If US campuses can’t protect free speech, they need new management

"Free" speech = mine not yours. Powell Memorandum restructuring of society to benefit the substantial people bullshit.
I agree completely with the sentiments of this article. Universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions. Instead, what we've seen over the last several years are weak-kneed administrators acquiescing to the demands of sniveling little brats who can't handle hearing an idea they don't approve of. Rather than fostering an environment where diverse discussion can take place, most of our universities have been hijacked by extreme left wing administrators, faculties, and students who have embraced fascism and are engaging in modern day Nazi book burnings. If the people in charge won't stop this attack on free speech then it's time to start replacing them, by force, if necessary, particularly at those which are taxpayer funded.


So like Bob Jones and Liberty Universities?
I agree completely with the sentiments of this article. Universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions. Instead, what we've seen over the last several years are weak-kneed administrators acquiescing to the demands of sniveling little brats who can't handle hearing an idea they don't approve of. Rather than fostering an environment where diverse discussion can take place, most of our universities have been hijacked by extreme left wing administrators, faculties, and students who have embraced fascism and are engaging in modern day Nazi book burnings. If the people in charge won't stop this attack on free speech then it's time to start replacing them, by force, if necessary, particularly at those which are taxpayer funded.


So like Bob Jones and Liberty Universities?
Sure, if they don't actively recruit speakers of divergent views, those institutions are failures.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.
We are talking about hate speech, free assembly, and the first amendment.

Ann Coulter and Angela Davis (if alive and competent) get to speak if invited by accredited groups at any U.

Leftwing shitbags like you or rightwing shitbags like Steve McGarrett (you are opposite sides of the same coin) are held to the same rules.

Understand now?

And it is perfectly within the rights of the students to object to them speaking and to protest against extremist right wing shitbags polluting their campus. If students want to listen to Ann Coulter spew her usual hate, or Milo preaching the virtues of gay sex with children, or Richard Spencer preaching the virtues of exterminating all races except anglo-saxons, they can go to their platforms and listen to them until they're blue in the face. They are under no obligation to be forced to listen to them while at school. That is NOT part of their tuition.Ge that through your fucking head. Understand now?
Are they being rounded up and forced to listen? Bet not. :lol: Try to break up a meeting, the LEO can put a baton hard against your head and in your scrotum. You are not Tuff Tommy.

Doesn't matter whether they're "forced" to listen or not. It says a lot about a university that gives a voice to actual white nationalists like Richard Spencer. I don't think the students have been protesting enough.
If free speech is sacred and inviolable, how come I got a trolling citation the other day?


because you were being a shitty poster?

please explain to me how your "free speech" was violated on a privately owned message board forum that you are not charged to participate on

I'll hang up & listen...

Your free speech can only be infringed upon by the government, period.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
sure they are. they are mostly all funded with federal dollars.
I agree completely with the sentiments of this article. Universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions. Instead, what we've seen over the last several years are weak-kneed administrators acquiescing to the demands of sniveling little brats who can't handle hearing an idea they don't approve of. Rather than fostering an environment where diverse discussion can take place, most of our universities have been hijacked by extreme left wing administrators, faculties, and students who have embraced fascism and are engaging in modern day Nazi book burnings. If the people in charge won't stop this attack on free speech then it's time to start replacing them, by force, if necessary, particularly at those which are taxpayer funded.


So like Bob Jones and Liberty Universities?

I have this direct from the Bob Jones student handbook:

"if a student wishes to discuss an area of disagreement with a professor, he or she should go directly to that professor outside of class and respectfully present his or her concerns without fear of academic penalty. Airing complaints publicly in venues such as social media is not an appropriate means of resolving an issue."

IOW, Bob Jones U. effectively bars students from speaking freely on social media.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.
yes they are.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.
yes they are.

No, they're not.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.

If they are state universities, they certainly are required to allow free speech. And the fun happy speech does not need protecting. It is the speech with which we disagree that needs protections. And not allowing free speech simply because YOU disagree with it goes against everything this nation stands for.

When we demand that people espousing ideas about same sex marriages, equality for women ect ect, are allowed free speech, we must allow free speech from the other side of the coin.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.
yes they are.

No, they're not.
name a college and let's find out. or are you a chicken little.
I agree in general. In particular, let's look at the hard right schools that do the same along with the left schools.

Left or right should be irrelevant. Free speech is a constitutional right, and if you are a state institution, you are required to foster the free exchange of ideas from both sides.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
sure they are. they are mostly all funded with federal dollars.

So if Larry Flynt wanted to come to our local public elementary school and give a speech about Hustler magazine,
the school has no legal means to refuse him?
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
sure they are. they are mostly all funded with federal dollars.

So if Larry Flynt wanted to come to our local public elementary school and give a speech about Hustler magazine,
the school has no legal means to refuse him?
why not? they do offer sex courses in our school systems today? And, he is an entrepreneur. he's made money.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.
yes they are.

No, they're not.
name a college and let's find out. or are you a chicken little.

Name a college that is legally obligated to book a paid speech by a rightwinger.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
You are a useless whiner who is not going to get his way. Whether Liberty University or UCB, academia requires a diversity of opinion, and that includes the right wing fascists as well.

Actually, since Liberty Univ is a private college, they have more leeway as far as not allowing people to speak. Just like they can have school led prayers, while state schools cannot.
The goal is to protect the students and not allow the anarchist on the left and the fascist from the right clash and cause damage to people and property.

"And the area saw 20 arrests last weekend as extremists of left and right battled in the streets."

Coulter is a performing artist like Bill Maher. She should be allowed to perform her standard show for her fans.
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
sure they are. they are mostly all funded with federal dollars.

So if Larry Flynt wanted to come to our local public elementary school and give a speech about Hustler magazine,
the school has no legal means to refuse him?
why not? they do offer sex courses in our school systems today?

I asked if they are legally obligated. It was rhetorical. We already have your answer. According to you they are legally obligated,

because you're retarded.
The goal is to protect the students and not allow the anarchist on the left and the fascist from the right clash and cause damage to people and property.

"And the area saw 20 arrests last weekend as extremists of left and right battled in the streets."

Coulter is a performing artist like Bill Maher. She should be allowed to perform her standard show for her fans.

Coulter gets 20,000 to 50,000 per speech. That is not free speech. lol

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