
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Just as U.S. born children of Mexican citizens are used as anchor for their Mexican born parents, their Mexican born parents are anchors for their U.S. born children in Mexico. Who has more power over them? Mexico or U.S.? I believe Mexico has more power because the parents are Mexican citizens and responsible for their children. Anchor parents should be required to take their U.S. born children with them when they are deported since they are citizens of Mexico according to Mexico’s constitution and already know the language and culture and already has family in Mexico and will assimilate faster than their parents did here. Some of the parents still do not speak English after being here for years.

Let Mexico be responsible for it’s citizens. Mexico has authority over it’s citizens even if their live here. Mexico dictates to U.S. government how it’s citizens are to be treated.

Anchor parents anchor their American born children to Mexico.
Someone need to remind those daring little anchor babies when they are protesting proudly daring arrest that they are citizens of Mexico also.

The Mexican Constitution And Anchor BabiesThis Law Makes Amnesty Impossible For Illegal Kids
By Frosty Wooldridge

"That is where this story should begin and that is where it should end! The Mexican Constitution, Chapter II, Article 30, paragraph II, states that you are a Mexican by birth if born on foreign territory, sons or daughters of Mexican parents born in national territory. There you have it! Anchor Babies are not U.S. citizens! They are citizens of Mexican according to the Mexican Constitution.

"April 4, 1997, President Sedillo of Mexico stated that "We will not tolerate foreign forces dictating and enacting laws on Mexicans. Our contention is that we are not enacting or dictating any laws on the Mexican illegal alien children born by illegal alien females in the US territory. Further, he states that "he was going to use all diplomatic and legal forces at his disposal to.protect Mexicans living in the Uniited States."

The United States does not negotiate in hostage situations. Illegal Aliens and their children will no longer hold us hostage!

The Mexican Constitution And*Anchor Babies

Just as U.S. born children of Mexican citizens are used as anchor for their Mexican born parents, their Mexican born parents are anchors for their U.S. born children in Mexico. Who has more power over them? Mexico or U.S.? I believe Mexico has more power because the parents are Mexican citizens and responsible for their children. Anchor parents should be required to take their U.S. born children with them when they are deported since they are citizens of Mexico according to Mexico’s constitution and already know the language and culture and already has family in Mexico and will assimilate faster than their parents did here. Some of the parents still do not speak English after being here for years.

Let Mexico be responsible for it’s citizens. Mexico has authority over it’s citizens even if their live here. Mexico dictates to U.S. government how it’s citizens are to be treated.

Anchor parents anchor their American born children to Mexico.

Good luck with that.

Just as U.S. born children of Mexican citizens are used as anchor for their Mexican born parents, their Mexican born parents are anchors for their U.S. born children in Mexico. Who has more power over them? Mexico or U.S.? I believe Mexico has more power because the parents are Mexican citizens and responsible for their children. Anchor parents should be required to take their U.S. born children with them when they are deported since they are citizens of Mexico according to Mexico’s constitution and already know the language and culture and already has family in Mexico and will assimilate faster than their parents did here. Some of the parents still do not speak English after being here for years.

Let Mexico be responsible for it’s citizens. Mexico has authority over it’s citizens even if their live here. Mexico dictates to U.S. government how it’s citizens are to be treated.

Anchor parents anchor their American born children to Mexico.

Good luck with that.

I believe one of these days soon Mexico will be sending for it's people. Especially it's young men and women. Mexico needs it young working chldren. Immigration from Mexico will destroy Mexico's economy.
Don't they still consider Calfornia and the Southwest Mexican territory?

What does that mean?:confused:

Are not most illegals in the southwest and California, most Mexicans still think of that as their territory so babies born there are born in Mexican territory not in the U.S.

That doesn't change U.S. policy but......

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