is was "Russia," was the bad guy. . . Now, Americans are being sold the paradigm that "China," is the bad guy. . . anything to distract people from the reality of what is really going on. Just as in 1984, the conflict always shifted between Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia, and the population had the attention span and credulity of a Tasmanian gnat. They would believe that things had always been this way.
I do think you have a good point here and this is why I am expecting Biden to start a war (probably with Iran, China is sure to beat us) to "unify" us.

There are two levels of how machinations of how world events happen.

How things are presented to the plebes of the world and how they are recorded into the history books. . . and then, on a higher level, the communications behind closed doors, in off the record meetings, and the clandestine operations.

You are still thinking in terms of the Westphalian sovereignty Nation State system. That system was decided on in 1648. The folks that control our world affairs? They don't use it anymore, only folks that watch TEE VEE, go to their jobs, use social media, and vote in national elections think in those terms anymore. It is a useful tool for those who are really in control to divide all of us against each other.

If you learned about anything school, or they are talking about it in the press? Chances are, it is not entirely a correct epistemology of what the ruling elites, both in intelligence, and in the research community know of any particular issue.

You remember when Trump came out against what and how NATO was operating, yes? So why would his administration then strive to construct a new economic and security partnership in East Asia that mirrors such an organization?

. . . and? Why is the Biden admin going forward with those plans, unchanged, and why are you completely clueless about that? What those plans are? I don't think is important so much as why the population has no clue about what is going on. Instead? It is "hate the Dems.," or "hate the GOP." It is all a distraction from what is really going on.

Folks make the assumption that what information they are receiving through the same organizations controlled by the powers that are in control of their lives. . . are going to give them the truth, and all the information about the reality of what is really going on in the world, is somehow, relevant, or even true. . . :heehee:

Why? Why would they do that? Because someone might find out that maybe the truth is not what we are told? What if folks have? Then what do folks say?

YOU know what they say. . . . b/c I am sure you say those same things too.

Hell, they had Trump start saying those things too, so nobody would believe anything anymore. . . even when the truth is too horrific to look at. . .
Who called this insurrectionist mob to the Iowa Capitol?

We're they trying to install a new governor or something?

Anxiously awaiting the brutal footage of them smashing and bashing their way through the police line.
While ignoring the footage of police letting them through.

Oh no, I'm waiting to see that too. Where the crowd was so overwhelmingly menacing, that the Police had to pull a fall back maneuver.
Hahahaha. You do that! Hahahaha
Not by the "Left." By the Deep State.

Okay. You may be right. The whole demonization of the joke that "Q" was seems a little elaborate for the Left.

This whole Quad thing that started during the Trump admin? It is going forward as a Biden Admin. initiative. It isn't really in our interest.

What is this Quad thing to which you refer?

During the Trump admin., is was "Russia," was the bad guy. . . Now, Americans are being sold the paradigm that "China," is the bad guy. . . anything to distract people from the reality of what is really going on. Just as in 1984, the conflict always shifted between Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia, and the population had the attention span and credulity of a Tasmanian gnat. They would believe that things had always been this way.
I do think you have a good point here and this is why I am expecting Biden to start a war (probably with Iran, China is sure to beat us) to "unify" us.

There are two levels of how machinations of how world events happen.

How things are presented to the plebes of the world and how they are recorded into the history books. . . and then, on a higher level, the communications behind closed doors, in off the record meetings, and the clandestine operations.

You are still thinking in terms of the Westphalian sovereignty Nation State system. That system was decided on in 1648. The folks that control our world affairs? They don't use it anymore, only folks that watch TEE VEE, go to their jobs, use social media, and vote in national elections think in those terms anymore. It is a useful tool for those who are really in control to divide all of us against each other.

If you learned about anything school, or they are talking about it in the press? Chances are, it is not entirely a correct epistemology of what the ruling elites, both in intelligence, and in the research community know of any particular issue.

You remember when Trump came out against what and how NATO was operating, yes? So why would his administration then strive to construct a new economic and security partnership in East Asia that mirrors such an organization?

. . . and? Why is the Biden admin going forward with those plans, unchanged, and why are you completely clueless about that? What those plans are? I don't think is important so much as why the population has no clue about what is going on. Instead? It is "hate the Dems.," or "hate the GOP." It is all a distraction from what is really going on.

Folks make the assumption that what information they are receiving through the same organizations controlled by the powers that are in control of their lives. . . are going to give them the truth, and all the information about the reality of what is really going on in the world, is somehow, relevant, or even true. . . :heehee:

Why? Why would they do that? Because someone might find out that maybe the truth is not what we are told? What if folks have? Then what do folks say?

YOU know what they say. . . . b/c I am sure you say those same things too.

Hell, they had Trump start saying those things too, so nobody would believe anything anymore. . . even when the truth is too horrific to look at. . .
I think you are a very smart radical thinker, and I read your post thru twice. You aren't perfectly respectful, I do notice that.

I like radical think. It's so hard to do!

You are right about the Westphalian Treaty of 1648 thing, IMO; I need to work on that. It can't have been superseded more than 10--20 years, surely! But yeah ----- the times, they are a-changin'.
Not by the "Left." By the Deep State.

Okay. You may be right. The whole demonization of the joke that "Q" was seems a little elaborate for the Left.

This whole Quad thing that started during the Trump admin? It is going forward as a Biden Admin. initiative. It isn't really in our interest.

What is this Quad thing to which you refer?

During the Trump admin., is was "Russia," was the bad guy. . . Now, Americans are being sold the paradigm that "China," is the bad guy. . . anything to distract people from the reality of what is really going on. Just as in 1984, the conflict always shifted between Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia, and the population had the attention span and credulity of a Tasmanian gnat. They would believe that things had always been this way.
I do think you have a good point here and this is why I am expecting Biden to start a war (probably with Iran, China is sure to beat us) to "unify" us.

There are two levels of how machinations of how world events happen.

How things are presented to the plebes of the world and how they are recorded into the history books. . . and then, on a higher level, the communications behind closed doors, in off the record meetings, and the clandestine operations.

You are still thinking in terms of the Westphalian sovereignty Nation State system. That system was decided on in 1648. The folks that control our world affairs? They don't use it anymore, only folks that watch TEE VEE, go to their jobs, use social media, and vote in national elections think in those terms anymore. It is a useful tool for those who are really in control to divide all of us against each other.

If you learned about anything school, or they are talking about it in the press? Chances are, it is not entirely a correct epistemology of what the ruling elites, both in intelligence, and in the research community know of any particular issue.

You remember when Trump came out against what and how NATO was operating, yes? So why would his administration then strive to construct a new economic and security partnership in East Asia that mirrors such an organization?

. . . and? Why is the Biden admin going forward with those plans, unchanged, and why are you completely clueless about that? What those plans are? I don't think is important so much as why the population has no clue about what is going on. Instead? It is "hate the Dems.," or "hate the GOP." It is all a distraction from what is really going on.

Folks make the assumption that what information they are receiving through the same organizations controlled by the powers that are in control of their lives. . . are going to give them the truth, and all the information about the reality of what is really going on in the world, is somehow, relevant, or even true. . . :heehee:

Why? Why would they do that? Because someone might find out that maybe the truth is not what we are told? What if folks have? Then what do folks say?

YOU know what they say. . . . b/c I am sure you say those same things too.

Hell, they had Trump start saying those things too, so nobody would believe anything anymore. . . even when the truth is too horrific to look at. . .
I think you are a very smart radical thinker, and I read your post thru twice. You aren't perfectly respectful, I do notice that.

I like radical think. It's so hard to do!

You are right about the Westphalian Treaty of 1648 thing, IMO; I need to work on that. It can't have been superseded more than 10--20 years, surely! But yeah ----- the times, they are a-changin'.
My apologies if I am not perfectly respectful. . . but I have friends, and folks I respect, both on this forum and in life. . . that are Democrats. And your post seemed disrespectful of them.

I don't think our national conversation is forwarded by disrespecting each other just because we identify as one party or the other. . .

I am just as confrontational with progs. that slander conservatives, traditionalists, etc. for no other reason than they identify as such.

. . BUT, I do think that those in power, are intending this to be the case. Just as they want racial tension, and tension between the religious and irreligious, just as they want tension between traditionalists and feminists. All of it diverts from the reality of what is really going on. .

IMO. . . ;)
And your post seemed disrespectful of them.

You better believe it! This is because I don't respect them, on the whole. At least not the wild-eyed leftists.

I don't think our national conversation is forwarded by disrespecting each other just because we identify as one party or the other. . .

Okay. I myself am not having a national conversation. I learned by 2016, maybe earlier, that it is only useful to have conversations with friendlies ----------------- or unusually polite people of the other persuasion.

This certainly tends to cut down the numbers of posts I have to read.

I am just as confrontational with progs. that slander conservatives, traditionalists, etc. for no other reason than they identify as such.

I expect it. (And do it.) I don't mind if they do, as long as it isn't personal, especially the obscenity insulters! Fortunately the forum has a cliff to push them off, so I do that quickly and don't look back. Once a year I unignore my list, but most don't last long on reprieve: it's like the Seinfeld show, nobody learns, nobody changes.

. . BUT, I do think that those in power, are intending this to be the case. Just as they want racial tension, and tension between the religious and irreligious, just as they want tension between traditionalists and feminists. All of it diverts from the reality of what is really going on.

My husband and I just had a long talk about this paragraph. He agrees with you more than I do ---- and had some interesting ideas on it. How lawyers profit from crime, Twitter and Facebook from dissension, advertisers, TV programmers, book writers, lots of types of people profit from societal unrest. There's a lot to that. I think you mean something grander, but.

Needs thot, to use the Teddy Roosevelt spelling.
Let's hear from the lefties! It's cool if the cops open fire, right?

Liberal...It's not Federal, so it's OK!

That's right, people legally and peacefully protesting in a public space is, in fact, okay. Glad i could be here to puzzle that out for you.

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