In Politically Charged Cases

Nonsense, it didn't matter what he did or didn't do, his only crimes remain being Trump and beating Hillary. You folks have been out for his blood ever since.

Yeah, these 'it doesn't matter' arguments fall apart with an even casual review of the indictments. They're detailed and damning. There's testimony of Trump's lawyer admitting that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and not give back the docs.

Do you know how compelling the evidence of the discussions of crimes has to be in order to set aside attorney client privileged?

There are pages and pages worth of classified documents found in Trump's residence, after Trump had lied to his lawyers and claim they had all been returned.

There's even audio of Trump admitting that the secret docs he was showing off to folks had never been declassified.

You can hardly call 'witch hunt' when the evidence is that damning.
How could it not matter what he did or didn’t do? This is the kind of thinking of a cultist. Of course it matters what he did or didn’t do. It’s the only thing that really matters.

Its the logic of the indoctrinated. They're easy to spot: they refuse to look at evidence. They refuse to discuss it. And yet they dismiss it all.

They can't undrink their Kool-aid.

Thankfully, they don't need to. The justice system works just as well when they have their eyes desperately screwed shut.
How could it not matter what he did or didn’t do? This is the kind of thinking of a cultist. Of course it matters what he did or didn’t do. It’s the only thing that really matters.
Why should it matter? That petty nonsense, even if somehow true does not effect me or my bottom line. Whereas another four years of the Biden disaster and his anti-American agenda will. I'm taking a page from your playback, and looking out for #1 in 2024.
Why should it matter? That petty nonsense, even if somehow true does not effect me or my bottom line. Whereas another four years of the Biden disaster and his anti-American agenda will. I'm taking a page from your playback, and looking out for #1 in 2024.

How is it 'petty' if there's evidence of serious crimes?

You're just making up a new round of excuses to ignore the evidence. As the indoctrinated do.
Why should it matter? That petty nonsense, even if somehow true does not effect me or my bottom line. Whereas another four years of the Biden disaster and his anti-American agenda will. I'm taking a page from your playback, and looking out for #1 in 2024.
So if Trump shot someone on fifth avenue, you wouldn’t care?
So if Trump shot someone on fifth avenue, you wouldn’t care?
That would depend. If he was defending himself, no. If he was recklessly endangering the lives of innocent people with poor muzzle control and giving liberals more reasons to infringe on my rights, yes I would care.
That would depend. If he was defending himself, no. If he was recklessly endangering the lives of innocent people with poor muzzle control and giving liberals more reasons to infringe on my rights, yes I would care.

Yeah, but what if he did it to protect the integrity of the election? Or to save children? Or to make America great again?
is it fair the public knows details about the jurors? Jurors are supposed to be fair and unbiased but should they be investigated to make sure they aren't biased partisans, at least by the powers that be, even if it isn't made public? For the sake of argument, let's pick the Trump jurors. Should they be investigated to make sure they aren't politically biased and can make a fair, honest judgment? If one or more is a member of Truth Social shouldn't they be disqualified? If one or more has used social media to blast Trump, shouldn't they be disqualified? As far as I know, they just ask jurors questions and never follow up on the answers to those questions. We would want a fair trial with unbiased jurors, wouldn't we? We shouldn't rely on just their word that they could make an honest, fair, and unbiased decision. We should know that they can.
Yeah, good luck
I leave those to you. I answered the question.

All I'm saying is......Trump will always have some flimsy excuse why he shouldn't be prosecuted for any crime, why we should terminate the constitution, why he should get a third term, whatever.

The question is.......what are you willing to swallow in terms of crimes, in terms of the violation of the constitution?

I mean, the evidence for Trump's crimes is detailed, damning and vast. And you've already made excuses why none of it exists.

If an excuse is all you need, then what wouldn't you justify?
Nonsense, it didn't matter what he did or didn't do,
But it did matter. You just don't think it does, because CULT.
his only crimes remain being Trump and beating Hillary.
Hillary sucks. And so does your Orange messiah. So, yeah, independent voters think magaturds suck too, but we understand Trump won 2016, but not 2020. :dunno:
You folks have been out for his blood ever since.
I believe trying to overwrite the will of voters because magaturds thought their candidate was anointed to the highest office in the world based on absolutely nothing might just do that. :dunno:
But it did matter. You just don't think it does, because CULT.

Hillary sucks. And so does your Orange messiah. So, yeah, independent voters think magaturds suck too, but we understand Trump won 2016, but not 2020. :dunno:

I believe trying to overwrite the will of voters because magaturds thought their candidate was anointed to the highest office in the world based on absolutely nothing might just do that. :dunno:
More blah, blah, blah, Orange Man bad with the twist of bad prose and additional whining. Sad.
More blah, blah, blah, Orange Man bad with the twist of bad prose and additional whining. Sad.

Says the guy that won't look at the evidence in the indictment.

They say willfully retaining defense information bad. Obstructing justice bad. Lying to authorities, bad. Trying to convince your lawyer to lie to authorities for you, bad. Conspiring to forge election documents, bad.

There's a reason why your ilk avoid the evidence like it were on fire.
That would depend. If he was defending himself, no. If he was recklessly endangering the lives of innocent people with poor muzzle control and giving liberals more reasons to infringe on my rights, yes I would care.
But you said it didn’t matter what he did or what he didn’t do.

If he shot someone on fifth ave, it doesn’t matter.
Says the guy that won't look at the evidence in the indictment.

They say willfully retaining defense information bad. Obstructing justice bad. Lying to authorities, bad. Trying to convince your lawyer to lie to authorities for you, bad. Conspiring to forge election documents, bad.

There's a reason why your ilk avoid the evidence like it were on fire.
The reason to avoid your silly nonsense is because you folks have been on a seven year hissy fit. You folks are disingenuous drama queens and thus far have proven nothing. Just more baseless accusations you preach as gospel.
The reason to avoid your silly nonsense is because you folks have been on a seven year hissy fit. You folks are disingenuous drama queens and thus far have proven nothing. Just more baseless accusations you preach as gospel.

And how does a 'seven year hissy fit' justify trying to convince your lawyer to lie to authorities? Conspire to forge election documents? Try to overturn a lawful election? Obstruct justice? Order the destruction of evidence? Showing random fucks who visit your resort classified defense documents......that you admit had NEVER been declassified?

You ignore the evidence like its on fire.

And everytime you demonstrate that even you don't believe your bullshit.

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