If The “Peaceful Protesters” of Antifa and BLM Really Had The Courage of Their Convictions…


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
If The “Peaceful Protesters” of Antifa and BLM Really Had The Courage of Their Convictions…

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Vince
For the last two months we’ve been watching as BLM and Antifa have knocked over statues, defaced monuments and churches and set fire to basically anything they can get their hands on. St. Louis had to go because he led the Crusades. Christopher Columbus has to go because he opened the door to colonizing a new world. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson have to go because they owned slaves. Fredrick Douglas and Ulysses S. Grant and Teddy Roosevelt and Jesus Christ had to go because… never mind.
And it’s not just statues that are under fire. There’s Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Eskimo Pies, Mrs. Butterworth and the girl from Land O’ Lakes butter. There’s the NFL’s Redskins, the TV show Cops, the National Anthem, Goya foods, and basically all the police.
What started out as protests against the killing of George Floyd has metastasized into a battle against everything American, everything capitalist and anything that is not sufficiently woke.
Once can certainly appreciate those sentiments because the United States has obviously been a plague on humanity. America was built on land stolen from the Native Americans. The country had slavery from the beginning and Jim Crow laws until the 1960s. As a result, blacks are disproportionately represented in the justice system and those of European descent enjoy white privilege. Anything below a living wage is basically slave labor. College and healthcare are human rights and should not be the kinds of things that Americans should have to pay for, or the kinds of things people can make a profit off of. Some people have more money than they need while others don’t have enough to feed their families. And perhaps most of all, we elected Donald Trump as our president…
If the goal is to tell us that capitalism is bad and should be destroyed, then doesn’t logic demand that the fruits of the imperialist, racist, sexist American capitalist system be obliterated? Isn’t using an iPhone or wearing a Supreme sweat shirt or Nike shoes the watered down equivalent of using the data from Nazi experiments on prisoners to develop new medicines?
Do these “activists” have the courage of their own convictions? Are they really ready to destroy American capitalism and everything that it’s created? If they want to burn the system down and replace it, then they should say so and start living a life without its fruits as an example to others. If their goal however is to continue to enjoy the fruits of the capitalist system but just steal the profits or take the ownership, they are not the freedom fighters they style themselves to be, they are not heroes of the downtrodden seeking to destroy the racist oppressive system of America, but rather, they are in fact simply spoiled, envious, sociopathic thieves who want to take what others have built and use it for their own purposes. They are nothing more than common criminals who covet their neighbor’s wares and seek to exercise power over them… and everyone in the country while they’re at it. George Orwell recognized this in 1984: “We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power."

Antifa and Black Lives Matter are Marxist Socialist Communists... They've told us so many times....
They hate all things American, including the value we place on the importance of the nuclear family for success in life.
They dangle the promise of a welfare state that will take care of blacks without their having to lift a finger. They talk about reparations as if they deserve it.
They make empty promises. History shows that Marxist Socialists once in power will take these useful idiots out and shoot them unless they get into line and work like dogs for their “god,” the State. It's been proven time and time again for more than one hundred years...
Marxist Socialist Leftists cannot and have not lived by their own convictions. They expect others to, upon penalty of prison or death. Their sole hope and goal is to die before Venezuela sets in.
The violence we Americans are suffering is conventional Marxist Socialism, using group-identity tensions and hatred to get one group to kill another group…so a very select few can grab and take power.
The reality is that we DO know that it’s Antifa/BLM/Communist fighters attacking police and killing innocents. As with all Marxist revolts, they rely on feeding the useful fodder like you an “opposite-world” diet of propaganda so you’ll keep foaming like rabid dogs.
Treading out the vintage, where the grapes of wrath are stored
About a week ago, Rusten Sheskey, a seven-year veteran of the Kenosha, Wisconsin, police department, fired at least seven shots at the back of a Black man named Jacob Blake as he opened his car door, leaving the 29-year-old father of five probably paralyzed from the waist down.

After protests erupted, self-appointed armed militia or vigilante-type individuals rushed to Kenosha, including Kyle Rittenhouse, a white 17-year-old who traveled there and then, appearing on the streets with an AR-15 assault rifle, killed two people and wounded a third.

This is pure gold for a president without a plan, a party without a platform, and a cult without a purpose other than the abject worship of the impeached president trump.

To be re-elected, the impeached president trump knows he has to distract the nation from the coronavirus pandemic that he has flagrantly failed to control – leaving more than 180,000 Americans dead, tens of millions jobless and at least 30 million reportedly hungry.

So he’s counting on the reliable Republican dog-whistle. “Your vote,” the impeached president trump said in his speech closing the Republican convention Thursday night, “will decide whether we protect law-abiding Americans, or whether we give free rein to violent anarchists, agitators and criminals who threaten our citizens.”

“We will have law and order on the streets of this country,” the impeached president trump’s stooge, Mike Pence declared the previous evening, warning “you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.”

Neither the impeached president trump nor Pence mentioned the real threats to law and order in America today, such as gun-toting agitators like Rittenhouse, who, perhaps not coincidentally, occupied a front-row seat at the impeached president trump’s rally in Des Moines in January.

Pence lamented the death of federal officer Dave Patrick Underwood, “shot and killed during the riots in Oakland, California,” earlier this year, implying he was killed by protesters. In fact, Underwood was shot and killed by an adherent of the boogaloo boys, an online extremist movement that’s trying to ignite a race war.

Such groups have found encouragement in a president who sees “very fine people” supporting white supremacy.

The threat also comes from conspiracy theorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene, the recently nominated Republican candidate for Georgia’s 14th congressional district and promoter of QAnon, whose adherents believe the impeached president trump is battling a cabal of “deep state” saboteurs who worship Satan and traffic children for sex. The impeached president trump has praised Greene as a “future Republican star” and claimed that QAnon followers “love our country.”

And from people like Mary Ann Mendoza, a member of the impeached president trump’s campaign advisory board, who was scheduled to speak at the Republican convention until she retweeted an antisemitic rant about a supposed Jewish plan to enslave the world’s peoples and steal their land.

Clearly the threat also comes from hotheaded, often racist police officers who fire bullets into the backs of Black men and women or kneel on their necks so they can’t breathe. Needless to say, there was little mention at the Republican convention of Jacob Blake, and none of George Floyd or Breonna Taylor.

The threat also comes from the impeached president trump’s own lackeys who have brazenly broken laws to help him attain and keep power. Since the impeached president trump promised he would only hire “the best people,” 14 of the impeached president trump’s aides, donors and advisers have been indicted or imprisoned.

The impeached president trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani – who ranted at the Republican convention about rioting and looting in cities with Democratic mayors – has repeatedly met with the pro-Russia Ukrainian parliamentarian Andriy Derkach, whom American intelligence has determined is “spreading claims about corruption … to undermine former Vice President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party.”

In addition, federal prosecutors are investigating Giuliani’s business dealings in Ukraine with two men arrested in an alleged campaign finance scheme.

The impeached president trump’s new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, who had been a major campaign donor to the impeached president trump before taking over the post office, is being sued by six states and the District of Columbia for allegedly seeking to “undermine” the postal service as millions of Americans plan to vote by mail during the pandemic.

Not to forget the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who spoke to the Republican convention while on an official trip to the Middle East, an apparent violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits officials of the executive branch other than the president and vice-president from engaging in partisan politics.

You want the real threat to American law and order? It’s found in these enablers of the impeached president trump and other GOP bottom-dwellers. They are the inevitable political cancer brought to the American people by the impeached president trump’s above-the-law, race-baiting, me-first presidency. It is from the likes of them that the rest of America is in serious need of protection.

They have stated they want to destroy capitalism.

My son leans left, though nears center every day. He told me BLM lost him, because recently it was revealed their real goal is communism.

The entire BLM situation is staged and a fraud. In my opinion only foolish people buy into it. If I were a black man I'd be an angry black man. For starts I wouldn't enjoy being patronized on a world stage, in other terms, shove your pity up your ass, and perhaps worry about yourself.
About a week ago, Rusten Sheskey, a seven-year veteran of the Kenosha, Wisconsin, police department, fired at least seven shots at the back of a Black man named Jacob Blake as he opened his car door, leaving the 29-year-old father of five probably paralyzed from the waist down.

After protests erupted, self-appointed armed militia or vigilante-type individuals rushed to Kenosha, including Kyle Rittenhouse, a white 17-year-old who traveled there and then, appearing on the streets with an AR-15 assault rifle, killed two people and wounded a third.

This is pure gold for a president without a plan, a party without a platform, and a cult without a purpose other than the abject worship of the impeached president trump.

To be re-elected, the impeached president trump knows he has to distract the nation from the coronavirus pandemic that he has flagrantly failed to control – leaving more than 180,000 Americans dead, tens of millions jobless and at least 30 million reportedly hungry.

So he’s counting on the reliable Republican dog-whistle. “Your vote,” the impeached president trump said in his speech closing the Republican convention Thursday night, “will decide whether we protect law-abiding Americans, or whether we give free rein to violent anarchists, agitators and criminals who threaten our citizens.”

“We will have law and order on the streets of this country,” the impeached president trump’s stooge, Mike Pence declared the previous evening, warning “you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.”

Neither the impeached president trump nor Pence mentioned the real threats to law and order in America today, such as gun-toting agitators like Rittenhouse, who, perhaps not coincidentally, occupied a front-row seat at the impeached president trump’s rally in Des Moines in January.

Pence lamented the death of federal officer Dave Patrick Underwood, “shot and killed during the riots in Oakland, California,” earlier this year, implying he was killed by protesters. In fact, Underwood was shot and killed by an adherent of the boogaloo boys, an online extremist movement that’s trying to ignite a race war.

Such groups have found encouragement in a president who sees “very fine people” supporting white supremacy.

The threat also comes from conspiracy theorists like Marjorie Taylor Greene, the recently nominated Republican candidate for Georgia’s 14th congressional district and promoter of QAnon, whose adherents believe the impeached president trump is battling a cabal of “deep state” saboteurs who worship Satan and traffic children for sex. The impeached president trump has praised Greene as a “future Republican star” and claimed that QAnon followers “love our country.”

And from people like Mary Ann Mendoza, a member of the impeached president trump’s campaign advisory board, who was scheduled to speak at the Republican convention until she retweeted an antisemitic rant about a supposed Jewish plan to enslave the world’s peoples and steal their land.

Clearly the threat also comes from hotheaded, often racist police officers who fire bullets into the backs of Black men and women or kneel on their necks so they can’t breathe. Needless to say, there was little mention at the Republican convention of Jacob Blake, and none of George Floyd or Breonna Taylor.

The threat also comes from the impeached president trump’s own lackeys who have brazenly broken laws to help him attain and keep power. Since the impeached president trump promised he would only hire “the best people,” 14 of the impeached president trump’s aides, donors and advisers have been indicted or imprisoned.

The impeached president trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani – who ranted at the Republican convention about rioting and looting in cities with Democratic mayors – has repeatedly met with the pro-Russia Ukrainian parliamentarian Andriy Derkach, whom American intelligence has determined is “spreading claims about corruption … to undermine former Vice President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party.”

In addition, federal prosecutors are investigating Giuliani’s business dealings in Ukraine with two men arrested in an alleged campaign finance scheme.

The impeached president trump’s new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, who had been a major campaign donor to the impeached president trump before taking over the post office, is being sued by six states and the District of Columbia for allegedly seeking to “undermine” the postal service as millions of Americans plan to vote by mail during the pandemic.

Not to forget the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who spoke to the Republican convention while on an official trip to the Middle East, an apparent violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits officials of the executive branch other than the president and vice-president from engaging in partisan politics.

You want the real threat to American law and order? It’s found in these enablers of the impeached president trump and other GOP bottom-dwellers. They are the inevitable political cancer brought to the American people by the impeached president trump’s above-the-law, race-baiting, me-first presidency. It is from the likes of them that the rest of America is in serious need of protection.


Which has what to do with burn loot murders stated goal of destroying this country?
My son leans left, though nears center every day. He told me BLM lost him, because recently it was revealed their real goal is communism.

The entire BLM situation is staged and a fraud. In my opinion only foolish people buy into it. If I were a black man I'd be an angry black man. For starts I wouldn't enjoy being patronized on a world stage, in other terms, shove your pity up your ass, and perhaps worry about yourself.
You think you see pity, in my comment??? For who? How so?
My son leans left, though nears center every day. He told me BLM lost him, because recently it was revealed their real goal is communism.

The entire BLM situation is staged and a fraud. In my opinion only foolish people buy into it. If I were a black man I'd be an angry black man. For starts I wouldn't enjoy being patronized on a world stage, in other terms, shove your pity up your ass, and perhaps worry about yourself.
You think you see pity, in my comment??? For who? How so?

I didn't mean you. I said BLM is a slap in the face of black people. It's an insult to everyone, but in the case of blacks it's patronizing.

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