Impervious To Reason


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Inexplicable though it may be, a large portion of our populace is, as the title states, unwilling or unable to incorporate reason, experience, or plain ol’ common sense into their worldview.

They are known as Democrats, Progressives, Liberals.

These folks are ready and able to burn down their own home….with themselves in it.

That ‘burning,’ is the imposition of Marxism, socialism, Progressivism, on the rest of the populace….even if it means an eventual inflammatory conflict.

2. Our pal, Thinker, posted this:

Sixty-two percent of New Hampshire Democrats said they would prefer to see a large stray shooting star crash into Earth and end all human life than suffer through the reelection of President Trump.
62% of New Hampshire Democrats say they’d prefer human extinction to 2nd Trump term: poll

3. While we are all made in God’s image, as stated in the manual that produced Western Civilization, we are also members of the animal kingdom. And this is an essential warning about said kingdom:

"The Endangered Species Act has not saved any species, but the costs for trying have run into the billions. In Travis County, Texas, for example, listing just two songbirds as endangers caused a $300 million loss in property values by limiting development potential, according to the chief tax appraiser."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 11.

"Anyone who thinks that nature prefers humans and our environment or any species we know and love should consider that 99.9 percent of the billions of species that have lived on earth over the past 3.5 billion years have been dismissed into oblivion."
Ibid, p. 12

“Mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.” Woody Allen

4. What could cause the extinction of our species?

Not the climate, not loss of habitat, not the diminution of the supply of food…..nope: the Left’s attempt to steal elections and impose impermissible regulations and restrictions. I can tell you what these maniacs have in store for humanity, and you judge how much you will stand for.

5To Stop Climate Change Americans Must Cut Energy Use by 90 Percent, Live in 640 Square Feet, and Fly Only Once Every 3 Years, Says Study

To Stop Climate Change Americans Must Cut Energy Use by 90 Percent, Live in 640 Square Feet, and Fly Only Once Every 3 Years, Says Study

“… Americans will have to cut their energy use by more than 90 percent and families of four should live in housing no larger than 640 square feet. …. public transportation should account for most travel. Travel should, in any case, be limited to between 3,000 to 10,000 miles per person annually.

… they argue that human needs are sufficiently satisfied when each person has access to the energy equivalent of 7,500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per capita. That is about how much energy the average Bolivian uses. Currently, Americans use about 80,000 kWh annually per capita. With respect to transportation and physical mobility, the average person would be limited to using the energy equivalent of 16–40 gallons of gasoline per year. People are assumed to take one short- to medium-haul airplane trip every three years or so.”

If you have any doubt as to how possible this regimen is to accomplish, what would you have said a decade ago about men competing against women in the Olympics?
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6. "... food consumption per capita would vary depending on age and other conditions, but the average would be 2,100 calories per day. While just over 10 percent of the world's people are unfortunately still undernourished, the Food and Agriculture Organization reports that the daily global average food supply now stands at just under 3,000 calories per person. Each individual is allocated a new clothing allowance of nine pounds per year, and clothes may be washed 20 times annually. The good news is that everyone over age 10 is permitted a mobile phone and each household can have a laptop.

the researchers focus on what they call provisioning factors, which are intermediary institutions that people use to satisfy their needs. Provisioning factors that affect the amount of energy a society uses include public service, public health coverage, access to electricity and clean fuels, democratic quality, income equality, economic growth, and extractivism. These provisioning factors are the basis for providing sufficient human needs such as nourishment, drinking water, sanitation access, basic education, and a minimum income, all of which help secure the basic need of healthy life expectancy.


You won't put up with it????????????

Well....then they'll charge you with insurrection.

Democrats are in charge, and they've warned you they have F-16s and nuclear weapons.
7. Full of offal is in no way a bar to what passed for thinking from Progressives:

"Vogel and his colleagues are undaunted by the fact that there are absolutely no examples of low-energy societies providing decent living standards—as defined by the researchers themselves—for their citizens. So they proceed to jigger the various provisioning factors until they find that what is really needed is a "more fundamental transformation of the political-economic regime." That fundamental transformation includes free government-provided high-quality public services in areas such as health, education, and public transport."

And the solution is always the same: steal from earners until the nation is filled with serfs:

"We also found that a fairer income distribution is crucial for achieving decent living standards at low energy use," said co-author Daniel O'Neill, from Leeds' School of Earth and Environment. "To reduce existing income disparities, governments could raise minimum wages, provide a Universal Basic Income, and introduce a maximum income level. We also need much higher taxes on high incomes, and lower taxes on low incomes."
Op. Cit.
8. This is what you vote for when you vote Democrat:

"Two things that humanity for sure doesn't need according to the study are economic growth or the continued extraction of natural resources such as oil, coal, gas, or minerals. Vogel concluded: "In short, we need to abandon economic growth in affluent countries, scale back resource extraction, and prioritize public services, basic infrastructures and fair income distributions everywhere." He added, "In my view, the most promising and integral vision for the required transformation is the idea of degrowth—it is an idea whose time has come."

So when they call themselves Progressives......they mean the exact opposite.

Democrats lie about everything.
1.Inexplicable though it may be, a large portion of our populace is, as the title states, unwilling or unable to incorporate reason, experience, or plain ol’ common sense into their worldview.

They are known as Democrats, Progressives, Liberals.

These folks are ready and able to burn down their own home….with themselves in it.

That ‘burning,’ is the imposition of Marxism, socialism, Progressivism, on the rest of the populace….even if it means an eventual inflammatory conflict.

2. Our pal, Thinker, posted this:

Sixty-two percent of New Hampshire Democrats said they would prefer to see a large stray shooting star crash into Earth and end all human life than suffer through the reelection of President Trump.
62% of New Hampshire Democrats say they’d prefer human extinction to 2nd Trump term: poll

3. While we are all made in God’s image, as stated in the manual that produced Western Civilization, we are also members of the animal kingdom. And this is an essential warning about said kingdom:

"The Endangered Species Act has not saved any species, but the costs for trying have run into the billions. In Travis County, Texas, for example, listing just two songbirds as endangers caused a $300 million loss in property values by limiting development potential, according to the chief tax appraiser."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 11.

"Anyone who thinks that nature prefers humans and our environment or any species we know and love should consider that 99.9 percent of the billions of species that have lived on earth over the past 3.5 billion years have been dismissed into oblivion."
Ibid, p. 12

“Mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.” Woody Allen

4. What could cause the extinction of our species?

Not the climate, not loss of habitat, not the diminution of the supply of food…..nope: the Left’s attempt to steal elections and impose impermissible regulations and restrictions. I can tell you what these maniacs have in store for humanity, and you judge how much you will stand for.

5To Stop Climate Change Americans Must Cut Energy Use by 90 Percent, Live in 640 Square Feet, and Fly Only Once Every 3 Years, Says Study

To Stop Climate Change Americans Must Cut Energy Use by 90 Percent, Live in 640 Square Feet, and Fly Only Once Every 3 Years, Says Study

“… Americans will have to cut their energy use by more than 90 percent and families of four should live in housing no larger than 640 square feet. …. public transportation should account for most travel. Travel should, in any case, be limited to between 3,000 to 10,000 miles per person annually.

… they argue that human needs are sufficiently satisfied when each person has access to the energy equivalent of 7,500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per capita. That is about how much energy the average Bolivian uses. Currently, Americans use about 80,000 kWh annually per capita. With respect to transportation and physical mobility, the average person would be limited to using the energy equivalent of 16–40 gallons of gasoline per year. People are assumed to take one short- to medium-haul airplane trip every three years or so.”

If you have any doubt as to how possible this regimen is to accomplish, what would you have said a decade ago about men competing against women in the Olympics?
Ask the democrats first what makes a trump election worse than extinction. They’ll have no answer. Just ego-driven sheep.

It is a sign of being brainwashed for decades into stupidity. They prefer the Earth die than to vote for Trump who did far better in 4 years than Biden in less than two years.

I am a Free Thinking Independent who HATE leftists and the leftist wing of the Democrat party because of their overt effort to bring in National Socialism it is their end game they are pursuing.
1.Inexplicable though it may be, a large portion of our populace is, as the title states, unwilling or unable to incorporate reason, experience, or plain ol’ common sense into their worldview.

They are known as Democrats, Progressives, Liberals.

I saw a thread in here that says Neo Marxists Cannot be Reasoned With. Totally true
Right bitch.
So every, single person on your list - even though you have never met 99.0999% of them - you claim is incapable and/or unwilling to use reason.

Fuck are you stupid.
Bye now...dumb, fucking slut.
Right bitch.
So every, single person on your list - even though you have never met 99.0999% of them - you claim is incapable and/or unwilling to use reason.

Fuck are you stupid.
Bye now...dumb, fucking slut.

You're not speaking to your family now......learn how to address your betters.
They are firmly committed to their religion, Militant Secularism.
Nothing says 'I have NO LIFE' life posting 152,000 times on a chat forum.
And most of the posts are ridiculous to boot.

And don't bother responding.
I don't read your posts unless I want a far right ****.
Who probably lubes her pussy by throwing puppies into a meat grinder.
1.Inexplicable though it may be, a large portion of our populace is, as the title states, unwilling or unable to incorporate reason, experience, or plain ol’ common sense into their worldview.

They are known as Democrats, Progressives, Liberals.

These folks are ready and able to burn down their own home….with themselves in it.

That ‘burning,’ is the imposition of Marxism, socialism, Progressivism, on the rest of the populace….even if it means an eventual inflammatory conflict.

2. Our pal, Thinker, posted this:

Sixty-two percent of New Hampshire Democrats said they would prefer to see a large stray shooting star crash into Earth and end all human life than suffer through the reelection of President Trump.
62% of New Hampshire Democrats say they’d prefer human extinction to 2nd Trump term: poll

3. While we are all made in God’s image, as stated in the manual that produced Western Civilization, we are also members of the animal kingdom. And this is an essential warning about said kingdom:

"The Endangered Species Act has not saved any species, but the costs for trying have run into the billions. In Travis County, Texas, for example, listing just two songbirds as endangers caused a $300 million loss in property values by limiting development potential, according to the chief tax appraiser."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 11.

"Anyone who thinks that nature prefers humans and our environment or any species we know and love should consider that 99.9 percent of the billions of species that have lived on earth over the past 3.5 billion years have been dismissed into oblivion."
Ibid, p. 12

“Mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.” Woody Allen

4. What could cause the extinction of our species?

Not the climate, not loss of habitat, not the diminution of the supply of food…..nope: the Left’s attempt to steal elections and impose impermissible regulations and restrictions. I can tell you what these maniacs have in store for humanity, and you judge how much you will stand for.

5To Stop Climate Change Americans Must Cut Energy Use by 90 Percent, Live in 640 Square Feet, and Fly Only Once Every 3 Years, Says Study

To Stop Climate Change Americans Must Cut Energy Use by 90 Percent, Live in 640 Square Feet, and Fly Only Once Every 3 Years, Says Study

“… Americans will have to cut their energy use by more than 90 percent and families of four should live in housing no larger than 640 square feet. …. public transportation should account for most travel. Travel should, in any case, be limited to between 3,000 to 10,000 miles per person annually.

… they argue that human needs are sufficiently satisfied when each person has access to the energy equivalent of 7,500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per capita. That is about how much energy the average Bolivian uses. Currently, Americans use about 80,000 kWh annually per capita. With respect to transportation and physical mobility, the average person would be limited to using the energy equivalent of 16–40 gallons of gasoline per year. People are assumed to take one short- to medium-haul airplane trip every three years or so.”

If you have any doubt as to how possible this regimen is to accomplish, what would you have said a decade ago about men competing against women in the Olympics?
Lady - do yourself a favor?
Shut the fuck up.
Every time you look stupider and stupider.

You ugly, far right piece of dried up slunk meat.
Nothing says 'I have NO LIFE' life posting 152,000 times on a chat forum.
And most of the posts are ridiculous to boot.

And don't bother responding.
I don't read your posts unless I want a far right ****.
Who probably lubes her pussy by throwing puppies into a meat grinder.
^^^Another exhibit of what I describe as demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies.

Who did this to you, Sandisk?

Here, let Uncle Yuri explain...

"...Interviewer: The Soviets use the phase, “ideological subversion”. What do they mean by that?

Bezmenov: Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate overt and open. You can see it with your own eyes. All you have to do, all the American mass media has to do is to unplug their bananas from their ears, open up their eyes and they can see. There’s no mystery. There’s nothing to do with espionage. I know espionage intelligence gathering looks more romantic, it sells more deodorants through their advertising, probably. That’s why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond type of thrillers. But in reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all! According to my opinion, and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures, (2 Russian words, активные something, I couldn’t catch it) in the language of the KGB, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality of every American to such as extent that in spite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.

It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages, the first one being demoralization. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years which is required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of your enemy. In other words, Marxism / Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least 3 generations of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism.

The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already, for the last 25 years, actually it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."

From a Former KGB Agent: The 4 stages of Subverting a Nation - James Japan


I offer you this, Sandisk... a lightbulb: 💡

Get a clue, and get well soon.

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