I will maintain that people getting married in their 20s is bad for society and leads to higher rates of divorce. Waiting until financially sound is a wiser option. 2 young people starting from scratch is a recipe for a system that cannot work.You grabbed my attention, as I am one also.. and it seems you want to make a hot take...
I'm not sure what you're basing this on, but there are multiple problems in the male-female dynamic today....
1. Men and women report higher happiness when married than those who stay single
2. Women report much higher happiness when having children than those who are single and have none
3. There is a rush of women in their late 30's and above who are depressed because they thought they could have it all.. they thought they could have lots of sex and be a career-driven masculine boss babe throughout their 20's and early 30's... and then when they have lots of money and are done with their fun, the strapping, rich, charming, perfect guy would be there waiting to scoop them up. That's not how it works. The charming, strapping, perfect guy tends to date and marry younger, more feminine women who will cater to them.
4. This makes these masculine, boss babe women mad and spiteful. On one side they still believe they deserve a top tier man when they are like 39 or 44 with likely a child or 2... and on the other side they have all the support-group co-single hype women to tell them to never settle and keep looking for that guy. The data is in, when both men and women were asked if they would take 80% of what they were looking for in a partner, men were extremely likely to say yes, and women were extremely likely to say no.
Angry, spiteful, bitter, masculine single women are keeping other women single by convincing them that happiness can be found by lots of random sex and the single life. It turns out, women don't find happiness in that like men sometimes can, but it's generally not good for either.
You're way out to lunch on this topic.