Illegal Employer Problem

Sealybobo, I agree that the repubs, do not help the situation at all with their hiring of illegals. However I also see that the majority, if not all, mayors of sanctuary cities are dems { I cannot think of a mayor who is a repub doing this}. Also dems also own business and hire illegals. So what we get is a bunch of bloviating rhetoric from both sides while the problem continues. All I can think of when it comes to our politicans "talking" about solving problems is Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles pounding his desk saying "we have to protect our phoney baloney jobs gentelmen". Alot of talk, while things continue to deteroriate and nothing really worth while gets accomplished. IMHO.

Most Mayors, City Counsels and houses of worship in Sanctuary Cities are protecting families who have been in the US for decades, from the outrageous anti-humanitarian policies of trump. They do not protect rapists, murderers and other assorted felons be they citizens or not.

Ask yourself why business and industry have not been fined, and the CEO's and HR Managers are not arrested, detained and when convicted be imprisoned for fraud, and be required to personally pay restitution to SS and Medicare.

I keep pointing one thing out and it amazes me that the left is more oblivious to this than the right is:

The Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration claims that about 75 percent of all undocumented foreigners pay the income tax using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. I'm beginning to think that more liberals know WHY the Ds and the Rs played musical chairs on the immigration issue and today the right sounds like Bill Clinton.

Please elaborate, and leave out the Socialist Security Administration if you want to be considered credible.

SS and Medicare are here to stay, they are not in any way a Ponzi Scheme (a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors) or Socialism.

Let me see. You want me to leave out the one man who knows more than anyone on this planet as to who does and does not pay the income tax in order to remain "credible?" Are you shitting me?

The federal income tax is unconstitutional. Had the anti-immigrant lobby not got involved in the immigration con game after the left flipped them, the IRS and the income tax would be off the table.

You got played and want me to not cite the most authoritative sources? If you were hungry and asked me to alleviate your hunger, I'd have to feed you because only God can provide you manna from Heaven. Without citing those who know jackshit, I'm not sure what you think I should say.
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
Fallacy and chicken and egg situation. They are hiring them because libs supply them in an unending stream. I know an employer that would call Immigration and say they discovered some in their employ, fire the whole lot and hire new ones to stay on good side of govt. Made it look like they took the law serious. I would also ask how many illegals are self employed and pay zero taxes.

1) NOBODY avoids taxes

2) According to the Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration, about 75 percent of all undocumented foreigners get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number and pay the same taxes you do

3) The income tax is a plank out of the Communist Manifesto and was, supposedly, a voluntary tax when it started out. It is interesting that you are promoting an illegal tax that was taken from the pages of the Communist Manifesto

4) Foreign labor is here because times are good and a lot of the American citizenry that is not working don't want to work. Nobody is fooling anyone here. America has more people in prison than any nation on this planet. All that B.S. from the right about the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify and background checks has helped locked many Americans out of the system.

Many people are living in mommy's house, NOT PAYING THE INCOME TAX, and preferring mommy's free rent, the taxpayer giving them upwards of $200 a month for food on a debit card, and occasional drugs they sell for a friend to pay for their own pot habit.

5) The federal government has NO de jure / lawful / constitutional authority to tell me who I can and cannot hire.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation is better. Labor should be able to quit and collect unemployment compensation.

I will wait and see if that evokes any response from anyone else before I even try to draw a conclusion there.
Don't believe in equal protection of the law for the Poor, only the Rich?

WTF are you babbling about? Equal protection means just that.

You need to get the Hell away from your computer and go out into the real world today. I'll ignore your posts for the rest of the day just to inspire you. That way you won't be trying to piss people off by accusing them of shit out of the blue. Get out dannyboy. Walk around. Visit some stores; take a stroll in the woods. Get away from the keyboard.
Sealybobo, I agree that the repubs, do not help the situation at all with their hiring of illegals. However I also see that the majority, if not all, mayors of sanctuary cities are dems { I cannot think of a mayor who is a repub doing this}. Also dems also own business and hire illegals. So what we get is a bunch of bloviating rhetoric from both sides while the problem continues. All I can think of when it comes to our politicans "talking" about solving problems is Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles pounding his desk saying "we have to protect our phoney baloney jobs gentelmen". Alot of talk, while things continue to deteroriate and nothing really worth while gets accomplished. IMHO.

Most Mayors, City Counsels and houses of worship in Sanctuary Cities are protecting families who have been in the US for decades, from the outrageous anti-humanitarian policies of trump. They do not protect rapists, murderers and other assorted felons be they citizens or not.

Ask yourself why business and industry have not been fined, and the CEO's and HR Managers are not arrested, detained and when convicted be imprisoned for fraud, and be required to personally pay restitution to SS and Medicare.

I keep pointing one thing out and it amazes me that the left is more oblivious to this than the right is:

The Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration claims that about 75 percent of all undocumented foreigners pay the income tax using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. I'm beginning to think that more liberals know WHY the Ds and the Rs played musical chairs on the immigration issue and today the right sounds like Bill Clinton.

Please elaborate, and leave out the Socialist Security Administration if you want to be considered credible.

SS and Medicare are here to stay, they are not in any way a Ponzi Scheme (a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors) or Socialism.

Let me see. You want me to leave out the one man who knows more than anyone on this planet as to who does and does not pay the income tax in order to remain "credible?" Are you shitting me?

The federal income tax is unconstitutional. Had the anti-immigrant lobby not got involved in the immigration con game after the left flipped them, the IRS and the income tax would be off the table.

You got played and want me to not cite the most authoritative sources? If you were hungry and asked me to alleviate your hunger, I'd have to feed you because only God can provide you manna from Heaven. Without citing those who know jackshit, I'm not sure what you think I should say.

You could start by having someone you trust edit your comments.

P1: We know who pays the most and who doesn't, since the Federal Income Tax was designed in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice and insure domestic Tranquility.

P2: The Federal Income Tax is legal. The rest is word salad, have your friend assist you in making whatever point you have understandable - if possible.

P3: A rant, no substance and not thoughtful or thought provoking. I don't believe I've been played, and if possible I'd like you to make sense.
Sealybobo, I agree that the repubs, do not help the situation at all with their hiring of illegals. However I also see that the majority, if not all, mayors of sanctuary cities are dems { I cannot think of a mayor who is a repub doing this}. Also dems also own business and hire illegals. So what we get is a bunch of bloviating rhetoric from both sides while the problem continues. All I can think of when it comes to our politicans "talking" about solving problems is Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles pounding his desk saying "we have to protect our phoney baloney jobs gentelmen". Alot of talk, while things continue to deteroriate and nothing really worth while gets accomplished. IMHO.

Most Mayors, City Counsels and houses of worship in Sanctuary Cities are protecting families who have been in the US for decades, from the outrageous anti-humanitarian policies of trump. They do not protect rapists, murderers and other assorted felons be they citizens or not.

Ask yourself why business and industry have not been fined, and the CEO's and HR Managers are not arrested, detained and when convicted be imprisoned for fraud, and be required to personally pay restitution to SS and Medicare.

I keep pointing one thing out and it amazes me that the left is more oblivious to this than the right is:

The Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration claims that about 75 percent of all undocumented foreigners pay the income tax using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. I'm beginning to think that more liberals know WHY the Ds and the Rs played musical chairs on the immigration issue and today the right sounds like Bill Clinton.

Please elaborate, and leave out the Socialist Security Administration if you want to be considered credible.

SS and Medicare are here to stay, they are not in any way a Ponzi Scheme (a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors) or Socialism.

Let me see. You want me to leave out the one man who knows more than anyone on this planet as to who does and does not pay the income tax in order to remain "credible?" Are you shitting me?

The federal income tax is unconstitutional. Had the anti-immigrant lobby not got involved in the immigration con game after the left flipped them, the IRS and the income tax would be off the table.

You got played and want me to not cite the most authoritative sources? If you were hungry and asked me to alleviate your hunger, I'd have to feed you because only God can provide you manna from Heaven. Without citing those who know jackshit, I'm not sure what you think I should say.

You could start by having someone you trust edit your comments.

P1: We know who pays the most and who doesn't, since the Federal Income Tax was designed in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice and insure domestic Tranquility.

P2: The Federal Income Tax is legal. The rest is word salad, have your friend assist you in making whatever point you have understandable - if possible.

P3: A rant, no substance and not thoughtful or thought provoking. I don't believe I've been played, and if possible I'd like you to make sense.

You are a coward when it comes to subjects of right and wrong.

You got all screwed up there with the Preamble of the Constitution versus the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

If you have problems reading, most county governments can provide classes.
Most Mayors, City Counsels and houses of worship in Sanctuary Cities are protecting families who have been in the US for decades, from the outrageous anti-humanitarian policies of trump. They do not protect rapists, murderers and other assorted felons be they citizens or not.

Ask yourself why business and industry have not been fined, and the CEO's and HR Managers are not arrested, detained and when convicted be imprisoned for fraud, and be required to personally pay restitution to SS and Medicare.

I keep pointing one thing out and it amazes me that the left is more oblivious to this than the right is:

The Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration claims that about 75 percent of all undocumented foreigners pay the income tax using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. I'm beginning to think that more liberals know WHY the Ds and the Rs played musical chairs on the immigration issue and today the right sounds like Bill Clinton.

Please elaborate, and leave out the Socialist Security Administration if you want to be considered credible.

SS and Medicare are here to stay, they are not in any way a Ponzi Scheme (a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors) or Socialism.

Let me see. You want me to leave out the one man who knows more than anyone on this planet as to who does and does not pay the income tax in order to remain "credible?" Are you shitting me?

The federal income tax is unconstitutional. Had the anti-immigrant lobby not got involved in the immigration con game after the left flipped them, the IRS and the income tax would be off the table.

You got played and want me to not cite the most authoritative sources? If you were hungry and asked me to alleviate your hunger, I'd have to feed you because only God can provide you manna from Heaven. Without citing those who know jackshit, I'm not sure what you think I should say.

You could start by having someone you trust edit your comments.

P1: We know who pays the most and who doesn't, since the Federal Income Tax was designed in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice and insure domestic Tranquility.

P2: The Federal Income Tax is legal. The rest is word salad, have your friend assist you in making whatever point you have understandable - if possible.

P3: A rant, no substance and not thoughtful or thought provoking. I don't believe I've been played, and if possible I'd like you to make sense.

You are a coward when it comes to subjects of right and wrong.

You got all screwed up there with the Preamble of the Constitution versus the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

If you have problems reading, most county governments can provide classes.

LOL, an ad hominem without substance seems to be your genre. For someone 63 years old you seem to me to be quite immature.
I keep pointing one thing out and it amazes me that the left is more oblivious to this than the right is:

The Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration claims that about 75 percent of all undocumented foreigners pay the income tax using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. I'm beginning to think that more liberals know WHY the Ds and the Rs played musical chairs on the immigration issue and today the right sounds like Bill Clinton.

Please elaborate, and leave out the Socialist Security Administration if you want to be considered credible.

SS and Medicare are here to stay, they are not in any way a Ponzi Scheme (a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors) or Socialism.

Let me see. You want me to leave out the one man who knows more than anyone on this planet as to who does and does not pay the income tax in order to remain "credible?" Are you shitting me?

The federal income tax is unconstitutional. Had the anti-immigrant lobby not got involved in the immigration con game after the left flipped them, the IRS and the income tax would be off the table.

You got played and want me to not cite the most authoritative sources? If you were hungry and asked me to alleviate your hunger, I'd have to feed you because only God can provide you manna from Heaven. Without citing those who know jackshit, I'm not sure what you think I should say.

You could start by having someone you trust edit your comments.

P1: We know who pays the most and who doesn't, since the Federal Income Tax was designed in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice and insure domestic Tranquility.

P2: The Federal Income Tax is legal. The rest is word salad, have your friend assist you in making whatever point you have understandable - if possible.

P3: A rant, no substance and not thoughtful or thought provoking. I don't believe I've been played, and if possible I'd like you to make sense.

You are a coward when it comes to subjects of right and wrong.

You got all screwed up there with the Preamble of the Constitution versus the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

If you have problems reading, most county governments can provide classes.

LOL, an ad hominem without substance seems to be your genre. For someone 63 years old you seem to me to be quite immature.

For someone to be such a condescending prick like you, you ARE immature. You don't just seem to be, but ARE. Furthermore, if you want to insult people you should look up words in a dictionary before you use them. If you're too fucking stupid to hold a civil conversation, you shouldn't even be IN one.
Please elaborate, and leave out the Socialist Security Administration if you want to be considered credible.

SS and Medicare are here to stay, they are not in any way a Ponzi Scheme (a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors) or Socialism.

Let me see. You want me to leave out the one man who knows more than anyone on this planet as to who does and does not pay the income tax in order to remain "credible?" Are you shitting me?

The federal income tax is unconstitutional. Had the anti-immigrant lobby not got involved in the immigration con game after the left flipped them, the IRS and the income tax would be off the table.

You got played and want me to not cite the most authoritative sources? If you were hungry and asked me to alleviate your hunger, I'd have to feed you because only God can provide you manna from Heaven. Without citing those who know jackshit, I'm not sure what you think I should say.

You could start by having someone you trust edit your comments.

P1: We know who pays the most and who doesn't, since the Federal Income Tax was designed in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice and insure domestic Tranquility.

P2: The Federal Income Tax is legal. The rest is word salad, have your friend assist you in making whatever point you have understandable - if possible.

P3: A rant, no substance and not thoughtful or thought provoking. I don't believe I've been played, and if possible I'd like you to make sense.

You are a coward when it comes to subjects of right and wrong.

You got all screwed up there with the Preamble of the Constitution versus the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

If you have problems reading, most county governments can provide classes.

LOL, an ad hominem without substance seems to be your genre. For someone 63 years old you seem to me to be quite immature.

For someone to be such a condescending prick like you, you ARE immature. You don't just seem to be, but ARE. Furthermore, if you want to insult people you should look up words in a dictionary before you use them. If you're too fucking stupid to hold a civil conversation, you shouldn't even be IN one.

Seems this "condescending prick's" last comment was not, and not meant to be patronizing. It is you who needs a lexicon.
Let me see. You want me to leave out the one man who knows more than anyone on this planet as to who does and does not pay the income tax in order to remain "credible?" Are you shitting me?

The federal income tax is unconstitutional. Had the anti-immigrant lobby not got involved in the immigration con game after the left flipped them, the IRS and the income tax would be off the table.

You got played and want me to not cite the most authoritative sources? If you were hungry and asked me to alleviate your hunger, I'd have to feed you because only God can provide you manna from Heaven. Without citing those who know jackshit, I'm not sure what you think I should say.

You could start by having someone you trust edit your comments.

P1: We know who pays the most and who doesn't, since the Federal Income Tax was designed in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice and insure domestic Tranquility.

P2: The Federal Income Tax is legal. The rest is word salad, have your friend assist you in making whatever point you have understandable - if possible.

P3: A rant, no substance and not thoughtful or thought provoking. I don't believe I've been played, and if possible I'd like you to make sense.

You are a coward when it comes to subjects of right and wrong.

You got all screwed up there with the Preamble of the Constitution versus the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

If you have problems reading, most county governments can provide classes.

LOL, an ad hominem without substance seems to be your genre. For someone 63 years old you seem to me to be quite immature.

For someone to be such a condescending prick like you, you ARE immature. You don't just seem to be, but ARE. Furthermore, if you want to insult people you should look up words in a dictionary before you use them. If you're too fucking stupid to hold a civil conversation, you shouldn't even be IN one.

Seems this "condescending prick's" last comment was not, and not meant to be patronizing. It is you who needs a lexicon.

And yet you excel at trying to be condescending. You're just not as smart as you pretend. If you have to be an asshole to make your point you didn't have one. To keep pursuing the point illustrates that you have emotional issues beyond my pay grade.

So, if you have something related to the OP, post it. If you want to say something to me personally, feel free to use PM.
You could start by having someone you trust edit your comments.

P1: We know who pays the most and who doesn't, since the Federal Income Tax was designed in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice and insure domestic Tranquility.

P2: The Federal Income Tax is legal. The rest is word salad, have your friend assist you in making whatever point you have understandable - if possible.

P3: A rant, no substance and not thoughtful or thought provoking. I don't believe I've been played, and if possible I'd like you to make sense.

You are a coward when it comes to subjects of right and wrong.

You got all screwed up there with the Preamble of the Constitution versus the illegally ratified 16th Amendment.

If you have problems reading, most county governments can provide classes.

LOL, an ad hominem without substance seems to be your genre. For someone 63 years old you seem to me to be quite immature.

For someone to be such a condescending prick like you, you ARE immature. You don't just seem to be, but ARE. Furthermore, if you want to insult people you should look up words in a dictionary before you use them. If you're too fucking stupid to hold a civil conversation, you shouldn't even be IN one.

Seems this "condescending prick's" last comment was not, and not meant to be patronizing. It is you who needs a lexicon.

And yet you excel at trying to be condescending. You're just not as smart as you pretend. If you have to be an asshole to make your point you didn't have one. To keep pursuing the point illustrates that you have emotional issues beyond my pay grade.

So, if you have something related to the OP, post it. If you want to say something to me personally, feel free to use PM.

I used the funny button which I disdain, but did express my reaction to your (Porter Rockwell's) hypocrisy and emotional outburst.
Fallacy and chicken and egg situation. They are hiring them because libs supply them in an unending stream. I know an employer that would call Immigration and say they discovered some in their employ, fire the whole lot and hire new ones to stay on good side of govt. Made it look like they took the law serious. I would also ask how many illegals are self employed and pay zero taxes.

1) NOBODY avoids taxes

2) According to the Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration, about 75 percent of all undocumented foreigners get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number and pay the same taxes you do

3) The income tax is a plank out of the Communist Manifesto and was, supposedly, a voluntary tax when it started out. It is interesting that you are promoting an illegal tax that was taken from the pages of the Communist Manifesto

4) Foreign labor is here because times are good and a lot of the American citizenry that is not working don't want to work. Nobody is fooling anyone here. America has more people in prison than any nation on this planet. All that B.S. from the right about the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify and background checks has helped locked many Americans out of the system.

Many people are living in mommy's house, NOT PAYING THE INCOME TAX, and preferring mommy's free rent, the taxpayer giving them upwards of $200 a month for food on a debit card, and occasional drugs they sell for a friend to pay for their own pot habit.

5) The federal government has NO de jure / lawful / constitutional authority to tell me who I can and cannot hire.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation is better. Labor should be able to quit and collect unemployment compensation.

I will wait and see if that evokes any response from anyone else before I even try to draw a conclusion there.
Don't believe in equal protection of the law for the Poor, only the Rich?

WTF are you babbling about? Equal protection means just that.

You need to get the Hell away from your computer and go out into the real world today. I'll ignore your posts for the rest of the day just to inspire you. That way you won't be trying to piss people off by accusing them of shit out of the blue. Get out dannyboy. Walk around. Visit some stores; take a stroll in the woods. Get away from the keyboard.
I am not the one with nothing but appeals to ignorance.

Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation is better. Labor should be able to quit and collect unemployment compensation.
What about making the American employers obey the local, state and federal laws already on the books. Americans should report any employer hiring illegal aliens. If the employers can't make a living without lying, cheating and breaking the laws. Maybe, the employer shouldn't be in business in the first place and the employer should go get a job!


Sec. 274A. [8 U.S.C. 1324a]

(a) Making Employment of Unauthorized Aliens Unlawful.-
(1) In general.-It is unlawful for a person or other entity-
(A) to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an alien
knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien (as defined in subsection (h)(3)) with respect to such
employment, or

.ExternalClass DIV{;}

124k - Adobe PDF - View as html
... Employment of Unauthorized Aliens ... is unlawful for a person or other entity, after hiring an alien for ... 274A - UNLAWFUL
At the same time, governors and mayors need to be forced to obey federal law. No more sanctuary cities or states.
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
That's the core issue here. But back in the day, the people that employed illegals would sometimes argue their cause on chat boards. And the single thing that drove them, seemed to be EVERYYONE does it and we know its wrong but it has become the status quo. This all came out of a WW2 program, project Brazos that hired Mexicans because of the nature of the time and the labor shortages, but now? Seems a little antiquated. And judging by the huge numbers of American jobless and dispossessed its become antithetical to the vox populi. But who cares?
Last edited:
just my perception of the right wing.

i have no confidence in their sincerity.

Trump won't go after illegal employers but he will waste taxpayer money putting migrants in prison just to score political points.

Trump Administration Prosecutes Migrant Workers Arrested In Mississippi ICE Raid
Forty-one of the workers face criminal prosecution under immigration laws

Immigration officials rounded up some 680 unauthorized migrants working at the plants

You telling me the company didn't know 680 of their employees were unauthorized? Impossible.

Critics like immigration lawyer David Leopold contend that ICE’s worksite investigations should focus on employers who exploit undocumented labor, rather than on workers.

One of the workers charged with felony reentry had been sent back to Mexico twice in 2006, after getting arrested both times at the border in Calexico, California. After finally making his way past the border, immigration officials arrested him during a 2008 worksite raid of Howard Industries in Laurel, Mississippi. At the time, it was the largest single-state worksite operation in ICE history, with 600 arrests.

Correct me if I'm wrong but Mississippi doesn't have any sanctuary cities right?

Who should be going to jail? The owner of Koch Industries and Howard Industries. Are you trying to tell me Mr. Koch didn't hear about the raid on Howard Industries in 2008?

I read the entire article. Not one mention of going after the illegal employer.
I think we are wasting money on border policy. Why are we losing money?

America is wasting money because we can and DO control the flow of foreigners in and out of America. The anti-immigrants don't want to admit that walls and the forfeiture of Rights will not stop it.

Only the American people can stop the flow of foreigners in and out of America. They have to change their culture and pursue the drug culture the way the left pursues anything they deem "racist."

You have to voluntarily boycott those who do business with foreigners and support American made and American owned businesses that have NO foreigners working for them. The government cannot save you from yourself.

I've never seen a product labelled "Proudly Made by Illegal Labor".

I guess some folks need a boulder to fall on their head in order to get it. Most undocumented workers in America are working in landscaping, fast food, retail, and other service industries.

If you know of a company with a high percentage of non-white workers, then you know it is what it is.

I don't know what "illegal" labor is. The federal government has no de jure / constitutional authority over who an employer hires as long as we still have a Right to own property. They may have the power, but they absolutely have no authority. So, let me guess, you don't believe in the Rule of Law when the government infringes on private business to your benefit?
I bet a lot of business owners justify what they are doing by buying into this spin. It’s like me with freedom to fascism. I truly believe paying income tax is unconstitutional. Or they say in small writing we’re doing it voluntarily. And if they catch us not paying, we got to convince a jury that freedom to fascism is real. And that’s tough when the state is going to argue you’re nuts to a jury of 12 people who all pay their taxes
Trump won't go after illegal employers but he will waste taxpayer money putting migrants in prison just to score political points.

Trump Administration Prosecutes Migrant Workers Arrested In Mississippi ICE Raid
Forty-one of the workers face criminal prosecution under immigration laws

Immigration officials rounded up some 680 unauthorized migrants working at the plants

You telling me the company didn't know 680 of their employees were unauthorized? Impossible.

Critics like immigration lawyer David Leopold contend that ICE’s worksite investigations should focus on employers who exploit undocumented labor, rather than on workers.

One of the workers charged with felony reentry had been sent back to Mexico twice in 2006, after getting arrested both times at the border in Calexico, California. After finally making his way past the border, immigration officials arrested him during a 2008 worksite raid of Howard Industries in Laurel, Mississippi. At the time, it was the largest single-state worksite operation in ICE history, with 600 arrests.

Correct me if I'm wrong but Mississippi doesn't have any sanctuary cities right?

Who should be going to jail? The owner of Koch Industries and Howard Industries. Are you trying to tell me Mr. Koch didn't hear about the raid on Howard Industries in 2008?

I read the entire article. Not one mention of going after the illegal employer.
I think we are wasting money on border policy. Why are we losing money?

America is wasting money because we can and DO control the flow of foreigners in and out of America. The anti-immigrants don't want to admit that walls and the forfeiture of Rights will not stop it.

Only the American people can stop the flow of foreigners in and out of America. They have to change their culture and pursue the drug culture the way the left pursues anything they deem "racist."

You have to voluntarily boycott those who do business with foreigners and support American made and American owned businesses that have NO foreigners working for them. The government cannot save you from yourself.

I've never seen a product labelled "Proudly Made by Illegal Labor".

I guess some folks need a boulder to fall on their head in order to get it. Most undocumented workers in America are working in landscaping, fast food, retail, and other service industries.

If you know of a company with a high percentage of non-white workers, then you know it is what it is.

I don't know what "illegal" labor is. The federal government has no de jure / constitutional authority over who an employer hires as long as we still have a Right to own property. They may have the power, but they absolutely have no authority. So, let me guess, you don't believe in the Rule of Law when the government infringes on private business to your benefit?
I bet a lot of business owners justify what they are doing by buying into this spin. It’s like me with freedom to fascism. I truly believe paying income tax is unconstitutional. Or they say in small writing we’re doing it voluntarily. And if they catch us not paying, we got to convince a jury that freedom to fascism is real. And that’s tough when the state is going to argue you’re nuts to a jury of 12 people who all pay their taxes
If I was an modern employer I would exploit illegal aliens too. I might be a little concerned with displacing lower or middle class Americans, but then the common sense in me would me take over. But since I am not a modern employer and I see people living in the streets in tents...Screw wetbacks and those that employ them.
I think we are wasting money on border policy. Why are we losing money?

America is wasting money because we can and DO control the flow of foreigners in and out of America. The anti-immigrants don't want to admit that walls and the forfeiture of Rights will not stop it.

Only the American people can stop the flow of foreigners in and out of America. They have to change their culture and pursue the drug culture the way the left pursues anything they deem "racist."

You have to voluntarily boycott those who do business with foreigners and support American made and American owned businesses that have NO foreigners working for them. The government cannot save you from yourself.

I've never seen a product labelled "Proudly Made by Illegal Labor".

I guess some folks need a boulder to fall on their head in order to get it. Most undocumented workers in America are working in landscaping, fast food, retail, and other service industries.

If you know of a company with a high percentage of non-white workers, then you know it is what it is.

I don't know what "illegal" labor is. The federal government has no de jure / constitutional authority over who an employer hires as long as we still have a Right to own property. They may have the power, but they absolutely have no authority. So, let me guess, you don't believe in the Rule of Law when the government infringes on private business to your benefit?
I bet a lot of business owners justify what they are doing by buying into this spin. It’s like me with freedom to fascism. I truly believe paying income tax is unconstitutional. Or they say in small writing we’re doing it voluntarily. And if they catch us not paying, we got to convince a jury that freedom to fascism is real. And that’s tough when the state is going to argue you’re nuts to a jury of 12 people who all pay their taxes
If I was an modern employer I would exploit illegal aliens too. I might be a little concerned with displacing lower or middle class Americans, but then the common sense in me would me take over. But since I am not a modern employer and I see people living in the streets in tents...Screw wetbacks and those that employ them.
I would hire them to. No one is going to do anything to me if I do.

Although, we had this Chinese restaurant that’d been around for 50 years. One of the owners houses burnt down and 6 wetbacks were in the basement. They all dies and the restaurants closed. I don’t know what happened to the owners but I’m sure they got in trouble.

But there are basically no penalties or no one coming to get you if you’re an illegal employer
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
That's the core issue here. But back in the day, the people that employed illegals would sometimes argue their cause on chat boards. And the single thing that drove them, seemed to be EVERYYONE does it and we know its wrong but it has become the status quo. This all came out of a WW2 program, project Brazos that hired Mexicans because of the nature of the time and the labor shortages, but now? Seems a little antiquated. And judging by the huge numbers of American jobless and dispossessed its become antithetical to the vox populi. But who cares?
Well let’s be honest. Whoever’s here is here. Is it my job to check the guys papers if someone recommends him?

I just want the flow to stop and I want illegals to go home because companies are afraid to hire them.

I worked for a music school who wouldn’t hire my violin buddy because he didn’t have documents. He said it wasn’t worth him losing his business over hiring an illegal.

I wish all employers were like him,
What about making the American employers obey the local, state and federal laws already on the books. Americans should report any employer hiring illegal aliens. If the employers can't make a living without lying, cheating and breaking the laws. Maybe, the employer shouldn't be in business in the first place and the employer should go get a job!


Sec. 274A. [8 U.S.C. 1324a]

(a) Making Employment of Unauthorized Aliens Unlawful.-
(1) In general.-It is unlawful for a person or other entity-
(A) to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an alien
knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien (as defined in subsection (h)(3)) with respect to such
employment, or

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... Employment of Unauthorized Aliens ... is unlawful for a person or other entity, after hiring an alien for ... 274A - UNLAWFUL
At the same time, governors and mayors need to be forced to obey federal law. No more sanctuary cities or states.
Our Constitution is more supreme.
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
That's the core issue here. But back in the day, the people that employed illegals would sometimes argue their cause on chat boards. And the single thing that drove them, seemed to be EVERYYONE does it and we know its wrong but it has become the status quo. This all came out of a WW2 program, project Brazos that hired Mexicans because of the nature of the time and the labor shortages, but now? Seems a little antiquated. And judging by the huge numbers of American jobless and dispossessed its become antithetical to the vox populi. But who cares?
i thought these were the Best of tax cut economics times?
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
That's the core issue here. But back in the day, the people that employed illegals would sometimes argue their cause on chat boards. And the single thing that drove them, seemed to be EVERYYONE does it and we know its wrong but it has become the status quo. This all came out of a WW2 program, project Brazos that hired Mexicans because of the nature of the time and the labor shortages, but now? Seems a little antiquated. And judging by the huge numbers of American jobless and dispossessed its become antithetical to the vox populi. But who cares?
i thought these were the Best of tax cut economics times?
Wages should be skyrocketing but they aren’t.

They are for people who were already successful but blue collar is still stuck at $12 hr
What about making the American employers obey the local, state and federal laws already on the books. Americans should report any employer hiring illegal aliens. If the employers can't make a living without lying, cheating and breaking the laws. Maybe, the employer shouldn't be in business in the first place and the employer should go get a job!


Sec. 274A. [8 U.S.C. 1324a]

(a) Making Employment of Unauthorized Aliens Unlawful.-
(1) In general.-It is unlawful for a person or other entity-
(A) to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an alien
knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien (as defined in subsection (h)(3)) with respect to such
employment, or

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124k - Adobe PDF - View as html
... Employment of Unauthorized Aliens ... is unlawful for a person or other entity, after hiring an alien for ... 274A - UNLAWFUL
At the same time, governors and mayors need to be forced to obey federal law. No more sanctuary cities or states.

Let's consider what is the duty of a Governor, to enforce state law, not federal law. That is up to the Federal Dept of Justice, and the agencies under the AG including ICE, the FBI, ATF&E, US Marshall's' and many more.

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