I'm With Trump Right Now!

And he doesn't look frazzled or panicked at all! Go Donald!

You can follow him live as well . . .

he is taking hold of the union vote

Yeah, the Democratic Party has been hijacked by Globalist cretins. They threw American Workers overboard years ago. I'm shocked any Worker Unions still support that Party.

It's all about placating Non-Citizens now. The Party has cast its lot with foreign interests. It sees millions & millions of future Democrat Voters. They see sacrificing American Workers as an overall benefit in the end. Trump is the viable alternative for American Workers. He's looking out for their interests.
All these people who claim Trump is in a panic because of Mueller, well, I was within about 20 feet of the President for about an hour and a half tonight and the guy has never looked better, more confident and self assured, There is no doubt in this man's mind that he has always been on the right side of issues and shall prevail and I agree. The place was filled, I'd say at least 10,000 people there (aircraft hanger) and was packed. Many more outside. The overwhelming theme of people there was that Trump was electric! He exudes confidence and inspires enthusiasm. He talked quite a bit about many things national and international quickly giving the listener insights on the great differences between how things really happen vs. the way the media portray the stories. When you are in the presence of Trump, you realize that here is a guy who is really talking to you, it is all off the cuff, not practiced, rehearsed or poll-studied, at one point he was giving his opinion on a certain topic and admitted, he didn't even know whether his view was popular or not. This man has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the work he is doing for the country and has only gotten stronger and picked up steam since taking office. He was extremely fluid, nimble and comfortable. Here is a man who is an ordinary businessman off the street working in a Washington setting trying to get lifetime career politicians to start looking at things from the POV of the American people! He even had to fight with them about what to name the tax bill! The people in Washington live in a closed universe and have no idea what you and I think, value, need or want. But after the event tonight, the takeaway from all is that Trump is doing great and has the people's confidence more than ever. He was great. Very refreshing to know that such a person is backing our country!

Oh and BTW, many people came from out of state to hear the guy speak! Now THAT is interest and loyalty! During the rally, I did not see one dissenter or trouble-maker dare make an appearance.
All these people who claim Trump is in a panic because of Mueller, well, I was within about 20 feet of the President for about an hour and a half tonight and the guy has never looked better, more confident and self assured, There is no doubt in this man's mind that he has always been on the right side of issues and shall prevail and I agree. The place was filled, I'd say at least 10,000 people there (aircraft hanger) and was packed. Many more outside. The overwhelming theme of people there was that Trump was electric! He exudes confidence and inspires enthusiasm. He talked quite a bit about many things national and international quickly giving the listener insights on the great differences between how things really happen vs. the way the media portray the stories. When you are in the presence of Trump, you realize that here is a guy who is really talking to you, it is all off the cuff, not practiced, rehearsed or poll-studied, at one point he was giving his opinion on a certain topic and admitted, he didn't even know whether his view was popular or not. This man has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the work he is doing for the country and has only gotten stronger and picked up steam since taking office. He was extremely fluid, nimble and comfortable. Here is a man who is an ordinary businessman off the street working in a Washington setting trying to get lifetime career politicians to start looking at things from the POV of the American people! He even had to fight with them about what to name the tax bill! The people in Washington live in a closed universe and have no idea what you and I think, value, need or want. But after the event tonight, the takeaway from all is that Trump is doing great and has the people's confidence more than ever. He was great. Very refreshing to know that such a person is backing our country!

Why did you say that there were 10,000 people there?
Because there are.

Nooe. Not even close.

Were you there? Did you watch the feed as the cameras panned the place? Quit talking out of your ass. Could have been more, maybe 12,000. With folks outside, probably 15,000. And this was out in the middle of nowhere in the suburbs 15 miles from the nearest city half way to the West Virginia border. When was the last time any other GOP candidate or Hillary for that matter attracted so many, and it was on a whim, he's not even running for anything, just popped in to take his message straight to the people right over the heads of the fake media! Zoom! And southwest PA is a democratic stronghold! He did all this and right under the noses and in the faces of the Democrats where they are strongest in the state except for Phili. People support this guy even more now than ever. Score another big win for The Donald.
He's a formidable opponent, no matter what CNN says. I don't like the guy, but the media IS being ridiculous. There's coverage--which we need--and then there's obsessive snarling and bitching that never ends. I hate Trump's broad- brush take on illegals as MS-13 characters. Over 100 of the illegals that ICE wanted to arrest in Oakland did not have any criminal history at all.

You mean even after all of this time CNN is still trying to minimalize him as a viable candidate? They are just acting as a spearhead for the Resist movement. That's the biggest problem in most media these days---- they don't even try to report the news, the events, they try to BE the news and present a heavily faceted view. That is right, Trump is more formidable than ever, he's really grown into the role and is very comfortable there. I don't begrudge anyone's liking or disliking the guy for honest reasons------ I don't agree with everything he says either, but for the most part, he seems to be pretty self-correcting from the time he expresses an opinion to the time he finally elicits action. Not all of his views on illegals, crime and drugs agree with my own; politicians tend to make simplistic rules that cover issues like a blanket without enough thought put to the details, but that is true of EVERY politician, you will never agree 100% with any of them, the law-making process is so adversarial these days they are lucky to get anything passed at all, and mistakes are always made.

You are not a bellwether. Who's the "we" in "we will lose again"?
He knows how to talk to the below average voter. If you listened to that travesty and thought "he's not so bad", you too are below average. Fortunately, most Americans know this. He has peaked.

GOOD! GOOD! Keep up the condescension! That just shows you still are ignorant of why you lose and why you will lose again! Keep labeling anyone even remotely not reviled by Trump into the same Deplorable category so that you show them that their only other choice than voting for Trump is an even worse candidate that looks down their nose at you! At least Trump is rich enough to buy a small country, yet he doesn't look down his nose at anyone. Unlike the Democrats that must pick and chose who they interview with and only with very friendly faces with predetermined safe questions, Trump will sit down with his worst adversary and speak freely and answer any question unprepared, and little by little, even those on the fence about Trump are realizing that bad as he may be in some ways, at least he is HONEST, he is REAL, and he willing to work with anyone and represent all of the American people!

You are not a bellwether. Who's the "we" in "we will lose again"?
He knows how to talk to the below average voter. If you listened to that travesty and thought "he's not so bad", you too are below average. Fortunately, most Americans know this. He has peaked.

GOOD! GOOD! Keep up the condescension! That just shows you still are ignorant of why you lose and why you will lose again! Keep labeling anyone even remotely not reviled by Trump into the same Deplorable category so that you show them that their only other choice than voting for Trump is an even worse candidate that looks down their nose at you! At least Trump is rich enough to buy a small country, yet he doesn't look down his nose at anyone. Unlike the Democrats that must pick and chose who they interview with and only with very friendly faces with predetermined safe questions, Trump will sit down with his worst adversary and speak freely and answer any question unprepared, and little by little, even those on the fence about Trump are realizing that bad as he may be in some ways, at least he is HONEST, he is REAL, and he willing to work with anyone and represent all of the American people!

Trump has yet to have an open event where he doesn't control who is in the audience.

All these people who claim Trump is in a panic because of Mueller, well, I was within about 20 feet of the President for about an hour and a half tonight and the guy has never looked better, more confident and self assured, There is no doubt in this man's mind that he has always been on the right side of issues and shall prevail and I agree. The place was filled, I'd say at least 10,000 people there (aircraft hanger) and was packed. Many more outside. The overwhelming theme of people there was that Trump was electric! He exudes confidence and inspires enthusiasm. He talked quite a bit about many things national and international quickly giving the listener insights on the great differences between how things really happen vs. the way the media portray the stories. When you are in the presence of Trump, you realize that here is a guy who is really talking to you, it is all off the cuff, not practiced, rehearsed or poll-studied, at one point he was giving his opinion on a certain topic and admitted, he didn't even know whether his view was popular or not. This man has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the work he is doing for the country and has only gotten stronger and picked up steam since taking office. He was extremely fluid, nimble and comfortable. Here is a man who is an ordinary businessman off the street working in a Washington setting trying to get lifetime career politicians to start looking at things from the POV of the American people! He even had to fight with them about what to name the tax bill! The people in Washington live in a closed universe and have no idea what you and I think, value, need or want. But after the event tonight, the takeaway from all is that Trump is doing great and has the people's confidence more than ever. He was great. Very refreshing to know that such a person is backing our country!

Why did you say that there were 10,000 people there?
Because there are.

Nooe. Not even close.

Were you there? Did you watch the feed as the cameras panned the place? Quit talking out of your ass. Could have been more, maybe 12,000. With folks outside, probably 15,000. And this was out in the middle of nowhere in the suburbs 15 miles from the nearest city half way to the West Virginia border. When was the last time any other GOP candidate or Hillary for that matter attracted so many, and it was on a whim, he's not even running for anything, just popped in to take his message straight to the people right over the heads of the fake media! Zoom! And southwest PA is a democratic stronghold! He did all this and right under the noses and in the faces of the Democrats where they are strongest in the state except for Phili. People support this guy even more now than ever. Score another big win for The Donald.

I actually voted for Trump. It scares me I can't actually say that in public, because it scares people. People that pretend to be liberals and pretend to be so open minded, they can't stand real diversity.

Diversity is OK, it's corruption, paying off porn stars and calling other countries "shit holes" and making fun of handicapped people and sticking up for white supremacists that rubs us the wrong way.
All these people who claim Trump is in a panic because of Mueller, well, I was within about 20 feet of the President for about an hour and a half tonight and the guy has never looked better, more confident and self assured, There is no doubt in this man's mind that he has always been on the right side of issues and shall prevail and I agree. The place was filled, I'd say at least 10,000 people there (aircraft hanger) and was packed. Many more outside. The overwhelming theme of people there was that Trump was electric! He exudes confidence and inspires enthusiasm. He talked quite a bit about many things national and international quickly giving the listener insights on the great differences between how things really happen vs. the way the media portray the stories. When you are in the presence of Trump, you realize that here is a guy who is really talking to you, it is all off the cuff, not practiced, rehearsed or poll-studied, at one point he was giving his opinion on a certain topic and admitted, he didn't even know whether his view was popular or not. This man has boundless energy and enthusiasm for the work he is doing for the country and has only gotten stronger and picked up steam since taking office. He was extremely fluid, nimble and comfortable. Here is a man who is an ordinary businessman off the street working in a Washington setting trying to get lifetime career politicians to start looking at things from the POV of the American people! He even had to fight with them about what to name the tax bill! The people in Washington live in a closed universe and have no idea what you and I think, value, need or want. But after the event tonight, the takeaway from all is that Trump is doing great and has the people's confidence more than ever. He was great. Very refreshing to know that such a person is backing our country!

Why did you say that there were 10,000 people there?
Because there are.

Nooe. Not even close.

Were you there? Did you watch the feed as the cameras panned the place? Quit talking out of your ass. Could have been more, maybe 12,000. With folks outside, probably 15,000. And this was out in the middle of nowhere in the suburbs 15 miles from the nearest city half way to the West Virginia border. When was the last time any other GOP candidate or Hillary for that matter attracted so many, and it was on a whim, he's not even running for anything, just popped in to take his message straight to the people right over the heads of the fake media! Zoom! And southwest PA is a democratic stronghold! He did all this and right under the noses and in the faces of the Democrats where they are strongest in the state except for Phili. People support this guy even more now than ever. Score another big win for The Donald.


"And this was out in the middle of nowhere in the suburbs 15 miles from the nearest city half way to the West Virginia border. ""
Say what? The rally was outside Pittsburgh in an aviation hangar. Local CBS affiliate reports "several thousand".
Thousands Turn Out To See Donald Trump Stump For Rick Saccone
Don't any of you idiots know how to look something up before you let the flies out of your piehole?

But you are correct, anywhere in redneck land Trump will get a good crowd. Notice he won't give rallies in blue states.
That's because he's fucking phony coward.
Me too. Because of the immigration stuff. I have been to a INS office back in the early 90s. They say Regan created this atmosphere to begin with. I despise illegals and actively stood against them, Instead, our government defends illegals. It takes my breath away how Denver or San Francisco is a sanctuary city despite our wishes, and to despite our own poor. It's not what Democracy is.
Unless if you are a native American....you are an immigrant, legal or not we don't care. One thing for sure you are a hateful and selfish prick.
Unless you are born in another country, anyone born here is a native American. This talking point of yours is tired and wrong.

I have a touch of native blood, but regardless of that; I was born in the USA and I AM a native of the USA.
About that... even so called "native" people immigrated here from Asia, too. We have this newfangled idea called "counties" that weren't even a vague concept when people were nomadic tribes pushing out and exploring. Now we sort of have this new civilized concept of international law, National borders and Immigration law which we hold most people to. But not Mexicans, though. We can't do that, that would be whatsitsaphobia.

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