If you dare to question Fauci you are attacking science.

The guys says the Whackoid Right wants to jail him because he follows the Science and not the Orange Kool-Aid... and he's probably correct.

If you Orange Klown-Kar-Kooks have evidence that he intentionally facilitated the creation and spread of COVID-19, present your evidence in the courts.

Otherwise... take a chill-pill... take a few deep breaths... count to ten... try to find ways NOT to look like complete idiots when you drag this $hit up (again).
The arrogance of this political hack is amazing.

They're not "questions", they're lies & charactor assasination. You asseating Trump turds loved Fauci until he critisized that orange pile of shit & his handling of the pandemic.

Go find another whipping boy.
How many times...how much evidence do you need before you'll face the truth? Trump supporters had discernment. None of us trusted this louse. Now you see...you do see don't you?? or are you still sticking your head up your liberal buddies butt?? Fauci's history? His unethical treatment of human beings and animals?? You just wanna ignore that do ya.

The guys says the Whackoid Right wants to jail him because he follows the Science and not the Orange Kool-Aid... and he's probably correct.

If you Orange Klown-Kar-Kooks have evidence that he intentionally facilitated the creation and spread of COVID-19, present your evidence in the courts.

Otherwise... take a chill-pill... take a few deep breaths... count to ten... try to find ways NOT to look like complete idiots when you drag this $hit up (again).
Trump has nothing to do with Fauci's lies. Get a life.
They're not "questions", they're lies & charactor assasination. You asseating Trump turds loved Fauci until he critisized that orange pile of shit & his handling of the pandemic.

Go find another whipping boy.
What a bundh of crock. When an event happens, people need reassurance. This man kept changing the boundaries on us all. Working with dangerous Bio weapons and being self important as a long term government employee he is shielded by the shills that permeate this deep state nation. He knows what it is. We are still trying to find out.
I can understand President Trump believing big pharma and this little weasel of a man, Fauci and that stupid scarf woman, Birx. All Americans used to believe, they wanted to believe they were sure that American companies would not intentionally harm americans. WOULD NOT join in with our enemy in creating a man made virus that would destroy representative republics across the globe. HOW and WHY would American companies do such a thing.

well. They have. THey have been infiltrated by commies, by evil people, by greedy people, politicians, billionaires, power hungry tyrants that all think they know better how to run your life than you do.
Of course they don't care to question, the sheeple are happy in their submission to Totalitarian Globalism.


Top Scientist Blasts Fauci As A ‘Serial Liar,’ Slams Ex-Biden Pandemic Adviser As An ‘Empty Head,’ ‘Dolt’ um...yeah.​

  • #1: “Fauci is such a tool. The question posed to him in congress was whether he funded gain of function research. He either did or he didn’t. He said he didn’t. New evidence suggests he did. This isn’t a scientific question.”
  • #2: “Fauci: ‘I’m going to be saving lives and they’re going to be lying’ – POLITICO Anyone who’s been this wrong and misled people this much should not hide behind ‘science’ especially when he has so blatantly ignored or misunderstood the ‘science’ throughout.”
  • #3: “Fauci then implied that Senator Ted Cruz should be prosecuted for Jan. 6. ‘And I’m going to be saving lives, and they’re going to be lying,’ he added. He also proclaimed: ‘I represent science! … And if you damage science, you’re doing something very detrimental to society…’”
Ebright criticized Fauci earlier this year after The Intercept obtained hundreds of pages of previously undisclosed information from the NIH that allegedly showed that EcoHealth Alliance used federal grant money to fund dangerous bat coronavirus research in the Chinese labs.
The arrogance of this political hack is amazing.

Per your article, Fauci was responding to an attack by Marsh Blackburn, devoted republican Trumper, and friend to the Pharmaceutical industry, just not necessarily the ones that produce Covid vaccines. By 2018 she had taken $711,385 Dollar$ from the Pharmaceutical industry, a fair chunk of change, in my book. No telling what it is now. When confronted about contributions from opioid manufacturers/distributors in light of the number of opioid deaths in the state, she said in Nashville there was no need to give any of the money back. In 2014 she introduced and backed legislation that would keep DEA from going after distributors of opioid pharmaceuticals. She is a friend to big Pharma.

It is definitely OK to question Fauci all you want, not to say you are right or wrong, but she certainly is the wrong person. I say this as an independent that voted for Lamar Alexander when he was in, office from the beginning of his career up to his retirement and voted for Bill Hagerty (Republican originally from Gallatin, TN) after Lamar, but have not and will not vote for Marsha.

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