Historic Numbers Debunk Biden's Claim That The Record-Setting Illegal Surge We Are Seeing Is 'Seasonal', Nothing New


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Consider everything that issues from the Democrat Yap to be a lie until proven by undeniable fact that it is true.

Their record of success in this matter is fast diminishing to a null value.
Yeah he's full of shit AND HE KNOWS IT!!!!!!!!!!!

His "surge the border" comments have done exactly what anyone with even a shred of a brain knows would happen.

He invited the third-world in, with Covid by the way, and now we literally do not have a border.
The smugglers were just waiting for Biden to become president, knowing their human cargo would have it made and now they are making millions of dollars smuggling.
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

He is after all a Democrat for 60 years.
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

The numbers are breaking 20 yr. old records!
This is seasonal?
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.

They didn't advance like locusts until Biden 'Come one, Come all', stole the election, nimrod.
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

When I was about 12 years old, my Dad took school adm job in a small town a county away from Laredo and the school wasn't far from the border. I shuddered when I heard a rumor that they shot someone crossing the border "every couple of years," back when criminals were discouraged from crossing.

Now, Washington is spending a dozen times more than the GNP was for 1958 just to put crossers up in luxury hotels to come to a land where jobs will be scarce when the jobs Trump brought back to America go farmed out to Demmie globetrotter's pals in Continental countries as well as the Orient.

Our people who got the high-paying jobs Trump fought for and won will soon put many out of work as Biden tweaks his Chinese, Euro, and other Axis countries cash in on Biden's son point-manning his old man's renewed extortion fee for favors to another realm for playing ball with him.

The Schumer and Pelosi crowd get rich and raise taxes on their US Cash accounts with omeurta numbered accounts go tax free. And Pelosi's free flights on the Air Force taxpayer funded planes are shocking and have been since the Bush administration.

It's just one abuse of the American worker's fainter and fainter chance of having the American Dream while Congress turns itself into pickpockets and delivers a class system that Knights its liberal class while it devises ways to cheat Republicans out of their small business prosperity days through elevated taxes. We have come full circle to taxation without representation as Pelosi crowns herself as the most powerful dowager on earth. :rolleyes-41:
Xiden just lies and lies and lies...the propagandist machine just pushes his lies...it's sad that the dembots will simply eat up the lies
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.

They didn't advance like locusts until Biden 'Come one, Come all', stole the election, nimrod.

How long do you think it would take for the average person (with small children) to walk 1,400 miles without killing themselves in the process? Keep in mind that you'd have to find food, water, and shelter every day while also carrying supplies like, clothes, blankets, and water (which just happens to weigh 8 pounds/gallon).
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.

They didn't advance like locusts until Biden 'Come one, Come all', stole the election, nimrod.

How long do you think it would take for the average person (with small children) to walk 1,400 miles without killing themselves in the process? Keep in mind that you'd have to find food, water, and shelter every day while also carrying supplies like, clothes, blankets, and water (which just happens to weigh 8 pounds/gallon).

I don't give a flying fuck! That is their decision!!
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.

They didn't advance like locusts until Biden 'Come one, Come all', stole the election, nimrod.

How long do you think it would take for the average person (with small children) to walk 1,400 miles without killing themselves in the process? Keep in mind that you'd have to find food, water, and shelter every day while also carrying supplies like, clothes, blankets, and water (which just happens to weigh 8 pounds/gallon).

I don't give a flying fuck! That is their decision!!

My question was meant for you to THINK about how long it takes to walk that kind of distance. I should have realized I was asking for too much. However, once they are inside our borders, of course they're our responsibility, both morally and legally.
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.

They didn't advance like locusts until Biden 'Come one, Come all', stole the election, nimrod.

How long do you think it would take for the average person (with small children) to walk 1,400 miles without killing themselves in the process? Keep in mind that you'd have to find food, water, and shelter every day while also carrying supplies like, clothes, blankets, and water (which just happens to weigh 8 pounds/gallon).

I don't give a flying fuck! That is their decision!!

My question was meant for you to THINK about how long it takes to walk that kind of distance. I should have realized I was asking for too much. However, once they are inside our borders, of course they're our responsibility, both morally and legally.

Thanx to Joe, the Dimm-shits, and their supporters.
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.

They didn't advance like locusts until Biden 'Come one, Come all', stole the election, nimrod.

How long do you think it would take for the average person (with small children) to walk 1,400 miles without killing themselves in the process? Keep in mind that you'd have to find food, water, and shelter every day while also carrying supplies like, clothes, blankets, and water (which just happens to weigh 8 pounds/gallon).

I don't give a flying fuck! That is their decision!!

My question was meant for you to THINK about how long it takes to walk that kind of distance. I should have realized I was asking for too much. However, once they are inside our borders, of course they're our responsibility, both morally and legally.

Thanx to Joe, the Dimm-shits, and their supporters.
That's not true. Migration (as opposed to immigration) is a naturally occurring phenomenon for humans as well as it is in nature. Europe experienced a massive migration of Syrians due to the war that Assad waged on his own people. Our own country saw a massive wave of migration from the Cubans (fleeing Castro) in the 1960s and from Haiti in the 1980s.

People will generally stay where they were born until or unless life become intolerable for some reason. The potato famine brought the Irish to our shores in the 1800s.

And get ready for what is to come because climate change is going to cause massive shifts in populations when living conditions around the equator will cause people to move because human life will no longer be sustainable. This is one of the areas where conservatives are so shortsighted. You see, you guys want to deny climate change instead of addressing it, and you're simply setting the stage for millions of people migrating north.
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.

They didn't advance like locusts until Biden 'Come one, Come all', stole the election, nimrod.

How long do you think it would take for the average person (with small children) to walk 1,400 miles without killing themselves in the process? Keep in mind that you'd have to find food, water, and shelter every day while also carrying supplies like, clothes, blankets, and water (which just happens to weigh 8 pounds/gallon).

I don't give a flying fuck! That is their decision!!

My question was meant for you to THINK about how long it takes to walk that kind of distance. I should have realized I was asking for too much. However, once they are inside our borders, of course they're our responsibility, both morally and legally.

Thanx to Joe, the Dimm-shits, and their supporters.
That's not true. Migration (as opposed to immigration) is a naturally occurring phenomenon for humans as well as it is in nature. Europe experienced a massive migration of Syrians due to the war that Assad waged on his own people. Our own country saw a massive wave of migration from the Cubans (fleeing Castro) in the 1960s and from Haiti in the 1980s.

People will generally stay where they were born until or unless life become intolerable for some reason. The potato famine brought the Irish to our shores in the 1800s.

And get ready for what is to come because climate change is going to cause massive shifts in populations when living conditions around the equator will cause people to move because human life will no longer be sustainable. This is one of the areas where conservatives are so shortsighted. You see, you guys want to deny climate change instead of addressing it, and you're simply setting the stage for millions of people migrating north.

Migration is only naturally occurring when a Country like our's has open borders!
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.

They didn't advance like locusts until Biden 'Come one, Come all', stole the election, nimrod.

How long do you think it would take for the average person (with small children) to walk 1,400 miles without killing themselves in the process? Keep in mind that you'd have to find food, water, and shelter every day while also carrying supplies like, clothes, blankets, and water (which just happens to weigh 8 pounds/gallon).

I don't give a flying fuck! That is their decision!!

My question was meant for you to THINK about how long it takes to walk that kind of distance. I should have realized I was asking for too much. However, once they are inside our borders, of course they're our responsibility, both morally and legally.

Thanx to Joe, the Dimm-shits, and their supporters.
That's not true. Migration (as opposed to immigration) is a naturally occurring phenomenon for humans as well as it is in nature. Europe experienced a massive migration of Syrians due to the war that Assad waged on his own people. Our own country saw a massive wave of migration from the Cubans (fleeing Castro) in the 1960s and from Haiti in the 1980s.

People will generally stay where they were born until or unless life become intolerable for some reason. The potato famine brought the Irish to our shores in the 1800s.

And get ready for what is to come because climate change is going to cause massive shifts in populations when living conditions around the equator will cause people to move because human life will no longer be sustainable. This is one of the areas where conservatives are so shortsighted. You see, you guys want to deny climate change instead of addressing it, and you're simply setting the stage for millions of people migrating north.

Migration is only naturally occurring when a Country like our's has open borders!

Your open borders comment is just more RW rhetorical nonsense. Our borders are not "open." Neither are they "closed."

We do a lot of trade with both Mexico and Canada, but there are manned border crossings where everyone is required to stop. I should know since I've walked over a bridge to go from Laredo, Texas to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and back again. Cars are stopped, people are questioned, and documentation is required, but that doesn't mean that people can't get around the system safeguards. After all, that's what drug smugglers and Coyotes do.

I keep hearing conservative idiots talk about "SEAL the border!" That's not just stupid, it's nonsense. Do you have any idea how much business passes north and south on both of our borders for American companies that are dependent on foreign suppliers? It's billions of dollars.

I wish you guys would educate yourself before you inflict your uninformed opinions on the rest of us!
Fuck them, I've lived 70 miles from the border since the '80s and I have NEVER EVER SEEN IT THIS BAD!!! And don't let them lie to you, they keep coming day after day after day. There was a huge group from Venezuela yesterday. That's 4000 miles from our border.
President Biden last month downplayed the surge in migrants coming to the southern border, saying surges happen "every year" -- but while that is the case, the numbers released Thursday show that the current surge is dwarfing anything in recent memory.

"The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

There are frequently increases in migration toward the end of winter and beginning of spring -- with officials sometimes speaking about "migration season." The peak is often around May, at which point numbers begin to drop off. "
- President Joe Biden


"The numbers being encountered during the Biden administration are not something that happens every year.
- Over 172,000 migrants were encountered in March, the highest number in nearly twenty years.
- 18,890 unaccompanied children -- a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number ever recorded."

Of course it's seasonal. Or do you think that people from Central America are going to want to take that long walk in the heat of summer in July and August. Early in the year when winter is just about to give way to spring is the smartest time to make that trek. And this year is worse because of a couple of devastating hurricanes last year which pretty much destroyed everything.

They didn't advance like locusts until Biden 'Come one, Come all', stole the election, nimrod.

How long do you think it would take for the average person (with small children) to walk 1,400 miles without killing themselves in the process? Keep in mind that you'd have to find food, water, and shelter every day while also carrying supplies like, clothes, blankets, and water (which just happens to weigh 8 pounds/gallon).

I don't give a flying fuck! That is their decision!!

My question was meant for you to THINK about how long it takes to walk that kind of distance. I should have realized I was asking for too much. However, once they are inside our borders, of course they're our responsibility, both morally and legally.
So if they break into your house, are you legally and morally obligated to support them and give them all of your shit????

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