Indiana Pizza Fundraiser...not what conservatives think.

To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.
I find fuckin' your buddy in the ass disconcerting and kind of gross, but, support a right to do so.

I just don't want an in my face about it attitude, and I don't want to smell shit-breath.
Conservative 'outrage' concerning this is inane and ignorant.

All that has transpired has been in the context of a free and democratic society, and in the context of private citizens acting in the context of private society – no government has sought to compel the restaurant to accommodate gay patrons, likewise there are no lawsuits or court rulings mandating the restaurant take any action regarding gay patrons.

Just as Americans spoke out in opposition to the Indiana measure intended to facilitate discrimination against gay Americans, so too have the American people spoken out in opposition to the restaurant's policy hostile to gay Americans.

Consequently no 'rights' are being 'violated,' no religious liberty 'interfered with,' where the restaurant is in no way a 'victim' of any 'outrage.'

And this issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You love all this hate threads on people donating money.

and according to them it's only BEEN CONSERVATIVES...they know from their crystal balls not ONE LIBERAL has donated jack shit because.....well just because

and they know this because some website called. FORWARD Progressives told them so

good grief you people are something else
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.
I find fuckin' your buddy in the ass disconcerting and kind of gross, but, support a right to do so.

I just don't want an in my face about it attitude, and I don't want to smell shit-breath.

For as much as you people claim to be against gay sex, you sure do enjoy spending a lot of time talking about it in graphic detail.
Libs and homos are just upset they didn't get $840,000.

man this brought out who the haters are in the country...and they're still going on about's sick
Libs and homos are just upset they didn't get $840,000.

Gays got their rights codified into Indiana law out of this. You lost big time. One guy hitting the lottery doesn't make you any less of a loser.

Not today, pee wee, one can only take your annoyance so long.

haha, see? You lost, breeder.
Libs and homos are just upset they didn't get $840,000.

man this brought out who the haters are in the country...and they're still going on about's sick
Libs and homos are just upset they didn't get $840,000.

Gays got their rights codified into Indiana law out of this. You lost big time. One guy hitting the lottery doesn't make you any less of a loser.

Not today, pee wee, one can only take your annoyance so long.

haha, see? You lost, breeder.


Good. I can beat your ass in arguments now without having to endure your embarrassingly stupid replies.
VIDEO at the site

Memories Pizza Go Fund Me Page Tops $800,000 – Lawrence Jones Talks With CNN (VIDEO)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, April 3, 2015, 4:38 PM

Lawrence B. Jones — the creator of the massively successful GoFundMe campaign for the beleaguered Memories Pizza — went on with CNN’s Brooke Baldwin to discuss the O’Connor family that will be receiving over $800,000 in donations.
It now ranks as the #2 gofundme campaign of all-time.

Jones explained that tolerance and acceptance does not include death threats.

“We have members of our gay community that are supporting. Look this is not an antigay agenda. This is about freedom. And this is about showing love for our gay brothers and sisters.”


all of it here:
Memories Pizza Go Fund Me Page Tops 800 000 Lawrence Jones Talks With CNN VIDEO The Gateway Pundit
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives
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