Ilhan Omar Blames Her Removal From Foreign Affairs Committee On The Jews


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010
It's the Jews with space lasers, just ask MG.
Ask her what? Let me guess, you believed your dishonest left wing media. You never actually saw her quote for yourself, did you. She never mentioned jews! You dems are always so uninformed. You dont have any fucking idea what reality is.

Go ahead dipshit, go find her quote. Show us where she said "jews". :laugh:
Ask her what? Let me guess, you believed your dishonest left wing media. You never actually saw her quote for yourself, did you. She never mentioned jews! You dems are always so uninformed. You dont have any fucking idea what reality is.

Go ahead dipshit, go find her quote. Show us where she said "jews". :laugh:


In case you don't know the Rothschilds are very popular and wealthy Jewish people.
The phrase, a clear potshot at Greene, has dogged her ever since she was revealed to have posted Facebook screeds in 2018 implying that a company owned by the Rothschilds, the wealthy Jewish banking family, had started a California wildfire from space. Although the Geogia congresswoman has insisted she never uttered those exact words, her Rothschild comment was just one of her several brushes with antisemitism, which have also included an embrace of the QAnon conspiracy theory and likening Biden to Hitler. Her beliefs have earned her scorn from figures on both sides of the aisle, as well as widespread condemnation from the Jewish community.

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She mentioned a bunch of people. She never mentioned jews though, did she. Also, since when has hate against the Rothschild's had anything to do with antisemitism? :cuckoo:

Now get your dishonest "jewish space laser" nonsense out of my face.
Yes, she mentioned the Rothschilds a well-known Jewish family.
They haven't been Jewish for over 100 years.
Most of the board of directors and management have little to do with the being a Rothschild, there is still one Rothschild on the board of directors. He is just reaching to try to deflect Omar‘s and the Squads hatred of Jews.
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It's hard to understand why the Jewish people still vote for the democrats after they are treated like shit.
probably because many Jews vote Democrat because there are a lot of Jewish Democrat candidates. The GOP elected a fake Jew.
Which is the kind of shit that got her in hot water to begin with. Cowering to the bartenders and Muslim dipshit America haters just took a huge hit.

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