Illegal immigration, gangs and drugs all intertwine. You cannot fight one without fighting the other. Not cracking down on illegal immigration and not securing our border 30 years ago has left the door wide open to gangs and drugs and now drug cartels.
We cannot fix healthcare without first fixing illegal immigration.
All illegal aliens are not law abiding, hard working people who just want to live, work and raise their children. Many of them and their children have ties to gangs and drugs that lead to drug cartels.
Illegal immigration make it easy for gangs and drugs cartels invade this country.
We have to deal with illegal immigration before we can deal effectively with healthcare, gangs and drug cartels.
We do not know who the law abiding hard working illegal aliens are. They are all intertwined with gangs, gangs, drug dealers and other criminals. They must be forced, by attritions, to take their families and leave this country. Some of those family members are in gangs and dealing in drugs that the drug cartels feed on.
By not dealing with illegal immigration has created a host of other problems. The Obama administration is putting off dealing with it and it continues with all the other problems it brings with it.
Illegal immigration, gangs and drugs all intertwine. You cannot fight one without fighting the other. Not cracking down on illegal immigration and not securing our border 30 years ago has left the door wide open to gangs and drugs and now drug cartels.
We cannot fix healthcare without first fixing illegal immigration.
All illegal aliens are not law abiding, hard working people who just want to live, work and raise their children. Many of them and their children have ties to gangs and drugs that lead to drug cartels.
Illegal immigration make it easy for gangs and drugs cartels invade this country.
We have to deal with illegal immigration before we can deal effectively with healthcare, gangs and drug cartels.
We do not know who the law abiding hard working illegal aliens are. They are all intertwined with gangs, gangs, drug dealers and other criminals. They must be forced, by attritions, to take their families and leave this country. Some of those family members are in gangs and dealing in drugs that the drug cartels feed on.
By not dealing with illegal immigration has created a host of other problems. The Obama administration is putting off dealing with it and it continues with all the other problems it brings with it.