In 2020, God finally lost his patience with us and that's why all this bad stuff is happening


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
We Americans have been rebelling against God since the sexual revolution in the 1960's.

That's when the birth control pill was invented, and after that, women decided they no longer needed to be moral and began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle of sex without meaning.

Abortion inevitably followed, because birth control doesn't always work, and after Roe v. Wade, our county began murdering babies by the millions.

Also, a nation that was once in Church every Sunday began to abandon prayer, and each generation became further and further from God and the Ten Commandments.

It had to follow from that that such things as mass shootings, drive-by shootings, serial killings, and all other manner of violence would escalate.

Sexual perversion has come out of dark hiding places and into the mainstream and now perversion is openly celebrated in our movies and TV shows while those who are moral are portrayed as villains.

2020 is simply the year that the spark of COVID lit fire to the whole rotting edifice of our rotten society and now that the fire has spread it may not be possible to stop it.
Atheists will laugh......of course......

But it does stand to reason
Atheists are part of the problem.

They haughtily declare that man doesn't need God, but everything we see proves the opposite.

Look at Russia and China, both atheist countries.

Would you want to live in either?

I'm what's called a "troubled believer".

I give God credit for creation and all things.
Unfortunately, that includes a history of unbelievable horrors and evil on his planet Earth.

I cannot reconcile 3 year old babies being raped.
For that matter......why do Earth's creatures ALL need to kill another creature to survive? What a brutal creation.
The amount of Terror and horror that takes place on this planet every day defies a loving deity.
My faith in God is confirmed when I see the Catholic Church fighting against abortion.

My faith in God is weakened when I see the Catholic Church having so many problems with pedophile priests within its ranks.

But I prefer the Catholic Church, even with its flaws, to the atheist governments who murdered millions in the name of creating a better society.
My faith in God is confirmed when I see the Catholic Church fighting against abortion.

My faith in God is weakened when I see the Catholic Church having so many problems with pedophile priests within its ranks.

But I prefer the Catholic Church, even with its flaws, to the atheist governments who murdered millions in the name of creating a better society.

The only reason I'm not a Bible Thumper is because of the Horrors and Terror inflicted on so many living beings.
I just cannot fathom that a "Loving God" could oversee such wickedness and evil...and pass on stopping it.
I am a saver of life.......but most of his world are takers of life.
My faith in God is confirmed when I see the Catholic Church fighting against abortion.

My faith in God is weakened when I see the Catholic Church having so many problems with pedophile priests within its ranks.

But I prefer the Catholic Church, even with its flaws, to the atheist governments who murdered millions in the name of creating a better society.

The only reason I'm not a Bible Thumper is because of the Horrors and Terror inflicted on so many living beings.
I just cannot fathom that a "Loving God" could oversee such wickedness and evil...and pass on stopping it.
And yet, the Bible has explanations for that.

There was a man who owned a field which he planted with wheat. During the night, an enemy planted the field with weeds.

Later, the wheat and the weeds grew together in the field.

A servant said to the man: "Shall I pull up the weeds?"

"No," said the man, "because in pulling up the weeds you will harm the wheat. Instead, wait until harvest time, separate the wheat and the weeds, put the wheat in the barn and burn the weeds."
My faith in God is confirmed when I see the Catholic Church fighting against abortion.

My faith in God is weakened when I see the Catholic Church having so many problems with pedophile priests within its ranks.

But I prefer the Catholic Church, even with its flaws, to the atheist governments who murdered millions in the name of creating a better society.

The only reason I'm not a Bible Thumper is because of the Horrors and Terror inflicted on so many living beings.
I just cannot fathom that a "Loving God" could oversee such wickedness and evil...and pass on stopping it.
And yet, the Bible has explanations for that.

There was a man who owned a field which he planted with wheat. During the night, an enemy planted the field with weeds.

Later, the wheat and the weeds grew together in the field.

A servant said to the man: "Shall I pull up the weeds?"

"No," said the man, "because in pulling up the weeds you will harm the wheat. Instead, wait until harvest time, separate the wheat and the weeds, put the wheat in the barn and burn the weeds."


God said to "Burn the weeds" ????? Those poor weeds...they want to live too ;)
Like I said....I am the Angel of Life. But there are now about 6.99999 Billion Angels of Death roaming the Planet
We Americans have been rebelling against God since the sexual revolution in the 1960's.

That's when the birth control pill was invented, and after that, women decided they no longer needed to be moral and began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle of sex without meaning.

Abortion inevitably followed, because birth control doesn't always work, and after Roe v. Wade, our county began murdering babies by the millions.

Also, a nation that was once in Church every Sunday began to abandon prayer, and each generation became further and further from God and the Ten Commandments.

It had to follow from that that such things as mass shootings, drive-by shootings, serial killings, and all other manner of violence would escalate.

Sexual perversion has come out of dark hiding places and into the mainstream and now perversion is openly celebrated in our movies and TV shows while those who are moral are portrayed as villains.

2020 is simply the year that the spark of COVID lit fire to the whole rotting edifice of our rotten society and now that the fire has spread it may not be possible to stop it.

I firmly believe that all the natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes are punishments from God. This is all due to the depravity and evil that you mentioned. And just today, the Pope accepted one of the worst sins. The Pope is a Godless man.
We Americans have been rebelling against God since the sexual revolution in the 1960's.

That's when the birth control pill was invented, and after that, women decided they no longer needed to be moral and began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle of sex without meaning.

Abortion inevitably followed, because birth control doesn't always work, and after Roe v. Wade, our county began murdering babies by the millions.

Also, a nation that was once in Church every Sunday began to abandon prayer, and each generation became further and further from God and the Ten Commandments.

It had to follow from that that such things as mass shootings, drive-by shootings, serial killings, and all other manner of violence would escalate.

Sexual perversion has come out of dark hiding places and into the mainstream and now perversion is openly celebrated in our movies and TV shows while those who are moral are portrayed as villains.

2020 is simply the year that the spark of COVID lit fire to the whole rotting edifice of our rotten society and now that the fire has spread it may not be possible to stop it.

I firmly believe that all the natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes are punishments from God. This is all due to the depravity and evil that you mentioned. And just today, the Pope accepted one of the worst sins. The Pope is a Godless man.
The pope claims to speak for God. NO MAN speaks for God.
We Americans have been rebelling against God since the sexual revolution in the 1960's.

That's when the birth control pill was invented, and after that, women decided they no longer needed to be moral and began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle of sex without meaning.

Abortion inevitably followed, because birth control doesn't always work, and after Roe v. Wade, our county began murdering babies by the millions.

Also, a nation that was once in Church every Sunday began to abandon prayer, and each generation became further and further from God and the Ten Commandments.

It had to follow from that that such things as mass shootings, drive-by shootings, serial killings, and all other manner of violence would escalate.

Sexual perversion has come out of dark hiding places and into the mainstream and now perversion is openly celebrated in our movies and TV shows while those who are moral are portrayed as villains.

2020 is simply the year that the spark of COVID lit fire to the whole rotting edifice of our rotten society and now that the fire has spread it may not be possible to stop it.

You think there was no sex and no abortions before the 60s? That's pretty dumb, don't you think?
We Americans have been rebelling against God since the sexual revolution in the 1960's.

That's when the birth control pill was invented, and after that, women decided they no longer needed to be moral and began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle of sex without meaning.

Abortion inevitably followed, because birth control doesn't always work, and after Roe v. Wade, our county began murdering babies by the millions.

Also, a nation that was once in Church every Sunday began to abandon prayer, and each generation became further and further from God and the Ten Commandments.

It had to follow from that that such things as mass shootings, drive-by shootings, serial killings, and all other manner of violence would escalate.

Sexual perversion has come out of dark hiding places and into the mainstream and now perversion is openly celebrated in our movies and TV shows while those who are moral are portrayed as villains.

2020 is simply the year that the spark of COVID lit fire to the whole rotting edifice of our rotten society and now that the fire has spread it may not be possible to stop it.

I firmly believe that all the natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes are punishments from God. This is all due to the depravity and evil that you mentioned. And just today, the Pope accepted one of the worst sins. The Pope is a Godless man.
The pope claims to speak for God. NO MAN speaks for God.

Bullshit. Religious nuts claim to do it here every day.
We Americans have been rebelling against God since the sexual revolution in the 1960's.

That's when the birth control pill was invented, and after that, women decided they no longer needed to be moral and began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle of sex without meaning.

Abortion inevitably followed, because birth control doesn't always work, and after Roe v. Wade, our county began murdering babies by the millions.

Also, a nation that was once in Church every Sunday began to abandon prayer, and each generation became further and further from God and the Ten Commandments.

It had to follow from that that such things as mass shootings, drive-by shootings, serial killings, and all other manner of violence would escalate.

Sexual perversion has come out of dark hiding places and into the mainstream and now perversion is openly celebrated in our movies and TV shows while those who are moral are portrayed as villains.

2020 is simply the year that the spark of COVID lit fire to the whole rotting edifice of our rotten society and now that the fire has spread it may not be possible to stop it.

You think there was no sex and no abortions before the 60s? That's pretty dumb, don't you think?

it was MUCH less a public thing before that

With every passing decade it has become more brazen and more public.

Now we have WAP songs and 10 year olds twerking in movies. Tell us we had that in the 30's and 40's. ???

The Radical Far Left won't be happy until there is public drug fueled sex on every street corner
(exaggeration, but exemplification)
Like one lady poster here said:

"God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology". What we are experiencing now is much MUCH worse and He needs to zap us again. Oh. Wait. He is. Good.
We Americans have been rebelling against God since the sexual revolution in the 1960's.

That's when the birth control pill was invented, and after that, women decided they no longer needed to be moral and began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle of sex without meaning.

Abortion inevitably followed, because birth control doesn't always work, and after Roe v. Wade, our county began murdering babies by the millions.

Also, a nation that was once in Church every Sunday began to abandon prayer, and each generation became further and further from God and the Ten Commandments.

It had to follow from that that such things as mass shootings, drive-by shootings, serial killings, and all other manner of violence would escalate.

Sexual perversion has come out of dark hiding places and into the mainstream and now perversion is openly celebrated in our movies and TV shows while those who are moral are portrayed as villains.

2020 is simply the year that the spark of COVID lit fire to the whole rotting edifice of our rotten society and now that the fire has spread it may not be possible to stop it.

I firmly believe that all the natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes are punishments from God. This is all due to the depravity and evil that you mentioned. And just today, the Pope accepted one of the worst sins. The Pope is a Godless man.

That's just retarded. We know that certain natural disasters are localized to certain regions. There are many places in the world where you can move, and know that because of it's location you'll never experience one. But if you build a church in a region known as "tornado alley" it doesn't matter how pious you are. If it blows away try not building it in a region called FUCKING TORNADO ALLEY NEXT TIME.
We Americans have been rebelling against God since the sexual revolution in the 1960's.

That's when the birth control pill was invented, and after that, women decided they no longer needed to be moral and began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle of sex without meaning.

Abortion inevitably followed, because birth control doesn't always work, and after Roe v. Wade, our county began murdering babies by the millions.

Also, a nation that was once in Church every Sunday began to abandon prayer, and each generation became further and further from God and the Ten Commandments.

It had to follow from that that such things as mass shootings, drive-by shootings, serial killings, and all other manner of violence would escalate.

Sexual perversion has come out of dark hiding places and into the mainstream and now perversion is openly celebrated in our movies and TV shows while those who are moral are portrayed as villains.

2020 is simply the year that the spark of COVID lit fire to the whole rotting edifice of our rotten society and now that the fire has spread it may not be possible to stop it.

I disagree that this is G-d losing his patients with us.

Have you read Revelations? When G-d gets serious, half the population of the Earth will die. That's roughly 4 Billion people at the current estimated population.

This was nothing. This wasn't even a wake up call.

When G-d wants to let us know he is displeased.... it won't be a cough and headache. Million of people will die. Millions on millions.
We Americans have been rebelling against God since the sexual revolution in the 1960's.

That's when the birth control pill was invented, and after that, women decided they no longer needed to be moral and began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle of sex without meaning.

Abortion inevitably followed, because birth control doesn't always work, and after Roe v. Wade, our county began murdering babies by the millions.

Also, a nation that was once in Church every Sunday began to abandon prayer, and each generation became further and further from God and the Ten Commandments.

It had to follow from that that such things as mass shootings, drive-by shootings, serial killings, and all other manner of violence would escalate.

Sexual perversion has come out of dark hiding places and into the mainstream and now perversion is openly celebrated in our movies and TV shows while those who are moral are portrayed as villains.

2020 is simply the year that the spark of COVID lit fire to the whole rotting edifice of our rotten society and now that the fire has spread it may not be possible to stop it.
Please give me a time in history when people were NOT rebelling against God.

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