If they beat Trump fair and square

Trump said I never lose. What he really means he never admits it. In his thousands of law suites he claimed he never lost, he reached out of court settlement anytime he thought he was going to lose. The few suits he actually did lose, he claimed it was a bias judge or jury and he was appealing.
Oh come on floppy, all you're doing is regurgitating Democrat talking points.
But, you don't have the facts. You believe MSM lies. Also, I still busted you on your fake 'no vote count stoppage' lie. The vote count stoppage was so they could over-count fake ballots. The pipe was fixed in 2 hours, there was never any need to stop the vote count. They claimed they stopped counting at 10:30 pm but kept counting until 1 am. We also saw the video of suitcases of votes being brought in.

We DO have the facts. The MSM is not lying. They're reporting what happened. What every Secretary of State in the USA signed off on, and that is the 2020 Presidential election was the most fair and honest election ever conducted in the USA. There were about 200 individuals charged with voter fraud, but none involving large enough numbers of ballots to affect the outcome of any race.

You have no idea what you saw until a voice over told you what to think about it. All of these claims were completely debunked by election officials who explained was was really happening in those videos. What YOU were told was completely invented by your narrator and was not what was happening at all.
What a ridiculous claim. No such thing happened and Trump knows it. TRUMP IS A FUCKING LOSER.
There aren’t 81 million people who voted for xiden. Shit only 61 million voted for the first black president.

They had to cheat to win. Mailed in illegal ballots was the con. You fell for it in Canada
And yet you will be unable to provide any verifiable details of this supposed “stoppage”.

We DO have the facts. The MSM is not lying. They're reporting what happened. What every Secretary of State in the USA signed off on, and that is the 2020 Presidential election was the most fair and honest election ever conducted in the USA. There were about 200 individuals charged with voter fraud, but none involving large enough numbers of ballots to affect the outcome of any race.

You have no idea what you saw until a voice over told you what to think about it. All of these claims were completely debunked by election officials who explained was was really happening in those videos. What YOU were told was completely invented by your narrator and was not what was happening at all.
You don't have the facts. 'They' are NOT reporting what happened they are ignoring what happened. No, we don't listen to 'voice overs' like you do, stop projecting. Try reading something real instead of MSNBC, et al

Only in the MSM. They parrot each other's fake stories. I bet you still believe Trump is a Russian operative. :abgg2q.jpg:
A dupe. A Russian asset

Trump never did that tough guy handshake thing with Putin.. He feared Putin

Trump's own intel chief has said he wondered what Putin had on Trump when Trump sided with Putin over US Intel
A dupe. A Russian asset

Trump never did that tough guy handshake thing with Putin.. He feared Putin

Trump's own intel chief has said he wondered what Putin had on Trump when Trump sided with Putin over US Intel
A dupe. A Russian asset

Trump never did that tough guy handshake thing with Putin.. He feared Putin

Trump's own intel chief has said he wondered what Putin had on Trump when Trump sided with Putin over US Intel
There is no proof that Trump was or is a 'Russian Asset'

You are lying, see video below Trump/Putin handshake at G20

Ahh hearsay "someone" said and "someone" wondered.

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The last time then why are they going to the end of the earth to prevent him from competing This time??????

The one troubling matter from election night still remains unanswered-When they supposedly stopped counting at 2am with Trump up by 200k and resumed conting at 4sm with him Down 200k?
The answer so far is a fabulous attempt to redefine “counting”. It’s been published that they did stop taking New votes but the 400k swing was the Old votes still coming in!!
Sporties, if you have stopped counting then that means you Are Not Counting
Why did you start this thread in conspiracy theory? What are message are you communicating by starting this thread in conspiracy?
I think your fiction needs work.

I'm not the one promoting fiction. Trump lost fair and square, and then he tried to overthrow the government.

That's what the whole wide world watched happened, you stupid dolt. Any other story you want to believe is nothing but lies, as told to you by Donald Trump.

The only people in the world saying that Donald Trump won is the billionaire owned right wing media in the USA. The businesses that don't subscribed to any journalistic standards.

Trump lost, and even Trump knows it.

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