So Who’s Paying for the Logistics for Thousands to Make the Journey


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.

I am sure many have phones too! I wonder if they have free wifi in the caravans?

They are probably stealing food from wherever they are stopped at. Then take them when they return to the caravans.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Who do YOU think?
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.

From another thread;

You'd have to ask Patriot. He brought it up trying to derail his own thread.

Why would I say something that isn't true? I don't support open borders.

While I do agree with you, and the premise of his thread is rather silly, you did troll his thread with this;

You, like the illegitimate orange toddler that is your cult leader, have a twisted and immature view of the world. #sad

And, he has a legitimate POV, and as a liberal, if you know what empathetic listening is, and cared to try to put yourself in his shoes, you would have to concede, it is kind of hypocritical to say you care about these folks and not babies. (I know, you don't consider fetuses 'babies,' but that is not the issue here.)

It's a twisted view of reality, but a fair one.

I don't think you have listened to conservative media at all. I listen to both NPR and Limbaugh. They are miles apart on this issue and see this event in a totally different reality. The both present extremely important facts in need of consideration.

YOU see this as a humanitarian crises. He sees this as an enabled political invasion, though I am not sure he is being given the correct facts about who is sponsoring it. Both of you, rather than attack each other from these POV's, need to think about your respective media sources and ask as to how they are framing this, and from the folks that are making this caravan possible, Cui Bono?

We all need to stop being manipulated and start talking to one another and not let them manipulate us into attacking each other, that is not where solutions are found. You are both probably decent folk, and are both being manipulated to feel this way and attack each other just so.

These caravans will not be good for the Democrats, nor will they be good for the nation in general. Something untoward is going on, and I doubt we will hear about it in the corporate press.

These caravans have been coming here every year for years. There's nothing going on except a bunch of people trying to flee a bad situation.
If that is what you want to believe, reason and evidence will not convince you otherwise.

It seems you have your mind made up.

It’s not a matter of wanting to believe. It is a fact. That you don’t want to believe a fact is on you.

The Central American caravan headed north toward the United States through Mexico may have attracted the attention of President Donald Trump and others for good reason — it’s one of the largest since the group Pueblo Sin Fronteras began staging its annual pilgrimage through Mexico a decade ago.

Wow, your critical thinking skills are really lacking.

I don't have access to that article, but even with the very small snippet you gave me, it confirmed my worst suspicions.

I have both liberal and conservative leanings, and I have a pretty thorough education in economics.

The same folks that are propagandizing you on this issue are the same folks that are responsible for the increasing wealth gap in this nation, but you just haven't put two and two together, have you?

This has nothing to do with, "refugees," that is a bullshit propaganda cover story. Do a little independent research.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras is supported by the National Day Laborers Organizing Network. This is all about the economy, keeping wages suppressed for corporate fat cats, and making sure American working class wages don't increase. Use your head. The same foundations that donate to NPR, and meet with the parent groups of the six media companies at the CFR, donate to make sure these workers are getting into the country. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU, YEAR, after year, after year.

This is all to make sure they can treat these folks like shit and keep wages low, so the FED can destroy the dollar. You have no clue what is going on.

They ADMIT it on their website;

"Pueblo Sin Fronteras was formed in the early 2000s.[6] The group builds shelters for refugees on the trek north to the Mexican-American border and provides legal council to them.[6] Activists affiliated with the group are present in the United States, where the organization actively raises funds and organizes protest actions against U.S. immigration policy.[6] The organization is a member organization of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network.[7]"
Pueblo Sin Fronteras - Wikipedia

"National Day Laborers Organizing Network: How It Supports Illegal Immigration

By David Hogberg (Foundation Watch, September 2010 PDF here)

Summary: The National Day Laborers Organizing Network (NDLON) has an unusual strategy for helping illegal immigrants achieve legal status. It tries to make every aspect of their work lives legal except their immigration status. Foundation grants assist NDLON efforts. NDLON reasons that if illegal immigrants are increasingly open and unremarkable in their day-to-day activities, then American citizens are more likely to approve efforts by lawmakers to give them amnesty."
National Day Laborers Organizing Network: How It Supports Illegal Immigration

At least NOW we now who is paying for the buses and supporting the caravans. It's probably every corporate, foundation, and business member of this organizing network. Hell, every major industry that needs day labor is probably a culprit.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.

That’s easy. They are putting the whole thing on credit. Then when they wade into the US they will get student loans (because everybody deserves a chance a higher education regardless of cost). They will use the loan to pay off the debt, and then be in debt up to their ass like millions of others in this country.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

You forgot Venezuela.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?
I only know what I have read from multiple sources actually answering this question.
The caravans started more symbolically and religiously, during Holy Week prior to Easter. Now it has exploded as a political battle, since Trump opened his campaign for President with the battle cry against immigrants from the south. We not only elected him, we have allowed him to get away with his ridiculous hate rhetoric. If it had not been for that, we would not be seeing this right now.
Thank your President, who is using immigration as a tool to manipulate you.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.
Bullshit. They can barely feed themselves, let alone 7,000 strangers, many wearing $100 Nikes. I know, I’ve done Missionary work there.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?

If anyone thinks the Mexican people are for this, then they do NOT know anything about Mexicans.
Mexican people are indeed friendly. They are indeed hospitable, and generally speaking - good people.
But they are also proud people. They are hard workers. They are traditionalist. They are still far more family oriented than we are.
They do not like free loaders. They do not like people who do not pull their weight. They are proud people who work very hard in a terribly mismanaged country to put food on the table and a roof over their head.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?
I only know what I have read from multiple sources actually answering this question.
The caravans started more symbolically and religiously, during Holy Week prior to Easter. Now it has exploded as a political battle, since Trump opened his campaign for President with the battle cry against immigrants from the south. We not only elected him, we have allowed him to get away with his ridiculous hate rhetoric. If it had not been for that, we would not be seeing this right now.
Thank your President, who is using immigration as a tool to manipulate you.

Oh come on.
Growing immigration problems were absolutely ignored by Bush II and Obama. This crises has been building for nearly 20 years now.
Trump has about as much to do with our illegal problems and MS-13 as you do.
There was no hateful rhetoric. There was reality. Illegals cost this nation $Billions in social services every year. It is not fair that Mexicans/Central Americans come here bringing children and to have their babies so it is all paid for. And then receive welfare checks for years, even though they are not citizens. NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD ALLOWS THIS. But somehow if we do it - it is "hateful".
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Donnie Dirtbag Tramp. obviously!
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

You forgot Venezuela.
Well we know for certain it is NOT Venezuela since Donnie Dirtbag accused then and Tramp ALWAYS lies!!!
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?

If anyone thinks the Mexican people are for this, then they do NOT know anything about Mexicans.
Mexican people are indeed friendly. They are indeed hospitable, and generally speaking - good people.
But they are also proud people. They are hard workers. They are traditionalist. They are still far more family oriented than we are.
They do not like free loaders. They do not like people who do not pull their weight. They are proud people who work very hard in a terribly mismanaged country to put food on the table and a roof over their head.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?
I only know what I have read from multiple sources actually answering this question.
The caravans started more symbolically and religiously, during Holy Week prior to Easter. Now it has exploded as a political battle, since Trump opened his campaign for President with the battle cry against immigrants from the south. We not only elected him, we have allowed him to get away with his ridiculous hate rhetoric. If it had not been for that, we would not be seeing this right now.
Thank your President, who is using immigration as a tool to manipulate you.

Oh come on.
Growing immigration problems were absolutely ignored by Bush II and Obama. This crises has been building for nearly 20 years now.
Trump has about as much to do with our illegal problems and MS-13 as you do.
There was no hateful rhetoric. There was reality. Illegals cost this nation $Billions in social services every year. It is not fair that Mexicans/Central Americans come here bringing children and to have their babies so it is all paid for. And then receive welfare checks for years, even though they are not citizens. NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD ALLOWS THIS. But somehow if we do it - it is "hateful".
I don't know about Bush, but Obama didn't ignore it. WHAT DO YOU CALL DACA? It was a desperate attempt to do SOMETHING since Congress wouldn't. And apparently still won't. If those DACA folks are deported, it is on their heads.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?

If anyone thinks the Mexican people are for this, then they do NOT know anything about Mexicans.
Mexican people are indeed friendly. They are indeed hospitable, and generally speaking - good people.
But they are also proud people. They are hard workers. They are traditionalist. They are still far more family oriented than we are.
They do not like free loaders. They do not like people who do not pull their weight. They are proud people who work very hard in a terribly mismanaged country to put food on the table and a roof over their head.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?
I only know what I have read from multiple sources actually answering this question.
The caravans started more symbolically and religiously, during Holy Week prior to Easter. Now it has exploded as a political battle, since Trump opened his campaign for President with the battle cry against immigrants from the south. We not only elected him, we have allowed him to get away with his ridiculous hate rhetoric. If it had not been for that, we would not be seeing this right now.
Thank your President, who is using immigration as a tool to manipulate you.

Oh come on.
Growing immigration problems were absolutely ignored by Bush II and Obama. This crises has been building for nearly 20 years now.
Trump has about as much to do with our illegal problems and MS-13 as you do.
There was no hateful rhetoric. There was reality. Illegals cost this nation $Billions in social services every year. It is not fair that Mexicans/Central Americans come here bringing children and to have their babies so it is all paid for. And then receive welfare checks for years, even though they are not citizens. NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD ALLOWS THIS. But somehow if we do it - it is "hateful".
I don't know about Bush, but Obama didn't ignore it. WHAT DO YOU CALL DACA? It was a desperate attempt to do SOMETHING since Congress wouldn't. And apparently still won't. If those DACA folks are deported, it is on their heads.
Dangling a carrot to draw more illegals in resolves what?
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?

If anyone thinks the Mexican people are for this, then they do NOT know anything about Mexicans.
Mexican people are indeed friendly. They are indeed hospitable, and generally speaking - good people.
But they are also proud people. They are hard workers. They are traditionalist. They are still far more family oriented than we are.
They do not like free loaders. They do not like people who do not pull their weight. They are proud people who work very hard in a terribly mismanaged country to put food on the table and a roof over their head.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?
I only know what I have read from multiple sources actually answering this question.
The caravans started more symbolically and religiously, during Holy Week prior to Easter. Now it has exploded as a political battle, since Trump opened his campaign for President with the battle cry against immigrants from the south. We not only elected him, we have allowed him to get away with his ridiculous hate rhetoric. If it had not been for that, we would not be seeing this right now.
Thank your President, who is using immigration as a tool to manipulate you.

Oh come on.
Growing immigration problems were absolutely ignored by Bush II and Obama. This crises has been building for nearly 20 years now.
Trump has about as much to do with our illegal problems and MS-13 as you do.
There was no hateful rhetoric. There was reality. Illegals cost this nation $Billions in social services every year. It is not fair that Mexicans/Central Americans come here bringing children and to have their babies so it is all paid for. And then receive welfare checks for years, even though they are not citizens. NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD ALLOWS THIS. But somehow if we do it - it is "hateful".
I don't know about Bush, but Obama didn't ignore it. WHAT DO YOU CALL DACA? It was a desperate attempt to do SOMETHING since Congress wouldn't. And apparently still won't. If those DACA folks are deported, it is on their heads.
Dangling a carrot to draw more illegals in resolves what?
It isn't "dangling a carrot." We need to stop illegal immigration, but part of the solution at this point is accepting that the Republican stance of just closing the door and pulling the shades is NOT going to work. There is real shit happening in other countries south of us. A lot of it is due to the drug trade which we fuel by being the biggest customer. We need to be working WITH these countries to get these cartels under control, not punishing these countries by making them MORE broke.

Trump's solution may work in the short run, but it is not going to help in the long run. The invasion is real, in a sense, as it is all over the world right now. The rich countries with attractive economies are all feeling it. Somehow the haves and have nots have gotten way out of whack, and this is what happens.
The guy with the compass paid for the logistics. They just have to head to el norte.
Las Patronas, churches, local Mexicans of no particular affiliation, Pueblo sin Fronteras, and many other charities, including some local governments who show empathy and who would rather give them porta potties than suffer the consequences.

Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?

If anyone thinks the Mexican people are for this, then they do NOT know anything about Mexicans.
Mexican people are indeed friendly. They are indeed hospitable, and generally speaking - good people.
But they are also proud people. They are hard workers. They are traditionalist. They are still far more family oriented than we are.
They do not like free loaders. They do not like people who do not pull their weight. They are proud people who work very hard in a terribly mismanaged country to put food on the table and a roof over their head.
Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?
I only know what I have read from multiple sources actually answering this question.
The caravans started more symbolically and religiously, during Holy Week prior to Easter. Now it has exploded as a political battle, since Trump opened his campaign for President with the battle cry against immigrants from the south. We not only elected him, we have allowed him to get away with his ridiculous hate rhetoric. If it had not been for that, we would not be seeing this right now.
Thank your President, who is using immigration as a tool to manipulate you.

Oh come on.
Growing immigration problems were absolutely ignored by Bush II and Obama. This crises has been building for nearly 20 years now.
Trump has about as much to do with our illegal problems and MS-13 as you do.
There was no hateful rhetoric. There was reality. Illegals cost this nation $Billions in social services every year. It is not fair that Mexicans/Central Americans come here bringing children and to have their babies so it is all paid for. And then receive welfare checks for years, even though they are not citizens. NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD ALLOWS THIS. But somehow if we do it - it is "hateful".
I don't know about Bush, but Obama didn't ignore it. WHAT DO YOU CALL DACA? It was a desperate attempt to do SOMETHING since Congress wouldn't. And apparently still won't. If those DACA folks are deported, it is on their heads.
Dangling a carrot to draw more illegals in resolves what?
It isn't "dangling a carrot." We need to stop illegal immigration, but part of the solution at this point is accepting that the Republican stance of just closing the door and pulling the shades is NOT going to work. There is real shit happening in other countries south of us. A lot of it is due to the drug trade which we fuel by being the biggest customer. We need to be working WITH these countries to get these cartels under control, not punishing these countries by making them MORE broke.

Trump's solution may work in the short run, but it is not going to help in the long run. The invasion is real, in a sense, as it is all over the world right now. The rich countries with attractive economies are all feeling it. Somehow the haves and have nots have gotten way out of whack, and this is what happens.

Not arguiing your point per say, just saying you know there is no real way of working with these countries? They are governed by despots who couldn't care less about the people in his country other than squeezing anything he can get out of them and foreign aid to maintain their power and live in luxury.
At the same time we do not owe them. Our success does not mean we need to provide for millions all around us. We give H U G E amounts in foreign aide that the same despots steal from to feed their military and buy more cars.
It is not simple.
Is that a guess (sounds reasonable), or do you know something?

If anyone thinks the Mexican people are for this, then they do NOT know anything about Mexicans.
Mexican people are indeed friendly. They are indeed hospitable, and generally speaking - good people.
But they are also proud people. They are hard workers. They are traditionalist. They are still far more family oriented than we are.
They do not like free loaders. They do not like people who do not pull their weight. They are proud people who work very hard in a terribly mismanaged country to put food on the table and a roof over their head.
I only know what I have read from multiple sources actually answering this question.
The caravans started more symbolically and religiously, during Holy Week prior to Easter. Now it has exploded as a political battle, since Trump opened his campaign for President with the battle cry against immigrants from the south. We not only elected him, we have allowed him to get away with his ridiculous hate rhetoric. If it had not been for that, we would not be seeing this right now.
Thank your President, who is using immigration as a tool to manipulate you.

Oh come on.
Growing immigration problems were absolutely ignored by Bush II and Obama. This crises has been building for nearly 20 years now.
Trump has about as much to do with our illegal problems and MS-13 as you do.
There was no hateful rhetoric. There was reality. Illegals cost this nation $Billions in social services every year. It is not fair that Mexicans/Central Americans come here bringing children and to have their babies so it is all paid for. And then receive welfare checks for years, even though they are not citizens. NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD ALLOWS THIS. But somehow if we do it - it is "hateful".
I don't know about Bush, but Obama didn't ignore it. WHAT DO YOU CALL DACA? It was a desperate attempt to do SOMETHING since Congress wouldn't. And apparently still won't. If those DACA folks are deported, it is on their heads.
Dangling a carrot to draw more illegals in resolves what?
It isn't "dangling a carrot." We need to stop illegal immigration, but part of the solution at this point is accepting that the Republican stance of just closing the door and pulling the shades is NOT going to work. There is real shit happening in other countries south of us. A lot of it is due to the drug trade which we fuel by being the biggest customer. We need to be working WITH these countries to get these cartels under control, not punishing these countries by making them MORE broke.

Trump's solution may work in the short run, but it is not going to help in the long run. The invasion is real, in a sense, as it is all over the world right now. The rich countries with attractive economies are all feeling it. Somehow the haves and have nots have gotten way out of whack, and this is what happens.

Not arguiing your point per say, just saying you know there is no real way of working with these countries? They are governed by despots who couldn't care less about the people in his country other than squeezing anything he can get out of them and foreign aid to maintain their power and live in luxury.
At the same time we do not owe them. Our success does not mean we need to provide for millions all around us. We give H U G E amounts in foreign aide that the same despots steal from to feed their military and buy more cars.
It is not simple.

Excellent points! In fact the US provides over $300 million a year to Mexico.
Asking the Question no Reporter will answer.

Food, water - who’s supplying it? Flags? I have to go to Home Depot or Amazon to get one. And they’re not cheap.

Enquirering minds want to know.
------------------------------------ i am hearing that its the 'venezuelans' that are funding this caravan of invaders and that makes lits of sense WMan .

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