European Nations Hand Biden ANOTHER 'FAIL'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

9 nations reject Biden's global tax plan....

Perhaps Biden should concentrate on

His border disaster
The Democrats' failed 'Defund The Police' that has resulted in out-of-control crime
The Russian Hacking ass-kicking he has facilitated
and a host of other failed policies / issues here at home....
130 of the group approved and nine said no which is a majority of those looking to implement. The Ruskies hacked the US govt. during Trump and you said nothing about Trump failing the govt. but you want us to believe it is the presidents priority to protect private corporations for some reason.
Who cares what Europeans want?

Not so long ago they wanted to rule America by Royal decree.

That did not work out so well.
Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

9 nations reject Biden's global tax plan....

Perhaps Biden should concentrate on

His border disaster
The Democrats' failed 'Defund The Police' that has resulted in out-of-control crime
The Russian Hacking ass-kicking he has facilitated
and a host of other failed policies / issues here at home....

It was always going to be difficult to get all 130+ on board. I understand his motivation, as much as I believe in the free market, in the global economy of today, a tax rate shouldn't be anymore of a primary motivator than race-to-the-bottom wages is. However, of course it's going to be. It's damaging to First World economies.

So, a 15% rate, isn't much for a corporation to pay. They have top accountants anyways, so they write of all types of activities. 15% Is the max. one would pay.

That's a small price to pay to be able to operate and sell to major markets. The question as always is, "is China playing this same game, or are they playing by different rules"? As far as I remember, I believe they are a 25% rate, which is quite high considering they have basically no social programs for their citizens. It's offset by low wages, deregulation and other angles.
Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

9 nations reject Biden's global tax plan....

Perhaps Biden should concentrate on

His border disaster
The Democrats' failed 'Defund The Police' that has resulted in out-of-control crime
The Russian Hacking ass-kicking he has facilitated
and a host of other failed policies / issues here at home....
If he can't get the Europeans on board, this is done. Many Europeans see how bad this idea could be for them.
Crime is out of control just like poverty is high yet again..and it happened while Trump was president but you want to blame the new guy, awww, how sweet.
Two straight posts to get change the topic, you are trying awfully hard.
Crime is out of control just like poverty is high yet again..and it happened while Trump was president but you want to blame the new guy, awww, how sweet.
First time, MAGAt said only he could fix the mess left by President Obama.
Second time, same MAGAt said only he could fix the mess left by ...oops.
Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

9 nations reject Biden's global tax plan....

Perhaps Biden should concentrate on

His border disaster
The Democrats' failed 'Defund The Police' that has resulted in out-of-control crime
The Russian Hacking ass-kicking he has facilitated
and a host of other failed policies / issues here at home....
LIAR ^^^

A group of 130 nations reached a groundbreaking agreement last week for a global minimum tax rate on corporations, but the tentative deal has been complicated by a handful of countries that refused to endorse the blueprint.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced Thursday that 130 of the 139 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development agreed to a long-sought conceptual framework to overhaul the global tax system, including a minimum rate of at least 15% on multinational corporations, regardless of where they operate.

But nine countries – Barbados, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Kenya, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, St. Vincent, Peru and the Grenadines – did not sign the tentative framework.

Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

Biden’s proposed global minimum tax rejected by major European nations

9 nations reject Biden's global tax plan....

Perhaps Biden should concentrate on

His border disaster
The Democrats' failed 'Defund The Police' that has resulted in out-of-control crime
The Russian Hacking ass-kicking he has facilitated
and a host of other failed policies / issues here at home....
We need to lock Uncle Jojo in his basement where he can't do any more damage.

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