Illegal immigration separates families.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
and amnesty will further separate them.

Illegal immigration and Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens separate families. Uniting families through amnesty in the U.S. is cruel and inhumane. Most illegal aliens have families and elderly parents who have lived their entire lives in Mexico and do not speak English or understand American culture. It would be cruel and inhumane to uproot elderly parents from their homes and families members (because some family members will be left behind) and bring them here to unite with their children. The humane and compassionate thing to do is to deport illegal aliens, by enforcing our immigration laws, and their anchor babies and unite them with their elderly parents who need them. Anchor babies will have no problem assimilating in Mexico because they already know the language and culture and they need to know their families, especially grand parents, who some have never know. Bringing elderly families members here to unite them with their children is not compassionate but cruel.

Enforcing our immigration laws and deporting those here illegally will unite families. Unite anchor babies with grandparents they have never met. Amnesty by any name is not the answer to the illegal immigration problem.

Why punish elderly parents by uprooting them and bringing them here just because our government is incompetent.
The anchor baby solution is simple. Since few politicians are willing to enforce the immigration laws, it is time to amend the Constitution. "Children born of illegal immigrants/aliens shall not have automatic citizenship in the United States but will have the citizenship of their parents." Or something similar to that affect.

Thomas Jefferson would certainly approve. In his letter to James Madison, dated September 6, 1789, he wrote " society can make a perpetual constitution or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation."

Simply put, in the 18th and 19th centuries, this country needed people. Today, we have too many. Its time to close our borders. Times and circumstances change and we must change/adapt or become extinct.
and that would leave many children stateless so how is that humane?

LilOLady, many kids have grown up in the US with thier parents and have no connection to their parent's fact, the first soldier to die in Iraq was born in Guatemala and came to the US as an illegal immigrant...many other soldiers who are US citizens with parents who are not legal are fighting our war for us...why should we send them home and just say oh well we don't care you were born here and were willing to sacrifice for our country that is of no consequence to us. My oldest child would be one of those..why? his father who is deceased was not legal.
The anchor baby solution is simple. Since few politicians are willing to enforce the immigration laws, it is time to amend the Constitution. "Children born of illegal immigrants/aliens shall not have automatic citizenship in the United States but will have the citizenship of their parents." Or something similar to that affect.

Thomas Jefferson would certainly approve. In his letter to James Madison, dated September 6, 1789, he wrote " society can make a perpetual constitution or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation."

Simply put, in the 18th and 19th centuries, this country needed people. Today, we have too many. Its time to close our borders. Times and circumstances change and we must change/adapt or become extinct.

We are no longer into nation building but nation survival. We do not have the natural resources to maintain a population explosion of another generation or poverty.

The Constitution refutes “Automatic Birthright Citizenship”
Mothers Against Illegal Amnesty, formerly Mothers Against Illegal Aliens has for the last 5 years worked tirelessly to bring the “PUBLIC” the “TRUTH” about Illegal Alien Anchor Babies/Infants/Children
VIDEO – The Constitution refutes “Automatic Birthright Citizenship”
and that would leave many children stateless so how is that humane?

LilOLady, many kids have grown up in the US with thier parents and have no connection to their parent's fact, the first soldier to die in Iraq was born in Guatemala and came to the US as an illegal immigrant...many other soldiers who are US citizens with parents who are not legal are fighting our war for us...why should we send them home and just say oh well we don't care you were born here and were willing to sacrifice for our country that is of no consequence to us. My oldest child would be one of those..why? his father who is deceased was not legal.

Their parents are their connection.
How may parents are fight our war?
Many illegal aliens bring children here also who do not know the language or culture and they have not really adjusted because their parent have not learned english or assimilated. Remember these children are also Mexican citizens according to Mexico's constitituion. They have a better chance of assimilating in Mexico because they are Mexicans as their parents and they most all have relatives in Mexico. Grandparent they may have never met.
These anchor babies are already being punished by the 14th amendment that separate them from their parents.
Being deported back to Mexico is not a punishment. Mexico is not a third world country where people are starving. If you have watched Border War you will see fat Mexican in designer clothing and shoes running from agents. Just last week I saw a man with Filas on.
Mexico needs it's young to survive and contribute to the economy and military.
and that would leave many children stateless so how is that humane?

LilOLady, many kids have grown up in the US with thier parents and have no connection to their parent's fact, the first soldier to die in Iraq was born in Guatemala and came to the US as an illegal immigrant...many other soldiers who are US citizens with parents who are not legal are fighting our war for us...why should we send them home and just say oh well we don't care you were born here and were willing to sacrifice for our country that is of no consequence to us. My oldest child would be one of those..why? his father who is deceased was not legal.

Their parents are their connection.
How may parents are fight our war?
Many illegal aliens bring children here also who do not know the language or culture and they have not really adjusted because their parent have not learned english or assimilated. Remember these children are also Mexican citizens according to Mexico's constitituion. They have a better chance of assimilating in Mexico because they are Mexicans as their parents and they most all have relatives in Mexico. Grandparent they may have never met.
These anchor babies are already being punished by the 14th amendment that separate them from their parents.
Being deported back to Mexico is not a punishment. Mexico is not a third world country where people are starving. If you have watched Border War you will see fat Mexican in designer clothing and shoes running from agents. Just last week I saw a man with Filas on.
Mexico needs it's young to survive and contribute to the economy and military.

I pointed out to you the first soldier to die in Iraq was an illegal immigrant. You seem to forget not all illegal immigrants are Mexican so it doesn't matter what the Mexican constitution said for somenoe that is say from Costa Rica.
I strongly believe that one day in the near future Mexico will summon it's people home.

Mexico Claims Anchor Babies by Law
By admin, on January 7th, 2011

Chapter II
Article 30. Mexican nationality is acquired by birth or by naturalization:
A. Mexicans by birth are:I.
Those born in the territory of the Republic, regardless of the nationality of their parents:
II. Those born in a foreign country of Mexican parents; of a Mexican father and a foreign mother; or of a Mexican mother and an unknown father;
III. Those born on Mexican vessels or airships, either war or merchant vessels.

. According to the laws that cover their citizens, it doens’t matter where they have children, they are still Mexican citizens.

Mexico Claims Anchor Babies by Law « rjjrdq's America II
It doesn't matter what Mexico says when it comes to children from Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Venezuela, does it? After all Mexico isn't the only country illegal immigrants come from.
It would be cruel and inhumane to uproot elderly parents from their homes and families members (because some family members will be left behind) and bring them here to unite with their children. The humane and compassionate thing to do is to deport illegal aliens, by enforcing our immigration laws, and their anchor babies and unite them with their elderly parents who need them.

Children born in the United States are US citizens, there is no legal provision to ‘deport’ them, and Mexico or any other country will not accept American citizens to live in their country even if such a ‘legal’ process existed.

The anchor baby solution is simple. Since few politicians are willing to enforce the immigration laws, it is time to amend the Constitution. "Children born of illegal immigrants/aliens shall not have automatic citizenship in the United States but will have the citizenship of their parents." Or something similar to that affect.

There is no such thing as an ‘anchor baby,’ and no ‘solution’ is needed. Any person born in the Untied States is a citizen, as he’s known no other country per the 14th Amendment. Indeed, the Constitution can’t be amended with wording as noted above without first repealing the 14th Amendment, as the two amendments would conflict. Such a new amendment would also conflict with existing Constitutional case law based on the 14th Amendment, and may require further action with regard to Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857).

and that would leave many children stateless so how is that humane?

No, they would be US citizens, as the status of one’s parents is irrelevant per Weber and Plyler.

The original intent of the 14th Amendment.
The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution

The Supreme court has already set precedent. It does not have to be amended but only interpreted correctly.

The authors of that site clearly have no idea what they’re talking about with regard to Wong Kim Ark, as the Court indeed ruled that children born in the United States are citizens.

From the text of the actual ruling:

It is conceded that, if he is a citizen of the United States, the acts of congress known as the 'Chinese Exclusion Acts,' prohibiting persons of the Chinese race, and especially Chinese laborers, from coming into the United States, do not and cannot apply to him.

The question presented by the record is whether a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who at the time of his birth are subjects of the emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States, by virtue of the first clause of the fourteenth amendment of the constitution:

'All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.'

FindLaw | Cases and Codes

And the thread author makes no mention whatsoever as to families where one parent is a US citizen, one parent not, and their child a US citizen, born in the United States. It is truly your position that the mother and US citizen child be both forced to return to the mother’s birth country – why is such a family break-up not equally inhumane.

This thread is clearly predicated on ignorance and hate.
and that would leave many children stateless so how is that humane?

LilOLady, many kids have grown up in the US with thier parents and have no connection to their parent's fact, the first soldier to die in Iraq was born in Guatemala and came to the US as an illegal immigrant...many other soldiers who are US citizens with parents who are not legal are fighting our war for us...why should we send them home and just say oh well we don't care you were born here and were willing to sacrifice for our country that is of no consequence to us. My oldest child would be one of those..why? his father who is deceased was not legal.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship Another Entitlement Program.That needs to be cut.

That anchor baby or yours does not belong to America. He or she belongs to you and belongs with you no matter where you are. Just like the children you brought with you when you came here, you should take them with you when you leave.

Being deported to Mexico is not a punishment. Each deportation is going home and uniting a family. You are responsible for your child and not America. If you think your anchor baby entitles you to America, you are sadly mistaken. But you do entitle them to Mexico.

Automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens is another entitlement program that need to be eliminated. Permanently. Affirmative Actions for illegal aliens.

Anchor babies are Mexican citizens and we should send Mexico the bill for their education, healthcare and living expenses that the American taxpayer is paying. And wait and see how fast Mexico will summon them home.
It doesn't matter what Mexico says when it comes to children from Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Venezuela, does it? After all Mexico isn't the only country illegal immigrants come from.

I am evidently speaking about Mexico since the majority of anchor babies are of Mexican parents. When ever advocates of illegal immigration speak of illegal aliens they usually use Mexico as an example.
and that would leave many children stateless so how is that humane?

LilOLady, many kids have grown up in the US with thier parents and have no connection to their parent's fact, the first soldier to die in Iraq was born in Guatemala and came to the US as an illegal immigrant...many other soldiers who are US citizens with parents who are not legal are fighting our war for us...why should we send them home and just say oh well we don't care you were born here and were willing to sacrifice for our country that is of no consequence to us. My oldest child would be one of those..why? his father who is deceased was not legal.

Their parents are their connection.
How may parents are fight our war?
Many illegal aliens bring children here also who do not know the language or culture and they have not really adjusted because their parent have not learned english or assimilated. Remember these children are also Mexican citizens according to Mexico's constitituion. They have a better chance of assimilating in Mexico because they are Mexicans as their parents and they most all have relatives in Mexico. Grandparent they may have never met.
These anchor babies are already being punished by the 14th amendment that separate them from their parents.
Being deported back to Mexico is not a punishment. Mexico is not a third world country where people are starving. If you have watched Border War you will see fat Mexican in designer clothing and shoes running from agents. Just last week I saw a man with Filas on.
Mexico needs it's young to survive and contribute to the economy and military.

I pointed out to you the first soldier to die in Iraq was an illegal immigrant. You seem to forget not all illegal immigrants are Mexican so it doesn't matter what the Mexican constitution said for somenoe that is say from Costa Rica.

Illegal aliens should not be allowed to serve in U.S. military. And just because ONE died do not entitle all 20 million to amnesty?
and that would leave many children stateless so how is that humane?

LilOLady, many kids have grown up in the US with thier parents and have no connection to their parent's fact, the first soldier to die in Iraq was born in Guatemala and came to the US as an illegal immigrant...many other soldiers who are US citizens with parents who are not legal are fighting our war for us...why should we send them home and just say oh well we don't care you were born here and were willing to sacrifice for our country that is of no consequence to us. My oldest child would be one of those..why? his father who is deceased was not legal.

U.S. Army Private Armando Soriano was born in Houston, Texas, USA. He was not the 'first' soldier to die in Iraq.
It doesn't matter what Mexico says when it comes to children from Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Venezuela, does it? After all Mexico isn't the only country illegal immigrants come from.

I am evidently speaking about Mexico since the majority of anchor babies are of Mexican parents. When ever advocates of illegal immigration speak of illegal aliens they usually use Mexico as an example.

Half come from Mexico the other half come from somewhere else. That said, there are children born every day into mixed status families..the majority of children born in the US to immigrant families are from mixed status households, which means the mother is from one country and the father from another....many times the mother being a US citizen and the father not being one, but sometimes it is visa versa or perhaps the mother is from El Salvador and the father from Peru. This senerio is not unusual. You think there are blanket fixes and there are not, but then of course as someone pointed out you think invading Mexico is a good idea think you had a problem with illegal immigration before, try invading will have a bigger problem and they will be refugees so you can't do anything about them, because then they become protected by international law called the Geneva Convention. Secondly, invading countries to solve our social ills is just a really stupid idea. We have been in Afghanistan and Iraq for how long now? And we haven't learned one thing from it.
Cut off the welfare and you would see a dramatic reduction in Anchor Babies. The illegal aliens don't have their children out of love they procreate for welfare dollars they could care less about their children. They're no better than puppy mills. They don't come for the jobs they come for the benefits.


An illegal alien parent receives welfare benefits on behalf of his or her U.S. citizen child. Regardless of the parents immigration status may receive welfare and other benefits. When such a child receives assistance, the aid also helps support the child’s family.


Illegal Aliens Extent of Welfare Benefits, Page 1.
there is no welfare as you see it is only allowed for 2 to 4 years total in a life time depending on the state you are in..and the parents have to legally qualify so as you see legal status has nothing to do with it. If it is all about welfare why do they have a higher birth rate in their countries?
The only logical solution is to End Birthright Citizenship or sterilize the illegal alien mother and her infant at birth like they did to the Northwest American Indians right up until 1964 what’s the difference?
and amnesty will further separate them.

Illegal immigration and Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens separate families. Uniting families through amnesty in the U.S. is cruel and inhumane. Most illegal aliens have families and elderly parents who have lived their entire lives in Mexico and do not speak English or understand American culture. It would be cruel and inhumane to uproot elderly parents from their homes and families members (because some family members will be left behind) and bring them here to unite with their children. The humane and compassionate thing to do is to deport illegal aliens, by enforcing our immigration laws, and their anchor babies and unite them with their elderly parents who need them. Anchor babies will have no problem assimilating in Mexico because they already know the language and culture and they need to know their families, especially grand parents, who some have never know. Bringing elderly families members here to unite them with their children is not compassionate but cruel.

Enforcing our immigration laws and deporting those here illegally will unite families. Unite anchor babies with grandparents they have never met. Amnesty by any name is not the answer to the illegal immigration problem.

Why punish elderly parents by uprooting them and bringing them here just because our government is incompetent.

Our government is incompetent. We made them that way, my friend. Our government, the same ones that invaded Iraq for WMD's that were not there , or that deregulated banks that led to this current economic crisis. Those assholes aren’t MY government. They LIKE illegal aliens. Those rich greedy Republicrats LOVE "poor" illegal aliens. The hell with poor AMERICANS. Illegal aliens work cheap, and they breed like cucarachas, too! Forget all those unemployed Americanos, they are “lazy “. Forget America. Profit uber alles! That is the message I get here.
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