If They Handed Out Awards For Self Destructive Stupidity, This One Would Be A Finalist


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
This series documents stories from the Herman Cain Awards subreddit tracking the COVID mis- and disinformation on Facebook that is leading to so many deaths. Today’s cautionary tale is definitely a top three of all time, and this is the 123rd story I’ve written in this series.

Update: Well, she’s unmasked in this Daily Beast article. She was a prominent Republican activist.
Canon was prominent in Republican circles for her grassroots organizing and campaign to ban red light cameras in Arlington. She also made headlines in 2017 for going public about sexually explicit photos allegedly sent to her by then-GOP Rep. Joe Barton, a scandal which ultimately ended in Barton stepping down.

She caught COVID at that anti-vaxx “symposium” that has felled at least one other kook.

We pick up this story on the day of Donald Trump’s failed insurrection, Jan. 6, 2021. Read this screenshot from the bottom up.

I did notice the world felt a little smarter the last week.
No, voting for Biden and thinking he really won honestly would take the prize!
You need to quit beating that dead horse. Trump lost. He was destined to lose. No president, NO PRESIDENT, has ever been reelected with the approval numbers Trump had throughout his presidency. To be honest, he didn't get close to the number he needed to be reelected. His average approval rating, throughout his presidency, was a paltry 41.1%, the lowest average of any president in the modern era. Hell, even Jimmy Carter had a higher average approval rating at 45.5%. JIMMY FUCKING CARTER. I mean that is an accomplishment for Trump, having lower approval ratings than Jimmy Carter. I mean that is something that you have to really work at to accomplish.

Everyone, from Trump appointed judges, to members of his own administration, have stated that the election was fair and there was no significant fraud, definitely not enough to change the results. And I am convinced, Trump knew he was destined to lose, he was talking about "fraud" before election day. He discouraged his voters from voting by mail or absentee while at the same time, encouraging them to vote multiple times. He was setting the stage to make his fraud charge and hope our great democracy would come apart and he could have held on to his precious seat. It is sick, he is sick, and the reality is he didn't give two shits who had to die, or what this government had to sacrifice, so that his sorry fat stupid ass could remain in his position of power.
Yeah, not a whole lotta brains destroying where you shop, where you live, your own property value.

I guess the left has never heard the old expression "Don't shit too close to your own back yard." :laughing0301:
Second place prize would have to go to all those Democrats who looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in 2020.
Please post facts and evidence that are at least probative to your claims are Registered Democrats. If you cannot do this, STFU or be called a damn liar posting BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.

IMO the few that loot, burn and shoot at law enforcement are anarchists, not Democrats, not Republican, not Libertarians, not Greens though it is possible that paid Agent Provocateurs are hired to lead the violence; it is anyone who might pay them is any one's guess.

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