In Politically Charged Cases

Who appoints a judge means nothing, that is if you truly think that an untainted jury can be had, which it cannot.

The other three trials are anything BUT impartial, and, likely, the one in Florida isn't either.

It is absolutely fairness
sorry you don't have faith in the justice system.

I guess when you wanted Hillary locked up you did.

Republican Congressman Criticizes Trump's Attacks On Justice System: 'If You're Innocent, Start Acting Like It'

Lawyers always do. Often some in-depth examination of potential jurors. At the least, they move to exclude jurors who look or sound in a way that they would prefer not to have on the Jury.

I myself was excluded. The question, could you follow the instructions of the Judge. My reply, I don’t know, what are the instructions? When asked to clarify my answer, I explained that I was familiar with the teachings of St. Augustine and the principle of Just Laws, and the unwritten but vitally important duty of the Jury to determine if a law is unjust, or unjustly applied. I would not agree to turn off my brain and become a robot who says if A happened you must find B.

Judging from what I saw, the Defense loved the idea of me being on the Jury, the Prosecution didn’t even ask, the Judge excused me on the spot. I went home, and wasn’t called again during the time period. I haven’t gotten a summons since.

However, both the prosecution and the defense get a certain number of strikes, and an unlimited number of objections. They don’t want experts on the jury. If you have a lot of experience shooting, they don’t want you on the jury if firearms are an integral part of the testimony. You might believe that the Prosecution or Defense is wrong, and you might be wrong, yourself. You might taint the jury pool with an old wives tale about firearms. The good Lord knows that there are more superstitious beliefs about firearms than there are universally acknowledged truths.
As I said, the jurors are not investigating for bias. We either take them at their word or we don't.
sorry you don't have faith in the justice system.

I guess when you wanted Hillary locked up you did.

Republican Congressman Criticizes Trump's Attacks On Justice System: 'If You're Innocent, Start Acting Like It'

The justice system has been weaponized. So, no, there is no reason to believe in justice.

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