If teachers were given the option to conceal carry, schools would be a lot safer.

I just googled the proportion of male vs female teachers. It seems that only 25 percent of teachers are male, and declining. This certainly diminishes the 'father figure', which is sorely needed in some schools.

When I went through K through sixth grade all my teachers were women. Seventh grade through twelfth almost all male teachers. Several were WW2 combat veterans. Almost no discipline problems.
Any man going into teaching needs his head examined.
I have children and i have weapons that can be used to kill people, yet not one of my weapons has taken a life....yet. But when the economy goes to shit, and this country goes full on retarded anarchy, i think my weapons will be more valuable then along with my children who will take arms against those that has caused this great country to go down the shitter, and those that voted for those who made this country that way.....

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When the economy goes to "s***" will you and your kids be able to eat your guns?
The teaching staff was almost certainly following lockdown protocol and therefore would have each been in their respective classrooms, doors locked, lights off, standing between their students and said door, with the kids on the floor in a corner away from doors or windows. They would remain thus until informed by police that the lockdown was over. If one out of every 100 teachers were armed, they wouldn't have been able to do squat unless the shooter happened to somehow break into those specific classrooms.
Teachers need to have guns. So do librarians.

The teaching staff was almost certainly following lockdown protocol and therefore would have each been in their respective classrooms, doors locked, lights off, standing between their students and said door, with the kids on the floor in a corner away from doors or windows. They would remain thus until informed by police that the lockdown was over. If one out of every 100 teachers were armed, they wouldn't have been able to do squat unless the shooter happened to somehow break into those specific classrooms.
And that is why teachers should be armed, but not have a list of each teacher who carries, because then the progressive shooter, no longer gets cart blanche, because he is thinking "Could this room be the one that will shoot back, or not"? My daughter knows that if perp enters her room, she is to empty her magazine, reload, then empty it again. Then notify the principle that it is all clear.


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If teachers were given the option to conceal carry, schools would be a lot safer.

“Most law enforcement experts agree that school staff should not carry guns because they lack the tactical knowledge of handling weapons that trained law enforcement personnel receive on a regular basis. Even if the funding for the weapons and training were to be available after massive cuts to education budgets, educators carrying concealed weapons pose too high a risk to school safety.”

“Concealed carry laws do not appear to significantly reduce homicides or other violent crimes; placing armed guards in schools does not protect them from mass shootings. In fact, one study found that schools with armed guards were more likely to have a higher death toll during a mass shooting.”

Not wrong. Teachers are clearly more willing to confront mass shooters than police officers are.

“Most law enforcement experts agree that school staff should not carry guns because they lack the tactical knowledge of handling weapons that trained law enforcement personnel receive on a regular basis. Even if the funding for the weapons and training were to be available after massive cuts to education budgets, educators carrying concealed weapons pose too high a risk to school safety.”
Fake news.

Many police officers receive little firearms training from their department, and many police officers are less willing to confront shooters than teachers are.

It also doesn't take a lot of training to fire a rifle defensively. And it would be easy enough to give teachers what training they did require.

“Concealed carry laws do not appear to significantly reduce homicides or other violent crimes; placing armed guards in schools does not protect them from mass shootings. In fact, one study found that schools with armed guards were more likely to have a higher death toll during a mass shooting.”
Funny how the shootings only end when someone shows up with a gun to confront the shooter.
Right. You want your guns but you want teachers to protect your children.
We're certainly going to keep our guns.

I for one don't care if you choose to protect children or not. But if you choose badly, don't come to me later on looking for sympathy.

I see no errors in anything that he said.

When the economy goes to "s***" will you and your kids be able to eat your guns?
Guns can indeed be used to provide food.

He will be able to defend what food he has.
And also hunt and acquire more.
The teaching staff was almost certainly following lockdown protocol and therefore would have each been in their respective classrooms, doors locked, lights off, standing between their students and said door, with the kids on the floor in a corner away from doors or windows. They would remain thus until informed by police that the lockdown was over. If one out of every 100 teachers were armed, they wouldn't have been able to do squat unless the shooter happened to somehow break into those specific classrooms.
That last line is key: "unless the shooter happened to somehow break into those specific classrooms".

A rifle in that teacher's hands would be quite useful if that happened.

“Most law enforcement experts agree that school staff should not carry guns because they lack the tactical knowledge of handling weapons that trained law enforcement personnel receive on a regular basis. Even if the funding for the weapons and training were to be available after massive cuts to education budgets, educators carrying concealed weapons pose too high a risk to school safety.”
So, teachers are able to teach, but are not able to learn. Interesting.
We're certainly going to keep our guns.

I for one don't care if you choose to protect children or not. But if you choose badly, don't come to me later on looking for sympathy.


I see no errors in anything that he said.


Guns can indeed be used to provide food.


And also hunt and acquire more.
Arming teachers isn't the answer, it's reckless, irresponsible idiocy.
Any teacher who feels confident in their ability to handle a situation like a school shooting should be able to carry a gun.
My high school, like many others, had 2 combat veterans on staff - no reason whatsoever they should not be able ot have a gun.

Those who while and cry about wanting to arm all the teachers deliberately mal-understand the issue, because they do not want anything to get in the way of school shootings -- dead kids, you see, are a great way to push unnecessary and ineffective gun control laws.
Arming teachers isn't the answer, it's reckless, irresponsible idiocy.
The gun enthusiasts don't think about all the things that can go wrong with having a gun around a classroom. All they care about is using ANY excuse to keep their guns. Next they'll be saying the first graders should be taught gun safety, so they can conceal and carry.

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