In Utah, Hospitals Swell With Unvaccinated COVID-19 Patients


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Utah is now seeing their hospitals swell with unvaccinated people fighting for their lives with covid.

An 11 month old child was admitted and put on oxygen.

None of the admitted were vaccinated. All are unvaccinated.

It's so bad that unnecessary surgery has been postponed.

The hospital workers are burned out. Some face abuse by the families of those who's political beliefs that lead them to reject the vaccine are abusive and mean to the hospital staff.

Utah is now seeing their hospitals swell with unvaccinated people fighting for their lives with covid.

An 11 month old child was admitted and put on oxygen.

None of the admitted were vaccinated. All are unvaccinated.

It's so bad that unnecessary surgery has been postponed.

The hospital workers are burned out. Some face abuse by the families of those who's political beliefs that lead them to reject the vaccine are abusive and mean to the hospital staff.

“Utah's intensive care units were 84% full on July 22, and COVID patients made up about a quarter of the population. By comparison, the units were 59% full on April 19, and only 11% of those patients had COVID, state data shows.”

that paragraph makes no sense

if china virus patients are 25% of people in IC what are the other patients there for?
I wish they would refuse treatment to the unvaccinated. If you have Covid and don't have proof of vaccination, then please leave our hospital, you are a danger and a burden to our hardworking medical staff.

Go find some "Christian" medical hospital to treat you, the kind that don't believe in science, like you. I'm sure some warm water with honey and lots of prayer will save your worthless hide.
I wish they would refuse treatment to the unvaccinated. If you have Covid and don't have proof of vaccination, then please leave our hospital, you are a danger and a burden to our hardworking medical staff.

Go find some "Christian" medical hospital to treat you, the kind that don't believe in science, like you. I'm sure some warm water with honey and lots of prayer will save your worthless hide.

I disagree.

If someone is sick, they need help.

It doesn't matter if they caused it. They need help, give it to them.
Relevant reading...

Majority of Covid patients in hospital may have been admitted for OTHER ailments before testing positive, leaked NHS data suggests

“When people hear about hospitalisations with Covid, they will assume that Covid is the likely cause, but this data shows something quite different – this is about Covid being detected after tests were looking for it,” he said, adding that the current data being fed to the public could lead to “false conclusions” and exaggerate the virus’ actual impact on the NHS.

Heneghan described the leaked figures as “incredibly important” and urged the government to stop withholding such data.

Tory MP Graham Brady issued a similar call for greater transparency, noting that even after 18 months of the health crisis, the government has failed to make detailed information about hospital admissions publicly available on a regular basis.

This malfeasance seems to be a global pattern.
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Utah is now seeing their hospitals swell with unvaccinated people fighting for their lives with covid.

An 11 month old child was admitted and put on oxygen.

None of the admitted were vaccinated. All are unvaccinated.

It's so bad that unnecessary surgery has been postponed.

The hospital workers are burned out. Some face abuse by the families of those who's political beliefs that lead them to reject the vaccine are abusive and mean to the hospital staff.

Right. You have to read the article to understand that low staffing and an influx of NON COVID patients is what is causing the overflowing hospitals.

Because the actual data in Salt Lake Co:


101 – 324 /100K

Total utilization 69-71.9%


6-14.9% COVID-19
ICU Utilization

“Utah's intensive care units were 84% full on July 22, and COVID patients made up about a quarter of the population. By comparison, the units were 59% full on April 19, and only 11% of those patients had COVID, state data shows.”

that paragraph makes no sense

if china virus patients are 25% of people in IC what are the other patients there for?

It's in the article. Non-Covid. An influx of non-covid patients
Relevant reading...

Majority of Covid patients in hospital may have been admitted for OTHER ailments before testing positive, leaked NHS data suggests

“When people hear about hospitalisations with Covid, they will assume that Covid is the likely cause, but this data shows something quite different – this is about Covid being detected after tests were looking for it,” he said, adding that the current data being fed to the public could lead to “false conclusions” and exaggerate the virus’ actual impact on the NHS.

Heneghan described the leaked figures as “incredibly important” and urged the government to stop withholding such data.

Tory MP Graham Brady issued a similar call for greater transparency, noting that even after 18 months of the health crisis, the government has failed to make detailed information about hospital admissions publicly available on a regular basis.

This malfeasance seems to be a global pattern.

But why search for facts when there's panic to spread????

“Utah's intensive care units were 84% full on July 22, and COVID patients made up about a quarter of the population. By comparison, the units were 59% full on April 19, and only 11% of those patients had COVID, state data shows.”

that paragraph makes no sense

if china virus patients are 25% of people in IC what are the other patients there for?
Maths is hard for the moonbats.
Relevant reading...

Majority of Covid patients in hospital may have been admitted for OTHER ailments before testing positive, leaked NHS data suggests

“When people hear about hospitalisations with Covid, they will assume that Covid is the likely cause, but this data shows something quite different – this is about Covid being detected after tests were looking for it,” he said, adding that the current data being fed to the public could lead to “false conclusions” and exaggerate the virus’ actual impact on the NHS.

Heneghan described the leaked figures as “incredibly important” and urged the government to stop withholding such data.

Tory MP Graham Brady issued a similar call for greater transparency, noting that even after 18 months of the health crisis, the government has failed to make detailed information about hospital admissions publicly available on a regular basis.

This malfeasance seems to be a global pattern.
When you subsidize something, you get more of it.....Even if you have to create it out of thin air.
I disagree.

If someone is sick, they need help.

It doesn't matter if they caused it. They need help, give it to them.

Props for this. Most on this board who are pro-vaccine are also pro-denying everything to the unvaccinated. Frankly I find this ghoulish. I don't find cigarette smoking to be a great idea but I sure don't think smokers should be denied healthcare for COPD and lung cancer. Life is hard. We're all generally doing the best we can. People who say MY choices should be YOUR choices and if not, YOU SHOULD PAY are really the worst
Utah is now seeing their hospitals swell with unvaccinated people fighting for their lives with covid.

An 11 month old child was admitted and put on oxygen.

None of the admitted were vaccinated. All are unvaccinated.

It's so bad that unnecessary surgery has been postponed.

The hospital workers are burned out. Some face abuse by the families of those who's political beliefs that lead them to reject the vaccine are abusive and mean to the hospital staff.

Fake News....out and out we go again.....from the CDC on down...lies to get new cheat rules for the upcoming election....
Don't let them scare you a second time....there is no uptick to worry about....hospitals are not packed.....graveyards are not not fall for it AGAIN!!!!!
But why search for facts when there's panic to spread????


Think it's more about ushering in a completely fascist health care system.

A lot of people mistakenly called Obamacare socialist when it was patently fascist.

Now, once Obama's VP is in office, they're picking up right where they left off.

Seems to be a global endeavor this time around.

Your average quisling doesn't care. They hate the very idea of freedom as a fundamental principle. So they'll continue to be useful to them by spreading malfeasant data in their efforts to destroy it as a whole.

But, historically speaking, we know how it always ends. Ask Mussolini how it ended for him...
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