In Politically Charged Cases

The public deserves to know the facts about these cases and delaying the trial deprives us of vital information that we need to know before the election.

The fact you want this buried demonstrated you’re scared of the truth.
Riiiiighht, because when Trump is exonerated and your witch hunt exposed you'll rushing to find a new candidate. Give me a break.
Yep. Congress can function without one or two members. But the entirety of Article Powers are vested in one man. Do you understand?

Many, you are an ignorant pos, aren't you? Get a fucking education.

But the man in question isn’t the President. He hasn’t even won the nomination. And the crimes predate his announcement of his intent to seek the office.

At this time Trump is a Private Citizen. So how exactly does his intent to run for office make him above the law now?
It's bullshit, is what it is, in regards to politically charged cases such as this. You ask a juror questions on paper. Then you ask them questions in person. They can lie. No one checks. Lawyers have a chance to disqualify if they want but no investigations are done to make sure the jurors answered questions truthfully.

You want to investigate jurors?
Riiiiighht, because when Trump is exonerated and your witch hunt exposed you'll rushing to find a new candidate. Give me a break.
Based on the undisputed facts about what Trump has already done, he is far from exonerated.
is it fair the public knows details about the jurors? Jurors are supposed to be fair and unbiased but should they be investigated to make sure they aren't biased partisans, at least by the powers that be, even if it isn't made public? For the sake of argument, let's pick the Trump jurors. Should they be investigated to make sure they aren't politically biased and can make a fair, honest judgment? If one or more is a member of Truth Social shouldn't they be disqualified? If one or more has used social media to blast Trump, shouldn't they be disqualified? As far as I know, they just ask jurors questions and never follow up on the answers to those questions. We would want a fair trial with unbiased jurors, wouldn't we? We shouldn't rely on just their word that they could make an honest, fair, and unbiased decision. We should know that they can.

Investigated by who? The MAGA faithful making death threats?
is it fair the public knows details about the jurors? Jurors are supposed to be fair and unbiased but should they be investigated to make sure they aren't biased partisans, at least by the powers that be, even if it isn't made public? For the sake of argument, let's pick the Trump jurors. Should they be investigated to make sure they aren't politically biased and can make a fair, honest judgment? If one or more is a member of Truth Social shouldn't they be disqualified? If one or more has used social media to blast Trump, shouldn't they be disqualified? As far as I know, they just ask jurors questions and never follow up on the answers to those questions. We would want a fair trial with unbiased jurors, wouldn't we? We shouldn't rely on just their word that they could make an honest, fair, and unbiased decision. We should know that they can.
No. The jurors shouldn’t be on trial. You guys really need to grow up.
Riiiiighht, because when Trump is exonerated and your witch hunt exposed you'll rushing to find a new candidate. Give me a break.

Well the Jury decides guilt or innocence. So let’s discuss the criminal charges.

New York Tax Evasion and fraud. Ok. That one hinges on the idea that the crime can be tied to an intent to defraud the public by keeping the information from the public. That one is possible, but a little weaker than I’d like. I’ll give it sixty forty for acquittal.

Trump Documents. Ok. Here we have possession of classified documents. That would be bad but the obstruction charges make it a strong case. Trumps advantage there is the jury will be drawn from a very conservative district which supports him. However the evidence seems strong. So sixty forty in favor of a guilty verdict.

Trump effort to obstruct Justice. That one is bad for him. By having fake electors appointed in contrivance of the States Legislatures he did attempt to overthrow the election. I’ll rate that one 70-30 in favor of a conviction. Trump has a lot of witnesses against him. People who can testify to what Trump told them to do. That is a tough one to get around and the Free Speech argument isn’t going to fly. Nobody thinks that right is absolute. And Trump did a lot more than say the election was stolen.

Lastly. Georgia. This one is the biggest danger for Trump. The Governor can’t Pardon Trump before the sentence is served. The President can’t Pardon for State Crimes.

Ok. A Georgia Jury is going to find Trump guilty. Any jury in any part of the State. The evidence we’ve seen so far is certain he tried to coerce people into breaking the law. It is more involved, but Trump committed the crimes. He’s going to be found guilty. I’ll give that 80-20 in favor of conviction. I live in Georgia and have for most of my life.

Now. Trump can still be elected President. But if he is found Guilty in Georgia, he’s going to State Prison. The charges have mandatory minimum sentences. Five years minimum in prison for the RICO charge as one example.

Nobody can Pardon him. I’m not sure what the Federal Courts can do. I don’t think they can order him released unless they overturn the conviction.

Now I have Trump a twenty percent chance because it is possible that there is something improper in the prosecution case. And if there is I would support a dismissal with prejudice.

I consider it very unlikely however. Because everyone involved knew this would be scrutinized to insane levels they would be very careful to make sure there were no mistakes. But it is possible that there is a mistake in there or will be in the near future.
Well the Jury decides guilt or innocence. So let’s discuss the criminal charges.

New York Tax Evasion and fraud. Ok. That one hinges on the idea that the crime can be tied to an intent to defraud the public by keeping the information from the public. That one is possible, but a little weaker than I’d like. I’ll give it sixty forty for acquittal.

Trump Documents. Ok. Here we have possession of classified documents. That would be bad but the obstruction charges make it a strong case. Trumps advantage there is the jury will be drawn from a very conservative district which supports him. However the evidence seems strong. So sixty forty in favor of a guilty verdict.

Trump effort to obstruct Justice. That one is bad for him. By having fake electors appointed in contrivance of the States Legislatures he did attempt to overthrow the election. I’ll rate that one 70-30 in favor of a conviction. Trump has a lot of witnesses against him. People who can testify to what Trump told them to do. That is a tough one to get around and the Free Speech argument isn’t going to fly. Nobody thinks that right is absolute. And Trump did a lot more than say the election was stolen.

Lastly. Georgia. This one is the biggest danger for Trump. The Governor can’t Pardon Trump before the sentence is served. The President can’t Pardon for State Crimes.

Ok. A Georgia Jury is going to find Trump guilty. Any jury in any part of the State. The evidence we’ve seen so far is certain he tried to coerce people into breaking the law. It is more involved, but Trump committed the crimes. He’s going to be found guilty. I’ll give that 80-20 in favor of conviction. I live in Georgia and have for most of my life.

Now. Trump can still be elected President. But if he is found Guilty in Georgia, he’s going to State Prison. The charges have mandatory minimum sentences. Five years minimum in prison for the RICO charge as one example.

Nobody can Pardon him. I’m not sure what the Federal Courts can do. I don’t think they can order him released unless they overturn the conviction.

Now I have Trump a twenty percent chance because it is possible that there is something improper in the prosecution case. And if there is I would support a dismissal with prejudice.

I consider it very unlikely however. Because everyone involved knew this would be scrutinized to insane levels they would be very careful to make sure there were no mistakes. But it is possible that there is a mistake in there or will be in the near future.

Scrutiny? No these clowns cases are little more than dramatic productions to keep the rubes in line. You folks will be lucky if any of them actually get to trial.
Scrutiny? No these clowns cases are little more than dramatic productions to keep the rubes in line. You folks will be lucky if any of them actually get to trial.

The evidence says otherwise. Its detailed and damning, especially in the classified docs case.

At least 3 or the 4 are likely going to trial within a year.
The evidence says otherwise. Its detailed and damning, especially in the classified docs case.

At least 3 or the 4 are likely going to trial within a year.
Kinda like your impeachments? Good luck! We find out later that it was all based on lies. Why would this be different? It's not.
Kinda like your impeachments? Good luck! We find out later that it was all based on lies. Why would this be different? It's not.
No president has ever been convicted in an impeachment.

The record of defendants being convicted in court is roughly 75% to 85%.

But good luck pretending they're the same and that there's no evidence of any crime!

You'll just never see it coming.
Scrutiny? No these clowns cases are little more than dramatic productions to keep the rubes in line. You folks will be lucky if any of them actually get to trial.

You know. We heard the same thing about the McMichaels in Brunswick. And they all got convicted. They’re all in Prison. The only one with half a chance of getting out alive is Roddy. So the predictions of total exoneration and such went nowhere.

I wish you guys who swear the election was stolen would think for a single minute. Just sixty seconds.

If there had been any evidence in Georgia Rafesberger and Kemp would have jumped on it. It would have guaranteed Rafesberger the Governors Mansion. Kemp would have been a shoe in for the Senate Seat. Proof of actual widespread election fraud would be the golden ticket. It would have given Kemp a coin toss chance at the Presidency. It would have out Georgia on the map as the home for law and order conservatism.

Now if you assume that these men and their staffs are of at least average intelligence and political experience. They would have to know this.

But they couldn’t find any.

Neither could Trump or the companies that he hired to find it.

This is Georgia. They prosecute people who tell others to break the law. Jackie Johnson is facing prosecution for telling the cops to let the McMichaels go and for interfering in the investigation.

In Georgia this is a crime. Cops get fired and prosecuted for doing shit like that. They just jerked a Judge off of the Appeals Court for ethics violations.

This is Georgia. They passed a bunch of laws decades ago to put an end to the Good Old Boys networks. They made it illegal to try and pressure officials into violating the law.

But let’s take your claim this is all a play for the Rubes. You don’t know Georgia. If that happened Fani Willis would be facing charges. The staff who worked on this case would be required to report it to the Attorney General of the State. They would be required by the ethics rules to report the ethics violation. They would, not may, would, lose their Law Licenses for failing to report it.

That Judge above, he is certainly going to lose his law license. He is probably going to jail. This is Georgia and corruption of public officials is about an automatic invitation to become a resident of our secure public housing.

And the Prisons and Jails are hell holes. The Fulton County Jail is a disease ridden lice infested borderline condemned facility. It is designed for 1,300 and has over 3,000 people. A couple dozen people have died there from disease in the last year.
is it fair the public knows details about the jurors? Jurors are supposed to be fair and unbiased but should they be investigated to make sure they aren't biased partisans, at least by the powers that be, even if it isn't made public? For the sake of argument, let's pick the Trump jurors. Should they be investigated to make sure they aren't politically biased and can make a fair, honest judgment? If one or more is a member of Truth Social shouldn't they be disqualified? If one or more has used social media to blast Trump, shouldn't they be disqualified? As far as I know, they just ask jurors questions and never follow up on the answers to those questions. We would want a fair trial with unbiased jurors, wouldn't we? We shouldn't rely on just their word that they could make an honest, fair, and unbiased decision. We should know that they can.
Educate yourself about voir dire.
I just don’t see how anyone could defend Trump’s actions after the 2020 election. He crossed so many lines.
Nonsense, it didn't matter what he did or didn't do, his only crimes remain being Trump and beating Hillary. You folks have been out for his blood ever since.

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