Insane!: New James Bond Movie 'SPECTRE' To Be Most Expensive Movie Ever Made At 300 Million Dollars

Bond movies died when Sean Connery was replaced. Dr. No required ZERO gadgets. Relied totally on cool, suave and story line.

The gadgets are the best part!
That's what Inspector Gadget was for. Ian Fleming's vision wasn't gadget-heavy.

Well I don't care. The gadgets are the most interesting part of the movies, and what about Q? Without gadgets, there would have been no Q. I always liked when he took James Bond into the "laboratory." :D
Where does the money go? They make movies in freaking Bulgaria to save money and all the stunts and explosions are digital enhanced software. Do they pay the actors that much?

Well, the newer James Bond films are part of the recent trend back towards practical rather than digital special effects.

As in, really blowing shit up, rather than just doing it on a computer. And that costs more money.

I'm sure Daniel Craig is making a shitload as Bond at this point - with 3 movies he already has the highest gross per film of any actor who's ever played Bond. He made $17 for Skyfall, I expect he'll make twice that for SPECTRE.

I'm sure Christoph Waltz, as a two-time Oscar winner is going to make a pretty penny too, as the villain.

Either way, I'm definitely going to go see it. I think Daniel Craig is the best Bond since Connery, and Sam Mendes is coming back to direct SPECTRE too.

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