Ilhan Omar denied a Holocaust

Hard work is also important to me... but as I tell my resume clients, no one ever said on their deathbed, "I wish I had spent more time at the office."

The gag is that Covid kind of clarified things for people. The boss who insisted you go out to the counter with no protection isn't your friend and isn't worthy of your loyalty.

Pre-Covid, for instance, it was very common for people to go into work sick... you won't see people do that today.
True. Best it to be your own boss or have a job where one is valued
Then why are you not more anti-police?
Seems to me the police are just out to make money, extorting people over senseless fines like for over-nite parking in front of your own house.
Because police officers aren’t a monolith.
There's no double standard. ( speak for myself, not for Rigby, who can be a twit.)

Being a Zionist is a CHOICE. On some level, the Zionists know what they are doing to the Palestinians is wrong, they keep doing it anyway.
I agree. It’s a choice. And I disagree that it’s wrong.
Really, when was this?

Because when I was a young man working service jobs in college, employers did require you to be polite to the customers. And this was back in the 1980's....

Nothing to do with being polite.
These days workers are being required to show obsequiousness.
This is especially embarrassing when the employee is much older than the customer.
What’s a neo-con? Is that like a rino?
A Pre-FDR, everything for the rich, screw the poor, egotistical, pompous ass.
Every time an establishment Republican is in the Oval Office, worker's rights are ignored.
Reagan restarted the inertia for the downfall of the average non-business owner.
Who says Jews are supposed to atone for sins of arrogance? I take Torah class, and that’s never mentioned. Sounds like something antisemites wrote the NT.

Then you are ignorant.
The whole take on the Disapora by Judaism is atonement for the sins of arrogance and pride.
If you do not know that basic fact, then you have ignored the last two thousand years of Judaism completely.

Guess her problem is not just with Jews. She is one hateful elected official it seems? She also supported defunding the police. When we elect the enemies of America into Congress and place them on critical committees we pay the price.

When the House of Representatives overwhelmingly adopted a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide, which resulted in the systematic murder of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turkey a century ago, Omar opted out by voting "present." In other words, she was unwilling to acknowledge one of the greatest human tragedies of the 20th century.

Why? Well, it seems, she has a soft spot for Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which also may explain why she refused to join the vast majority of her congressional colleagues in condemning the Turkish leader's consistently egregious human rights violations.
LOL. That old chestnut again? Prove that Ilhan Omar denied the Jewish Holocaust.
Bad news Rigby. You don’t speak for all Jews. Doing shit your way caused us to almost become extinct. Never again. The Messiah has arrived. His name is Tom Brady.

It was the Zionists plotting against Germany in WWI who cause the death of almost half the Jews in the world.
You are not going to make other people respect your beliefs and faith by turning traitor and selling out to the evil British and Russians who assassinated and invaded innocent countries like Germany, to start WWI.
The Zionists were obviously evil, selling German secrets to the British over the Balfour Declaration, when England did not even have any authority over Palestine.
Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion are some of the most disreputable and evil people of history.
The odd thing is that he often talks about how racist this country is to blacks, and how bad it is to be prejudiced. And then he says things that reveal antisemitism. Do they not see their own double standards?

P.S. He also said that HAMAS, the terrorists who want to wipe Israel out to sea, is morally superior to America. That antisemite has “leftist” written all over him.

Since my mother was Jewish and I am Jewish, I am not at all anti-Jewish.
But anyone incorrectly using the word "anti-Semitic" when they actually mean "anti-Jewish", does not even know what their word really mean, and are ignorant.

Anyone claiming Hamas is terrorist is a liar.
Jews lived in the Mideast for thousands of years under Arab or Moslem rule, and not only prospered in safety, but was vastly preferred over living under Christian rule, like in the Iberian Peninsula.
And only a liar would claim Hamas has ever harmed innocent Jews or said anything close to wiping out Jews or Israelis.
Hamas has never been guilty of any terrorism, and instead has only tried what little retaliation it could, AFTER Israel has massacred thousands of innocents.
I know you do.

Doesn't take away from teh fact that the Zionists stole Palestinian land and are oppressing them.
You say stole and I disagree. Their own Govt oppresses them. Middle East is a shitshow. Israel is the least of its problems.
Because police officers aren’t a monolith.

True, but when the low levels follow the heirarchy when they are wrong, like the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, mandated sentences, no-knock-warrants, shooting people running away, etc., then they have picked the wrong side.
I agree. It’s a choice. And I disagree that it’s wrong.

How can Zionism be right when Jews lived peacefully and safe under Arab or Moslem rule before Zionism, but now that Zionists have all the weapons, native Arabs are being murdered and their homes taken by immigrant Zionists?
If you look at the census data before 1930, Palestine has always been less than 5% Jewish, and even those 5% were urban, so did not own any significant land.
Its an obvious double standard conflict.

If one were to believe having a Jewish nation was the only way for Jews to be safe, that is clearly wrong and in conflict with Judaism in general.
The whole point of the Diaspora was that Jews attempting to build their own country under the Romans was their undoing.
It was the arrogance and pride of building a powerful Israel under the Romans, that almost lead to Judaism being totally wiped out by the Romans.
Creating a Jewish state has always been a disaster.
Nothing has threatened Jewish extinction more than trying to create a Jewish state.
That was true in 1000 BC, 725 BC, 650 BC, 60 AD, and 150 AD.
Clearly the BEST survival of Judaism is integration into other cultures and outward expressions of humility instead of arrogance.
How can Zionism be right when Jews lived peacefully and safe under Arab or Moslem rule before Zionism, but now that Zionists have all the weapons, native Arabs are being murdered and their homes taken by immigrant Zionists?
If you look at the census data before 1930, Palestine has always been less than 5% Jewish, and even those 5% were urban, so did not own any significant land.
Its an obvious double standard conflict.

If one were to believe having a Jewish nation was the only way for Jews to be safe, that is clearly wrong and in conflict with Judaism in general.
The whole point of the Diaspora was that Jews attempting to build their own country under the Romans was their undoing.
It was the arrogance and pride of building a powerful Israel under the Romans, that almost lead to Judaism being totally wiped out by the Romans.
Creating a Jewish state has always been a disaster.
Nothing has threatened Jewish extinction more than trying to create a Jewish state.
That was true in 1000 BC, 725 BC, 650 BC, 60 AD, and 150 AD.
Clearly the BEST survival of Judaism is integration into other cultures and outward expressions of humility instead of arrogance.
Because you’re long winded and it upsets you.

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