If we did not allow Muslim foreigners into the United States...........

Why would he be peddling anything out of the blue, if it weren't for the killings and bombings we have been suffering in America since the first trade tower attack, in which was unheard of in this nation only 20 short years ago, so what has happened since, and why is beachboy so concerned of these things now, when he should be enjoying life in America as an American with no fear of these things instead ?

No matter how much peace is peddled here on behalf of those that claim this Islam religion is peaceful, along with it's followers ((as a religious people)) whom are within this nation now numbering many, then out comes evidence such as this or be it that, in which crushes the hopes of those whom want to believe in peace with all peoples who are new arrivals here in the nation, and this within the last 20 or more years, but then they just can't get by the facts or evidence that speaks differently about such a culture in which has these very deadly fringes being harbored within it, and for whom are those who are hidden in which aren't scared to act out upon such deadly notions or ideals, in which it has already shown it will do in a skinny minute as we have seen. Am I right or wrong on these types of understandings, I mean in which I have about such things maybe or rather are peoples fears justified these days, and rightfully so or maybe they are not ?

The point no one has discussed here is that either you or our, our friends of family could have been at that Boston Marathon bombing. So what does that mean in light of the last 12 years since the World Trade Center? It means 9/11 was not a single incident. These Muslim whack jobs are trying to kill us in the places we feel safest.

Today, I had lunch at the LAX restaurant as I was putting a client on a plane.
As we were eating a man came into the restaurant looking strange. Suddenly, it dawned on me. I am eating in a national landmark, and a grubby looking middle eastern man has just entered the restaurant with a brief case. If this guy is a Muslim bomber, it is all over for me.

"Putting a client on a plane"...

I didn't realize Tonka Toys made planes.

So.... if the guy is a Christian bomber, a Hindu bomber, a Jewish bomber, an atheist bomber... you're fine, right?

If only there were an "engage brain" button you had to go through before hitting "Submit post".

You keep bringing up Boston as if it was an act of terrorism, yet the guy sending ricin letters has more to do with terrorism than your favourite religion.

Again, the 'engage-brain' button.... :cuckoo:
Why would he be peddling anything out of the blue, if it weren't for the killings and bombings we have been suffering in America since the first trade tower attack, in which was unheard of in this nation only 20 short years ago, so what has happened since, and why is beachboy so concerned of these things now, when he should be enjoying life in America as an American with no fear of these things instead ?

No matter how much peace is peddled here on behalf of those that claim this Islam religion is peaceful, along with it's followers ((as a religious people)) whom are within this nation now numbering many, then out comes evidence such as this or be it that, in which crushes the hopes of those whom want to believe in peace with all peoples who are new arrivals here in the nation, and this within the last 20 or more years, but then they just can't get by the facts or evidence that speaks differently about such a culture in which has these very deadly fringes being harbored within it, and for whom are those who are hidden in which aren't scared to act out upon such deadly notions or ideals, in which it has already shown it will do in a skinny minute as we have seen. Am I right or wrong on these types of understandings, I mean in which I have about such things maybe or rather are peoples fears justified these days, and rightfully so or maybe they are not ?

The point no one has discussed here is that either you or our, our friends of family could have been at that Boston Marathon bombing. So what does that mean in light of the last 12 years since the World Trade Center? It means 9/11 was not a single incident. These Muslim whack jobs are trying to kill us in the places we feel safest.


Today, I had lunch at the LAX restaurant as I was putting a client on a plane. As we were eating a man came into the restaurant looking strange. Suddenly, it dawned on me. I am eating in a national landmark, and a grubby looking middle eastern man has just entered the restaurant with a brief case. If this guy is a Muslim bomber, it is all over for me.


We as Americans should not have to worry every time we go out into a public place that whack job, Johnny Jihad is waiting around the corner with a bomb. When it comes right down to it, Muslims like to make us feel uncomfortable with weird clothes and noisy language. So, they either assimilate, and pass government security, or we dump them all back in the third world.

Remember, two of the Boston Marathon bombers had been on the no-fly list, and easily got in and out of the country in spite of warnings from Russian intelligence. Folks, you are on your own when it comes to your personal security in the United States.

This is a no-brainer, and thinking Americans understand this reality. This is our country. My family has been here nearly 300 years. Get the barbarians out of the United States, whatever it takes.
Last week President Obama heavily increased the budget for domestic terrorism. How much more information do you need?


Why do you use such a large font? Are you unable to get your point across without screaming?
Why would he be peddling anything out of the blue, if it weren't for the killings and bombings we have been suffering in America since the first trade tower attack, in which was unheard of in this nation only 20 short years ago, so what has happened since, and why is beachboy so concerned of these things now, when he should be enjoying life in America as an American with no fear of these things instead ?

No matter how much peace is peddled here on behalf of those that claim this Islam religion is peaceful, along with it's followers ((as a religious people)) whom are within this nation now numbering many, then out comes evidence such as this or be it that, in which crushes the hopes of those whom want to believe in peace with all peoples who are new arrivals here in the nation, and this within the last 20 or more years, but then they just can't get by the facts or evidence that speaks differently about such a culture in which has these very deadly fringes being harbored within it, and for whom are those who are hidden in which aren't scared to act out upon such deadly notions or ideals, in which it has already shown it will do in a skinny minute as we have seen. Am I right or wrong on these types of understandings, I mean in which I have about such things maybe or rather are peoples fears justified these days, and rightfully so or maybe they are not ?

The point no one has discussed here is that either you or our, our friends of family could have been at that Boston Marathon bombing. So what does that mean in light of the last 12 years since the World Trade Center? It means 9/11 was not a single incident. These Muslim whack jobs are trying to kill us in the places we feel safest.

Today, I had lunch at the LAX restaurant as I was putting a client on a plane.
As we were eating a man came into the restaurant looking strange. Suddenly, it dawned on me. I am eating in a national landmark, and a grubby looking middle eastern man has just entered the restaurant with a brief case. If this guy is a Muslim bomber, it is all over for me.

"Putting a client on a plane"...

I didn't realize Tonka Toys made planes.

So.... if the guy is a Christian bomber, a Hindu bomber, a Jewish bomber, an atheist bomber... you're fine, right?

If only there were an "engage brain" button you had to go through before hitting "Submit post".

You keep bringing up Boston as if it was an act of terrorism, yet the guy sending ricin letters has more to do with terrorism than your favourite religion.

Again, the 'engage-brain' button.... :cuckoo:
What??? The Boston bombing was not an act of terrorism?
The point no one has discussed here is that either you or our, our friends of family could have been at that Boston Marathon bombing. So what does that mean in light of the last 12 years since the World Trade Center? It means 9/11 was not a single incident. These Muslim whack jobs are trying to kill us in the places we feel safest.

Today, I had lunch at the LAX restaurant as I was putting a client on a plane.
As we were eating a man came into the restaurant looking strange. Suddenly, it dawned on me. I am eating in a national landmark, and a grubby looking middle eastern man has just entered the restaurant with a brief case. If this guy is a Muslim bomber, it is all over for me.

"Putting a client on a plane"...

I didn't realize Tonka Toys made planes.

So.... if the guy is a Christian bomber, a Hindu bomber, a Jewish bomber, an atheist bomber... you're fine, right?

If only there were an "engage brain" button you had to go through before hitting "Submit post".

You keep bringing up Boston as if it was an act of terrorism, yet the guy sending ricin letters has more to do with terrorism than your favourite religion.

Again, the 'engage-brain' button.... :cuckoo:
What??? The Boston bombing was not an act of terrorism?

Sure. Since every act of terrorism is committed to send a message (9/11: "death to America"; Unabomber: "death to technology"; Roeder, Rudolph et al: "death to abortion"), obviously the message here was ... "Walk, don't run". Or maybe "Get this crowd off Copley Square".


As another poster astutely noted in another thread, if the Boston bombing indicts all Muslims as "terrorists" on the basis that that was their religion, then the ricin letter sender should indict all gun advocates.

Or to follow the OP's toddler logic, it should indict whatever the religion of the ricin sender is. If he turns out to be, say, a Shintoist, then all Shintoists are terrorists. And since the ricin sending actually is terrorism, the case there is stronger.

I know I shall be looking forward to that Bleachboy thread with its gallery of photoshopped Shinto extemists, desperate pleas to "watch TV" and its text lipsticked up to look like it was written by Baby Huey wielding a giant set of Crayolas.
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Why would he be peddling anything out of the blue, if it weren't for the killings and bombings we have been suffering in America since the first trade tower attack, in which was unheard of in this nation only 20 short years ago, so what has happened since, and why is beachboy so concerned of these things now, when he should be enjoying life in America as an American with no fear of these things instead ?

No matter how much peace is peddled here on behalf of those that claim this Islam religion is peaceful, along with it's followers ((as a religious people)) whom are within this nation now numbering many, then out comes evidence such as this or be it that, in which crushes the hopes of those whom want to believe in peace with all peoples who are new arrivals here in the nation, and this within the last 20 or more years, but then they just can't get by the facts or evidence that speaks differently about such a culture in which has these very deadly fringes being harbored within it, and for whom are those who are hidden in which aren't scared to act out upon such deadly notions or ideals, in which it has already shown it will do in a skinny minute as we have seen. Am I right or wrong on these types of understandings, I mean in which I have about such things maybe or rather are peoples fears justified these days, and rightfully so or maybe they are not ?

The point no one has discussed here is that either you or our, our friends of family could have been at that Boston Marathon bombing. So what does that mean in light of the last 12 years since the World Trade Center? It means 9/11 was not a single incident. These Muslim whack jobs are trying to kill us in the places we feel safest.


Today, I had lunch at the LAX restaurant as I was putting a client on a plane. As we were eating a man came into the restaurant looking strange. Suddenly, it dawned on me. I am eating in a national landmark, and a grubby looking middle eastern man has just entered the restaurant with a brief case. If this guy is a Muslim bomber, it is all over for me.


We as Americans should not have to worry every time we go out into a public place that whack job, Johnny Jihad is waiting around the corner with a bomb. When it comes right down to it, Muslims like to make us feel uncomfortable with weird clothes and noisy language. So, they either assimilate, and pass government security, or we dump them all back in the third world.

Remember, two of the Boston Marathon bombers had been on the no-fly list, and easily got in and out of the country in spite of warnings from Russian intelligence. Folks, you are on your own when it comes to your personal security in the United States.

This is a no-brainer, and thinking Americans understand this reality. This is our country. My family has been here nearly 300 years. Get the barbarians out of the United States, whatever it takes.
Last week President Obama heavily increased the budget for domestic terrorism. How much more information do you need?


Why do you use such a large font? Are you unable to get your point across without screaming?

Not that it is any of your business. I do not like to wear my glasses when I am involved in detailed posting on the internet, and contacts are uncomfortable for me.
This thread has been beaten to death. Here is a similar thread with a more urgent message backed up with no less than five fact/links!

Of all the other things I can die of (heart disease, cancer causing GMOs, car accidents, ect) I just don't see "Muslim terror attacks" as being that big of a threat.

How many radical Muslim attacks have we seen in the past decade (in US), and how many deaths occurred as a result?

Only ones I can think of are the Fort Hood incident + Boston. Totals less than 20 killed, I believe.

In a population of 315,000,000, just doesn't seem to reach the level of extreme severity you seem to describe. I think you're clearly fear mongering (sorry to be blunt, but it's true).

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Why would he be peddling anything out of the blue, if it weren't for the killings and bombings we have been suffering in America since the first trade tower attack, in which was unheard of in this nation only 20 short years ago, so what has happened since, and why is beachboy so concerned of these things now, when he should be enjoying life in America as an American with no fear of these things instead ?

No matter how much peace is peddled here on behalf of those that claim this Islam religion is peaceful, along with it's followers ((as a religious people)) whom are within this nation now numbering many, then out comes evidence such as this or be it that, in which crushes the hopes of those whom want to believe in peace with all peoples who are new arrivals here in the nation, and this within the last 20 or more years, but then they just can't get by the facts or evidence that speaks differently about such a culture in which has these very deadly fringes being harbored within it, and for whom are those who are hidden in which aren't scared to act out upon such deadly notions or ideals, in which it has already shown it will do in a skinny minute as we have seen. Am I right or wrong on these types of understandings, I mean in which I have about such things maybe or rather are peoples fears justified these days, and rightfully so or maybe they are not ?

The point no one has discussed here is that either you or our, our friends of family could have been at that Boston Marathon bombing. So what does that mean in light of the last 12 years since the World Trade Center? It means 9/11 was not a single incident. These Muslim whack jobs are trying to kill us in the places we feel safest.


Today, I had lunch at the LAX restaurant as I was putting a client on a plane. As we were eating a man came into the restaurant looking strange. Suddenly, it dawned on me. I am eating in a national landmark, and a grubby looking middle eastern man has just entered the restaurant with a brief case. If this guy is a Muslim bomber, it is all over for me.


We as Americans should not have to worry every time we go out into a public place that whack job, Johnny Jihad is waiting around the corner with a bomb. When it comes right down to it, Muslims like to make us feel uncomfortable with weird clothes and noisy language. So, they either assimilate, and pass government security, or we dump them all back in the third world.

Remember, two of the Boston Marathon bombers had been on the no-fly list, and easily got in and out of the country in spite of warnings from Russian intelligence. Folks, you are on your own when it comes to your personal security in the United States.

This is a no-brainer, and thinking Americans understand this reality. This is our country. My family has been here nearly 300 years. Get the barbarians out of the United States, whatever it takes.
Last week President Obama heavily increased the budget for domestic terrorism. How much more information do you need?

Why would he be peddling anything out of the blue, if it weren't for the killings and bombings we have been suffering in America since the first trade tower attack, in which was unheard of in this nation only 20 short years ago, so what has happened since, and why is beachboy so concerned of these things now, when he should be enjoying life in America as an American with no fear of these things instead ?

No matter how much peace is peddled here on behalf of those that claim this Islam religion is peaceful, along with it's followers ((as a religious people)) whom are within this nation now numbering many, then out comes evidence such as this or be it that, in which crushes the hopes of those whom want to believe in peace with all peoples who are new arrivals here in the nation, and this within the last 20 or more years, but then they just can't get by the facts or evidence that speaks differently about such a culture in which has these very deadly fringes being harbored within it, and for whom are those who are hidden in which aren't scared to act out upon such deadly notions or ideals, in which it has already shown it will do in a skinny minute as we have seen. Am I right or wrong on these types of understandings, I mean in which I have about such things maybe or rather are peoples fears justified these days, and rightfully so or maybe they are not ?

The point no one has discussed here is that either you or our, our friends of family could have been at that Boston Marathon bombing. So what does that mean in light of the last 12 years since the World Trade Center? It means 9/11 was not a single incident. These Muslim whack jobs are trying to kill us in the places we feel safest.


Today, I had lunch at the LAX restaurant as I was putting a client on a plane. As we were eating a man came into the restaurant looking strange. Suddenly, it dawned on me. I am eating in a national landmark, and a grubby looking middle eastern man has just entered the restaurant with a brief case. If this guy is a Muslim bomber, it is all over for me.


We as Americans should not have to worry every time we go out into a public place that whack job, Johnny Jihad is waiting around the corner with a bomb. When it comes right down to it, Muslims like to make us feel uncomfortable with weird clothes and noisy language. So, they either assimilate, and pass government security, or we dump them all back in the third world.

Remember, two of the Boston Marathon bombers had been on the no-fly list, and easily got in and out of the country in spite of warnings from Russian intelligence. Folks, you are on your own when it comes to your personal security in the United States.

This is a no-brainer, and thinking Americans understand this reality. This is our country. My family has been here nearly 300 years. Get the barbarians out of the United States, whatever it takes.
Last week President Obama heavily increased the budget for domestic terrorism. How much more information do you need?


Apparently, you listen to a lot of FAUX Nooze.....................don't you?

Keep feeling the fear dude.................because that's all that they sell..................
Why would he be peddling anything out of the blue, if it weren't for the killings and bombings we have been suffering in America since the first trade tower attack, in which was unheard of in this nation only 20 short years ago, so what has happened since, and why is beachboy so concerned of these things now, when he should be enjoying life in America as an American with no fear of these things instead ?

No matter how much peace is peddled here on behalf of those that claim this Islam religion is peaceful, along with it's followers ((as a religious people)) whom are within this nation now numbering many, then out comes evidence such as this or be it that, in which crushes the hopes of those whom want to believe in peace with all peoples who are new arrivals here in the nation, and this within the last 20 or more years, but then they just can't get by the facts or evidence that speaks differently about such a culture in which has these very deadly fringes being harbored within it, and for whom are those who are hidden in which aren't scared to act out upon such deadly notions or ideals, in which it has already shown it will do in a skinny minute as we have seen. Am I right or wrong on these types of understandings, I mean in which I have about such things maybe or rather are peoples fears justified these days, and rightfully so or maybe they are not ?

The point no one has discussed here is that either you or our, our friends of family could have been at that Boston Marathon bombing. So what does that mean in light of the last 12 years since the World Trade Center? It means 9/11 was not a single incident. These Muslim whack jobs are trying to kill us in the places we feel safest.


Today, I had lunch at the LAX restaurant as I was putting a client on a plane. As we were eating a man came into the restaurant looking strange. Suddenly, it dawned on me. I am eating in a national landmark, and a grubby looking middle eastern man has just entered the restaurant with a brief case. If this guy is a Muslim bomber, it is all over for me.


We as Americans should not have to worry every time we go out into a public place that whack job, Johnny Jihad is waiting around the corner with a bomb. When it comes right down to it, Muslims like to make us feel uncomfortable with weird clothes and noisy language. So, they either assimilate, and pass government security, or we dump them all back in the third world.

Remember, two of the Boston Marathon bombers had been on the no-fly list, and easily got in and out of the country in spite of warnings from Russian intelligence. Folks, you are on your own when it comes to your personal security in the United States.

This is a no-brainer, and thinking Americans understand this reality. This is our country. My family has been here nearly 300 years. Get the barbarians out of the United States, whatever it takes.
Last week President Obama heavily increased the budget for domestic terrorism. How much more information do you need?


Apparently, you listen to a lot of FAUX Nooze.....................don't you?

Keep feeling the fear dude.................because that's all that they sell..................

This is not Fox News, this is something that actually happened to me. Typical of the ignorant third world Muslims. When lacking facts, you just manufacture some. I watch CBS, NBC, and CNN. I will watch Fox to see how they cover a story.

I don't know how you got the idea that ONLY conservative Republicans are concerned about militant Muslim violence. I am an independent voter. I have never seen conservatives and liberals come together on this issue in an extraordinary way.

The fear America feels is from Johnny Jihad and friends after a series of terrorist actions in the United States. Fear does not need to be sold to real American citizens, they can turn on any television channel, or read any news magazine to get the message on terrorist Muslim traitors.

This thread really scares the hell out of you bastards. Five source links from liberal and conservative media warning America about 35 militant Muslim training camps. It is interesting to see you try to weasel out of proven facts! Why do you want those 35 militant Muslim training camps anyway? Let us think..... Could it be domestic Jihad? I think so.


Americans are smart enough to know an enemy when they are attacked.


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Why do you use such a large font? Are you unable to get your point across without screaming?
The screaming is in your head my dear - obviously. If you look at the post and close your eyes, I am sure you will still hear it.

I use a #3 font because I have to shout to get the Muslim cattle's attention. Yet, they are still too stupid to figure out the obvious. Islam is not compatible with America.

Your desperation to sell the Muslim agenda is failing. Your name-calling is adolescent.


Just brainwashed Islam cattle. Get rid of them like we would a mad dog.


Gota love Islam, not only do they ban/frown on other religions, they also ban people from changing from Islam to any other religion. AND they don't tolerate people that are agnostic. And they chop off people's head's for frivolous reasons and crash planes into buildings , use IED's and kill Shiites or Sunnis. Great religion, really. How can we tell the bad ones from the good ones? How?
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And the hits just keep on comin'.

Your name-calling is adolescent.

... followed immediately by:

Just brainwashed Islam cattle.

So regular you can set your watch by it.
I agree that it doesn't help to ruin a message with name calling and such (stay above it), but then when a person see's barbaric actions out of people that are waring with his nation in which he see's himself as an American in, and that he feels under attack by such actions, then I guess the name calling or speak is to him justified, even though I don't engage in that sort of thing myself when trying to speak about an issue or a people of concern, but that's just me.
And the hits just keep on comin'.

Your name-calling is adolescent.

... followed immediately by:

Just brainwashed Islam cattle.

So regular you can set your watch by it.
I agree that it doesn't help to ruin a message with name calling and such (stay above it), but then when a person see's barbaric actions out of people that are waring with his nation in which he see's himself as an American in, and that he feels under attack by such actions, then I guess the name calling or speak is to him justified, even though I don't engage in that sort of thing myself when trying to speak about an issue or a people of concern, but that's just me.

If ad hominem "doesn't help" and "ruins" a message, even if it is "justified" ---- what point, ultimately, has the poop-flinger made? Only one about himself.

That's the point here. And it's been going on steadily since post #1.
That simple eh ? Uh no it isn't....However, yes it is true what the Statue of Liberty stands for, I just wish that the radicals and killers who want to come here under her protection, and by her quest for those to come here for whom want to live free, were denied to do so under strict immigration law in which would catch them at the points of entry.

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