If this hoard of invaders gets through our border it will never end.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
This nonsense has to be stopped. This moment will define future events for our nation.
THIS SITUATION is the very thing our military was created to defend us from.
Ok, another invasion thread. What is rhe focus of this one? Seems like there all mostly rhe same.
Our military wasn't created to shoot unarmed humans.

Our military was created to defend the borders against attack, regardless of the military capability of the attackers.

It's a Constitutional mandate of the federal government, period. If our leadership won't fulfill their oaths, then they need to be replaced by people who will.
Our military wasn't created to shoot unarmed humans.

Our military was created to defend the borders against attack, regardless of the military capability of the attackers.

It's a Constitutional mandate of the federal government, period. If our leadership won't fulfill their oaths, then they need to be replaced by people who will.
The echo chamber speaks..
I hope our military is at the border to meet these idiots and send them back to Honduras.

I'm more than surprised that Mexico doesn't have its military already there.

Mexico takes a very dim view of illegals in their country. Years ago if you were found to be illegally in the country you landed in jail.
This has been the plan all along, gang.
So you knew about it months ago but decided to keep it a secret?
I knew about this years ago, as much of my family and extended family are at least half Hispanic, and I've spent years talking personally with Hispanics and Regressives from across the spectrum as a result.

So my knowledge is first hand, and not ideology-distorted, like yours.
I hope our military is at the border to meet these idiots and send them back to Honduras.

I'm more than surprised that Mexico doesn't have its military already there.

Mexico takes a very dim view of illegals in their country. Years ago if you were found to be illegally in the country you landed in jail.

They take a bright view of illegals in OUR country, apparently. What we're watching is an unspoken safe-passage.
This has been the plan all along, gang.
So you knew about it months ago but decided to keep it a secret?
I knew about this years ago, as much of my family is at least half Hispanic, and I've spent years talking personally with Hispanics and Regressives from across the spectrum as a result.

So my knowledge is first hand, and not ideology-distorted, like yours.
I see you think you know everything, no surprise yet here we are now what with rightist poping their pants over a few thousand people marching to the US which will take 2 months of walking.
This has been the plan all along, gang.
So you knew about it months ago but decided to keep it a secret?
I knew about this years ago, as much of my family is at least half Hispanic, and I've spent years talking personally with Hispanics and Regressives from across the spectrum as a result.

So my knowledge is first hand, and not ideology-distorted, like yours.
I see you think you know everything, no surprise yet here we are now what with rightist poping their pants over a few thousand people marching to the US which will take 2 months of walking.
I know what I know first hand, you know what your ideology tells you.

Bitch all you want, I don't care.
I hope our military is at the border to meet these idiots and send them back to Honduras.

I'm more than surprised that Mexico doesn't have its military already there.

Mexico takes a very dim view of illegals in their country. Years ago if you were found to be illegally in the country you landed in jail.

They take a bright view of illegals in OUR country, apparently.

Most American don't but there are some who think we need to let everyone who wants to come here in.

Used to be to come to this country you had to have a sponsor. A person or family who would pay your way.

Not any more though. Now we have millions of illegals in this country who cost we the tax payer billions every year.

We sure don't need these idiots from Honduras here. Hope the military is waiting on the border and sends their stupid asses back to Honduras.
Congress has the key to stopping the caravans from claiming political asylum, but they can't do their job....Or, this is what they want.
Our military wasn't created to shoot unarmed humans.
Who said anything about shooting anyone?

You lefties seem obsessed with shooting brown people.
I bet you think you are original...all the military can do is round them up once they have entered into the US..
Nonsense, the purpose of sending the military to the border is to prevent them from entering the US, not to arrest them them after they enter. The military will use tear gas, water cannons and other crowd dispersal weapons to stop them from crossing the border. The big questions is will they use deadly force if all other measures fail?

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