The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I giving this post a subtitle of :

Imminent Thread

I recently had a run in with a very slippery and cowardly poster on this very forum who refused to define for me what an Imminent Threat was when he specifically had the words "Imminent Threat" in the title of his thread. He reported me several times for my pressing him to define Imminent Threat and to define the difference between Nancy Pelosi and The Democrats calling The President an Urgent and Imminent Threat, and General Soleimani being defined as a terrorist engaged in years of terrorist activities who had a UN travel ban on him since 2007, and who suddenly showed up in Iran and toured sensitive US sites in the midst of attacks on such sites being declared an Imminent Threat.

Here was my challenge to him after being frustrated with his refusal to define "Imminent Threat":

I have never seen a moderator act so fast. Some of my posts challenging the poster to define and differentiate "Imminent Threat" were immediately deleted.

So, you know what? Here is MY THREAD, asking anyone who has balls enough to discuss this asking YOU ALL what is an "Imminent Threat". This is not a call out thread. The poster in question will not participate likely in this thread, and I did not name names.

First article I posted when I asked this question is below:

Along with some of my comments. Let's define "Imminent Threat" in this thread

I asked if Soleimani was an "Imminent Threat" as his title stated, that should we have impeached him instead.




But Pelosi and Every Dem called The President an Imminent threat to "them" so this is why they impeached him.

Who is The Imminent Threat, Trump or Soleimani?

The Topic is about What is and What IS NOT, an Imminent Threat, and if there is a difference between Soleimani being called an Imminent Threat who planed to attack more of our embassies and Military Bases, and Trump who has committed no crimes but is doing nothing but opposing The Left's Agenda.

Then I posted this article:

After Claims of an 'Imminent Threat' to Democracy, Democrats Opt to Play Political Games on Impeachment

As House Democrats relentlessly pushed their partisan impeachment at the fastest rate in American history, they were heavily scrutinized for the expedited timeline. In response, they argued President Trump posed an urgent threat to not only Democracy – but the next election.

Here’s what they said about the necessity for a breakneck pace:

“They keep taking it to court and, no, we’re not going to wait till the courts decide. We can’t wait for that.” – Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Nov. 11th, 2019

“We view this as urgent.” – House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff on Nov. 24th, 2019

“President Trump’s actions represent a threat to our national security and an urgent threat to integrity of the next election.” – House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler on Dec. 4th, 2019

“And right now, I’ve said this before, I’ve never felt Democracy in our country was so endangered as it is under this President. So it’s critical.” – Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick at a Tucson Town Hall on Nov. 7th, 2019

“I swore an oath to place something above all of that, and the safety of this country, the integrity of our democracy, that’s got to come first.” – Rep. Tom Malinowski at a Wharton Town Hall on Nov. 23rd, 2019

“We are a system based on rule of law, that no man or woman is above or below those laws. And… also, I thought recently of how fragile that system is.” – Rep. Jason Crow at an Aurora Town Hall on Dec. 15th, 2019

But weeks after voting to impeach President Trump, Nancy Pelosi refuses to transmit the articles to the Senate. When asked about the timetable to address this “urgent threat to the integrity of the next election,” here’s how Pelosi responded:

No comment from @SpeakerPelosi upon arrival to the Capitol when asked about timetable for transmitting impeachment articles to the Senate, per @jparkABC.

"Happy New Year!" she said to reporters.




Pelosi says we have no choice but to "drone" 45. He is an imminent threat to our National Security, and Salami? Why, he was like Elvis Presley or Lady said Democrats Everywhere. I even heard him referred to as being like Charles DeGaul, a Genius, and a Scholar. No, not Trump, it was Soleimani they were saying this about.

Make American Great Again: "Imminent Threat"

Make America Bleed Again: "Elvis"


My parting shot in the other thread?

Well, how about you start your thread with defining what an Imminent Threat is? After All Nazi Pelosi and her Non Binding Toilet Paper Resolution also referenced "Imminent Threat" & she called our President an "Imminent Threat". So is Pelosi confused or just senile? Maybe you are confused too.
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Related Material:
Full Article at the link

Mark 'Oz' Geist: Trump's decisive leadership would have saved my Benghazi team

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad and President Trump’s reaction are in no way comparable to the events in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.

I fought to defend the American diplomatic post and CIA annex in Benghazi for more than 13 hours against a determined, organized assault by dozens of Al Qaeda fanatics armed with belt-fed machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and heavy mortars.

The basic facts should be enough to dismiss any serious comparison. My team and I were told to “stand down” no fewer than three times in the face of what the media later called “protesters” — even as Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, were being killed and maimed by the terrorists. No U.S. military reaction force was sent, despite our numerous requests for help. Only by our own tenacity and courage were more than 30 Americans able to escape with our lives.

Compare that to the recent attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. When Iran-backed militias and their supporters stormed the embassy grounds and Iraqi forces refused to do their duty to defend American lives and property,

President Trump reacted forcefully. In roughly the same amount of time it took to the Obama administration to get an unarmed American drone over our heads as we fought for our lives in Benghazi, more than 100 U.S. Marines were on the scene to defend the Baghdad embassy and two Apache helicopter gunships were in the air asserting American sovereignty.

I have never seen a moderator act so fast. Some of my posts challenging the poster to define and differentiate "Imminent Threat" were immediately deleted.

Welcome to the club.

I have had many dozens of postings removed here. Oppose the Islamist agenda at your own risk at US messageboard
Well, I just don't refer to "allah" by his proper name, so I escape some wrath. I call him Ollie Assburn.
I can define Trump’s imminent threat:

He is the favorite to win in 2020. Dimwingers refused to accept the 2016 election results, and they are already doing the same for 2020.
Yeah , such an “imminent threat “ that Trumps guys can’t even explain it.
Related Material:
Full Article at the link

Mark 'Oz' Geist: Trump's decisive leadership would have saved my Benghazi team

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad and President Trump’s reaction are in no way comparable to the events in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.

I fought to defend the American diplomatic post and CIA annex in Benghazi for more than 13 hours against a determined, organized assault by dozens of Al Qaeda fanatics armed with belt-fed machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and heavy mortars.

The basic facts should be enough to dismiss any serious comparison. My team and I were told to “stand down” no fewer than three times in the face of what the media later called “protesters” — even as Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, were being killed and maimed by the terrorists. No U.S. military reaction force was sent, despite our numerous requests for help. Only by our own tenacity and courage were more than 30 Americans able to escape with our lives.

Compare that to the recent attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. When Iran-backed militias and their supporters stormed the embassy grounds and Iraqi forces refused to do their duty to defend American lives and property,

President Trump reacted forcefully. In roughly the same amount of time it took to the Obama administration to get an unarmed American drone over our heads as we fought for our lives in Benghazi, more than 100 U.S. Marines were on the scene to defend the Baghdad embassy and two Apache helicopter gunships were in the air asserting American sovereignty.

If only the under construction Consulate building in Benghazi was the largest, most sophisticated Embassy in the world in a country that we had been occupying for nearly a decade, his contrast might hold water.
Yeah , such an “imminent threat “ that Trumps guys can’t even explain it.
Well, first we have to vote to impeach the Imminent Threat and then we have to wait two months to let The Senate read about it, to see what's in it, because it's SO URGENT!
Related Material:
Full Article at the link

Mark 'Oz' Geist: Trump's decisive leadership would have saved my Benghazi team

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad and President Trump’s reaction are in no way comparable to the events in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.

I fought to defend the American diplomatic post and CIA annex in Benghazi for more than 13 hours against a determined, organized assault by dozens of Al Qaeda fanatics armed with belt-fed machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and heavy mortars.

The basic facts should be enough to dismiss any serious comparison. My team and I were told to “stand down” no fewer than three times in the face of what the media later called “protesters” — even as Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, were being killed and maimed by the terrorists. No U.S. military reaction force was sent, despite our numerous requests for help. Only by our own tenacity and courage were more than 30 Americans able to escape with our lives.

Compare that to the recent attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. When Iran-backed militias and their supporters stormed the embassy grounds and Iraqi forces refused to do their duty to defend American lives and property,

President Trump reacted forcefully. In roughly the same amount of time it took to the Obama administration to get an unarmed American drone over our heads as we fought for our lives in Benghazi, more than 100 U.S. Marines were on the scene to defend the Baghdad embassy and two Apache helicopter gunships were in the air asserting American sovereignty.

If only the under construction Consulate building in Benghazi was the largest, most sophisticated Embassy in the world in a country that we had been occupying for nearly a decade, his contrast might hold water.
I am thinking if you were with The Brave Soldiers That Obama Bin Lying abandoned in Benghazi that your Cowardly Bladder would not hold it's water.
The guy...and stop calling him a General....wasn't in Iraq on a fucking peace mission...for crying out democrats have to see blood? they need to see American blood on TV before they will stand up and take action?...that's what happened in Benghazi damn it!...wake up!!!
Related Material:
Full Article at the link

Mark 'Oz' Geist: Trump's decisive leadership would have saved my Benghazi team

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad and President Trump’s reaction are in no way comparable to the events in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.

I fought to defend the American diplomatic post and CIA annex in Benghazi for more than 13 hours against a determined, organized assault by dozens of Al Qaeda fanatics armed with belt-fed machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and heavy mortars.

The basic facts should be enough to dismiss any serious comparison. My team and I were told to “stand down” no fewer than three times in the face of what the media later called “protesters” — even as Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, were being killed and maimed by the terrorists. No U.S. military reaction force was sent, despite our numerous requests for help. Only by our own tenacity and courage were more than 30 Americans able to escape with our lives.

Compare that to the recent attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. When Iran-backed militias and their supporters stormed the embassy grounds and Iraqi forces refused to do their duty to defend American lives and property,

President Trump reacted forcefully. In roughly the same amount of time it took to the Obama administration to get an unarmed American drone over our heads as we fought for our lives in Benghazi, more than 100 U.S. Marines were on the scene to defend the Baghdad embassy and two Apache helicopter gunships were in the air asserting American sovereignty.

If only the under construction Consulate building in Benghazi was the largest, most sophisticated Embassy in the world in a country that we had been occupying for nearly a decade, his contrast might hold water.
I am thinking if you were with The Brave Soldiers That Obama Bin Lying abandoned in Benghazi that your Cowardly Bladder would not hold it's water.

I'm thinking you're a Certified A+ TTP!

Trumpybear Turd Polisher.

Keep up the good work.
So now we believe everything we are told, like the Russians helped trump win?
Related Material:
Full Article at the link

Mark 'Oz' Geist: Trump's decisive leadership would have saved my Benghazi team

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad and President Trump’s reaction are in no way comparable to the events in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.

I fought to defend the American diplomatic post and CIA annex in Benghazi for more than 13 hours against a determined, organized assault by dozens of Al Qaeda fanatics armed with belt-fed machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and heavy mortars.

The basic facts should be enough to dismiss any serious comparison. My team and I were told to “stand down” no fewer than three times in the face of what the media later called “protesters” — even as Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, were being killed and maimed by the terrorists. No U.S. military reaction force was sent, despite our numerous requests for help. Only by our own tenacity and courage were more than 30 Americans able to escape with our lives.

Compare that to the recent attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. When Iran-backed militias and their supporters stormed the embassy grounds and Iraqi forces refused to do their duty to defend American lives and property,

President Trump reacted forcefully. In roughly the same amount of time it took to the Obama administration to get an unarmed American drone over our heads as we fought for our lives in Benghazi, more than 100 U.S. Marines were on the scene to defend the Baghdad embassy and two Apache helicopter gunships were in the air asserting American sovereignty.

If only the under construction Consulate building in Benghazi was the largest, most sophisticated Embassy in the world in a country that we had been occupying for nearly a decade, his contrast might hold water.
I am thinking if you were with The Brave Soldiers That Obama Bin Lying abandoned in Benghazi that your Cowardly Bladder would not hold it's water.

I'm thinking you're a Certified A+ TTP!

Trumpybear Turd Polisher.

Keep up the good work.
You have been designated an "Imminent Threat"! Nancy Pelosi will be sending a drone to your house to "Impeach" you shortly. It might take 2 months but I assure you, it's urgent and you are a Urgent Threat to our Democracy.
So now we believe everything we are told, like the Russians helped trump win?
The Russians Help & Defend Iran, and The Democrats Root, and Cheer and Defend Iran.

I believe that. I also believe Obama Bin Lying sent $150 Billion in Obama Bucks to Iran to pay Russia for Obama Bombs to kill Americans with.

True Story Bro.
So now we believe everything we are told, like the Russians helped trump win?
The Russians Help & Defend Iran, and The Democrats Root, and Cheer and Defend Iran.

I believe that. I also believe Obama Bin Lying sent $150 Billion in Obama Bucks to Iran to pay Russia for Obama Bombs to kill Americans with.

True Story Bro.
So we do believe that the Russians help elect trump then.
I will never understand people reporting posts, aside from direct threats, on a political debate site.


Carry on...

Thank you.

Impeachment is a pre-emotive strike, then more like a terrorist attack that terrorists employ because they do not have the courage to face their foe directly.

I can define Trump’s imminent threat:

He is the favorite to win in 2020. Dimwingers refused to accept the 2016 election results, and they are already doing the same for 2020.
Iran after lying about launching Obama Bombs paid for with Obama Bucks, purchased from Russia to down a Ukraine Airliner, just got caught exporting Russian-Iranian Missiles in to Syria.

Israel reportedly attacks Syria-Iraq border, thwarts shipment of Iranian ballistic missiles

Eight members of Shiite militia apparently killed in strike. Witnesses say a big explosion was seen at the Abu Kamal border crossing, a site that has been attacked before. Israel has repeatedly warned Iran that it would not tolerate its arming of militias in Syria.

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